Steve und Becky Holman Old School New Body The F4X Youth-Enhancing Bodyshaping System For Men and Women 5 Schritte, um 10 Jahre jünger auszusehen Von Steve und Becky Holman Wussten Sie schon, dass Ihr Körper ab 40 SCHNELLER altert als normal, egal ob Sie Mann oder Frau sind? Studien haben gezeigt, dass Ihr Körper ohne die richtigen Nährstoffe und sportlichen Aktivitäten jedes Jahr etwa 6 Monate EXTRA altert. Überlegen Sie mal! Wenn Sie 40 sind, dann bedeutet das, dass Sie mit 44 AUSSEHEN
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If You Want The Perfect Lean And Chiseled Body… Discover How To Drop Fat While Increasing Muscle Mass, Without Having To Live In The Gym Or Starve Yourself… The Facts: 1 You CAN shed fat while gaining muscle and strength without the typical grueling workout regime... 2 You do NOT need to spend hours in the gym daily nor eat 5-6 daily meals that are so small they leave you unfulfilled, weak and fatigued... 3 You can fit in delicious desserts and treats while becoming more shredded than
‘Conference was excellent...Yes, I’ll be back. Solid line up with an unmatched ability to talk to the presenters.’ ‘Amazing!!! Definitely will be back!’ ‘The conference was well worth the money. I would love to attend future events.’ These are just a few of the comments from the 2013 Okanagan Strength & Conditioning Conference in beautiful Kelowna, BC. But even if you missed out attending you can still learn from 6 industry leading experts in the field of strength & conditioning
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Steve and Becky Holman present Old School New Body The F4X Youth-Enhancing Bodyshaping System For Men and Women 5 passi per apparire 10 anni più giovane di Steve & Becky Holman Lo sapevi che una volta raggiunti i 40 anni, che tu sia uomo o donna, il corpo inizia ad invecchiare PIÙ VELOCEMENTE del normale? Gli studi scientifici hanno dimostrato che senza i giusti nutrienti e esercizi, il tuo corpo invecchierà di circa 6 mesi in più per ogni anno che passa. Pensaci! Se hai 40 anni, significa
[The Scientific Weight Loss Factor] ------ [ ] What is The Scientific Weight Loss Factor? The Scientific Weight Loss Factor is a diet and exercise plan, which comes with 9 scientifically proven weight loss tips that will have the fat simply melting off you. It is designed for fast, healthy and long term weight loss without restricting the foods you crave most. Who Is The Scientific Weight Loss Factor For? The Scientific Weight Loss Factor is for anyone who is ready to put down the gimmicky