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> Contents Section A: All about Food How to manage your diet successfully. You will learn how you may be unintentionally creating false hunger and causing a loss of control of your eating . ♦ Understanding hunger ♦ Food Guide ♦ Implementing your Plan Section B: Change your Mindset Overcome old habits and emotional eating. Discovering the strategies of change can truly conform your relationship with food. ♦ Undoing the Brainwashing ♦ Creating New Perceptions ♦ Strategies to
ATTENTION: Athletes, how often do you feel nerves, stress or tension getting in the way of performing at your peak? “How Would Your Life Change If You Had a Proven, Scientific Method to Transform Your Stress and Tension Into Primal Power, Indestructible Confidence, Deep Relaxation, Zen-Like Focus, and Nerves of Steel?” Up until now, only a few athletes have been able to access true Mental Toughness. Now, for the first time, Riley Holland, Head Coach of Neuromuscular Release Work
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© 2014-2015 The Buddha Experience. All Rights Reserved. [Terms of Use] | [Privacy Policy] | [FAQs] Disclaimer: The user experiences displayed on this page are a small sample of the thousands of accounts sent to us through emails or letters by people who have used materials developed by Transformative Learning Solutions Pvt. Ltd. However, in compliance with FTC rulings, we cannot guarantee that these results are typical. Our best recommendation is that you try this program for yourself. For any
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