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Is ADD/ADHD disrupting your
life or your family's life?

Put our safe, proven, effective plan to work today and become a C3Kid... Cool, Calm & Collected!

The C3Kids Program
Fast, Natural and Drug-Free
For ADD & ADHD Children,
Teens and Adults

Feeding the Hungry Brain:
The C3 Kids Drug-Free
Approach for ADD Success! Just sign-up below
to receive this valuable
guide for helping you live a healthy and successful life
with ADD. It's a lot easier
than you think and this free
E-Book will show you how...

Bonus: When you sign up, you'll also receive a free
8-day email series that
unveils a number of
common (yet harmful)
myths about ADD.

Your email is safe! See our [Privacy Promise](rl-privacy.html).
             (first name only)


The C3Kids Program

~ ~

Helping Families Like Yours
For Over 5 Years!

"I can't tell you how excited I was to find your website! My son has been really struggling in school and I was really concerned about starting him on Ritalin or a similar medication. I'll take a natural approach anyday!"

Josie H. ~ Houston, Texas

"Your program has really helped my husband and my daughter both -- I've heard that ADHD is passed in families, and that's certainly been my experience. Thanks for covering all ages in your plan, which saved me a few extra dollars."

Linda L. ~ Long Beach, California

"Hey there, a quick note to let you know that my 14-year-old is doing great with the nutritional program you recommend. His grades are improving steadily and his friendships at school seem to be better too. He really seems happy and on track these days."

Cyndi M. ~ Virginia Beach, Virginia

"Love your ebooks. With your help and a healthy new diet, I believe that my child has a sunny bright future ahead!"

Marguerite B. ~ Naples, Florida

"Great information! I never realized how much common food sources can improve or harm our well-being and affect our daily activities. I'm implementing some of your ideas for my whole family!"

Theresa K. ~ Portland, Oregon

Who Else's Life is Turned Upside-Down by ADD?...

a Is your child hyperactive or inattentive?
a Is your teenager disorganized, unfocused and struggling in school?
a Are you an adult who has already suffered with ADD all of your life?
a Do you or a loved one need help to achieve focus and success in life?

Finally ~ A Fast, Natural and Healthy Solution!

For ADD-ADHD adults or children and their families, life is a constant struggle. The most common definitions of "success" in our society seem impossible to attain, whether it's a child's ability to stay seated and focused in school or an adult's ability to complete tasks accurately and within deadlines. Once you've learned the signs and symptoms of ADD, your work to find a solution is just beginning.

As anyone struggling with ADD knows, Attention Deficit Disorder (with or without hyperactivity) is not a straightforward condition to be easily tested for and diagnosed by a doctor and then instantly fixed with medication or therapy. Despite this complexity, the one-size-fits-all approach currently practiced by our medical professionals pushes far too many into using powerful prescription medications (with their potentially negative side effects) and without even considering alternatives!

Perhaps, in certain cases, those prescription medications are the best solution. But shouldn't they be a final choice, not a first choice!

Now... you can choose to follow a different path. Educate yourself... learn about other choices and solutions that are available. Find out what drives ADD ADHD adults and children, and discover how you can naturally work with the body to counteract these effects.

Helpful Information on the C3 Kids Program:
[See Our Q&A (FAQ)](rl-faq1.html) ::: [Order Now!](clickbank-ordering.html) ::: [View Guarantee](rl-guarantee.html) ::: [See Privacy/Security Info](rl-privacy.html)

Self-Taught Mom becomes an advocate for the power of health through nutrition...

and reveals the secrets she learned to help her ADD son stay off prescription drugs! Now, you can learn these secrets too!

Why Should You Listen to My Advice?


I'm the Mom of a son with ADD, and I didn't originally know about the options that were available to help my son. But I did know one thing -- everyone wanted me to use heavy-duty prescription medications to settle him down! I said "NO" and learned everything I could about alternatives to prescription medications. He's now in Middle School and doing great!


I'm the author of the popular C3 Kids E-Booklets that show you how to work with ADD in a fast, natural and healthy way. These e-booklets have already been sold in the thousands of copies.


I've spent 100's of hours researching all of the available books, publications and scientific studies on ADD. And, after all that, I'm convinced that using prescription drugs for ADD does not have to be your only choice in helping your child or yourself to live a happier and more productive life.


I've found powerful professional recommendations to help ADD children, teens and adults increase their focus, improve their behavior and jumpstart their learning, all without the use of prescription drugs.


