"Who Else Wants To Start Their Own
High Demand And Profitable Software &
Wordpress Plugins Empire From Scratch,
Without Any Programming Skills?!"
Have you ever considered starting your own profitable internet
marketing business? and...
Wondering How long does it take to make your first income
online? or...
If you use Wordpress in any shape and form,...
And you want to be be successful with it...
If you answer "Yes" to any one of the above questions then...
Before you spend a dime on anything else, you simply owe it
to yourself to read this entire page!
From: Patrick Lo
RE: An Incredible Deal On Awesome Softwares & Wordpress Plugins
Hello fellow Internet Entrepreneur,
Let me be honest with you...
My intention is to sell you something.
And normally, it would be unwise to come out and say that. However, I can do so because I have such an incredible deal for you that you'd be crazy to pass on it.
Is this some kind of Hype? How much investment do you need to make this thing work?
Are you just starting to learn making your first income online? Is this another bucket full of hope that
can take you to the promise land?
Let us make it really simple, this is about making your first income online.
You need a "seed of hope" that this online business truly works!
How do you make your first $1000 income if you have never made your first $10 online?
This system, does not promise that you can make your first million dollar income overnight.
That's not what we aimed to be here. This system is to inspire you and other beginners in breaking
the myth of making money online that is sounds too good to be true.
Nothing is Impossible!
The Limit is Only In Your Mind!
I'm not going to beat around the bush today because there is none. In fact, I opted to skip the hype and long-winded sales page all together. The only thing you'll see... is simply a GREAT offer! If you're an internet entrepreneur or a webmaster, you need to project the most professional image possible and the easiest way to do that is by downloading the WP Plugins & Software Blaster right now....
There has NEVER been a better value offered before for such a low price.
I'm proud to introduce...
Let me be more specific, here is exactly what's included in WP Plugins & Software Blaster:
Wordpress Plugins Section
Plugin #1 - WP Covert Linkz
(Master Resell Rights Included)
Very Simple To Install And Use Plugin That
Cloaks Any Link Using Your Domain Name!
"Helps Prevent Stealing Of Commissions And Increases Clicks
Through Rates As Links Appear To Be Internal To Your Domain"
The sad fact is people do not like to click on affiliate style links...
Even worse, is the fact that many people will bypass your affiliate links by going directly to the product website.
Then you have the commission thieves that rob you of your hard work...
You can now prevent this with a very simple Wordpress plugin!
Introducing "Wordpress Covert Linkz!"
Installing is a snap and
using is dead drop simple:
Enter your link title keyword Enter ANY link under the Affiliate Link Column Click Save Links! In the screenshot above, you will notice that I cloaked a Clickbank
affiliate link on a test site:
That is the cool thing about the plugin, it makes any link appear as if it
is part of YOUR domain!
That is all there is to using the "Wordpress Covert Linkz" plugin. Once you have the link saved, you will be able to use it "anywhere", on your blog, forum signatures, or any place that you want to have covert links.
Afraid it is too complicated for you? Fear not, I have a
simple video showing you everything you need to do:
#2 - WP Clickbank Membership Plugin
(Master Resell Rights Included)
With this plugin you can turn a Wordpress Blog into a paid membership site that sells itself. And you can do this in 15 minutes or less with this easy to use plugin.
The CBWP Membership system comes with all of the following exciting features:
Installs in minutes - This really is super easy. The installation is in two simple steps, a Wordpress plugin and a special script to fully automate the clickbank end of things. If you've never installed anything like this before the first time might take you a little longer but most of my friends can install this in under 10 minutes!
Teases people into upgrading their membership. You can protect whatever sections of a post that you like. You can limit parts to free members, paid members, etc. Let visitors read some of your information but make them subscribe to see more. This literally makes your membership site sell itself .
Want to redirect to a 'One Time Offer' page after a member has paid to upgrade? No problem! You can do exactly that with CBWP Member.
CBWP Member is fully automated. The process of users registering and upgrading is all done automatically. You can go on vacation for two weeks and people will be able to continue registering and upgrading to paid memberships. This literally is "set it and forget it" technology.
