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Banta: The Fat Burning Index Diet

The thing I was most excited about with this plan was the specifics: eat this, don't eat this. Give me lists and specific plans! The recipes are fabulous, my friends raved about that mashed cauliflower. People are definitely commenting on my changing body� --  Naomi (lost 4 pounds and 1 1/2 inches in two weeks)

I am so thrilled! I can�t believe this is happening! I realize now, that I have never had this kind of success on another diet and I am very motivated to continue. --  Dawn (lost 11 pounds in 1 week)

This program is great. The articles and information are a wonderful help. I have a lot of weight to lose & as long as the number on the scale keeps going down I have hope again. Thank you for all your support. --  Michelle (lost 3 pounds in 1 week)

In our 2002 trial, out of 1300 participants, 92% lost weight; most of them kept it off for at least one year. You, too, can expect:

to lose 1 to 11 pounds a week to forget about hunger and cravings to get energy level you never dreamed of to burn not only fat but also unwanted carbs to make your diet nutritionally sound to enjoy eating right for the rest of your life

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[]Believe it or not ... Although Dr. Atkins Diet (popular as it has been for decades) is gaining recognition in the medical establishment world, not everybody is happy. The good news is we helped literally thousands, including Atkins dropouts. Yes, they failed on Atkins and they succeeded on our diet. Discover the secret to their success and how you can lose weight even if you are about to give up.

[]Deadly Diet Deceptions

There is a lot of deceptive information you get all the time, from mainstream dieticians and nutritionists -- and we'll discuss them in due time -- but there are three deadliest deceptions that deprive people from true scientific knowledge and harm people's health. They are:

Deadly Diet Deception Number 1. Calorie=Calorie=Calorie
Deadly Diet Deception Number 2. Nothing works but eating less and exercising more
Deadly Diet Deception Number 3. Your body needs carbohydrates

Let me start out by presenting you with one simple principle...

It's easy to become a successful dieter... if you know the secrets of diet success

Don't beat yourself up if things aren't going as well as you hoped or planned. It's not your fault. Here's why...

1) Almost all the information available to people running diet businesses is written not by people who have scientific facts about how human body works, but by people who rely on others' expertise.

2) This expertise, in turn, is provided by yet another group of experts.

3) Those experts were taught (often very long ago) what's considered established dietetic or nutrition knowledge but what in fact are rather abstract ideas such as, for example the FDA food pyramid, having little if anything to stand on (other than maybe the grain producers' lobby.)

It's like the blind leading the blind.

In other words, overweight people are still advised to use 'established' dieting strategies that have never yielded the results people hope for or deserve! I'm sure you can identify with at least one of the below, if not all.

[]For whom this diet is meant.

This bombshell of a diet is worth trying for all types of people struggling with excess weight and its immeasurable consequences such as:

... Poor body image, low self-esteem, lack of energy, cravings, high blood pressure, insulin resistance, impaired metabolism, carbohydrate and other food addictions...
... Poor sleep and sleep apnea, fibromyalgia, blood sugar problems, stomach and intestinal problems, insatiable hunger, heart problems, joint and muscle problems, low fitness level...
... Cholesterol problem, mood swings, spinal problem, brain fog, and *MANY* other health problems scientifically proven to be diet-sensitive!

If you have NONE of these health and body image problems, this fundamental diet is right for you anyway because it will prevent them in the future!

First, let me start with a confession. If you're anything like me you do not particularly believe in restrictive diets. However, I can't help you. This diet's start appears to be restrictive. It has to. But what you're about to learn could not start the same way most unsuccessful diets start! It also cannot continue the same way and what's most important, it cannot be and will not be finished the same way.

So please bear with me. I am asking you to commit to a one-week obedience class and if you and me fail, you lose nothing. I happily return all of your money, no questions asked. But I promise you results that will inspire you to learn and grow with our program, and finally become a healthier, happier person, with a better body!

That way you'll enjoy this diet and, even more, its results that will last for as long as you wish them to, and I guarantee you'll find the very process of dieting extremely revealing and eventually enjoyable.

[]Every one of the secrets you're about to discover is a proven scientifically based fact that will genuinely astound you in its simplicity!

So what's the solution?

