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Dear Fellow Internet Marketer,
You can equate the difference between a good product and a bad product to the difference between success and failure.
Sell a bad product and your business will very soon be dead in the water.
Sell a great product and the rest of the world will beat a path to your door.
It's that simple.
But how many times have you eagerly bought a "good product", shoved it to your mailing list only to receive an email similar to this:
Now, how about the "silent majority" who simply kept their displeasure to themselves and also swore never to buy from you again?
Noticed any decline in your open rates and sales lately? These could be warning signs!
Let me tell you a shocking truth...
95 Percent of info products being sold in the market today (that includes some of the Fire Sales that you paid dearly for) are Pure C.R.A.P with the Capital C.
They are never worth your (nor your customer's) time, much less your (nor your customer's) money.
And let me tell you why:
The marketing part is the easy part.
For as little as $500 you can hire a starving copywriter to write for you a killer sales letter that could sell ice to Eskimos.
But creating substantive, authoritative and no-nonsense info product that would endear your customers to you for life is the really difficult part.
Unless you do it yourself, you'd be extremely lucky to be able to produce a good product by way of a cheap ghostwriter who probably has ZERO knowledge on the subject you want him to write about.
But the problem here is, you probably don't want to spend 2 years of your life producing an info product that you do not even know will sell, do you?
So what's the solution?