Welcome to AMES...
Australian Migration and Education Solutions (AMES) is an Australian organisation based in Adelaide, the capital of South Australia. We provide professional information, guidance and support to people interested in studying and/or emigrating to Australia.
Juan Tobella, the Managing Director of AMES, is a registered migration agent (MARN 0322590), a member of the Migration Institute of Australia (MIA) and a qualified immigration, education and visa consultant.
The AMES subsidiary, AusVenture, is staffed by education specialists of European origin who until recently used to work in higher education institutions in Adelaide and who travel regularly to the regions our clients come from. We believe that Australia offers students from Europe, Latin America and Asia a first-class environment for pursuing further studies. If you are thinking of studying overseas, you should consider Australia as a genuine alternative to other English-speaking countries. [STUDYOZ.COM]([ESTUDIARENAUSTRALIA.COM]([MIGRATEOZ.COM]([EMIGRARAAUSTRALIA.COM]( It appears that Javascript has been disabled in your browser. This site uses a small amount of JavaScript in order to make your surfing experience more interesting, as do the majority of web sites nowadays. You are missing out on a lot of good stuff by having JavaScript disabled. Please turn it back on, restart your computer and then reload this page.
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