Mário Caetano encontra-se numa missão de inspirar as pessoas a realizarem mudanças na sua vida, de forma a ultrapassarem rapidamente a fronteira de dor e encontrarem aquilo que mais querem. Pára de te sentires sem rumo. No programa áudio “Como fazeres a mudança em qualquer momento da tua vida” vais aprender com o Mário que passos certos tens de dar. O Coach e palestrante inspirador Mário Caetano vai inspirar-te pessoalmente a desbloqueares os teus problemas e a direcionar-te
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Are You Happy With The Person In The Mirror? Let me ask you something: When was the last time you looked in the mirror and felt truly happy about who was looking back at you? Was it today? Last week? Last month? Last year? Or was it so far back you can remember playing on the playground and winning a game of handball? If you look at yourself and feel shame, guilt, despair, humiliation, anxiety, depression or anything that isn’t positive then it is probably an indication you’ve got a MAJOR
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[] Special Thanks to People Who Made This Book come True: and for illustrations to: Heath Alseike for “Old Run Down Farm 2” (CC BY 2.0) MrHayata for “Family” (CC BY-SA 2.0) J. Bond Francisco for “1890s Freeparking: (CC BY 2.0) Kevin Zollman for “Cowboy” (CC BY-SA 2.0) ClickBank is the retailer of products on this site. CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc., a Delaware corporation located at 917 S. Lusk Street, Suite 200, Boise Idaho, 83706, USA and