Dear Fellow iPod Owner,
Let me guess the situation you're in right now.
You have a neat, shiny new iPod Video and you'd like to transfer a DVD movie (or video file) onto your iPod.
iTunes doesn't have a converter to put DVD video on your iPod Video! It won't let you import many popular video formats either!
So... how can you put DVDs and videos on your iPod?
The answer is you need special conversion software that will take your DVD and convert it into a format that the iPod can understand.
But don't worry, it's not difficult. With DVD2iPod, you'll be shown step-by-step how to put a DVD or video file onto an iPod.
By converting the DVDs and video files you have already, you don't need to pay $1.99+ to buy each video from iTunes! Plus, you can convert videos that aren't even on iTunes yet.
DVD2iPod Shows How To:
Convert DVDs to your iPod
Convert WMV files
Convert AVI files
Convert DivX files
Convert TiVo files
Convert MPEG files
Convert VOB files
Convert AVISynth files
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For Microsoft