Revealed For The First Time Ever
“The Clickbank Secret Code”…
“Discover The Proven 7-Step Formula Secretly Used By One Of The Internet’s Most Famous Stars, Complete With A Tested Money-Making System Revealed Below So You Can Use It Today To Maximize Your Traffic And Sales, And Quit Your Day Job At Warp-Speed!”
No One’s Ever Told You The 7-Step Formula… Until NOW! And It’s All Explained Below…
“This is the exact 7-step formula I’ve been secretly using for decades to attract staggering sums of money online, win awards, break records, and live the lifestyle of the rich and famous. ANYONE can use my method to dramatically skyrocket their income—fast and easy!”
– Dr. Joe Vitale, star of the movie The Secret,
author of numerous books, such as Attract Money Now
[ ](http://media.practicalmetaphysics.com.s3.amazonaws.com/cscvideofinal.flv)
Dear Friend,
What if I told you you’re minutes away from discovering the ‘missing link’ that’ll allow you to break away from your ‘9 to 5’ job?
And let you break the bank with a highly successful online business…especially if you’re using ClickBank®?
If you’re not familiar with ClickBank.com, it’s one of the #1 places to go online to find home study ‘training’ courses to sell, or create your own, and start generating an income from home FAST.
I’ll tell you how I’ve been among the #1 sellers on ClickBank for years using the secret code, and how I enjoy a life of wealth and freedom most people dream about and I’ll prove it to you.
I’ll then pave the way for you step by step so you can do the same, by giving you the two critical pieces you must have to make a ton of money online…quickly…and have FUN doing it.
But first, here’s what I’d like to know…
Are you feeling overloaded with information and so confused that you don’t even know where to START with building an online business? Are you lacking day-to-day focus and finding yourself fighting procrastination to achieve your goal of having a full-time income through the internet? Do you think you’ve picked the WRONG online business idea, or perhaps have so many ideas that you’re not sure which ones will really work and make you money? Is getting the ‘technical’ side of your business—building your website, setting up your blog, setting up your autoresponders, etc.—making you go insane? Are you confused about how to have a GOOD product to sell? And how do you know your customers will really want what you offer? Do you just wish they taught you ‘sales copy writing’ back in school because you’re afraid that everything you write SUCKS and nobody is buying from your sales letters? Are you spending a lot of time trying to get traffic but with very little results, and wish someone could tell you which method to use so you can get lots of free traffic quickly?
And I know it doesn’t help when you buy a new training course that promises you the world, and it gets you all excited…only to find that it overwhelms you and leaves you unsure of where to start.
Or worse…
You try and implement what you think will finally work, only to find out you were flat out lied to…and it’s a LOT harder than it seems so you get little to NO results.
And then you get that constant nagging feeling—that voice inside your head—telling you “I’ve tried all this other stuff before and it always FAILS!”
With all the time and MONEY you’ve probably lost on training courses, programs, and seminars…can you really afford to buy another training course that may or may NOT let you retire rich?
Especially if it costs you hundreds, if not THOUSANDS of dollars of your hard-earned money?
What if THIS doesn’t work either?
What if you keep losing all your money trying out all these online business courses, because they keep leading you to the same place…a DEAD END?
What Else Could Go Wrong If You Don’t Learn The Secret?
You lose ALL your money and you remain STUCK at your hated job ’til you’re 80-something years old, and retirement is no longer a possibility.
Or worse…
You go completely broke with NO income, you can’t pay the rent or you lose your house, your spouse leaves you, your kids can’t go to college, and you embarrass yourself to the point you can’t show your face to your friends and family again.
Look…I know it may sound like I’m exaggerating, but I understand your fears and challenges…
And I personally have had some of these ‘nightmares’ come true for me. I was homeless for many years of my life!
As a best-selling author of 53 books, starring in the famous movie The Secret, appearing on TV shows like Larry King Live (twice), and now pulling in millions of dollars from the internet…
I can tell you my success in marketing or anything I’ve accomplished did NOT come overnight.
