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The A to Z of Parenting Packed with lots of tried and tested tips for highly successful parenting
Jam packed with lots of essential "how tos"
A simple yet powerful format for getting straight to the heart of great parenting
Filled with lots of colourful illustrations making it easy to understand
A book no parent should be without!
by Karlene Rickard
([About The Author](./author.php))
Dear Reader,
Have you got children and looking for some useful tips to discipline and care for them? if the answer is yes, then don't look further. This A to Z is packed with wonderful tips. Parents from a range of backgrounds said it has transformed their lives.
The A to Z of Parenting is an easy-to-digest guide for busy parents who need answers. It places equal emphasis on the wellbeing of both parent and child, recognising that physically and emotionally stressed adults are unlikely to be great parents.
This fascinating book deals with the vital areas of communication and relationship building, and teaches parents how to listen effectively, praise and deal with bad behaviour.
It highlights the value of quality time, early home education and many of the critical life skills that will carry children through to successful adulthood
From the author of the life changing programme: Empowerment for Parents.
Feel free to email me any time with any questions or comments that you have. I would be happy to hear from you [info@karlenebookshop.com](mailto:info@karlenebookshop.com)
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