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ATTENTION: Everything you need to quickly take control of the clutter in your home is right here.  Stop feeling embarrassed and start to feel proud of your home.

"Quick and Easy Proven System Helps You to Organize Your Home Like Magic... Every Time"

Stop being embarrassed by your messy home!

From: Ann Collins

When: Monday 10:13 AM

Re: Help decluttering your home

Dear Friend,

Do you feel overwhelmed by your messy habits??

Do you ever wish you could finally get organized, and try time and again but fail??.

This page could hold the answer you've been looking for. Here's the story...

Do You Shrink Inside When Friends and Relatives

 Show Up Unannounced and...

You scrambled to try and tidy up?

You are forced to fumble around to clear them a space to sit in your living room?

You blame the mess on your kids (or your spouse)?

What if there was an easy alternative to that embarrassment?

What if you could quickly and easily declutter your home -- with very little effort?

What if you could do it in just 15 minutes a day?

"My house was so overtaken with clutter that we were piling clutter on top of clutter! We literally couldn't see the floor of our garage and were lucky to have a safe path through to the washer and dryer.

This book really helped to take an overwhelming situation and break it down into easy to manage steps. It even helped us learn to have fun doing it!

This is defininetly a must have if you're fighting the clutter monsters!!"

Starr Ford
Lawton, OK

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You... A Clutter-Busting Tornado

Does this sound familiar?  

A friend or family member drops by unexpectedly and you find yourself apologizing over and over for the messy living room or the messy kitchen. You find yourself explaining that you had a busy week and just haven't had a chance to get to the mess yet, when deep down, you know that it's still going to be there next week.

Do you want to stop feeling that way??

When you claim your personal copy of Declutter Your Home, you will instantly master the proven techniques that will help you live in a cleaner home...

...faster, better, and with less effort than you ever dreamed possible.

In fact, you'll whirl through your organizing routine like a tornado.

Not only will you save yourself from the embarrassment of being seen as a slob, you'll also protect the health of your family, because...

Clutter Is More Than Embarrassing, It's Dangerous

Having clutter in your house is perfectly normal.

If you are a human being, you're going to accumulate "stuff", but when it begins to pile up it becomes a problem. 

For instance, if you can't quickly access an exit door or window during a fire, it could cost your life (or the life of a loved one).

When seconds count and you need to find medication (for asthma or heart problems), clutter could delay you just long enough to lead to deadly consequences.

If the babysitter needs to find emergency phone numbers right away, but is met with a mound of disorganized papers...

I think you get the idea.

It's Easier To Protect Your Family - And Overcome Your "Messy Habit" - Than You Think!

I've written a book called Declutter Your Home. This handy 73-page guide is the greatest gold-mine of easy "Declutter Your Home" advice ever crammed into one book!

Some of the reasons are:

Tons of different tips and tricks to a cleaner home, (you never get bored!)

The four boxes you need to set up, and how you need to label them...

What you should do after the sorting.

The Top 3 Myths about decluttering.

The one thing you should NEVER do with your clutter.

How to overcome "clutter craziness", no matter how long you've been living a cluttered life.

The 3 critical mistakes you most likely make when you declutter the "beastly bathroom".

How to avoid big trouble, in the dreaded "Hamper Zone"!

This method of decluttering works in every situation, without fail.

In the book, I teach you an easy-to-follow system that allows you to take action, instantly.

You'll see results in as little as 15 minutes!

I really wanted to be able to entertain friends and family in our home. We had worked so hard to buy our dream house, but I just couldn’t get control of the clutter so we could enjoy it!

This book finally helped me realize I didn’t have to tackle the whole job at once. The techniques allowed me to chip away at it in small chunks and before I knew it, my house was something to be proud of!


I was so excited to finally invite our friends over for a lovely evening in our beautiful, decluttered home!

I can’t thank you enough!

Kailee Hogue
Austin, TX

How Much Does The Book Cost?

The real question is ask is: how much is it worth to finally know all the stuff about decluttering your home that you've always wanted to know?

I suppose you could do what most people do -- just "make it up as you go", and use the "trial and error" method.

But why not take advantage of the experience and knowledge I've put into this simple book?

And I boil it all down for you in very simple, easy to understand terms.

Less than 100 pages -- no fluff, all information you can put to work right now.