The C3 Kids E-Booklets offer the easiest and fastest way for you to become well-educated on all of the options available to you in your battle against ADD.


The C3 Kids E-Booklets are based on years of research by worldwide experts, including the latest nutritional, behavioral, and educational breakthroughs, and my program goes much farther than any other nutritional supplement program for ADD.

At ADD to C3 Kids, we recommend a natural approach based on balanced nutrition! Why? Because ADD is often the result of natural biochemical imbalances which respond better to dietary support than to prescription drugs!

If you have any doubts, try this simple experiment:

Scenario 1: Imagine that you eat a big bowl of sugary cereal for breakfast. After two hours, picture yourself trying to solve a difficult mental puzzle. Are you Focused? Calm? Productive? Or do you feel Edgy, Frustrated, and Impatient?

Now, try this version:

Scenario 2: Imagine that you've eaten scrambled eggs and a slice of honey oat or wheat toast for breakfast. Again, after two hours, picture yourself trying to solve a difficult mental puzzle. Can you feel that you would be Focused? Calm? Productive? Rather than Edgy, Frustrated, and Impatient?

See? Our nutritional intake directly affects our biochemical state and is reflected in our feelings, emotions, energy level, mental functioning, problem solving skills, social interactions, etc.

So what can we do with this knowledge? You're about to learn comprehensive information on the following:

v How scientists are converging on a single theory about the cause of ADD, and how this factor is responsible for both the hyperactive and distracted variations of ADD;

v Why your doctor will (most likely) only recommend prescription drugs, and what he isn't telling you;

v How the drug companies are influencing what you're told about treatment options and what they don't want you to know about vitamins, minerals and other dietary supplements;

v Why a nutritional approach to ADD may actually give better and healthier results than prescription drugs;

v How you can use a professionally-developed and clinically-proven nutrition plan to achieve biochemical balance in the brain, resulting in a calmer demeanor, better focus, more impulse control, improved planning skills, greater sensitivity to others, and an overall improved ability to organize thoughts and actions.

And, the best part about this information is that it's simple for anyone to understand and implement!

Helpful Information on the C3 Kids Program:
[See Our Q&A (FAQ)](rl-faq1.html) ::: [Order Now!](clickbank-ordering.html) ::: [View Guarantee](rl-guarantee.html) ::: [See Privacy/Security Info](rl-privacy.html)

We'll show you the extensive research that has been completed regarding diet and ADD...

and why it's safe, effective and preferable to use a nutritional approach to manage ADD. I firmly believe that, as an adult and parent, only you are in charge of your child's or your own well-being. Don't let pressure from school, family members, friends or your doctor push you into a solution for ADD that doesn't feel right to you. It's time for you to make these key decisions and take positive action that will achieve the best results for the health, happiness and well-being of your family.

Here's a small sample of what you'll learn:


Understand how the brain functions, how it may be underperforming in a manner that causes the ADD, and what common foods will directly address and optimize this biochemical imbalance.


Do you get frequent calls from school saying that your child is disrupting class or not working up to his potential? Improve the nutritional balance in your child's diet and say good-bye to this no-win situation!


Are you an adult who can't settle down and it's affecting your career or family life? Learn the fast and healthy way to settle your mind and improve your focus.


Is your child having problems interacting with kids because she doesn't pick up on interpersonal cues? We teach you how to recognize this and help your child become everyone's friend.


Is your family life turned upside down because of the ADD in one of your family members? (Yes, it can be one of the parents and not just the kids!) Find peace with our multi-modal program that addresses behavior modification and parenting as well as nutrition and diet.


Are your school representatives demanding that your child be put on Ritalin or other prescription drugs? Become educated on your options! Schools should NEVER do this, but sometimes it does happen. Knowledge is your best defense!


Is your teenager having difficulty organizing the complexities of high school assignments and obligations when his grades are really beginning to count towards college admission? Now is the time to act! It's never too late to improve a student's mental focus and organizational skills.


Are you or your child suffering from the poor self-esteem that accompanies ADD due to the constant criticism received from others? Learn why a natural and healthy approach to ADD can actually improve your entire outlook on life!

Once you understand and try these powerful professional recommendations for helping ADD sufferers increase their focus, improve their behavior and jumpstart their learning and organizational skills, you can sleep better at night knowing that you or your child is doing better at school, at work and in life.

Powerful Answers about Healthy Eating and ADD ~
Available to You Within Minutes!