What really is the single best diet that meets ALL of your weight loss needs? Here's the answer:

The best weight loss diet plan is a plan that...

... gives visible results starting the very first day
... keeps on providing increasingly visible and lasting results
... is enjoyable
... is affordable
... is customizable to your preferences
Our Fat Burning Index plans meet all these requirements but it does so much more.

So []can I eat all I want?
We promise that as long as you eat the foods we suggest, you will never count calories. You might want to ask: "So what's new? This is exactly what all low carb diets promise, don't they?"

Right. But we go much further. We promise that you will not count carbohydrates, fats, or protein.

You might be doubtful and chances are that mainstream diets are the reason. Of course you couldn't avoid opinions like the below Q&A posted by Health Care Reality Check:

Q: Can a person eat unlimited calories, and still lose weight, as long as they severely restrict carbohydrates?

A: No, she can not. The basis of ketogenic diets, such as the Atkins Diet, is a severe restriction of carbohydrate calories, which simply causes a net reduction in total calories. Since carbohydrate calories are limited, intake of fat usually increases. This high fat diet causes ketosis (increased blood ketones from fat breakdown), which suppresses hunger, and thus contributes to caloric restriction. -- Ellen Coleman, RD, MA, MPH

Is this a correct answer?

Let's first discuss whether it's a correct question. Or, rather, is this the real question so frequently asked by dieters. In my experience, this in fact sounds a little bit different but this makes ALL the difference. This is what real dieters ask:

Q: Can low carb dieters eat all they want, and still lose weight as long as they only eat allowed foods?

A: Yes, they can. The basis of ketogenic diets, such as the Atkins Diet, is a restriction of carbohydrate-containing foods in favor of fat and protein containing foods, which causes the state of ketosis resulting in significant decrease in appetite. Since appetite decreases, most of low carb dieters consume significantly less calories WITHOUT INTENTIONAL CALORIE RESTRICTION.

Choose your plan

Low-carb to Low-fat Rotation - $29

[Read more](rotation.html)
[Order Now!](http://1.fbindex.pay.clickbank.net/)

Banta Diet jump-start: 30 plans sent to you by email every day - $31
[Read more](daily-plans.html)
[Order Now!](http://2.fbindex.pay.clickbank.net/)


[]Let's see why and how it happens

Ketosis is a biochemical condition that occurs when the body produces ketones at a higher rate than glucose's release into the blood.

Ketone bodies provide energy for the body's needs when there is a total food restriction, carbohydrate restriction, and/or long enough physical effort.

In the beginning of ketosis, ketones provide up to 75% of total energy requirement, including energy required by the brain. Most dieticians say that carbohydrate is the only fuel for the nerve cells but it is not true. It's a preferred fuel, yes, but not the only one. If there are little or no carbohydrates, all tissues of the body including brain tissue can adapt to using alternative fuel.

As the body undergoes the process of adaptation to ketosis, the amount of carbohydrates required reduces. This explains why brain fog and muscle weakness can occur in the beginning of ketosis but becomes very rare after a week or two. In fact, it's true that a diet is considered low carb if it contains less than 100 carb grams a day, but it's only true until the adaptation to ketosis develops. After it is completed, the carb requirement is around 40 grams. None of non-clinical low carb diets takes this fact into account.

After 1-2 weeks, as the process of adaptation to ketosis develops and the tissues no longer rely on carbohydrates for fuel, they send less signals requesting the beta-cells in the pancreas to release insulin -- resulting in decrease of insulin concentration in the blood.

Low insulin level frees its antagonistic fat burning hormones from suppression resulting in increased levels of glucagon, growth hormone, catecholamines, and glucocorticoid.

Glucagon is the most important insulin antagonist; it's up to glucagon to control fatty acids' release from fat stores to be burnt for fuel. So, as glucagon release increases, insulin goes down. It is thought that to initiate ketosis, carbohydrate intake should be reduced to less than 30g/day.

However, there's a most important condition grossly overlooked by the authors of low carb diets. Any food is either ketogenic or glucogenic depending on it influence on the competition between glucagon and insulin. To make ketosis possible, a meal should contain at least 1.5 g of fat per every 1 g of protein plus carbohydrate combined.

