Excerpt from product page

The Power of Mentorship Movie - The Power of Mentorship Movie -

Hello, I'm Mick Moore,

Today, I'm going to tell you how to attract all the wealth,
prosperity and happiness that you desire... with absolute ease!.

Better yet, you can _automatically_ MANIFEST HEALTH, WEALTH, LOVE
"What a person thinks about and focuses on both consciously AND
subconsciously, they will attract into their life from the power of
the Universe." (and/or "God" or the "Divine". Whichever you call your
higher power).

Simply put, if you are focused on lack of money... you will attract
more lack of money.

Like wise, if you focus on being wealthy both consciously and
subconsciously, you will become wealthy.

Sounds easy right? Well, it is easy... but there's a problem with it!


Back when I discovered the secret law of attraction, I was working as
a hard laborer.

So each morning I would state my "intention to be wealthy" and then
go to work with my mind focused on wealth and prosperity.

I was content - I was sorta happy - and I knew I would soon become
the person I wanted to be!

At least I hoped I would some day...

But every time I got to work everything would change.

I immediately realized all the things I did not have and how much I
hated my job.

I would see other miserable people at work and act like they acted. I
would hear them talk about lack of money and then I would start to
feel the same way.


"You Are The Five People You Surround Yourself With...
And Your Income Is The Average Of Those Five People!

I became frustrated and I wanted answers to the question...

"WHY am I so focused on being wealthy and still can't FIGHT THESE

That's when I learned about...

How To Automatically Synchronize Your Subconscious
Mind With The Power of Sipe Entertainment.

Now, don't let these scientific words and phrases scare you into
thinking this is hard work or confusing... I'll give you the
background story and some SCIENTIFIC FACTS first and then explain in
simple terms right after.

(Remember, I was a high school educated e rocker from the 80's.
Humbly speaking, I'm really not the "brightest" person. If I can
understand this stuff, anyone can.)

What happened was... I accidentally stumbled upon a man named Don
Boyer. You may have heard of him. He's written several books on the
subject of Manifesting Wealth and Happiness and spoke of this
technology that would help your mind to not only evolve but also speed
up the process of manifesting your desires.


Many of the "woo woo" fanatics had claimed that this technology
originally came from an advanced "Ancient Race."

(I have absolutely no idea if they were right or not, but it sure got
my attention at the time. I mean, just watch the Discovery Channel or
History Channel and you'll see all kinds of TV series on Advanced
Ancient Technology!)

Anyway, after chatting with Don over several months, he revealed
where and how I could get my hands on this "Ancient Technology" and
use it myself.

After that day, I spent every possible moment studying what Don was
teaching me and finally I began to understand what he was sharing with
me piece by piece.

As time went on I Don and I ended up filming a movie about how he
discovered the eight steps and used them himself to become financially
free and happy.

It's called "The Power of Mentorship - The Movie" and it's based on
physics and the Law of Attraction.

The Power of Mentorship Movie picks up where the best selling movie
"The Secret" left off and features many of the top Mentors in the
world of self-help, finance and internet marketing!

They Say "Who you listen to will determine your future…"

In this true story of a young man and his mentor, you will find the
golden keys that will help you unlock your journey to success. A
moving story coupled with an informative documentary of 27 master
mentors such as Bob Proctor, Marie Diamond, Vic Johnson, Tony
Alessandra, Robin Jay, Glenda Feilen, Dr. John Dimartini, Don Boyer
and myself.

Yep, I'm acyually in the movie explaining how I became a Millionaire
by using these same eight steps.

Now, although I was hidden away testing this technology that I
thought was a "fanatic's secret" on myself, I didn't know there were
actually GIGANTIC universities and organizations like American Journal
of Physiology, Harvard Medical School, Stanford University and many
others that were doing live studies on this incredible technology's
effect on the human brain.


Brainwave entrainment, also known as "brainwave synchronization", is
a natural phenomenon where the human brain has a tendency to
synchronize its dominant EEG frequency with the frequency of the
external frequency you give it.

When your brain is given a certain stimulus, through your ears, eyes
or other senses, it gives off an electrical charge as a response,
called a Cortical Evoked Response. These electrical responses travel
throughout the brain to become what you "see and hear". In other
words... what you experience. Your known reality!


Entrainment is defined as the synchronization of two or more rhythmic
cycles. The principles of entrainment are universal, appearing in
chemistry, neurology, biology, pharmacology, medicine, astronomy and

FACT: While working on the design of the pendulum clock in 1656,
Dutch scientist Christian Huygens found that if he placed two
unsynchronized clocks side by side on a wall, they would slowly
synchronize to each other.

