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The Frequent Flyer Guide

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Learn The Secrets Of Generating 1000's of Frequent Flyer Miles
Month After Month, No Matter What Airline You Fly Or If You Fly At

"Just by putting to work the simple strategies in my frequent flyer
report, You Can Get Up To 25,000 Free Frequent Flyer Miles in the Next
30 Days and Fly Free On Almost Any Airline You Choose!
And you can earn free flights without ever buying even ONE ticket!"

FROM: Michael Kohler
RE: The Frequent Flyer Guide

Dear Friend,

How would you like to know:

How to earn 1000's of frequent flyer miles... without ever flying!

How to fly for FREE in the next 30 days, anywhere in the world, with
your best friend or significant other? Yes I said for FREE!

How to pick frequent flyer programs that will generate 50,000 or
more flyer miles without having to purchase a thing!

Worried about losing your frequent flyer miles because you haven't
used them or your airline is currently in bankruptcy? Worry no more! I
will show you how you can keep them, and even double them, at NO COST
with NO EFFORT at all!

Subscribe to the
Frequent Flyer Etips Ezine!

7 Step Guide Shows You How To Get a Free Flights Year After Year!

Subscribe Today and Learn...

Learn how Frequent Flyer Programs are Designed to
Help You Fly Free!

Discover how Frequent Flyer Programs can help you
Travel The World... For Free!

Learn Where to Find The Best Frequent Flyer Programs Available No
Matter Where You Live or Where You Want To Fly!

How to Choose the Right Frequent Flyer Program for you that will
Help You Generate At Least 1 Free Flight Year After Year!

Learn How Easy it is to Sign Up for a Frequent Flyer Program. Simple
as 1,2,3!

Start Earning Hundreds Frequent Flyer Miles This Week Without
Spending Any Extra Money or Even Flying!

Learn How to Redeem Your Frequent Flyer Miles for the Flight That
You Want Anywhere in the World at Any Time!

Also Learn How to Get Free Flights, Cruises, Vacations,
and much MUCH More!

Just enter your name and email in the form below.
The Frequent Flyer Etips Ezine (a $27 value!)
will be delivered to you INSTANTLY!

Privacy - Your email address will NEVER will shared or sold.

You Can Travel For FREE!

You won't believe this...

Up until a few months ago, I had absolutely no idea what frequent
flyer miles were.

Sure. I knew that you used them to get free flights. I knew that a
phone company offered them to me if I switched to their service. Heck,
they are even offered on food products now!

But what were they really? I had no idea how to accumulate them. I
had no idea what airline I would use them with. I had no idea how many
I needed for a free flight or what "points" were.

Let me be clear about this: I had no clue what the heck frequent
flyer miles were.

But let me tell you one thing I did know...

I Wanted To Travel!

All of my life, I have wanted to see the world. Traveling has always
been on my list of things to do before I die. Sure, I have been to
Mexico, Asia and a few of the neighboring states, but I wanted to
eventually see the world.

My wife and I are part of a travel club, so having a place to stay
is not a problem. I had heard that there were ways to fly to foreign
countries for pennies on the dollar, but they had always been
rumors... until now!

This Is What I Discovered!

One day, I just decided to do the research. If there was a cheaper
way to fly, I was going to find it. I started researching frequent
flyer miles programs. What I found was shocking! I had no idea how
easy it was to generate 25,000 or 50,000 frequent flyer miles in just
a few weeks!

But that's not all I found out!

After a few months of research, I had discovered amazing secrets to
almost every possible way to travel the world at a dramatic discount.
Sometimes for free!

So not only had I found a fool proof system that would generate
1000's of frequent flyer miles week after week, but I had discovered
ways that I could travel around the world, every month, for just a
fraction of what everyone else pays!

I Had To Write It Down!

I decided to organize my new found knowledge into one giant file.
There was just too much information. It had to be organized if I was
ever going to put my plans to travel the world into action.

As I put this massive amount of information together, I question ran
through my mind: Why had never found this information offered by
anyone before?

Sure, I had found bits and pieces of it scattered across the
Internet, some of it located on free websites, and some in ebooks that
I had purchased.

But the entire picture, the fool proof frequent flyer mile
generating system, and all of the ways to travel to world for massive
discounts, or for free, was not available.

I knew there had to be people like me, scouring the Internet,
looking for the same information that I was. So I decided to put all
of the information that I had learned in one place in ebook form,
organized so that the beginner, or the expert, could benefit from the
knowledge I had struggled months and months to learn.