[Order your copy](http://1.exceednow.pay.clickbank.net) of the book for just $24.95. 

These days, that's less than a tank of gas!!!

I'll not only send you the book, but also the audio book (which you can listen to on your iPod or other MP3 player, or on your computer... 

...or even burn it to CD). 

And if it doesn't work - I'll send you back your money.

Doesn't $24.95 seem reasonable? 

And just in case you missed what I was saying, let me be clear...

You Get The Book PLUS The Audio Book!

When you order your copy of Declutter Your Home today, you get the book in two different formats:

Downloadable eBook. You can be reading Declutter Your Home in as little as 2 minutes from right now (even if it's 2am on a Sunday!). My automated system will deliver your copy as a downloadable PDF file (which can be read on any computer). You can read the book on your computer, or you can print it out if you like.
](http://booksample/) Downloadable Audio book. I'll also deliver you the Audio book version in MP3 format. You can listen to it on your iPod or other MP3 device, burn it to a CD, or just listen to it right on your computer. The choice is yours!

Try The Book Risk-Free For 8 Full Weeks!

There's no need to make up your mind right now.

[Get your copy of the book and audio.](http://1.exceednow.pay.clickbank.net)

Read it.

[Start enjoying the feeling of having a clean, organized home.](http://1.exceednow.pay.clickbank.net)

See if it works for you.

I don't want you to take any risk at all in ordering this book. So here's what I'm willing to do: you get the book and audio, and put me to the test for EIGHT WEEKS.

If  at the end of the 8 weeks you don't feel amazed, dazzled, and delighted with how organized and neat your home is...

Simply ask for a refund. 

I'll give you 100% of your money back. No hassle. No questions.

"Rock-Solid 8-Week Unconditional Guarantee"

My personal promise to you:

If Declutter Your Home doesn't work for you, I don't want to keep your money.

[Get your copy of the book](http://1.exceednow.pay.clickbank.net) right now.

If it doesn't fulfill your every expectation, help you enjoy your new "neatness habits".

If you're not 100% thrilled and delighted with the results... 

Just ask for a refund and I'll send you every penny of your money back. 

It's that simple, and the risk is 100% on my part... not yours.

For A Limited Time, Order Now And Get These Free Bonus Gifts 

Plus, if you [order now](http://1.exceednow.pay.clickbank.net) I'll include the following FREE BONUS GIFTS:


The Secret behind

"The Secret"

As an added bonus, I'll throw in the book that inspired the popular movie "The Secret"!  "The Science of Getting Rich" by Henry Waddles. 

Use his incredible techniques to move forward in your life and in your business!


Home Vegetable Gardening

No patch of land is too tiny to create a superb home vegetable garden and Home Vegetable Gardening is the perfect book to help you get started on the right foot.

 If you have always wanted to grow your own delicious, mouthwatering vegetables, fruits and berries, now you can do it with a little planning and care and the excellent advice you will find inside this free book!

Don't forget - you have up to 8 whole weeks to decide ... 

But, even if you decide to return it... you keep all of the bonus gifts.

Order Your Own Personal Copy Of Declutter Your Home Right Now

"PRIORITY" VIP Download Form

YES! I want to finally learn how to I can become the neat, organized person I've always wanted to be.. please give me INSTANT ACCESS to my downloadable copy of Declutter Your Home right now...
I understand I will be able to immediately download my eBook (electronic book)... even if it's 2am on a Sunday. I understand that I have 8 weeks to test each and every bit of information in your book and if I am not 100% thrilled with the Declutter Your Home, I can get a full refund. I understand I will immediately get 2 additional bonuses and that  I keep each of the  bonuses, even if I request a refund on the book. I understand I also get the audio book version, which means I can listen to a professional recording of the entire book, any time I want, as many times as I want. The recording can be played on my computer, on my iPod, burned to a CD -- any way I want to use it!


What are you waiting for? You have nothing to lose...

...and you can start enjoying your new, organized lifestyle right away!

[Do it now.](http://1.exceednow.pay.clickbank.net)


Ann Collins

Exceed Your Best
1401 Alta Vista
Austin, TX 78704
Now's your chance to finally get yourself organized. This one is a no-brainer thanks to the low price of $24.95 and your 8-week guarantee. [Do it now...](http://1.exceednow.pay.clickbank.net)


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Home & Family Home Improvement


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