In fact, for decades…
I Couldn’t Sell A Product Online Or Offline If My Life Depended On It!
It’s true.
When I wrote my very first product (a book called Zen and the Art of Writing back in 1984) it was a moment of pure celebration in my life.
But it was also a grand disappointment.
You see, on one hand, I had accomplished my life-long dream of writing my very first how-to ‘product’…but on the other hand, I had no CLUE how to market it and sell it!
Much to my dismay, I discovered that off-line publishers also knew absolutely nothing about marketing either.
They only printed them and put them inside bookstores, and then waited for some miracle to happen.
And what made things worse was that I didn’t really care to learn how to market either. All I wanted to do was study spirituality and teach people how to succeed through books and courses.
Not having any marketing knowledge (and being reluctant to learn it) led me to everything…from being homeless and shoplifting to feed myself, to having EVERY kind of job you can possibly imagine just to barely survive.
And after giving all of my money to a big oil and gas company that was supposed to make me wealthy, the oil company went bankrupt, the CEO committed suicide, and I ended up out on the streets…
If it wasn’t for the local library for me to sleep somewhere at night, and a couple of temporary work agencies, who knows if I’d still be here today.
I picked up countless dead-end jobs during that time period, including being a cab driver, a car salesman, a reporter, and even a geological technician looking for gas in the Gulf of Mexico.
I lived like that for almost 3 decades…only to realize that NONE of it was ever going to get me the success and fulfillment I was truly looking for.
It was then I finally admitted that my passion for writing and selling books was never going to be fulfilled if I didn’t have the right marketing knowledge…
And No Marketing Technique Will Ever Work Without The Secret ‘Mind’ Ingredient You’re About To Learn…
When I finally gave in, I studied everything I possibly could about marketing, wealth, success, achieving goals, etc.
I learned about copywriting, publicity, advertising, and sending out press releases that got me newspaper coverage…
I even became a speaker, even though I was very shy and scared to death to get in front of a small crowd! I pushed myself to new limits just to succeed, no matter how uncomfortable it was.
I learned all the tips and techniques of the trade…and it was slow and difficult. My results did NOT come easy.
But it finally became completely effortless when I discovered the secret ‘within’… and it became the driving force behind everything I began to accomplish.
Keep reading and I’ll tell you what it is and how to *unlock it* within yourself, so it brings you endless wealth into your online business…
I combined this ‘inner secret’ with the right step-by-step marketing strategy (which I’ll also reveal to you), and I practically blew the doors open for my success.
This led me to creating a truly hypnotic marketing method that ANYONE could follow and duplicate automatically, and make a ton of money with it…especially on ClickBank!
It’ll help you break through the hurdles that are preventing you from making the kind of money you want online, and let you quit your job for good.
And it will bring hordes of customers over to your website constantly, and put them into a buying frenzy so they’ll buy your product night and day.
By putting the two critical pieces together, it led me to several things…
I became one of the earliest successful internet marketers (since the 1990’s)… I’m now certified as one of ClickBank’s top sales people—I’ve had a product in the top 10 for years… My online product was listed in the top 100 Alexa rankings of ‘movers and shakers’… I taught my business and marketing system to clients that paid me $25,000 EACH just to learn it, and they saw tremendous success… I’ve had two all-time top selling products on ClickBank—“The Wealth Trigger” and “How To Write Your Own E-book In 7 Days” (both are still there)… I’m now known as ‘Mr. Hypnotic Marketing’ all over the web, and I’ve been in several self-help movies including The Secret, plus various TV shows such as Larry King Live on CNN, and The Big Idea on CNBC… I have a passion for collecting cars—I own several rare, hand-crafted vehicles, including a super exotic car from Holland called The Spyker, and a $375,000 Rolls-Royce Phantom… I’ve written over 53 books, and over 20 of them have been best-sellers, all of which help people succeed, live happier and healthier lives, and become wealthy… A few of my books, including the now famous Attractor Factor (later called Spiritual Marketing), and Attract Money Now, teach people the beliefs and mindset aspect of becoming financially successful…
“Joe Vitale is a true marketing, sales and promotion genius.”