Take a look at the EEG of what happens to your
brainwaves when you use this entrainment frequency.

The EEG (electroencephalogram) is a recording of the natural
electrical activity of the brain. This chart moves bottom to top
as time passes. The giant spikes going vertically are Alpha waves
being increased and aligning your mind with your thoughts.

See, the problem wasn't that I couldn't consciously attract wealth,
prosperity, love and happiness. The problem was that as soon as my
environment changed, my "unconscious" mind worked against my conscious
mind by synchronizing itself with the thoughts of those around me.


My conscious and unconscious mind were not synchronized.

This is what happens to a lot of people, maybe even you, when they
are trying to attract their dreams.


Every day I would see small but significant changes happening to my

My bank account was growing and I started to get paid more. Then...
\"LIKE MAGIC\" my dreams began to get closer and closer and they
seemed almost within reach!

I then started my internet business. Woo-hoo! But it was a pretty
stiff struggle at first.


"Was There Something Else I Was Missing?
I Mean, This Attraction Stuff Is Great
But It Seems Like A Lot Of Work Sometimes
And Then Super Easy Other Times... WHAT'S THE DEAL?\"

That's when I ran into a website that explained the power of

At this point this all started to get really "new age" and "hocus
pocus" for me. But, I stuck with it because... the truth of the matter
is, The SCIENCE HAS TESTED THIS and insists this stuff WORKS!


FACT: The amazing benefits of meditation has been documented in over
1,000 published studies!

Stanford University, University of Chicago, Mayo Clinic Health
University of Wisconsin and even Harvard Medical School...

...have all documented the benefits of meditation such as:

* Reduced stress
* Lower incidence of heart disease
* Increased focus
* Laser targets your concentration
* Increases longevity
* Lower anxiety
* Gives you complete control over your life!

I was amazed by these studies and thought...

"hmmm... how can I use this on myself to reach my goals and dreams
faster and easier?"
... So by combining the power of the Law of Attraction + Entrainment
+ Meditation I was able to attract success, wealth, prosperity and
most importantly, happiness faster than I could have ever dreamed

It was like someone literally drove a bulldozer through all of my
problems and pushed them all out of my way, then proceeded to roll out
a red carpet and say, "Here Justin, here you go! The good life is now
yours. You just have to take it!"

Three years later, I REACHED \"MILLIONAIRE\" STATUS and I did it at
the tender age of only 48!

I don't say this to imprs you, but to imprss UPON you, that as I
write this today I'm 48 years old and now own and experience things
that most people can only dream about... and I owe it "mostly" to this
amazing technology and a little "quiet time."

You see, after I combined all three of these powerful elements that
was when the "magic-moment" and synchronicity kicked in and things
began to dramatically change in my favor.

I hope I'm not putting this too lightly for you! I'm literally almost
in tears as I think back on my how much my life has changed after I
made this discovery. I'm trying to contain myself as I'm writing this.

I'm even more excited that I can finally release this discovery to
you and the rest of the world! I truly feel it was my destiny to help
others that are in the same position in life that I was. It's always
been my goal to help people. And now, today, I can help you by
offering you a chance to use and benefit from my years of research.


The Power of Mentorship!
Automatically Get Whatever You Want, Whenever You Want
Faster and Easier Than You've Ever Dreamed Possible!


I can honestly say this because...

"No matter who you are, where you live or how much experience you
have... this 100% fool-proof method guarantees to help you reach
AMAZING and unexpected levels of success simply by using this DVD tool
-OR- you don't pay a single penny."

If you think that what I just said sounds like I'm exaggerating --
then take a look at this...


* Researchers at University of Maryland School of Medicine report
that meditation relieved stress, reduced rheumatoid arthritis
symptoms, reduced cardiovascular risk factors,
decreased psychological distress, improved sleep patterns.

* In a 1999 study, Thomas Budzynski, Ph.D worked with 8 struggling
college students. After undergoing audio-visual brainwave stimulation,
the students outperformed a control group and significantly increased
their GPA.The GPA for the 8 students continued to rise even after
treatment was discontinued!

* Psychologist Michael Joyce used brainwave entrainment with a group
of 30 children. After a short period of treatment, he observed
improvements in reading and a half year advancement in grade level.
The children also showed substantial improvements in attention,
reaction and a reduction in impulsivity and variability.

* The Mayo Clinic Health Letter says that meditation reduces high
blood pressure, anxiety, substance abuse, post-traumatic stress
syndrome, and visits to health care providers.