Only that or higher of a ratio makes food ketogenic enough to allow eating without portion and calorie control. Foods with ketogenic indexes below 1 promote insulin release and are essentially anti-ketogenic. Foods with indexes between 1 and 1.5, though not anti-ketogenic, require calorie control since their ketogenic properties are not strong enough to significantly suppress the carbohydrate metabolic pathway and mobilize body fat for fuel thus causing healthy hunger decrease.

See how simple it is? We do all the work of computation and we create meal plans, food lists, menus, and recipes, every day for as many days as you choose.

Before we go any further I guess I should make sure you have the right idea about low carb dieting

Notwithstanding overwhelming diversity of available diet options and choices, when you s to think about it, they come in []only three principal forms, though diverging into countless non-so-principal versions.

These forms are:

-low calorie
-low fat
-low carb

Basic Facts

o Low-calorie diets burn both fat and muscle.
o Low-fat diets prevent fat depositing but also fat burning.
o Low-carb diets preserve muscle while burning the body's fat for fuel.

[]What if I Reduce Calories?

You'll be hungry. And hunger signals your body to get those calories as soon as it suspects you are starving. Furthermore, any low-calorie diet burns not only fat but also muscle. Reduced muscle mass causes your metabolism to slow down and the calorie reduction escalates, leading to malnutrition or to regaining all of the lost weight - and then some.

[]What if I Reduce Fats?

Fat reduction can help if you don't have too many pounds to lose. The glitch is, while any low-fat diet prevents fat depositing, it also
makes fat burning impossible. I'd also like to mention here that there was a trend of using low-fat diets to improve blood cholesterol and decrease the risk of cardio-vascular diseases, but recent clinical data questioned this approach.

[]What if I Reduce Carbs?

This, I think, is your best option. First -- and most important -- is that low-carb diets preserve muscle while burning the body's fat for fuel.

Second, low-carb diets don't make you hungry. There actually are many more benefits, and this entire program is about these benefits. Chances are great that you'll like low-carbing so much, it will become part of your lifestyle. Add exercise, and there will be no problem with keeping the weight off for the rest of your life. BUT! It will happen... well, eventually.

If you're anything like me you do not particularly believe in restrictive diets. However, I can't help it. This diet's start appears restrictive. It had to be. What you're about to learn couldn't start the same way most unsuccessful diets start! It also can't continue the same way and what's most important, it can't be and will not be finished the same way.

So please bear with me. I am asking you to commit a one-week obedience class and if we fail, you and me, you lose nothing. I happily return all of your money, no questions asked. But I promise you results that will inspire you to learn and grow with our program, and to finally become a healthier, happier, person, owning a better body!

Choose your plan

Low-carb to Low-fat Rotation - $29

[Read more](rotation.html)
[Order Now!](http://1.fbindex.pay.clickbank.net/)

Banta Diet jump-start: 30 plans sent to you by email every day - $31
[Read more](daily-plans.html)
[Order Now!](http://2.fbindex.pay.clickbank.net/)


[]Diets fail because of hunger, cravings, boredom, and too much counting.

Have you ever asked yourself why do overweight people feel hungry, all the while having so much energy stored in their fat depots?

The answer is because their bodies, fooled by the wrong way of eating, fail in recognizing their own fat as fuel.

Our solution
On our diet, you body recognizes its own fat for fuel and ss sending the false hunger signals. The body fat is considered as good a food as any other so you don't feel hungry on much fewer calories than you used to.

Cravings, especially for sweets, are direct consequence of the above mentioned failure. In a way, craving is a false hunger for an easy fuel, such as carbohydrate-rich food. As long as we yield to this false demand, the vicious circle remains closed.

Our solution
As soon as your body recognizes its own fat as a good food source, it ss being dependent on what it considered an easy source of energy, carbohydrates, and naturally ss craving them.

Or is it indeed boredom? Can it be not an instinctive desire for nutrients absent as a result of some kind of restrictions or other?

Our solution
This is the beauty of our unique approach. Any food is OK, eventually. In cases when dieters can't wait, we help in creating designer meals including the food in question because the fat burning index of entire meal can always be compensated -- and we know how to do this.