– Dan Kennedy, in his book No B.S. Marketing To The Affluent
“Just when you think you understand how the world works, Joe Vitale comes along and takes you to a whole new place. He’s engaging, entertaining, enlightening and—oh boy—does he ever stretch your thinking.”
– Ian Percy, Reg. Psych. and member of both the US and Canadian Speaker Halls of Fame.
After years of blood, sweat, and tears, I hammered out an almost flawless ‘hypnotic’ marketing method that I used to sell all my products online. I then taught my system to a handful of clients.
So not only did my online formula give me an amazing lifestyle…
But it quickly brought results for ANYONE that applied it step-by-step.
And now I want to give my proven formula to YOU.
The secret is in combining two aspects of success (the ‘inner’ and ‘outer’ aspects) that unlocks the code to making millions of dollars. And NO one’s put the two together for you…until now.
Most marketing courses only give you one of these two pieces, which is why you never got the full picture on how to succeed.
It’s the reason why you are where you are right now, and not where you want to be.
So let me shed the light for you on what it finally takes to succeed…
Secret #1: The Reason Why You Don’t Have The Online Income You Want…
If there’s only ONE thing you get out of reading this entire letter, it should be this…
I can teach you all the strategies and techniques in the world that can turn you into a millionaire…
But if you don’t have the right thoughts…beliefs…and mindset about money and about yourself, none of it will work, or you’ll only go so far.
I guarantee you this.
Don’t dismiss what I’m saying to you right now…even if you’ve ‘heard this before’.
If you’re thinking to yourself ‘I already know this’, I want you to stop right there…and think about your situation right now.
Where are you financially?
What kind of lifestyle do you live?
Do you enjoy freedom and wealth, or are you struggling to make it?
Are you drowning in debt?
Or maybe you’re still stuck in the dreaded ‘9-to-5’ life.
No matter what your current reality is, I know one thing for sure…
You’re here reading this letter. And that tells me you’re NOT where you want to be yet.
With the right beliefs…the right thoughts…and the right way of ‘seeing’ yourself, money, wealth, and success, you’d already have the things you’re looking for.
There’s no question about it.
Most of your negative beliefs are often NOT conscious. Meaning, they’re killing your success at a subconscious level, so you’re not even aware of them.
They’re working deep within your brain and you probably don’t even know they’re there.
I’ve talked about this in many of my books and audio programs, such as my Missing Secret audio course, and my Attract Money Now book.
I lay the groundwork so that any business you build will work for you.
The first piece of the ClickBank Secret Code is to blast away the bad ‘mental’ programming that has destroyed your chances of making millions of dollars your whole life…
And replace it with the RIGHT thoughts and beliefs, that make attracting money and success into your life work like magic.
When you then apply my ClickBank marketing step-by-step strategy (which I’ll give to you next) you’ll see your life change…
And watch it bring you an endless income from home like clockwork.
You can then sleep in everyday, watch your bank account grow, and smile as you enjoy the freedom and wealth most people dream about.
The first step in cleaning out these mental ‘culprits’, is to become aware of them. Bring them out of your subconscious mind, and into your conscious awareness.
Once you become aware of them, you can then replace them quickly…
So let me walk you through the three most common sabotaging beliefs that people carry around their entire lives…
1. “I don’t deserve money.”
This is a BIG one. And it’s a lot more common than you think…
It’s amazing but most of us (myself included) have wrestled with deserving success.
We heard the word ‘no’, and we heard ‘don’t do that’ or ‘you can’t do that’, or ‘you’re bad’, and a number of other parenting ‘put downs’ while we grew up.
And over time we came to the conclusion that we’re not good enough.
And because of that it’s very difficult to allow love, success, money, happiness, and deservingness into your life on a number of levels.
So the first step in the ClickBank Secret Code is to get clear with love and deservingness for you personally!