* Quantum Physics states that our consciousness determines the
characteristics of the physical matter we interact with. In other
words, we attract what we are conscious of and we experience what we
are conscious of.

* Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto, photographed freezing water at
microscopic levels after exposing them to different emotions written
on paper. His photographs show us that water responds to conscious
intentions by producing beautiful crystal snowflakes when exposed to
loving and caring thoughts, and turns into ugly, "dirty" masses when
exposed to negative thoughts. (remember your body is made up of
65%-75% water!)

* Frank Treiber, Ph.D., of the Medical College of Georgia, states
that meditation lowers blood pressure, which creates a 12.5% lower
risk of stroke or heart related mortality in adulthood... even for
healthy young people!






12hz - 38hz This is the mental state that most people are in during
the day time.
* If you lack enough Beta activity, which many people do, it can
cause mental or emotional disorders like depression, ADD and insomnia.
* Stimulating Beta activity can improve emotional stability, energy
levels, attentiveness and concentration.
* Beta is also linked to increased mental abilities and increased IQ.


8hz - 12hz This is the state you are in when you wake up in the
morning or just as you close your eyes to go to sleep.
* Experienced mediators can easily access Alpha state...but with
Manifestation Meditation so can anyone else!
* Alpha state is extremely effective for self-hypnosis, mental
re-programming, accelerated learning and more.


3hz - 8hz Most people enter this state during light sleep or extreme
* Theta can also be used for hypnosis, accelerated learning,
self-programming using pre-recorded suggestions and creative



0.2hz - 3hz * Deep, dreamless sleep.
* Delta is the slowest band of brainwaves.
* When your brainwaves are in Delta, your body is healing itself and
"resetting" its internal clocks.
* You do not dream in this state and are completely unconscious.
* This state is great for Growth Hormone release.


1. Download your digital copy of The Power Of Mentorship and personal

2. Put it on your Ipod, Iphone, or computer...

3. Put on headphones or not... it's really up to you. I'll explain
that later.

Simply watch the movie and focus on your "desires" and your
"intentions" for the day...

whatever they are.

Just relax and watch the movie… It's that simple.

The Power of Mentorship movie will immediately begin to put your mind
into a dream-like meditative state, synchronize your conscious and
unconscious mind, clear away your mental blocks and help you to
attract the things you desire most.

That's all you have to do with it! It's really that easy.

Watch and listen as experts share with you the secret to manifesting
wealth and happiness beyond your wildest dreams.

Enjoy the professionally created background music that amplifies the
effectiveness of the entrainment... then as you watch the movie, you
will discover eight powerful steps to realizing your true financial
wealth and well being delivered directly into your subconscious mind.

Your subconcious will automatically align your brainwaves with your
conscious and unconscious thoughts... so you can easily begin to
attract and achieve whatever you desire.


3 Simple Steps To Manifesting Your Desires...

1. Watch your Power of Mentorship movie whenever you are at home or
on break at work.

2. Focus your mind on your desires and intentions for your life.

3. Doors will seem to miraculously open for you, and ideas will come
flooding in through inspiration, throughout your days. ACT ON THEM!

That's it...

You'll literally watch in amazement as miraculous events happen in
your life just like "magic."

As recently as a week ago, as I was working on this project, I closed
my eyes and I immediately started to feel my brain come alive and my
positive energy levels literally shot through the roof -- and stayed
that way all day!

It feels like the jolt of energy you get from a double shot of
expresso except without the "jitters" and it gives your mind a more
focused and calm feeling.

Kind of like you just drank "Happy Juice!"

Anyway, I was focusing on solving a challenge I was having with my

What do you think happened?

I Increased My Income By An Additional $77,088.26

Yes, that's more than the average American makes in a year... (see
proof below)

Now, I can't promise that this will happen for you too.

Fact is, I've been using the methods taught in this movie for over
five years now.

And as a result I now own my own business.


You can in fact help to increase your income by simply watching the
Power of Mentorship movie, but that should NOT be your single

Think about this...

Ultimately... What would it be like if... You could buy a new home? A
new car? A nice watch? Pay for your children's education? Or simply go
on vacation whenever or wherever you wanted?


Here's a few shots of how I'm able to live now --
imagine yourself doing the same -- I know you can!

Whether you're an experienced abundance "creator" or completely new
to the entire idea of manifesting your desires... the Power of
Mentorship movie can help you change your future and live your
ultimate destiny...

... and the best part is, it's as simple as watching a movie, because
that's exactly what you're doing!

All you have to do is take action today.

Action Tells The Universe -- "I'm Ready For Anything!"

