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Start Using the Law of Attraction Now!
Discover How You
Can Get Anything
You Want in Life…
In Less Than 10 Minutes A Day – Guaranteed!
Dear Friend,
Have you tried using the Law of Attraction before?
But found that it wasn’t as easy as you thought it should be?
Don’t worry – you’re not alone!
In fact, most people I speak to about the Law of Attraction have found it difficult to use at first.
So, if you’re struggling with the Law of Attraction, you’ve got company!
But, just for a minute, imagine what your life would be like if you could actually put the Law of Attraction into practice…
You could manifest abundance You could manifest wealth You could manifest health You could manifest better relationships You could be much more successful in everything you do in life!
So, take a few moments to day dream…
Imagine how you will feel when you’ve been putting the Law of Attraction into practice for a few days.
What will you see around you?
What will you hear people saying about you?
Just give yourself permission now to just immerse yourself in those feelings…
Because you really can change how you feel almost instantly!
All you need are the right tools for the job…
And you can get them here and now!
The Instant Law of Attraction Success has a specially crafted series of 30 short audios that are purpose designed to get you on track with the Law of Attraction and keep you there.
They’re all short and to the point and you only need a few minutes to listen to them.
The audios cover these topics:
How to attract something quickly. Your conscious mind needs proof that the law of attraction is working. So does your subconscious mind. Otherwise one or other or even both of them will conspire against you. Listen to this track first to make sure that you are on course for using the law of attraction successfully in your life.
Congruence and the problem with negative words. Put simply, our brain doesn’t copy very well with negative words. So, if I tell you not to think about an elephant that’s wearing striped wellington boots and learning to tap dance, the first thing that has to go through your mind is that weird image. Only then can you cross it out of your mind and stop thinking about it! So negative words are an overhead you can do without. This short audio will help you craft your thoughts to avoid negatives as much as possible. Deciding on something good to attract. Because if, like me, you find it way too easy to attract the less-good things into your life then you’ll find that concentrating on attracting good things that you really want is much more fun anyway!
Taking action every day! This step is important. It takes between two and four weeks to form a new habit. So when you take action every day – including listening to this short track – then you’ll find it much easier to keep the momentum going and make the law of attraction really happen. Practicing being grateful – starting a gratitude journal. The way the law of attraction works, the more grateful you are, the more gratitude and good things you’ll attract into your life. This audio will take you by the hand and help you create your own powerful gratitude journal. And, even more importantly, it will give you the incentive to keep going and attract even more gratitude into your life!
Creating a storyboard. If you’re a visual person and “see” things in your mind, you’ll find that a storyboard is an exceptionally powerful way to manifest whatever it is you want into your life. This audio will talk you through the precise steps that you need to take to create a compelling storyboard super-fast! How to word your Law of Attraction requests. If you get the wording for your requests and affirmations right, the law of attraction will work at warp speed. This audio will help you make sure that you do this and will take your law of attraction requests to the highest and most powerful levels.
Working on those voices in mind – quelling negative thoughts forever. We all have negative voices from time to time. Some people seem to have them constantly, other people have got them tamed. If you suffer from nagging voices in your head, this audio will show you how you can quell them and reduce the negative effect they are on having on you. Giving in order to receive. This sounds counter-intuitive, especially as you don’t “give” with expectation of receiving. Follow the ideas in this audio and you’ll start receiving more good things than you ever imagined possible!
Being open to the flow/new ideas/opportunities. The more open you are, the more the law of attraction will work for you. This audio will help you to be more open and more receptive which, in turn, will allow good things to flow into your life. Learning to let go – often the things we try to grip the hardest are the ones that elude us most. Letting go is super-important. But almost all of us cling onto things that we know, deep down, we shouldn’t. You can use the simple but very powerful techniques from this audio to help you let go and move on to bigger and better things!