2. “Money is bad.”
Ever heard the saying ‘money is the root of all evil’?
What a terrible belief to have! And it’s NOT your fault if you’re holding on to this belief. Society told you it was true when you were growing up.
But I want you to be ok with money, because chances are you’re not.
You see, a lot of people say they want money, and they say they’re going to do everything to be successful on ClickBank, but they don’t. Or they try real hard and fail at it.
And it’s usually because of one reason. They think money is BAD.
Think about it. If you consciously or unconsciously believe money is the root of all evil, are you really going to want any?
You’re going to push it away. You’ll find some way to make it fail. Any ebook, training course, or program you try will eventually ‘fail’ you.
And it’s your mind that’s really the culprit…not any marketing technique or strategy!
3. “Making a lot of money is hard.”
This is all about your self-doubt.
If you believe making money online is difficult, then your mind will find ways to validate that belief by making it difficult for you!
Now I’m not trying to make your brain seem like a ‘bad guy’. Your mind is a terrific thing and it’s just trying to help protect and survive.
But often it does so to the point of sabotaging you.
The great news is…
You can change your thoughts and your deeply embedded beliefs easily and quickly, so that your mind becomes a powerful ally that attracts endless wealth and success into your life.
Making money online through ClickBank or anything else becomes very EASY…if you know how to re-program your brain the right way.
Keep reading and I’ll show exactly how to do that, and replace those self-sabotaging beliefs with beliefs that’ll let you retire rich this year…
“The ClickBank Secret Code takes you from mindset to hypnotic writing to list building to ClickBank affiliates and on to implementation!”
– Frank Meyers-Author of Big Muscles Forever and
Street Smart Recovery.
Secret #2: The 7-Step ClickBank Marketing Formula That Generated Close To 10,000 Sales In Just A Few Days!
Ok so now you’ve identified your ‘inner blocks’.
And now you’re ready to go full-steam ahead to make a killing over the internet.
You go over to ClickBank.com…and then what?
It’s like staring at an airplane cockpit with no instruction manual on how to fly.
Here’s the problem…
ClickBank gives you NO help at all with marketing. They teach you nothing.
You’re left to figure it out all on your own.
How do you find products? How do you sign up? How do you drive traffic and start making money?
What if you can’t find a product to sell, and you’d rather create your own product?
You might as well be talking to a wall when asking these questions.
And that’s where my 7-step ClickBank marketing formula comes in…
We’ve used this proven formula religiously for well over a decade (almost 2 decades now), and still see great results with it today.
Our last product on ClickBank, “The Wealth Trigger”, made us over half a million dollars using this 7 step strategy, with close to 10,000 units sold in its first few days.
And over time, we’ve refined this formula, fine tuned it, and added the ‘hypnotic’ punch, plus the mind-blasting, belief-changing practices that’ll make you fail-proof.
If you’re not able to wake up everyday without an alarm clock, and see big checks coming in every few weeks from ClickBank after fully applying this formula…
You can call me out on it.
And honestly…I’d check your pulse.
The 7-Step ClickBank Secret Code has worked for countless people who’ve applied it…
And none of them are any different than you. They started out just like you, with no special skill or talent. Most of them had ZERO experience with online business.
You will do this too!
Can You Keep A Secret?
Here’s the 7-step ClickBank formula—that combines, for the first time in history, mindset training and a bulletproof step-by-step online marketing strategy…
Step 1. Identify and blast away negative thoughts and beliefs that are destroying your chances of making a ton of money online.
This one you already know because I revealed it to you above. It goes without saying that no marketing technique, strategy or training will work with the wrong beliefs.
Your mind will always hold you back!
In this first step, we clear these bad beliefs and replace them with new ones that’ll make success and wealth automatic for you.
I’ve been teaching mindset, spirituality, and beliefs for decades now…written a ton of books on it…and I’m considered an authority on the subject.
It works every single time when I help clients make money. I have a proven strategy on how to do this.
