“Discover How To Put Your Life
And Career On Full Throttle By
Maximizing Your Potential!”
Uncover The Secrets To Living The Life You Want And
Achieve The Success and Happiness Other People Envy.
From The Desk of: Maria Stavropoulos
Toronto, Canada
Dear discouraged friend,
You're wasting your life and it's a shame!
I'm not saying that you're lazy or a bad person. Don't get me wrong.
You could be living a much better life that you're currently living now! The truth is, you have not released your full potential and are suffering because of this.
Being a certified life skills coach, I have met many individuals who had no idea how capable they were.
They had no idea they had the ability to propel their career up the corporate ladder.
They had no idea that they could have been happy during the past 10 or more years instead of being frustrated.
They had no idea that they could be living the life they dream of so easily.
They Had No Idea Until I
Showed Them The 9 Secrets
To Living A Better Life!
My name is Maria Stavropoulos and I'm a certified life skills coach.
I've worked in various competitive industries over the past 20 years. 10 years of which were in real estate.
I've had success in several managerial positions and have experience in training individuals to achieve what seemed impossible.
I know how to motivate staff, make them happy, help them become more self confident, help them to achieve their goals and get well ahead of their career.
After realizing that I had a natural gift in helping groups of people reach their full potential, I decided to learn life skills coaching seriously for several years and excel in teaching this important skill.
How Your Life Will Change
With my vast experience of dealing with managerial staff, underachieving employees, shy individuals and frustrated colleagues, I can turn most people's life around in less than a week.
My coaching is not only about self talk, motivation and thinking positively. I give practicial steps on what to do so that you can achieve your life goals.
Your life will change with my coaching in the following ways:
Feeling energetic throughout the day. Say goodbye to your coffee addiction.
Being happy. Looking back when you are old, you'll have no regrets because the majority of your life has been full of laughter.
Better relationships. I'm talking about ALL relationships. Spouse, children, parents, colleagues, clients etc...
Longer life. You'll know how to live a longer life by eating the right stuff.
Better quality of life. Your body will be in top condition and you will avoid many illnesses later in life.
You'll advance in your career or become a self entrepreneur. Basically you'll excel at what you do, enjoy it and make money from it.
and much, much more...
Introducing the '9 Secrets To A Better Life'
Life skills coaching is normally performed within groups of people. Interaction with each other is required during the learning process.
Therefore I don't have much chance to work with individuals one to one.
This is the reason why I wrote the '9 Secrets To A Better Life'.
This book reveals what I consider to be the 9 most important elements in your life that will affect your success as an individual.
You could say that these 9 secrets are what I focus my life skills coaching on. If you read these 9 secrets and understand their power, you can't fail to have a better life if you put them into action!
If you're sick and tired of being stuck in the same position at work, having the same salary for the past few years living pay check to pay check, want to become the person everyone loves to be around with....
You Need A Copy Of '9 Secrets To A Better Life'.
I leave no stones unturned as I reveal:
How to understand the type of person you are and how to get to where you want to be
The secrets to managing your time so that you can achieve more with your life.
The correct way of thinking so that it helps you succeed much quicker.
What to focus on and think about every day that will turn your life around.
Why exercise is critical to your success.
How to stick to a diet that will help you focus, stay motivated and achieve more.
12 foods that you should eat.
How to avoid being a Yabbit and kill your progress
and much, much more...
How Much Does Will It Cost To Get Your Valuable Experience That Will
Maximize My Potential?
Getting your hands on this valuable life-changing book will not cost you an arm or leg.
There are plenty of courses and information products which sell for hundreds of dollars. However, the purpose of me writing this book, is not to make money.
My goal is help as many people as I can and see them making a difference in their lives.
This is why, your investment for '9 Secrets To A Better Life', it's not going to cost $99.99 or even half the price at $49.99. Your investment for this success blueprint is...$19.97 only.
Bonus Offer
To further sweeten the deal, you will also get Volume II of '9 Secrets To A Better Life' with a huge 80% discount. The book is already in the works and is scheduled to be completed in the next few months.
Volume II will cover advanced information on money, lifestyle changes, sex and relationship secrets. I'm still working on it but I guarantee that if you like '9 Secrets To A Better Life', you'll definitely want a copy of Volume II.
But if you're still on the fence, I want to let you know that this is backed with my...
60 day money-back guarantee
If you don't think that '9 Secrets To A Better Life' will change your life and propel you on the path to success, just send me an email within the first 60 days of your purchase and I'll give you a full refund.
I won't be happy if my customer is not happy. Your investment is risk-free.
This is a no-brainer. I seriously want you to take this opportunity to read the book, apply what you learn and then send a testimonial on how it has changed your life.
Please send me a copy of '9 Secrets
To A Better Life' so that I can
achieve the success I deserve.
I wish you every success!
Maria Stavropoulos
Certified Life Skills Coach
P.S. Remember, you're guaranteed up to 60 days with your investment. If you don't like, you can get a full refund.
P.S.S. Just imagine that within a week after reading the book, you'll be able to know what you've done wrong all these years and start taking action to achieve the success you deserve.
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