Zero compatibility issues. Works with all Wordpress themes and is compatible with other plugins that use shortcodes.
Widest range of payment options. CBWP Members uses Clickbank as the payment gateway giving you an automatic affiliate program and the widest range of payment methods including credit card, check, or Paypal.
#3 - Blog Post Automator
(Master Resell Rights Included)
With Blog Post Automator you can remove yourself from the blog maintenance equation. Usually creating content for your blog is one of the most time consuming and annoying responsibilities you have as a Wordpress user.
What's Included In Blog Post Automator?
Here's just some of what you'll be getting in the system...
No Tech Installation - You have never seen a web based product that installs as easy as this one does. In fact, even if you've never installed a script, you can install this to your Word Press blog.
Add Keywords, Descriptions & Title To Each Automated Post - Not only can you automate your posting but now you can add KEYWORDS, Title & A DESCRIPTION to each Automated Post Via The Meta Tags.
Complete Start to Finish User Video Tutorials - Install, Using it from Wordpress Admin, Using it to Auto Post text and html files, & Auto Posting video and audio all with Live Examples.
Upload Text Files Simple - All you have to do to load content that is going to be published to your blog is upload text files with the content, articles or blog posts that you want published!
Upload Text Files Simple - All you have to do to load content that is going to be published to your blog is upload text files with the content, articles or blog posts that you want published!
Alphabetically Post You Articles - You can control which article is posted first, second, third and so on...Just name article files alphabetically and the script takes care of the rest.
Complete Automation For As Long As You Want - You can setup automation that allows you to set and forget your blog for as long as you want. I'm talking about setting your blog up for 5 years or more in advance if you want to!
Solid As Steel Operation - This application was coded with rock solid, streamlined code so that there isn't a bunch of crazy, out of whack files that make it run slow or clunky! It's rock solid and will withstand a beating!
Integration With The Best - This awesome tool integrates perfectly with your new and shiny Wordpress blogs in just a quick snap and pop installation!
#4 - WP Auto Links
(Master Resell rights Included)
Lets say you (or your customer) has a Wordpress blog with dozens of pages. Or maybe you have an auto-blog that is adding new content every day and are getting a ton of traffic...
And now you want to add or change an affiliate link to the hot new offer that's being launched in your niche. Normally this would take HOURS to go through even a small blog, and forget about trying to keep up with the new content that is being added by an auto-blog.
The new WP Auto Links makes this
process a snap...
Step 1: Choose The Keyword Phrase You Want To Turn Into An Affiliate Link...
Step 2: Enter The Affiliate Link Next To The Keyword Phrase...
Step 3: Press Save To Automatically Turn Every Instance Of The Phrase
On Your Blog Into A Link!
You can change the link at any time to keep you entire blog up to date with the latest offers, even posts that are created by an auto-blog!
Imagine the SEO potential of setting up a network of blogs that automatically create backlinks to any site you want based on the keyword phrase you specify!
#5 - WP History
(Master Resell rights Included)
Grab The Attention of Your Visitors with this Cool WP History Plugin, that needless to say will make them come back for more historical facts.
WP History adds a This Day In History fact at the closing of every blog post you make reluctantly.
Example Posts Made By WPHistory:
Easy Two-Minute Install And Setup Guide Included!
#6 - Wordpress One Time Offer Plugin
(Master Resell Rights Included)
"Thousands Of Internet Busimess Owners Use One Time Offers To Increase
Their Conversions By As Much As 500%"...
You Could Be Doing The Same In The Next 30 Minutes!
If you understand how to create a page with the built-in Wordpress editor and can follow simple video instructions, you can setup your first OTO within 15 minutes after installing this plugin.
Plus, the One-Time Offer Manager makes creating and maintaining your one time offers easy and quick. Watch this tool create a time-limited one time offer in just a few minutes...
Here's what the One-Time Offer Manager
Wordpress plugin can do for you:
Create time limited special offers for your website visitors. Add timers to your One-Time Offer pages to heighten the sense of urgency. Since your customers never see your One-Time Offer after it expires, they will have to buy through your regular offer, further establishing your credibility.
Visitors never see the actual link to your one-time offer page, so they can't bypass the limits you've set.