The cost for this incredible DVD and workbook is very small, for the
priceless miracles you can experience! In fact, the price is so low
it's practically FREE. It's valued at $97 but you can get it for only
$14.95 if you get it today.


Why am I offering you this once-in-a-lifetime chance to access this
amazing movie for only $14.95?

Because I've already made my fortune and I truly want to make a
difference in other people's lives.

Yes, even yours!

Now it's your turn!


Explore the depths of unlocking the millionaire code within you and
learn how to use the law of attraction to bring you everything you
desire. This movie reveals eight powerful laws that can transform your
life into the magnificent creation it is designed to be.

The master mentors teach you…

* The only difference between a rich man and a poor man is his method
of thinking

* There is an easy way and a hard way to life... and how to choose
the right path

* Only those who know how to peer into the invisible can do the

* What we believe within determines what we achieve in our lives

* You were born rich and all things belong to you if you know how to
manifest them

Click Here To Get Your Power of Mentorship DVD and personal workbook
Instantly Downloaded To Your Computer Today!

Just Take A Look At What Others Are Saying About The Manifestation


The Power of Mentorship Movie picks up where The Secret left off and
features many of the top Mentors in the world of self-help, finance
and internet marketing!


Also included in this DVD is a complete workbook study guide, bonus
tracks with exclusive teachings from renowned mentors such as Dr. John
Demartini, Paul Martinelli and Gerry Robert.

You will also find behind the scenes footage and a special message
from Don Boyer showing you the next step to success.

Here is your chance to order your very own DVD of The Power of
Mentorship to share with your friends and family and those searching
for a better way to enhance their lives.

Follow this incredible true life story of a man searching for a
better way to wealth, happiness and the riches everyone is entitled to
while on this planet.

This DVD comes with special workbook and proven eight step formula,
plus behind the scenes conversations with Dr John DeMartini, Paul
Martinelli, Vic Johnson and Gerry Robert.


To make sure you get the maximum benefits from your Manifestation
Meditation, I'm including these three special gifts...

1. The Power of Mentorship meditation affirmations transcripts -
perfect for your home computer, laptop or Ipod.

2. The Power of Mentorship free audio - Perfect for your iPod,
iPhone/SmartPhone home computer or burn t to CD.

3. The Power of Mentorship Workbook and Study Guide - Super charge
your attraction power with these simple yet incredibly effective
strategies that take only minutes to do!


My Guarantee To You: Yes, I am THAT confident that this can work for
you. If you're not happy with the Power of Mentorship movie at any
time in the next 60 days, let me know by contacting my support
department and you can have every penny of your money refunded - no
hassles and no questions asked. And you can even keep the the Power of
Mentorship movie meditations as my way of proving that I truly care
about your happiness and satisfaction!

Think about it, it's only $14.95 so there really isn't any risk...

Like I mentioned... this is one of my most prized possessions and I
use it myself several times a month. If you truly want to change your
life this is the most valuable tool you will ever come across.

There's nothing else to say except try this for yourself. The
investment is small but the return could be GIGANTIC.

Why not order the Power of Mentorship movie and give it a try for

Truth is, you'll never know if it really works and if it really
changes your life unless you try it.

Let me ask you this... 60 days from today you'll be nothing more than
2 months older, right?

But if you apply the Power of Mentorship movie you can be
experiencing amazing changes in your mind, accelerated attraction of
your desires and dramatic improvements in your life that only the most
seasoned pros in the world of "Attraction" and top achievers knew
about until now.

Honestly, you can stop to think about it, and that is okay...but
remember one thing...
...The Universe, God, The Divine... (whatever you call the higher
power in your life)... Loves QUICK, decisive and faith driven action.

You better hurry though - the clock is ticking - Go with your gut.
Take the chance and see for yourself if what I say is true.

You have my 100% 60-Day Money Back Guarantee and it's only $14.95 so
you have zero risk!

But you must get it right now before the price goes back up!

To Your Sucess,
Mick Moore
(aka - "The Internet Entrepreneur")

I'm paying for the production of these amazing DVD's out of my own
pocket so I can help as many people as possible... I covered the
initial price of filming the movie, paying the experts and building
the website out of my own pocket so all you have to do to get your
copy now downloaded instantly to your computer is pay $14.95 to cover
the server fees…

And remember, this is YOUR "Magic Moment"... right here, right now.
What you face and experience every day can change this very moment
starting with the decision that you make right now! The Power of
Mentorship movie will help you connect with the Universe so it can
help you do what you can't do for yourself. All you have to do is
click the button below to download your copy instantly

Yes, Please Rush Me My Power of Mentorship movie download ($97 Value)
For Only $14.95!


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