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I now understand why I have not changed my game in a very long time. I feel like this time with the help of your book, I can actually take my golf to the next level. I broke 80 the other day for the first time ever. Every golfer needs to read this book. This must be what the professioanls use to get better.
Henry, FL
Hi Aaron,
Thanks for the advice, I actually started doing what you suggested this week. I never thought I could practice less and see faster improvement in my golf swing than I every have.
Thank you,
J.D., TX
I enjoyed reading this book and it has already started helping me. My confidence has gone through the roof and I shot 79 the other day. I have never been in the 70's before.
Steve, TX
Dear Aaron,
Before I read your book, I never realized how ineffective my practice was. After applying the 180ยบ Golf System I am consistently seeing improvement everytime I practice and play. Thanks again.
Sam H., AZ
Ebooks are good for the environment! Save the trees for the golf courses.
A Great Golf Game For Life!