No ploys, no gimmicks, no scams, no tricks. Your customers will quickly realize that your one-time offers are the real deal and they'll take you up on your next One-Time Offer 'cause nobody likes to miss out!
Tracks user by host address (IP) and cookies! Visitors can't just erase their cookies and get another shot because their IP is also tracked.
Ability to create unlimited OTO's
Use on as many domains as you please
FREE updates for life! And Much More!
#7 - WP Stealth Links
(Master Resell rights Included)
WP Stealth Links easily cloaks your affiliate links and landing pages!
This will keep "commission thieves" from stealing YOUR money. It will also build links back to YOUR site, instead of bit.ly or others.
WP Stealth Links Is Easy To Use!
Here is a screenshot of the admin panel:
Here's how it works:
Step One: Enter Your Stealth Link slug. In the example above, I used "wpplugz" as my slug, and my blog is installed at http://networkwidealert.com.
Step Two: Enter the affiliate link or any URL you would like to cloak. I entered http://bestwpplugz.com Step Three: Click "Save Links" button!
Now when users visit http://networkwidealert.com/wpplugz - they will automatically be redirected to http://bestwpplugz.com
You can edit your links at ANY time, and redirect your traffic anywhere you wish!
There's Nothing To Learn,
I Just Showed You How It Works...
And You Can Use It Right Away!
#8 - WP List Pro
(Master Resell rights Included)
With this Plugin You Will be Able to Explode Your List In Just Days!
And not only that You will also be able to redirect them to any money
page you want.
Here's what you can do with WP List Pro:
Turn all your spam comments into potential buyers (trust me it works) Want to turn your valued post commenters in to valued buyers Want to increase your monetizing rate on your websites Want to keep in touch with your post commenters and give them
valuable content Or you can compile huge lists of niche targeted subscribers you can sell as leads at places like Leadpile.com And Much More!
#9 - WP Maps
(Master Resell rights Included)
WP Maps adds in a fully functioning map widget to your Wordpress websites. So if your clients are running a local business it will help visitors to their website find the business.
Are you an offline consultant who builds websites for small business owners in your local area? If so then this plugin is going to help you close more sales and add more profit to your bottom line.
WP Maps adds in a fully functioning map widget to your Wordpress websites. So if your clients are running a local business it will help visitors to their website find the business.
Offline business owners demand this functionality on their websites, and if you've ever wondered how to implement it, worry no more, because WP Maps will do it for you!
The WP Maps plugin comes with a full installation video that shows you everything you need to know to be able to use it.
Here is a screenshot of WP Maps:
Here is a screenshot of the actual map widget that gets
displayed in the Wordpress posts:
Your visitors will also be able to enable street
view if it is available with WP Maps:
#10 - Click & Call Pro
(Master Resell rights Included)
You can lose a lot of business just because most people are so lazy that they won't go from the computer to the telephone. With Click & Call Pro installed, it will let users click the telephone number and call you instantly.
Is the main purpose of your website or your clients website to get prospects to dial a phone number and call in?
If so, you can lose a lot of business just because most people are so lazy that they won't go from the computer to the telephone. With Click & Call Pro installed, it will let users click the telephone number and call you instantly.
Click & Call Pro comes with these
exciting features:
Easily Input Your Phone Number From The Simple Dashboard Editor Add The Click & Call Pro Widget To Your Sidebar in Seconds
Single Click Skype Calls for People Viewing The Site on a PC
And Much More
#11 - Wordpress Login Pro
(Master Resell rights Included)
20 Custom DesignedWord press Login Pages That You Can Easily Use In Your Clients Projects and Your Own Sites with Less Than 2 min setup.
If your Wordpress install supports multiple users, surprise them and get a lot of buzz by presenting them with an impressive and professionally designed WP Login page!
This super simple to use Wordpress plugin enables anyone to change their generic Wordpress login pages to look like it's built on an expensive professional CMS solution....even if you're just trying out Wordpress for the first time!
Here's a screenshot of one of the Wordpress
login page designs!
WP Login Pro comes with 20 luscious and irresistible
Wordpress login page designs!