Step 2. Picking the right product on ClickBank or creating one yourself, and that people will love to buy.
In this step, you get a bulletproof way of having a killer product (or finding one that’s already created) that you’ll believe in and love.
And your belief and love for the product—the ‘energy’—will transfer over to your customers when they first see it.
They’ll buy like crazy.
How do you do that?
You’ll see exactly how to do this step by step.
Step 3. Hypnotic Writing—Creating highly compelling sales letters and emails that put your customers into a buying frenzy.
We’re talking about using truly ‘hypnotic’ language. And I’ll show you exactly how.
This may be the most FUN part of marketing, and it’s where the rubber really hits the road.
Even if you get lots of great traffic to your website—if you don’t have a strong headline, or it doesn’t engage people or persuade people or call them to take action…
You’re not going to make any sales. Which means you’re not going to get a check from ClickBank every two weeks.
In this step, we handle this.
With the use of my famous Hypnotic Writing training, you’ll create powerful sales messages that even a monkey can create.
I’ll walk you through it step by step, leaving NO stones unturned.
Step 4. Building a powerful email list of red hot buyers—people who will constantly buy from you over and over again and spread the word about your business.
I’ll walk you through how to set up an ‘autoresponder’ (a tool that automatically sends out marketing emails to your subscribers)…
And how to create a free report to entice your visitors to subscribe to your list, so they’ll look forward to receiving all your emails.
This is the magic behind making money at the push of button. You’ll see exactly how to do it easily and painlessly.
Step 5. Creating and sending attention-grabbing, sales-pulling emails to your subscriber list.
In this step, you’ll apply Hypnotic Writing to build a rock solid relationship with your subscribers so they’ll love you.
And they’ll always want to buy from you, whatever you promote!
I’ll also tell you a top secret strategy on how I get thousands of new subscribers with just one email—you can write it within minutes.
And I’ll tell you about a little ‘ritual’ I do before sending out any email, and that always works. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve generated tons of money doing it, and so will you.
Step 6. This step is all about finding affiliates that bring you hordes of traffic and sales.
Now if you have your own product listed on ClickBank from Step #2 (instead of being an affiliate yourself) this is the next step for you.
So how do you attract a bunch of affiliates to promote and generate sales for you?
You’ll see how we combine marketing and metaphysics (mindset), use numbers and statistics, and other critically important pieces to lure affiliates.
You’ll also see how to emit the right ‘energy’ out into the universe, so affiliates show up at your door. This is critical.
It’s easy and automatic once you see exactly how…even if you haven’t made your first sale yet.
Step 7. Anchor your success!
Along with the mindset training in step 1, this is the other critical piece every other training program leaves out.
And it’s the magic bullet that takes your success to newer heights.
It’s how I and other successful entrepreneurs make millions of dollars.
What’s the secret?
You prove to yourself you’ve done well by buying something wonderful. This is a concept I call ‘prosperous purchasing’.
When you reward yourself in the right way, it reinforces your mind to do it over and over again.
And that’s how you keep succeeding and reaching new levels in your income.
It’s all psychological and I’ll show you how to do this, so I can welcome you into the 7-figure club!
And that’s just a taste of what the ClickBank Secret Code will give you.
It’s a no fluff, no nonsense, filler-free training that will take you by the hand and guide you step by step to a 6- or 7-figure level income over the internet.
I want to make a believer out of you, so I’ll give you another free tip right now straight from the training, and that you can use immediately to make a killing over the internet…
How To Create A Killer ClickBank Product Out Of Thin Air…
Here’s a tip from Step 2 in the ClickBank Secret Code. It gives you a brilliant way to create a product from scratch.
I’ve used this technique over and over again in creating my products with tremendous results, and it’s still one of my favorites today.
If you have no idea what to sell using ClickBank and you don’t want to sell someone else’s product as an affiliate, here’s the proven solution for you…
First, find a problem you’re already curious about. It could be anything like ‘how to stop snoring’.