The Frequent Flyer Guide is Born!

The result of my research is what I call "The Frequent Flyer Guide".
However, it is much more than a guide to generating unlimited frequent
flyer miles. It is also a complete guide to all forms of discount

Let me show you!

The Ultimate Frequent Flyer Mile
Generating System!

Whether you are a seasoned frequent flyer, or a novice looking for
your first free plane ride, The Frequent Flyer Guide is for you!

Are you confused about frequent flyer miles? No clue what they are?
Are you a frequent flyer mile expert, the proud owner of hundreds of
thousands of them, just waiting to be used?

Whatever your experience with frequent flyer miles, the information
in The Frequent Flyer Guide will educate the ignorant and put master
frequent flyers into warp overdrive!

The Frequent Flyer Guide will teach you every aspect of the frequent
flyer world and submerge you effortlessly into their community. You
will never believe that it was so comprehensive... but so easy to

In The Frequent Flyer Guide, you will learn...

Understand the basics about frequent flyer programs and how you can
generate a free flight effortlessly, even if you have never tried

How to access the latest news and analysis of all frequent flyer
programs at no cost to you!

Where to find sweepstakes and freebie offers from companies wanting
to throw frequent flyer miles at you like darts at a a dartboard!

The quickest and easiest way to determine which frequent flyer miles
program is best for you, even if you have joined several!

How to find the most up to date offers from companies that will give
you 1000's of frequent flyer miles just for trying their services!

Who the top three most important websites on the Internet are for
anyone who is serious about generating 1000's of frequent flyer miles
each and every week non-stop. Did I mention that these websites were

How to gain full access to full reviews of all of the frequent flyer
programs, including the award winners, so that you can improve your
current frequent flyer programs by 300%!

How to locate the absolute best automated frequent flyer management
system on the Internet that will help you generate 1000's of extra
flyer miles without you having to think!

Read the #1 online publication on frequent flyer miles at a 75%
savings. That includes full email support and access to all back

Are you new to frequent flyer miles? I will walk you through the
process of joining ANY frequent flyer program, complete with graphical
aids! Anyone can do it!
and much much more!

And that is just the beginning! After the first 25 pages of the
ebook, you will be well on your way to becoming a frequent flyer guru!
But there is more. Much more!

Start Earning Flyer Miles by the Thousands...
...Without Even Thinking!

This manual is designed for experts and novices alike.

Are you a beginner? Don't worry! Once you have learned the basics
and have signed up for your favorite frequent flyer program, I don't
leave you hanging!

You will learn how to operate like the "big boys". Okay, like the
"big girls" too! You will learn tricks and tips that would usually
take months or years to learn in just a few days, cutting your
learning curve by 90%!

The Frequent Flyer Guide will teach you...

Why some people buy and sell their frequent flyer miles and how this
can help you generate 1000's of extra miles with no effort at all!

Did you know credit cards are your best friend? I will show you one
technique that will put almost 50,000 frequent flyer miles in your
pocket in less than 30 days! Yes it's legal!

How to double, and even triple your frequent flyer miles by doing
one simple thing!

Do you eat food? Shop at the grocery store? Ever buying something
online? Now all of these purchases can help you DOUBLE your frequent
flyer miles. You just need to know where to go!

Want to generate 100,000 frequent flyer miles at one time? I'll show
you how you can do this and how the airlines are promoting this simple
system year after year!

Did you know that there is a credit card that will generate frequent
flyer miles for virtually ANY airline? I'll show you how to get this
credit card, and waive the annual fee!

I will show you a little known system that is guaranteed to generate
a minimum of 1 free airline ticket a year and it won't cost you a

Do you have an email account? I'll show you how to generate massive
amounts of frequent flyer miles every time you get email!

Ever take an online survey? Print an online coupon? Visit a website?
I'll show you how these activities, and many more, will easily
generate a free ticket for you in a short amount of time!
And much much more!

Am I done? Had enough yet?
Well I'm not done! I found out a lot more information. But here is
the "bottom line" about this manual...


The Frequent Flyer Guide is designed to help all people who are
trying to achieve the dream of flying at discounted rates, or even
flying for free.

This is what you will get in The Frequent Flyer Guide:

Fool proof strategies that will help you generate 1000's of frequent
flyer miles each and every month!

Powerful techniques that will help you double, or even triple, your
frequent flyer miles or points!