#12 - WP TAGZ Generator Wordpress Plugin
(Master Resell rights Included)
REVEALED: The QR Code Solution For WordPress That
Marketers Want More Than A Cure For Cancer...
The 'Enhanced QR Code' Gererating WordPress Plugin!
WP Tagz Creates QR Codes At The Push Of A Button.
This Product includes:
WP Tagz Generator Software, php Sale Page - Yes MRR License - Yes Graphics - Yes
#13 - WP No Escape Wordpress Plugin
(Master Resell rights Included)
Generate Non-Stop Traffic Using This Powerful New
Plugin For Your Wordpress Blog...Get More Visitors,
Subscribers, and Sales When You Use It!
WP No run off:
The Ultimate Exit Pop Solution For
WordPress Users
Step 1: Set The Exit Pop To Appear On The Page Or Post You Want Step 2: Enter Your Message into the Box Step 3: There is no step 3, Sorry. Your pop up box is now active and all you have to do is permit this plugin runs.
Software Section
(All Softwares Come With Private Label Rights!)
Software #1 - Graphic Generator
"Every Graphic You See Below Here Was Created In
Seconds Using The Graphic Generator Software
That's So Easy, Your Three Year Old Could Do It!"
With this tool you can create graphics and also create effects
from your own images like the ones below.
the Graphics Generator
Here is a screenshot of the Graphic Generator
You Can Add Some Very Cool Mirror Image
Effects To Virtually ANY Image!
Personalize Your Web Pages With Seals Like This
One Made In About Ten Seconds:
Comes with rebranding tool and setup guide so you can put
your name and link on it
It’s true, with this amazing tool, you can now build all the images with fantastic cool effects in minutes!
Software #2 - HTML Brander
"Ready to Build Your Own Profitable Affiliate
Program? Here’s How to Create a Branded
Website for Affiliates With the Push of a Button!"
Introducing the HTML Brander Software Program…
Creating your own profitable affiliate marketing program just got a whole lot easier!
With this amazing program, you can create branded websites for your affiliates in five simple steps.
Why create an affiliate program with branded websites?
The simple answer is … profits!
Branded websites provide your affiliates with a necessary tool they need to make sales and generate profits – lots and lots of profits – for you!
But Before We Go Any Further, Let’s Take a
Closer Look at Affiliate Programs
Starting your own affiliate program is your chance to put an army of eager sales people to work selling your product – and, best of all, you don’t pay them anything until they make a sale!
What could possibly be better than that?
With HTML Brander, you can create a branded website in mere seconds!
HTML Brander Lets You Create Branded Websites
for Affiliates in Five Easy Steps!
Here’s how the program quickly creates
branded websites:
Step 1 – Choose the name of the product that the website is devoted to Step 2 – Choose the folder where your web page’s HTML documents are located Step 3 – Add tags to your HTML document Step 4 – Specify which tags are rebrandable by your affiliates Step 5 – Click the “Create Branded Website” button to produce the exe file for your affiliates!
Software #3 - HTML Lockdown
"Discover How to Quickly & Easily Protect Your
Web Pages from Unscrupulous Cyber-Thieves!"
Did you know that online content theft is at an all-time high right now?
… get HTML Lockdown and close the door on online theft for good!
Just look at some of the many ways thieves could be
stealing from you at right this very minute:
They could be stealing your PayPal download "return link" by simply clicking View, then Page Source They could take and use your web page design and graphics by simply clicking File, then Save As They could copy pictures, images and other artwork from your page, even those that are copyrighted, and use them elsewhere They could harvest email addresses from your page and start spamming them And much, more!
Clearly, You Need Protection …
You Need HTML Lockdown!
Here’s how HTML Lockdown works:
You simply select a file to be encrypted, enter a password and click on the “LockDown!” Button.
It’s that easy!
Your page contents will be instantly protected – including:
Protects your PayPal links Hides your original HTML source code Prevents your images from being copied and used by someone else Creates special password-protected pages Stops right-clicking Stops offline browsing Stops URLs from being displayed in the browser bar StopsText selection Stops Page printing
Software #4 - Niche Sponder
"Discover How to Create the Targeted Sales
Letters You Need to Dominate ANY Niche …
All at the Touch of a Button!"
