Excerpt from product page

Harry Helicopter training syllabus is a web site for people busy or starting with their initial helicopter training (Private Pilot License). By way of an eBook it explains every sequence as found in a typical helicopter training syllabus.

- Are you thinking of doing your helicopter private pilot license and would you like more information on helicopter training syllabus and what it entails?

- Do you know what preparation is needed before a training sequence?

- Are you busy with your helicopter license? Do you know why you do a specific sequence?

- Do you know what the aim is of a specific sequence?

- Do you know which aerodynamic aspects are related to a specific exercise?

- Are you a new flight instructor looking for some advice about common mistakes that a student makes?

The following is an example of what to expect in Harry


lower = better; 1 = best

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In database since 2008-01-12 and last updated on 2013-01-28
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