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Hypnosis to activate 'The Secret'!

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Hypnosis to activate "The Secret" to attract happiness, success and prosperity!

May 21, 2007

Engaging the power of attraction.

Seen the movie? Getting the results yet?

Hypnosis is the most powerful technique to activate your subconscious to attract your desires.

We know that the techniques shown on "The Secret" work powerfully only when your unconscious mind is aligned with what you are wanting to create. Wanting something consciously is not the same as intending it subconsciously. Hypnosis is the way to reprogram your unconscious mind so that you are totally aligned in your intentions.

This hypnosis recording improves your powers of visualisation so that you can lock the image of your desired outcome deep into your brain's neurology. The recording also stimulates feelings of appreciation, gratitude and openness to receiving which are then also locked into your neurology. This is the language of the unconscious mind where all understandings of reality are held as pictures, sounds and feelings. The download guides you while you are in trance, (or in 'The Gap' as Deepak Chopra might call it) to drop into your unconscious mind specifics of your personal creation project. Together, these new abilities allow you to manifest consciously.

If you have tried "The Secret" and are not yet receiving the results you would like, this hypnosis is the opportunity that you have attracted to assist you. I made this hypnosis for my own use and I am making it available to others who want extra tools to accelerate their creation abilities. The MP3 recording has been measured at 565 'unconditional love' on David Hawkins scale of consciousness meaning that it has the inherent ability to increase your power of attraction.

[CLICK HERE TO PURCHASE](http://1.hypnotica.pay.clickbank.net)

Why use hypnosis for success and prosperity?

You are probably wondering whether to use hypnosis to give yourself what you want. If you are wondering this you are really considering whether to continue struggling or not. I would ask you to consider where else you do this in your life. It is simply not necessary to continue do things the hard way when there is a safe, effective and easy way to bring about the changes you want.

And it only takes a very small decision to move from the unsuccessful side to the successful side and begin to get what you want.

When YOU DECIDE to move to the side of the winners you will be amazed as you notice your life begin the change around you.

What causes people to be successful?

You and I both know that you will get what you expect. If you are offered help and you say "Yes, but ..." you are not yet ready for success. Perhaps you are unconsciously in your comfort zone. Because for many people success is unfamiliar. Of course, all this goes on at unconscious levels. If this is your pattern, here is your chance to shift it, gently and easily.

Successful people are those who know THE SECRET - That attracting happiness and success is ALL IN THE MIND.
And the fastest, easiest and most effective way to change all unconscious programming that might be holding you back is hypnosis.
You know what you want. There may be some remaining doubts - that's natural - but you are still reading this which means you are ready to consider the possibility that what I am saying might be true.

This hypnosis recording

This hypnosis recording appeals to your unconscious mind by speaking to it in a childlike way in the language it understands; in the same language in which it originally learnt its limiting beliefs.

This recording is ethical and contains only positive material. It has been assessed with kinesiology as measuring 565 on the David Hawkins "Scale of Consciousness". This puts it at the level of 'Unconditional Love' and is your assurance that it is safe and beneficial. For added reassurance it contains an instruction to your subconscious to only take on those suggestions that are for your highest good at this time. (You should only ever use hypnotic products that contain this assurance.)

[Just $24.95](http://1.hypnotica.pay.clickbank.net)

How you get the download

As soon as we process your payment you will instantly be taken to a web page that gives you a link to download the hypnosis file.

The file is an MP3 audio file that you can play on almost any computer, MP3 player, or iPod®.

The file is about 43 Mb so you will need a high speed internet connection to download it.

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