If you’ve been struggling to create the cash-producing, kick-butt sales letters you need to dominate a niche and send your online profits soaring, then this is definitely the most important software you need to grab today!
Introducing the NicheSponder Software Program …
At last, there’s a program that actually takes you by the hand and leads you through the 11 simple steps of creating a professional, profit-pulling sales page!
Here’s how it works:
You answer a few simple questions in three major topic areas: “Lessons Learned,” “Benefits” and “Finish” and then the program takes your short answers and crafts results-producing sales letters for whatever niche you are targeting.
You can even choose whether you want your letter in an HTML or Text template.
And the program interface is so easy-to-use that even a fourth-grader could be using this program to create sales letters in no time!
Finally, A Real, Proven Internet Tool That You Can
Use to Earn Profits Beyond Your Wildest
Dreams on the Internet!
Nothing could be easier!
Here are just a few of the many benefits
NicheSponder offers:
Guides you through the entire letter creation process so your letters contain everything they need to compel readers to buy your product or service –
there’s a secret formula that all great copywriters use and NicheSponder
uses it, too!
Saves you thousands of dollars in writing and design fees for each and every letter you produce!
Sends your conversion rates skyrocketing! Formats your sales letters so you don’t need to know any HTML at all! And much, more!
Imagine Being Able to Produce Effective
Sales Copy at the Touch of a Button!
Software #5 - Simple Sales Copy
"Discover How to Instantly Generate
Laser-Targeted, High-Quality Sales
Copy – With This Amazing Software!"
Here’s Your Chance to Finally Get the Laser-Targeted, High-Quality Sales Copy You Need to Grow Your Business & Scale Your Profits!
One of the biggest challenges online marketers face today
is creating effective sales copy.
If you are regularly sitting in front of your computer for HOURS struggling to come up with just the right combination of words that will boost sales – all the while ignoring other essential parts of your business …
Or if you are currently seeing way too much of your profits going to professional writers who are creating sales copy for you – that
often isn’t even effective …
You should know two things:
You are not alone And you have definitely come to the right place.
Imagine Being Able to Produce Hot, Effective
Sales Copy at the Touch of a Button!
Imagine what this could do for your business … Imagine being able to quickly and easily post a new web sales
letter and get tons of hot leads and new customers … Imagine being able to send your sales skyrocketing …
Now Stop Imagining & Make It All a Reality with
the Simple Sales Copy Software Program …
With this amazing tool, you can now generate
all the top-notch sales copy you need to succeed
online – quickly and easily!
The Simple Sales Copy software program
includes professionally produced:
Headline copy Subheads Openings Bullets Guarantees Closes PS’s Similes Copy Connectors And Power words Now you will be able to quickly and easily generate
hot, effective sales copy at the touch of a button!
Software #6 - Snap Video Pro
"Discover the Truly Easy Way to
Bring Your Snapshots to Life!"
Taking Snapshots of Your Desktop, or Any Portion
of It, Has Never Been This Fast or Easy!
You see, there is a new software program available that
makes creating screen captures a SNAP!
Introducing SnapVideoPro …
What is SnapVideoPro? ...
It’s a screen-capture software program, capable of capturing your entire desktop, a portion of it or the active window of the desktop.
This Amazing Program Boasts:
Ability to capture any portion of the screen Work with multiple images at once Apply professional photo retouching effects to your snapshots Adding images and text to your snapshots Resizing snapshots using up to 7 advanced filters
Save snapshots to multiple image formats Capture desktop objects like menus, windows, list boxes, edit fields, etc. Easily create slideshows by using the autocapture feature
Complete help manual
Here’s Just a Few of the Many Reasons Why You Will Want to Start Using This Simple Program
as Soon as Possible:
Save time – Don't use complex, expensive graphics editing software for taking just a quick snapshot! SnapVideoPro offers many functions that will allow you to create a professional printout of your desktop! Save money – Stop wasting money on software that does not do what you want or does it only partially! With SnapVideoPro, capturing and building a professional image is now easier than ever! Concentrate on more important things – Start efficiently organizing your work and don't worry about building professional snapshots any more! SnapVideoPro can now do this automatically for you! Enhanced functionality – SnapVideoPro is so much more than just screen capture software! You can now apply several photo retouching effects to your image, customize it as you wish by drawing on it, placing text on it, and much more!
