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"Helping you and your grades become rising stars"


Congratulations on taking an important first step to improving your life in college.

When I first got to college, I had no idea what to expect. I thought that classes and schoolwork in college would be pretty similar to high school but a little bit more difficult. Since in high school I got grades mostly in the "A" and "B plus" range, I thought that if in college I studied a similar amount to the amount I studied in high school, I would do well.

But, I was wrong. On the first test in each of my classes in my first semester of college, I did much worse than I expected, and quite badly in four of the five classes I was taking. I knew I needed to make some major changes.

What I quickly learned is that simply studying as much and as hard as you can is not the full answer, because getting good grades in college depends on the way a student studies and writes papers. Getting good grades in college is a challenge that is best conquered using proven methods of studying and a particular framework of attitudes. This is because the way that you think about school and the challenge of getting good grades has a big impact on the way you study and complete assignments, and therefore the grades you get, and I'm not talking only about self-confidence here.

Over the next semesters, I consistently raised my grades to a level equal to and then better than the grades I got in high school, while coming up with a winning formula of How to Get Good Grades In College.

"How to Get Good Grades In College" is a comprehensive guide I wrote that can help you see a whole new way of approaching college classes to get good grades - and it works. The good news is, it does not matter what your previous grades were in high school or college, because anyone can improve their grades and honestly get good grades in college by following the reliable, well-tested and easy to understand advice in "How to Get Good Grades In College," The Essential GuideĀ™ (

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