Little known resources that will allow you to fly around the world
at an 85% discount, and sometimes for FREE!

Inside tips that will allow you to vacation literally for FREE
anywhere in the world!

And much much more!

Are you unsure of the value of this product. Let me tell you this!

Just One Tip From The Frequent Flyer Manual
Is Literally Worth 17 Times Its Purchase Price!

By following a frequent flyer strategy located on page 69 of The
Frequent Flyer Guide, you will be able to earn a free round trip plane
ticket, anywhere in the United States, with a value of about $800, in
less than 60 days!

By following the link to a particular website on page 96 of The
Frequent Flyer Guide, you will be able to save at least 50% on your
next flight, anywhere in the world!

With just these two strategies alone, you will have placed over a
thousand dollars of purchasing power back in your checking account!

By the way, there are many more strategies throughout The Frequent
Flyer Guide that will save you thousands and thousands of dollars in
travel cost each and every year!
However, if you are still not satisfied by the outrageous benefits
that have been presented, I am going to throw in some super bonuses to
make this frequent flyer ebook into an irresistible package!


Bonus #1 - The Frequent Flyer Jump Start Manual - $47 Value!

Originally a separate product, the Frequent Flyer Jump Start manual
sold for $47, but is yours FREE when you order this package.

This manual is a no fluff, 10 step manual that will put 25,000
frequent flyer miles in your account in just a few weeks!

Bonus #2 - Subscription to my "Frequent Flyer ETips" Ezine -
$99/year Value!

Every month, I will send you the latest information on how you can
generate 1000's of extra frequent flyer miles, fly and travel at
incredible discounts, and get inside scoops on the best travel
packages on the net!

Bonus #3 - One Full Year Of Email Support - $500 value!

Anytime you have a question, I'll be here to answer it! I originally
researched all of this material so I could fly for free. Now I want
you to do the same! Anytime you need help, you will have my personal
email. Just email me, and I'll respond with an answer to help you!

Bonus #4- One Full Year Of "Pro Updates" - $99 value!

Every few months or so, the rules will change in the frequent flyer
game. Every 6 months, I will update "The Frequent Flyer Guide" to keep
you updated on the latest changes in the ever shifting world of
travel. I'll send you an email with the latest edition so you won't
have to pay for the next edition!

I'm thinking about removing this bonus because of all of the work
updating takes, but if you act today, you will be locked in for one
full year of "Pro Updates"!

Still not convinced that you need this product? How about this!

You Can't Lose With My 100%, No Risk
Ironclad, Money Back Guarantee!

Here Is My Promise To You:

If for any reason, you aren't satisfied with your purchase, just
contact me within 90 days and I'll refund your money. No questions

Your satisfaction is 100% guaranteed.

There is no risk.

You cannot lose.

By the way, I don't want you to decide if the Frequent Flyer Guide
is right for you right now. Just give it a try. You have nothing to
lose. I guarantee you'll see how valuable it really is. I know that it
is worth every dime, but you'll never know unless you give it a try.
Plus, if you do decide that the Frequent Flyer Guide is not right for
I don't want your money. I'll give it right back. And you can keep
"The Frequent Flyer Jump Start Manual" as my gift to you.

to reserve your $745 in BONUSES!

CLICK HERE FOR AN INSTANT DOWNLOAD [5] of the Frequent Flyer Guide.
Once your credit card is approved, you will be taken to a special
download page where you will DOWNLOAD THE EBOOK along with your FREE


To Your Frequent Flyer Success,

Michael Kohler

INTRODUCTORY price of $27 WILL NOT LAST MUCH LONGER. Hurry before this
offer ends!

time, I am offering the One Full Year Of "Pro Updates" to this ebook.
The updates will occur every 6 months! Don't miss out on this. Act

P.P.P.S. -- Your investment is 100% guaranteed! Remember, you have
an unconditional 90 days to decide if The Frequent Flyer Guide is
right for you. If you can't generate at least 25,000 free frequent
flyer miles in 90 days (let alone 30- days!), I don't want your money!
I will cheerfully refund it, no questions asked!

My advice to you if you are still on the fence is this: you'll never
know what you're missing unless you get this ebook!

Just think, in 30 days or less, you could be on your way to 25,000
frequent flyer miles or more! You could be flying with your loved one
to your dream destination at 85% less than every else... or even for

Get this ebook NOW!

You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.

The Frequent Flyer Guide (c) 2004-2006 All Rights Reserved

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