Software #7 - Spam Learner Pro
"Being Flooded With Spam?
Discover the Quick & Easy Way to Save
Yourself from Receiving Unwanted Junk Email!"
Are you tired of going to check your email – only to be overwhelmed with
useless spam messages?
Is spam clogging up your inbox and keeping out important messages?
Or are you missing important messages because they are buried in a sea of spam?
If you answered yes to any of the above questions, then this is definitely one of the most important message you will read today!
SpamLearner Pro!
SpamLearner Pro is quite simply one of the most powerful spam-blockers available today!
This amazing program is incredibly easy-to-use and it protects your inbox by learning to detect spam as its being used!
Check Out the Benefits This Program
Will Provide You With:
Learns to protect you from what you consider to be spam! Is fully customizable, which makes it extremely hard for spammers to get around! Is simple enough for beginners to use yet packed with enough power and features to satisfy even the most experienced Internet users!
Enables you to erect an almost impenetrable wall of defense against unwanted spam! Blocks unwanted email that can waste your time, drain your energy and keep you from growing your business! And much, more!
SpamLearner Pro will help free up your valuable time
so that you can expand your business while actually
working less – much, much less.
Software #8 - Color Slider V 1.0
"Discover How To Turn Your Dreams
And Desire Of The Perfect Color Theme
A Reality In Less Time."
At Last! You Can Generate Fabulously Eye Pleasing Web
Page Colors at the Slide of a Bar!
How you choose your web site’s colors can make or break your business....
Cutting-edge web site design is not limited to the bells and whistles of layouts, but includes elements like font, size, frames and most importantly, colors.
Colors affect the aesthetic sensibilities of the users; they can either immediately hate or love your website because of the colors you use.
The warmth and feel of your web site – its ambience – is a fundamental factor that captures on-line visitors to your e-commerce portal. It either invites or dissuades their attention.
Introducing Color Slider V 1.0 the software that turns your dreams and desire of the perfect color theme a reality in less time.
Color Slider is one of the very useful color tools that will enhance your knowledge of using colors strategically to your advantage and influencing your clients’ and their clients’ decisions as well!
The Color Slider will definitely keep you ahead of the competition – anytime, all the time! It’s a very useful tool to help you come up and define suitable color theme, which you can also export to Photoshop or Illustrator files!
Software #9 - Viral Toolbar Builder
"This Software is Your Chance to Keep Your
Brand & Marketing Message in Front of
Prospects While They Surf the Web!"
Discover How to Increase Your Website Traffic & Sales By Taking
Advantage of the Very Same Highly Effective Marketing Weapon
That Companies Like Google & Yahoo Are Using RIGHT NOW to Drive People Back to Their Websites!
How would you like to be able to keep your name or brand in front of prospects the entire time they are online!
Sound impossible?
Well, it’s not.
Introducing the Viral Toolbar Builder!
This incredible program actually allows you to quickly and easily generate custom Internet Explorer toolbars for your website or search engine.
Now you can create your own toolbar or you can create toolbars for your affiliates or JV partners in just 9 easy steps!
The Viral Toolbar Builder allows you to custom build toolbars just like Google and Yahoo and numerous other companies have recently done!
With Viral Toolbar Builder you can quickly and easily build toolbars containing features that users will love – creating the ideal advertising vehicle for you and your business!
Here are just some of what your
toolbar can contain:
Your logo or brand prominently displayed!
Up to 10 buttons including buttons that link to your services as well as a popup blocker button, a cookie cleaner button, a translation button and much, much more!
Ad buttons that can rotate by clicks or time!
Here’s How the Viral Toolbar Builder Works:
This simple-to-use software program literally takes you by the hand and guides you through the following simple 9-step toolbar creation process:
Step 1: Toolbar Name Step 2: Add Logo Step 3: Search Button Step 4: Auto Update Step 5: Add/Remove Buttons Step 6: Edit Buttons Step 7: Optional Buttons Step 8: Platinum Features Step 9: Generate Toolbar
Thanks to the Viral Toolbar Builder, building a useful toolbar is so easy even a fourth-grader could do it!
