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Learn SQL
in 6 practical lessons
Buy a single user license now with Paypal (no account required)
to your download the complete course immediately.
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only $44.99
For multiple licences for education or business please contact us at:

SQL fundamentals

Level: Beginner to Intermediate

With over 80 minutes of video footage, see exactly how to build a SQL database and the methods used to extract meaningful information via queries, stored procedures, scalar functions and views. The course was written by a senior SQL developer at a major global company and is based on skills and practices used on a daily basis, rather than classroom theory. This is the ideal course if you need to learn SQL for a job interview in a short space of time, or need practical real world examples of a SQL database in use to help with your studies.

Purchase the course to benefit from full length 1024x768 resolution videos and 60+ pages of step by step PDF documentation.

Lessons topics include:

0 - Installing SQL Server Express 1 - Creating Your First Database 2 - Creating Stored Procedures 3 - Foreign Key Relationships 4 - Insert Statements, Query Joins & Database Diagrams 5 - Select Queries With Aggregate Functions 6 - Scalar & Inline Table Functions
Download a sample [here](https://docs.google.com/a/booleanlogical.com/viewer?a=v&pid=sites&srcid=Ym9vbGVhbmxvZ2ljYWwuY29tfGJvb2xlYW4tbG9naWNhbHxneDozOGQxNmY1ZWZjMTQ4MDRk) of the Lesson 1 PDF user guide.


Getting Started
Installing SQL Server Express

To get started you will need to first install Microsoft SQL Server Express
which you can download for free from the [Microsoft Download Center](http://www.microsoft.com/download/en/details.aspx?id=26729).

Lesson 2
Creating Stored Procedures

Tutorial includes: creating and executing insert, update, delete, select
stored procedures and more.

Lesson 4
Insert Statements / Database Diagrams

Tutorial includes: sql queries with joins, modifying tables with the database diagram and more.

Lesson 6
Scalar & Inline Table Functions

Tutorial includes: creating scaler & inline table functions, using functions
in sql queries and more.

Lesson 1
Creating Your First Database

Tutorial includes: creating a new table, setting a primary key, setting an
identity column and more.

Lesson 3
Foreign Key Relationships

Tutorial includes: creating relationships between tables, creating a database diagram and more.

Lesson 5
Select Queries / Aggregate Functions

Tutorial includes: working with views, creating sql queries with aggregate
functions and more.

This site and the products and services offered on this site are not associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by Microsoft, nor have they been reviewed tested or certified by Microsoft.

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In database since 2012-04-12 and last updated on 2015-10-05
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