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Be You Courses





Why limit your potential because the way you see yourself?


How would your life be different if you loved yourself 100%?

Imagine this for a second – no matter what lives throws at you – you know you can handle it, because you believe in yourself, you know you can take on anything. Why? Because you understand and appreciate your own self worth.

You stand, speak and act confidently in all situations because THIS. IS. YOUR BIRTHRIGHT -and you know it. Working in your dream profession is the ONLY path for you, because you deserve it. There is no other way. You know you can do it – because this is the life you have chosen and it’s only the best for you.

You realize your strengths and qualities and see them only as assets to obtaining your goals. It’s easy for you to list all the things you love about yourself and others are quick to agree.

Every morning you wake up with a zest for life because you feel wonderful about who you are, and you’re in alignment with who you want to be. You believe in yourself and because of that others also believe in you too.


All successful people have the same thing in common. Their attitude

towards themselves.


Why limit yourself with your beliefs? Don’t go through life living at a certain ‘level’ deciding that some things are out of your reach…

**The Wise Man Makes Himself a Hero**


Ask yourself this…

What would you do with your life if you believed in yourself 100%???


What happens when you really love yourself.


When you really love yourself you are being you at the highest level possible. You view yourself in only a positive light and you believe in yourself 100%. You don’t need to rely on other people for approval, because YOU back YOURSELF up, and that’s what matters to YOU.

You radiate success and happiness and YOU inspire others.

To be you and to love yourself literally changes your world, when you feel comfortable with who you are, you can take everything in your stride. You develop a healthy, happy relationship with how you view yourself and let your beauty shine. Because of this you LIVE THE LIFE YOU CHOOSE! And the life you choose is one of passion, enthusiasm, abundance and happiness.

Only when you begin to truly value yourself can you attract these situations plus you attract other people and situations that reflect your beliefs.



The Journey to BE YOU and Love Yourself.

When I started to understand the real power of loving myself, relishing in my positive self-esteem, self-image and self-worth – I began to change my life dramatically.

My adopted attitude of believing in myself allowed me to move to Mexico at 19, become a dolphin trainer, backpack around the world alone, learn new languages, teach everything I know to people, become a yoga teacher, attract my dream jobs, attract money, meet wonderful people and basically live the life that I have chosen to live.

I know that if I had never believed in myself, if I wasn’t my own best friend, if I didn’t spend time figuring out how to shift my perception – I wouldn’t have done even half of the things I have done so far.

I might have stayed in the UK, working in my telesales job where I didn’t know what I wanted to do or where I wanted to go. I wouldn’t have moved to Argentina to follow my passions of dancing tango, I wouldn’t have studied Life Coaching and worked in some of my dream jobs. I definitely wouldn’t have started Evolve and Express.

Following dreams, living life at your full is a CHOICE. The first fundamental step to making this choice is to understand and appreciate your own self-worth. It’s a choice you can easily make by following my step by step guidance to value yourself and start creating what it is that you want.


For less than the price of dinner in a restaurant, you can begin to change your perception, attitude and your world straight away.

So instead of heading out to dine, treat yourself to a course that can impact your life now!

[](http://evolveandexpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/favicon.png)Spend 30 minutes to 1 hour answering the direct questions, evaluating yourself and begin your journey to take on this course. You won’t regret it! They are often returned to again and again because of the huge positive influence they make in your life.

[](http://evolveandexpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/favicon.png)Rather than dragging out the course, the BE YOU workbooks courses have been designed to be precise and get to the point in a direct way but with the GREATEST IMPACT!

[](http://evolveandexpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/favicon.png)Remember to save a copy of your course so you can re-answer the questions in 6 months time! You’ll be surprised how much you’ve grown and how quickly you adopted your new attitude!



What does a course include?


How to get the most out of the course guidelines.

A BE YOU contract.

Printable PDF format with spaces to write answers.

Very carefully constructed questions to root out old beliefs.

Looking at where your limiting beliefs come from, delving into the past.

Personal assessments to have a current look at where you are.

Focused questions on where you want to be.

[](http://evolveandexpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/04/english-conversation.jpg)Focused questions on desired outcomes.

Examples and stories.

Proven Tools to use to assist you on your journey

Different topics to cover for working on specific limiting issues.

IMMEDIATE ACCESS – Instant download!


It’s all about YOU.