Software #10 - Website Sizzler
"At Last! A Software to Help Get
Content-Rich Websites With Just
a Few Clicks of Your Mouse!"
Imagine a software program that allows you to easily create and manage websites as well as populate those sites either with your own content or with high-quality, keyword-rich content that the program itself creates.
Introducing Website Sizzler!
With this amazing tool, you can now get all the content-rich websites up and running that you need to succeed online – quickly and easily!
That’s right, you can now get sites with well-written content without giving yourself a headache or spending all your profits on programmers’ or writers’ fees.
Stop wasting your valuable time struggling to create your own content or manually managing all of your sites.
Getting Website Sizzler is your chance to produce the articles you need and manage all your existing and future websites with a few clicks of your mouse.
Look at just a few of the many benefits that come from using Wesite Sizzler:
Quickly and easily generate content-rich websites that will draw both prospects’ and search engines’ attention!
Use your new content sites to generate AdSense and affiliate commissions!
Receive more frequent spidering and ranking by search engines that give preference to sites that have fresh content!
Generate free, unlimited traffic!
Use the sites to gain instant credibility and guru status, which will help boost your sales conversions
Remember in today’s competitive Internet marketplace, you need every advantage you can get and Website Sizzler is a great way to ensure you don’t spend too much time on the little details and too little time growing your business.
Take Action Now!
I'm throwing in the Master Resale Rights to first 13 hot wordpress plugins valued at $67 each. What's more, I'm giving you source-code rights to another 10 internet marketing software products valued at $497 each. That's $5841 worth of plugin & software at your control!
You gain the exclusivity to resell it or give it away to your circle of friends, give it as a bonus of your subscribers purchase, ethically bribe your visitor to join your mailing list, share it in social networking site or any other events that can help you build a larger opt in list in the shortest time possible.
As you can see this is the most incredible package of Wordpress plugins and
software products ever put together.
And don't worry, I'm not going to charge you an arm and a leg for this package...
For A Limited Time Only You Can
Get Your Hands On The Complete WP
Plugins and Software Blaster Package
For The Ridiculously Low Price Of $37
And You Risk Absolutely Nothing!
I want you to try it out for the next 60 days. And if during that time you aren't happy with the results you're getting with the WP Plugina And Software Blaster package, or are unsatisfied for any reason, then please contact me and I will return every penny you paid.
Order Now And You Will Also Get This
Fast Action Bonus Absolutely FREE!
Discover How To Create a Proper Sales
Funnel That Will Automate Your Resell
Rights or Product Sales Pages...
Finally, Take Your Resell Rights Products and Set Them Up to Sell...!
I'm sure you have purchased a product with some sort of resell rights attached to it. The biggest problem in this case is you end up buying it again and again, and they end up on your computer, collecting dust, instead of being on your website collecting sales. At least that's where it should be.
This video series will show you how to take any resell rights or affiliate sales product, and set it up so that it is ready to sell. After you view this video series, you'll be able to take those resell rights products you have collecting dust on your computer and turn them into automatic cash generating machines.
Here are the six videos with high quality
content, but are simple for “any newbie”:
Intro, Key elements, and Tools You Need
Getting Your Resell Rights Product Ready
Customizing Your Sales Page and Thank You Pages
How to Connect Your Download Page and Downloadable Files
How to Automate Your Sales With Paypal Buttons With Paypal Security
How to Upload Files and Test to Ensure Your Sales Funnel Works...
You'll be amazed at how simple and easy it is to apply all of these techniques. It will allow you to begin immediately even as soon as you start downloading the videos.
SO go ahead and order right now! You have absolutely nothing to lose, and an entire suite of powerful Wordpress plugins and exclusive software to gain!
Click on the Add To Cart button below to get INSTANT ACCESS to ALL these amazing WP Plugins and Software products and start your own profitable internet marketing business right away!
I wish you all the best with your online business and
will see you on the inside.
P.S. Get your copy now! This is one of the best packages
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