The C3 Kids Program is about understanding what causes ADD, learning about the power of nutrition in effectively managing ADD, and joining the growing number of families who say "NO!" to our medical community's automatic and routine prescription of potentially harmful medications for ADD. The C3 Kids Program puts it all together in two quick and easy reference guides that will allow you to begin a healthier, natural, multi-modal approach to ADD right away!


The C3 Kids Natural Results E-Booklet outlines everything you need to know to implement and follow a daily nutritional plan guaranteed to significantly improve the symptoms of ADD.


The C3 Kids E-Guide to the Nutritional, Behavioral, and Educational Management of ADD that supplements the C3 Kids nutritional program with overall dietary planning improvements, behavior management techniques, school adaptations that minimize ADD interferences, social skills enhancement, and self-esteem building.


Our FREE Bonus Special Reports prepared by the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services and targeted for families dealing with ADD at home and in school.

The C3 Kids Natural Results E-Booklet

The C3 Kids Natural Results E-Booklet presents a plan for optimum nutrition, and is based on a nutritional supplement program developed by a Certified Nutritionist. This approach has been used successfully for years in professional nutritional counseling clinics offering help in the treatment of ADD.

Adapted from the published guidelines for the clinical program, this healthy and successful nutritional approach is now available for home use.

Proven Success through Natural and Nutritional Ingredients

There are at least FIVE natural substances that have been proven to correlate with improved behavior in children and adults with ADD:

v Discover the most important food substances for optimum brain and nervous system functioning;

v Learn about the important antioxidant that protects the brain cells and enhances communications within the brain itself;

v Understand the key relationship between two common minerals that together support all muscle performance and nerve transmission, including the effective timing and release of neurotransmitters;

v Identify the single vitamin that is key to the production of neurotransmitters and is essential to the regulation of mental processes; and

v  Find out how the effectiveness of all of these supplements can be multiplied by the addition of one simple nutritional supplement at mealtimes.

Top Quality Supplements Thoroughly Researched
for Optimum Results

There are thousands of supplement products to choose from. How do you find the right ones? Here's what we've already researched:

v The right supplements, with an optimum manufacturing process to enhance the delivery of the desired nutrients;

v The necessary product strength - 50 mg, 100 mg, more?

v The quality of the supplement manufacturer, their reputation, and their commitment to product quality, safety and research;

v The types of supplements known to be effective against ADD, the safety of these supplements, and the knowledge of where potentially risky dosage levels may occur (there are virtually NO RISKS at the levels recommended in the C3 Kids Program); and

v A recommended daily dosage plan that best delivers these key nutrients for optimal effect throughout each day.

Helpful Information on the C3 Kids Program:
[See Our Q&A (FAQ)](rl-faq1.html) ::: [Order Now!](clickbank-ordering.html) ::: [View Guarantee](rl-guarantee.html) ::: [See Privacy/Security Info](rl-privacy.html)

Age Appropriate Recommendations for Children,
Teens and Adults

Different age groups have differing nutritional requirements. Can I help my elementary school child, my teenager, myself? The plan includes supplementation recommendations for all ages:

v Dosage recommendations are provided for children, adolescents, and adults (and they vary significantly by age group);

v Each age group's dosage recommendations have been matched to specific vitamin, mineral and nutritional supplement products;

v Recipes and snack ideas are included to help younger children take the supplements when swallowing pills may not work for them.

v Guidelines are provided to help you decide if your child is ready for the teen dosages or if your teen is ready for adult dosages.

v The C3 Kids Natural Results E-Booklet includes this complete and comprehensive information for each age group in an easy-to-follow format.

Simple, Easy to Follow and Affordable

You can implement the C3 Kids Program more quickly, easily and for less money than you might think!

v Once you know exactly the right supplements to use by brand name and dosage, you'll need to find those exact products out of thousands that are available in vitamin retail stores and websites. We know where to find them!

v There are many e-commerce sites popping up all over the Web daily. Learn the ones that have staying power and will be around to deliver your orders over time and who also offer great customer service.

v There are many families outside of the USA who will also want to take advantage of the C3 Kids Program. Our recommended suppliers provide online ordering of our recommended supplements to anyone around the world (subject to the import laws of your home country).

v Pricing is important to everyone! Our recommended suppliers offer between 25% to 50% discount against retail list prices. And we recommend at least two sources for each supplement, so you'll always be able to get your C3 Kids Program supplements!

v By using our recommended suppliers, you will save more money in the first month of the C3 Kids Program than the entire cost of the C3 Kids Natural Results E-Booklet!

v THAT'S RIGHT! You will have this wonderful, all-natural program, a happier, more successful child (or yourself), and you won't have spent more than the cost of the supplements themselves!