I’ve personally created these BE-YOU courses because as a Life Coach I fully understand the importance in handing the power over to YOU. Listening to other people isn’t going to help you change your life. These courses are all about YOU. They are how YOU find your inner strength and soar off.

Then you inspire other people.

By designing the carefully-constructed questions I have made the courses so you are able to fully comprehend how your attitude and beliefs can shape your life, and how to root out your own limiting beliefs, this way YOU can change your life for good.

Holding onto negative self beliefs is not allowing you to live at your full potential. It’s time to let go and start looking forward to your future with enthusiasm and drive!


Save Time, Save Money and Do it Right!

Though-out all these years of living my life exactly how I want and attracting the right situations, backing myself up and believing in myself and working with others so they can achieve their dreams … I fully understand the formula to changing your attitude.

If you want to fork out for a life coach – great, otherwise I’m going to pass you all the same tools I’ve learned studying and being a Life-Coach and proven methods in my life and others. If I can turn my life around, so can you.

If you look at other online courses, you’re not going to find a lot of things under 150 USD (and they are the cheaper ones). Most online courses charge a lot more, even around 250 USD to buy their workbooks and take their courses.


If you want to go to seminars and have someone speak to you about how to take control of your life – you may be paying over 1,000 USD a ticket. That’s not including accommodation and food.


The BE YOU Courses are different. They have the power to change your life, and provide instant access to the most powerful tools in the industry. Self evaluation, a step by step approach with examples and explanations and the right questions in the right order.

Direct guidelines about how you can apply this to your life.

The average Life Coach charges around 100 USD an hour. However I know this isn’t accessible to everyone and not always necessary, which is why I’ve channeled all the same information, through all of my studies and my years of experience into these downloadable, affordable online courses that are valued way more than what you can get for today.

For a limited time only, each course is a very affordable 27 USD per course.

This means that for less than a price of dinner you can begin to radically change your life and you can do it NOW. You can see yourself as special in your own eyes, assess your current situation, and you will have a great advantage in life as soon as you see the qualities that distinguish you.


You will assess your attitude and break down those self-limiting beliefs in a step by step process! Do you want to see yourself as charming, confident, happy and successful. It’s your birthright to be the best you can be.

We have to do the best we can. This is our sacred human responsibility ~ Albert Einstein.

Are you are ready to put aside your doubts and fears, upgrade your self image, self-confidence and esteem and are you ready to start attracting perfect ideal situations into your life?

Get instant access NOW!


ORDER NOW and get a FREE 10 min Audio Track…



Blissful Affirmations for Self-Esteem.


   [](http://evolveandexpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/favicon.png)A Beautiful track – 10 minutes of positive affirmations to improve your self-esteem from the inside.

[](http://evolveandexpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/favicon.png)Listen daily to the wonderful affirmations and start to embed the suggestions in to your reality.

[](http://evolveandexpress.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/12/favicon.png)With relaxing, uplifting music, relax and open to create your reality!


Captivating Self-Image

Self-image is the way you see yourself. Some people are born with a natural, radical and impressive self-image. They view themselves as charismatic, unique, intelligent, attractive, successful and a pleasure to be around. People like this naturally believe in themselves, they understand and value their beauty, individual talents and personal attributes. These people focus on what is exceptional about themselves and it’s these people who attract positive, lucky and abundant situations in their everyday lives.

Captivating Self-Image is the recommended course to use first, as how you see yourself effects all aspects of your life. It has 22 pages in a workbook format taking you on a journey to get you were you need to be.


27 USD


[Bio](#ts-fab-bio-below)[Latest Posts](#ts-fab-latest-posts-below)

[Angela B](http://evolveandexpress.com)

Globetrotting and following passions, that's what life is about for me. A big thinker, a leisurely daydreamer, a Yoga Teacher and Personal Development Coach - come and say hello on my [Facebook Page](http://www.facebook.com/EvolveAndExpress) for inspirational articles and quotes, follow me on [Google-Plus](https://plus.google.com/u/0/102292412744775427602/) or [Twitter! ](https://twitter.com/evolve2express)

Latest posts by Angela B ([see all](http://evolveandexpress.com/author/eandec/))

[This Is How You Should Look at Someone](http://evolveandexpress.com/this-is-how-you-should-look-at-someone/) - May 9, 2013 [Let Go – It Can Free Your Mind](http://evolveandexpress.com/let-go/) - May 4, 2013 [Change Your Life in 30 Days](http://evolveandexpress.com/change-your-life-in-30-days/) - April 29, 2013



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