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Home Remedies Most of the natural remedies presented on this website are folklorically-based and are not intended to replace sound medical advice, prescription or treatment. Therefore, the author, the Trinity Naturopathic Research and Healing Centre, nor its host, will be held liable to any claims resulting from the use of herbs, natural remedies, herbal formula, or healing regime, should anyone choose self treatment. It is prudent to seek the advice of a physician, particularly in cases where there are existing health problems. For example, a pinch of salt swallowed slowly, usually brings relief to a nagging cough; however, a hypertensive person may need to be cautious due to its sodium content. For your information, we are providing a list of eleven common ailments and their corresponding home remedies. In some cases, we have included more than one natural remedy for a particular ailment. This is to provide an option to facilitate the healing process. If for example, nature's home remedy (a) does not give the best result, perhaps nature's home remedy (b) or (c) will. The ingredients for these natural remedies may be found at your local herb shop, food store or apothecary. For additional ailments and corresponding home and herbal remedies, you may purchase online, our E-book on Nature's Home Remedies or send us a special request to address your health or that of a loved one via our contact page. Asthma Home Remedy: (a) Eat two or three lemons daily (b) One ounce of castor oil mixed with two ounces of pure honey (c) Simmer a half pint of beet-root juice with three tablespoonfuls of sun flower seeds for fifteen minutes. Take a tablespoon of this combination three times a day. Bronchitis Home Remedy: (a) One to two teaspoonfuls of firwein three to four times a day (obtained at pharmacy). (b) Slice three or more onions, sprinkle pure raw sugar upon them and allow them to remain in a bowl or plate for one or two hours.Press the juice out of them and take one teaspoonful three times aday and before retiring at night. If the bronchitis is severe, take every three hours. Coughs/Colds Home Remedy (a) A pinch of salt upon retiring at night (b) Take 5-10 drops of glycerine every half hour until the cough is relieved. Swallow the glycerine drops slowly and take a final dose before going to bed. (c) Take two roasted lemons, squeeze the juice from them and add two teaspoonfuls of pure brown sugar. Take a tablespoonful if the cough persists. Diabetes Home Remedy: (a) A skim-milk diet (6 pints per day or two pints three times a day) for approximately six weeks. Earache Home Remedy: (a) Boil the egg of an organically raised hen and press the oil from the yolk through a thin cloth. Heat a teaspoon and drop two drops of the yolk upon it into the affected ear. Freckles Home Remedy: Take one half teaspoonful of rainwater and two teaspoonfuls of powdered borax and wash the freckles twice a day. Gout Home Remedy (a) Bathe the affected part of the body in warm salt and water. (b) Change one's diet, exercise vigorously and abstain from all alcoholic beverages. (c) One teaspoonful of the tincture colchicum (check pharmacy)added to one teaspoonful of pearlash and dissolved in a pint of water. Take a teaspoonful every two hours until relief is obtained. Hemorrhoids/Piles Home Remedy (a) Obtain the natural, unprocessed salt, wrap it in a piece of the castor oil tree leaf or mix it with a little castor oil and inject it into the rectum. Repeat this two or three times daily until the hemorrhoids disappear. Hypertension/High Blood Pressure Home Remedy (a) Use a blender and make a drink combining the following: one leaf of the Aloe Vera plant or a quarter pint of the Aloe Vera juice, one pint of water, one to two tomatoes, the juice of one lemon, the juice of two oranges, and two cloves of garlic. Drink the mixture four times daily, for three to seven days or until the pressure returns to normal. Kidney Disease Home Remedy (a) Make a decoction of the malva (cheese weed or mallow) plant and drink freely of it, three times a day. (b) Take 15 to 20 drops of the essence of peppermint in a little water three times a day. Lung Disease Home Remedy (a) One half to a teaspoonful of the decoction or tea made from the root of Elecampane (Inula Helenium) twice daily for one to two weeks. (b) Take two ounces of Dandelion root, one ounce of hops, ¼ pound of Spikenard root, 8 pints of the outer and inner tamarack bark. Add these to six quarts of boiling water, cover and remove from the fire, and allow to steep for half an hour or forty minutes while warm. Add one pound of pure honey and one pint of the best brandy. Of this decoction, take two to three tablespoonfuls three times a day. [](index.html) [](ebook.html) [](services.html) [](profile.html) [](biography.html) [](contact.html) [](links.html) [](profile.html) [](services.html) [](index.html) [](biography.html) [](ebook.html) [](contact.html) [](http://www.statcounter.com/)

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