The C3 Kids Companion E-Guide

Most of the studies addressing ADD agree on one point - a "multi-modal" approach to ADD works the best overall. What is multi-modal? It simply means that you work on several aspects of the overall ADD condition, such as behavior modification, social skills training and self-esteem enhancement, in order to achieve the best results. And now, you can implement your own "multi-modal" program using the tools and information provided in the companion C3 Kids E-Guide to the Nutritional, Behavioral, and Educational Management of ADD.

An Important Addition to the C3 Kids Nutritional Plan

This complementary resource will show you:

v How to plan the right long-term dietary choices for optimum health, brain functioning and top-notch school and vocational performance;P>

v How to test for dietary food allergies, or its milder form, food sensitivities, which have been proven to be the underlying cause of ADD in many children, teens and adults;

v How to implement a behavior management plan that helps build strong organizational and practical life skills in your ADD child or teen (or yourself);

v How to work with your child's or teen's teacher to get them on your side;

v How to evaluate your school's programs and classroom environment to assure that your child's or teen's strengths are maximized while their weaknesses are minimized;

v How to build relationships with family, peers, and teachers;

v How to boost self-esteem to assure their happiness and success in all aspects of life.

What is an E-Booklet? Is it Easy to Use?

The C3 Kids E-Booklets are simply booklets that have been created for distribution in an instantaneous electronic format.

We offer two delivery choices to meet your needs no matter how much experience you have with today's Internet technologies.

v The online format provides the information in a series of webpages you can read via your web browser just like any other page on the web.

v The PDF format provides the information as a downloadable file for you to save on your computer where you can easily read them, print them and store them.

The best of both worlds! You can choose the format you prefer, and you can even take advantage of both formats if you wish. Just think! No Shipping -- No Waiting!

Helpful Information on the C3 Kids Program:
[See Our Q&A (FAQ)](rl-faq1.html) ::: [Order Now!](clickbank-ordering.html) ::: [View Guarantee](rl-guarantee.html) ::: [See Privacy/Security Info](rl-privacy.html)

Receive Our Free Bonus with Your Order

When you order your C3 Kids Program E-Booklet(s), you will receive as an extra FREE bonus, access to over 50 pages of Special Reports targeted for families dealing with ADD. These reports have been prepared by the U.S. Department of Education and the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. There is a wealth of information that has been developed by the U.S Government with the interests of family and education at the forefront, and you will be far better prepared to deal with your local school system after reading these reports.

Our free Special Reports bonus includes the following titles:

v Providing an Appropriate Education to Children with Attention Deficit Disorder;

v AD/HD and Children Who Are Gifted;

v Learning Disabilities;

v School Readiness and Children's Developmental Status;

v plus nine other informative reports that you won't want to miss.

The C3 Kids Program Will Help You in So Many Ways

Here's the best part:

You Can Get Immediate Access to the C3 Kids Program and Try It on A RISK-FREE Basis!

When you order by credit card online using our secure server, you'll get the C3 Kids Natural Results E-Booklet for just $14.95, you'll receive your web access and download instructions within minutes, and there is absolutely no risk to you at all. With my unconditional, 90-day, money-back guarantee (see my personal commitment to you below), if you are not completely satisfied with the C3 Kids Program for any reason, your money will be promptly refunded.

When you order the companion E-Guide today, you'll pay only $9.95 for this multi-modal approach that supports and enhances the results achieved with the C3 Kids Natural Results nutritional plan. And, as always, you'll receive your web access and download instructions within minutes and you may try it completely risk-free since the E-Guide comes with my 90-day, money-back guarantee (see my personal commitment to you below)!

SAVE EVEN MORE! Order both C3 Kids E-Booklets together and receive the complete and comprehensive C3 Kids Program for just $19.95, a savings of $5.00 off the total retail price of both E-Booklets!

Order Today and Get Started Right Away!