Affirmations for the Law of Attraction. Repeating affirmations is one of the best things you can do to help bring the law of attraction into your life – in full force. This audio will help you make sure that any affirmations you are using are putting you on course and keeping you there. Attracting abundance into your life. Abundance is everywhere – it’s actually the natural state of the universe. So if you’re not experiencing as much abundance as you’d like, listen to this audio and find out how you can change that for the better!
Attracting health and being a healthier person. Our health is one of the most important aspects of our life. Listen to this audio to make sure that you keep your body as healthy as possible for as long as possible. Disease is actually two words: “dis” and “ease”, so if you aren’t as healthy as you could be, this will help you to put yourself more at ease in your life. Keep being grateful! This is so important! Being grateful is one of things that sets apart people who have been wildly successful using the law of attraction. This track will help you keep your gratitude levels as high as possible.
Attracting better relationships. Like everything else in life, the relationships you experience are the ones that you set out to attract. This track will help you make sure that you attract the best possible relationships as often as possible! Attracting more confidence. Even outwardly confident people are often really quite shy. Confidence breeds confidence. Which means that you can affect your confidence levels for the better quite fast – listen to this track if you’re not as confident as you’d like to be!
Attracting wealth. This is one of the reasons many people use the law of attraction in the first place. Whilst it may true that money doesn’t necessarily buy happiness, it certainly helps attract the things in life that can make you a happier person. Discover how you can use the law of attraction to attract wealth into your life without compromising other aspects of your life and personality. Attracting a better job. Whether you like your current job or not, it’s the one you’ve attracted! So, if you’d like to attract a better job then this should be high up on the list of tracks to listen to.
Dispelling negativity. Negativity is a powerful force and one that needs to be kept under control otherwise it will its best to take over your life. Listen to this track to find out how you can push negativity and negative thoughts out of your life. Using Law of Attraction to-do lists properly. Often to-do lists are more like bucket lists such “101 things to do…” But when you use them properly, they have the power to propel you to higher levels super-fast!
How to use Mental Rehearsal for excellent results. Everyone rehearses things in their head. Usually running over the worst possible scenarios over and over and over again. This track will help you turn around those downward spirals and turn them round so that they help you instead. Future pacing yourself. Future pacing really means day dreaming about the rest of your life – but in a good way. And when you use it properly you can use future pacing to positively affect the outcome of near enough anything you choose.
Dealing with mistakes. If you’re human, you’ll make mistakes. It’s not so much whether or not you’ll make mistakes but it is very much about how you react when the inevitable happens. This audio will help you transform your mistakes and turn them into massive benefits instead. Doing something every day. It’s really important to stay on track and by doing something positive with the law of attraction every day you can ensure that good things will start to happen almost immediately.
Keep being grateful! This audio will help you to maintain the state of gratefulness that helps the law of attraction bring fantastic things into your life. There’s no such thing as coincidences. When you focus on the number of coincidences that happen in your life, you’ll find that you get even more of them. Listen to this track every time you want to get more – and better – coincidences!
Staying positive. Sometimes it’s easy to fall into a trap of being less positive than you’d like. This short audio will help you to maintain a positive outlook in your life. Recap of the law of attraction. This is a quick refresher audio that you can listen to every now and then to help you start on focus and keep the law of attraction attracting as much as it possibly can for you.
To your future success… Because your whole life is ahead of you! This is just my way of being grateful to you for following these law of attraction audios. Feel free to use it in your life to help other people use the law of attraction for their benefit.
In total, that’s over 185 minutes of audio recordings that you can download straight to your computer, iPad, MP3 player or any other device that will play MP3s.
You can then pick and choose which audio you want to work on today and listen to the tracks as often as you want.
Most of the tracks are between 5 and 10 minutes long which means that you can easily fit them into your daily routine.
Before you know it, you’ll be putting the Law of Attraction into your life and manifesting good things into your life – almost instantly!
So, when you purchase Instant Law of Attraction Success you’ll be immediately taken to the download page where you will have instant access to all the MP3 audios.
All you need to do is click the buy button below and you’ll be well on your way to putting the Law of Attraction into action in your life!
Click the “Add to Cart” button to buy now for just $47
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