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"Name the Top 3 Things You Want in Life"
..then use your computer for 10 minutes a day to make them come true


That's right. If you can spare just 10 minutes a day - I'll show you the secret of living the life you dream of!


From: [Jeff Staniforth](javascript:void(0)), Metaphysical Scientist

Dear Success-Seeking Friend,

rofessional magicians never fail to amaze. They mystify you with magic tricks that defy explanation -- and make seemingly impossible things happen before your very eyes. They're masters of illusion and sleight of hand.

Now, I'm about to tell you about a different kind of magic that's even more amazing because it's not about illusion -- but rather, something deeply rooted in science.


But first, I want you to name the top 3 things you desire to have, or wish to improve, in your life right now -- examples: money (name the specific amount you want), a loving relationship, an ideal job, perfect health, your dream house, a brand new car, etc.


(Type the 3 things you desire in the box below.)



Okay, are you done typing the 3 things you want?

What if I told you that there's a way that you can achieve those 3 things -- and anything else you desire -- by using the power of your computer for just 10 minutes a day.


In the next few minutes, I will show you an advanced technology that enables you to manifest everything you want through the results-amplifying use of computerization. This information is not available anywhere else on the Web -- or the world, for that matter. So I urge you to read every word of this article because the secret that can single-handedly turn your desires into reality is hidden in this web page -- and I don't want you to miss it.


Here Are 3 Testimonials From The Many Hundreds Of Letters We Have Received From Satisfied Customers


""Well, well, well... I purchased sculptor 3 in January of this year"

"Do I love Sculptor 3 and has it worked for me?

HA! I began using it immediately. I modified some of the affirmations that came with it and used it faithfully. I live on the Gulf of Mexico Coast in Florida USA and wanted to move to the high desert of New Mexico. My husband and I drew up a list of what our "perfect home" in New Mexico would look like (size, price, views, affordability etc.). I incorportated this into the daily affirmations....

We had free plane tickets given to us in February and used them to go to New Mexico. We visited 3 different towns that appealed to us. We found the house we had written about and affirmed for---including the attached art studio. We were astoundedly happy and asked the people if they would allow us to buy their home contingent on us selling our home here. They said yes. March 1, I began affirmations about selling our current home "to the right buyers for the right price bringing perfect satisfaction to all". The real estate market is verrrrry slow here right. Our home sold in 7 weeks--no other houses in this town are selling. We are moving to our new "perfect" home in less than 2 weeks.

Thank you Jeff. Your program made me consistently do a specified amount of affirmations every single day. The added features enhanced the whole experience. I study many of the same things you do but you put it all together so nicely. I can hardly wait for the next round of affirmations. :)

Many blessings and many thanks,

-- Dhulkti Bartoloni


""Science is finally entering the Spiritual Age. With Sculptor 3, you can design and create the life you have always wanted. And it's easy to use."

-- Dr. Donald Schnell, Leading Authority of Spiritual disciplines, and Author of "The Initiation"


... best decision I ever made

""I purchased Sculptor 3 several months ago. It was one of the best decisions I have ever made. Over the years, I've spent thousands of dollars purchasing all sorts of "self help" books and tapes. Your program is by far the most satisfying to date. It is truly amazing--a well thought out and well developed concept. Additionally, your ongoing support via the newsletters and the extraordinary amount of peripheral materials, sources, and resources make this program one of the best that I have seen."

-- Debra Craig


Everything You Want Appears -- Seemingly Out of Thin Air

There is a science that deals with manifesting desires. Many people regard it as mystical or esoteric, but it's actually a science like physics or algebra.

There are certain immutable laws that govern the process of materializing wishes seemingly out of thin air, and once these laws are complied with, anyone can make their dreams a reality -- with absolute certainty.

Does this sound far-fetched?

If so, I need you to suspend your disbelief until you hear the whole story because I assure you -- this will be positively electrifying.


Emile Cou

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