When you order today and begin the C3 Kids Program, you will immediately enjoy the following benefits that will help your ADD child, teen or yourself become a C3 Kid -- Cool, Calm and Collected!

v You can bypass hours of researching the non-drug alternatives for managing ADD (I spent 50 hours, 100 hours, or more?).

v You can quickly learn about a method that is not only drug-free, but is truly healthy for any age group.

v You can be assured that the recommended ADD to C3 Kids Program of vitamins, minerals and nutritional supplements is closely based on the published clinical recommendations of a licensed nutritionist with years of experience in successfully treating ADD.

v You can offer each of the C3 Kids Program supplements to your child, teen or yourself with the confidence of knowing it has been manufactured under the strictest quality control standards by industry leaders in the field of nutritional supplements.

v You can purchase each of the C3 Kids Program supplements at prices which are 25% to 50% off of retail prices at select online retailers which have been selected for their great customer service.

v You can use the C3 Kids Program in most countries around the world.

v Your family and friends will be so supportive of the C3 Kids Program (it's safe!).

v You can sleep better at night knowing that you or your child with ADD is doing better at school and in life.

v You can FINALLY relax a little from the stress and guilt that an ADD family member can unintentionally bring into your life.

v And, best of all, you can act TODAY and receive the ADD to C3 Kids Program within just MINUTES to learn the steps for starting your ADD child, teen or yourself on a healthy and successful path towards becoming calm, focused, a good learner and a happier person.

Helpful Information on the C3 Kids Program:
[See Our Q&A (FAQ)](rl-faq1.html) ::: [Order Now!](clickbank-ordering.html) ::: [View Guarantee](rl-guarantee.html) ::: [See Privacy/Security Info](rl-privacy.html)

My Personal Guarantee

I am so certain that you will be completely thrilled with the C3 Kids Program that I offer a 90-day, money-back guarantee. If, at any time during the first 90 days after you have purchased the C3 Kids Program E-Booklet(s), you are not completely satisfied with your experience using the recommendations provided in the C3 Kids Program E-Booklet(s), simply send me a note through the "Contact" link included at the bottom of this page stating your request for a refund. Your money will be promptly refunded.

I Want You and Your Family to Benefit
From My Self-Taught Knowledge

I love to share what I have learned and that's why I created this website. I have found powerful professional recommendations on how to help ADD children, teens and adults increase their focus, improve their behavior and jumpstart their learning, while at the same time possibly allowing them to reduce or eliminate prescription drugs.

The C3 Kids Program is based on years of research by worldwide experts, including the latest nutritional, behavioral, and educational breakthroughs, and has been compiled by a parent just like you that didn't want to turn to prescription medications in response to ADD.

With your family's health, happiness and well-being at risk, I share with you as a parent how important, and yet difficult, it is to make the right decisions. I encourage you not to jump into prescription medications for your child's, teen's or your own ADD unless you first try the natural and safe C3 Kids nutritional approach.

Now it's up to you. Order your C3 Kids Program TODAY for delivery within just MINUTES, so that your kid or teen (or yourself) can soon become a C3 Kid -- Cool, Calm and Collected!

I truly wish you and your family the greatest good fortune in your goal to assure the success of your ADD child or teen (or yourself as an ADD adult) and to improve your family's health and happiness.

P.S. The C3 Kids E-Booklets are provided to you via instantaneous electronic delivery so you can get started right away! No Shipping, No Waiting!

P.P.S. If you don’t order the C3 Kids Program right now, how will you safely and effectively deal with the ADD in your family? The C3 Kids Program goes much farther than any other nutritional supplement program you can find for helping to resolve the issues associated with ADD.

Helpful Information on the C3 Kids Program:
[See Our Q&A (FAQ)](rl-faq1.html) ::: [Order Now!](clickbank-ordering.html) ::: [View Guarantee](rl-guarantee.html) ::: [See Privacy/Security Info](rl-privacy.html)

Order Your C3 Kids E-Booklets and Get Started Today
with Immediate Online Delivery!

Select a link below to order your E-Booklet(s)

Remember, your satisfaction is guaranteed!

All Orders are Processed Via an Encrypted, Secure Server.
Your Information is Safe!

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Special Package Price: $19.95](http://www.clickbank.net/sell.cgi?c3kids2/3/C3_Kids_Complete_Package)

(1) C3 Kids Natural Results E-Booklet
(2) C3 Kids E-Guide to the Nutritional, Behavioral & Educational Management of ADD

[Order the C3 Kids Natural Results E-Booklet
Price: $14.95](http://www.clickbank.net/sell.cgi?c3kids2/1/C3_Kids_Natural_Results)

[Order the C3 Kids E-Guide to the Nutritional,
Behavioral & Educational Management of ADD
Price: $9.95](http://www.clickbank.net/sell.cgi?c3kids2/2/C3_Kids_E-Guide)

[Order by U.S. mail](clickbank-ordering.html#mail-ordering)
using a credit card, check or money order.


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