Many low carb dieters sincerely think that they reduce carbohydrates to the amounts required by one low carb diet or another, but my calculations always show that in fact they eat more carbohydrates. Calculation is a big problem on any diet but it is a really bad problem on a low carb diet.

Then there are dietary misconceptions, the most important of which (in our case) is carbohydrate counting. Yes, it does work -- for many. But not for all. Carbohydrate grams is not the only thing that makes low carb diets work. It is the relationships between carbs, protein, and fat that creates a potentially fat burning meal. Many Atkins Nutritionals products (Advantage bars for one thing) are far from this quality as is the Keto brand product line.

A food can be low in carbohydrates but if it's high in protein and low in fat, blood glucose and insulin numbers will be high, hunger will increase, resulting in too much food eaten - and surprise! -- weight loss will stall.

Our solution
Clinical studies show that successful low carb dieters eat well below "normal" and that if they do not, they do not lose weight and have no health benefits. So, calories do matter.

Clinical ketogenic dieticians count calories as strictly as they count carbs. We do it differently: we simply remove the hunger factor out of your life, at last giving your body the chance to naturally control your eating.


Our program is unique in these points:

1. No counting of any kind, no portion control, and no hunger

It's an All-You-Can-Eat program so our clients don't count anything - carbs, calories, or fat.

The food choices we offer naturally decrease appetite so our clients eat less without watching how much they eat as long as they stick to our food lists and meal plans.

We use a scientific formula to insure that the foods on our list are ketogenic foods. This way, our clients switch their metabolism from the carbohydrate biochemical pathway to the fat biochemical pathway - the only one that burns the body fat for fuel.

2. Exercise programs to create the negative calorie balance while insuring nutrients balance

Our exercise program is an organic part of the total plan.

The aerobic exercise program is designed to fortify the negative calorie balance and to prepare a safe introduction of the strength-training phase, which allows the broadening of food choices such as many nutrient-packed complex carbohydrate foods. We also help in developing the time-saving interval training phase, possible only after a sufficient level of aerobic and strength fitness is achieved.

3. Food choices are permanently expanded through flexible planning with feedback

Our weekly plans are flexible, with each plan based on the previous week's results.

The ways of eating we gradually develop for our clients are as different as their bodies are. Some of our dieters become vegetarians, yet others adhere to ones that are completely satisfying to them, no-count very low calorie plans, periodic fasts, or the one-meal-a-day plans.

Choose your plan

Low-carb to Low-fat Rotation - $29

[Read more](rotation.html)
[Order Now!](http://1.fbindex.pay.clickbank.net/)

Banta Diet jump-start: 30 plans sent to you by email every day - $31
[Read more](daily-plans.html)
[Order Now!](http://2.fbindex.pay.clickbank.net/)


[]Every plan contains the following features:

Interactive weekly meal planner
Measuring your body fat
Fitness test
Monitoring your progress with fitness and body fat calculators
Aerobic exercises
Interval training
Resistance training
Ketogenic index food list
Glycemic index food list
Keto-friendly recipes
Ketogenic Diet basics
The Clinical Keto diet
The Food Index Diet
The Glycemic Index Explained
Calorie matters
Artificial sweeteners
Good fats, bad fats
Yogurt and probiotics
Meal frequency
Weight loss plateau
Stress and body image

4 things you need to know before you choose any diet:

1. Why we are losing the weight loss battle
2. What happens if you reduce calories
3. What happens if you reduce fats
4. What happens if you reduce carbs

10 things you need to know before you choose a low carb diet:

1. What low carb diets are
2. What people on a low-carb diet eat
3. How low carb diets work
4. What ketogenic diets are
5. Why low carb diets are so popular
6. What is the best way to exercise
7. What can happen to your kidneys
8. What can happen to your cholesterol
9. How to get enough nutrients
10.How to avoid potassium depletion

Choose your plan

1. Low-fat to low-carb Rotation eBook $29.00

[Read more](rotation.html)
[Order now!](http://1.fbindex.pay.clickbank.net/)

2. Banta Diet jump-start plan: $31.00

[Read more](daily-plans.html)
[Order Now!](http://2.fbindex.pay.clickbank.net/)



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Health & Fitness Nutrition Diet


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