Then go to websites like Google and Amazon and type in ‘how to stop snoring’ or ‘stop snoring books’, and find authors.
You may also come across bloggers and other experts on the subject that are already writing about it.
You can then contact these authors and experts and ask to interview them.
Tell them you’d like to interview them for an hour and record the audios, and they can promote whatever they want at the end of it.
Pick 10 of these authors and experts to interview, and start conducting the interviews over the phone and record each one.
You now have a powerful 10-part audio training series. And you can even transcribe it and turn it into an ebook.
You’re now positioned as an expert and you’ve got a killer product!
This strategy is so powerful, I’ve been using it since the 1990s.
I started out contacting and writing to famous people.
And I can show you exactly how to get in touch with them directly, and what to say to them so they’ll be delighted to be interviewed by you and help you create your killer product.
Keep reading and I’ll tell you exactly how…
I’ll share with you what to say word-for-word in your introduction so you’re almost guaranteed to have them say yes, and create a product that people will love.
And That’s Just One Of The 7 Steps Inside The ClickBank Secret Code!
Look, I want to hand you the key to unlock the code right now…
So you too can start making enough cashflow online that’ll let you walk away from your day job permanently.
And make it happen within months, weeks, or even days from today.
Now I can almost hear you thinking…
“How can I get my hands on this [ClickBank Secret Code ](http://CBSC.cbsecret11.pay.clickbank.net?sku=1305729028)training, and how much is it going to cost?”
I’ll tell you exactly. But first let me make sure you know exactly what you’re getting your hands on so you’ll be prepared…
Here’s what you’ll discover when you get the ClickBank Secret Code:
How did I get my first e-book into ClickBank’s top 10 sellers list for years? And how can you do the same starting from scratch? How can you create a money-making online system and put it on complete autopilot? So you can set it and forget it, and have ClickBank send you big checks every two weeks. How can you blast away sabotaging, limiting beliefs with just a push of a button? (I’ll show you how you can simply ‘push play’ and totally rewire your brain for massive wealth and success!) What’s the one thing you need to blast through hurdles, technical headaches, and challenges so you keep reaching new levels with your income? What’s the real culprit behind all your past failures with trying to make money online? And how do you eliminate it for good? (It’s NOT what you think it is!) How do you get affiliates to promote your product for you, and have them show up at your door automatically? What’s love got to do with it? Hint: Everything! I’ll show you how to channel love for yourself, and emit it out into the world so all the traffic, sales, affiliates, money, wealth, and success just flow to you. This is a missing secret NO one’s taught you with making money online…until now. How do you pick the perfect product to sell on ClickBank? And how can you create a powerful product from scratch? One that you’ll absolutely love and so will your customers. How do you transfer the love and belief you have for a product onto your customers, so they buy like crazy? (This is a metaphysical concept I’ll share with you for the first time.) What is Hypnotic Writing, and how can you use it right away to create highly compelling sales letters and emails? Warning: this technique will put your customers into a buying ‘trance’. And you don’t have to be an expert copywriter to make a ton of sales. How can you build an email list of red hot buyers starting today? And make plenty of sales even with less than 100 subscribers? How can you multiply the size of your list just by sending out one email? (I’ll share with you the email message that consistently grows my list by 1,000 people each time!) What are some key words to sprinkle into your emails and sales letters that plant ‘mental images’ in your readers, and that makes them react in your favor? How do you build a powerful bond with your email subscribers, so they look forward to getting your emails and LOVE clicking on your links, going to your website, and buying from you? What can you give away for free that entices your visitors to sign up for your email list? (Watch your list grow rapidly!) What’s the one thing you MUST do after every milestone and every financial goal you hit to ensure you keep succeeding? (Again, no one’s told you this little ‘trick’. It will keep increasing your income.) And much more! [](http://CBSC.cbsecret11.pay.clickbank.net?sku=1305729028)
So How Is This Program Different From Anything Else You’ve Tried?
Now I can hear your mind again…
“How do I know for sure this is going to work? And will I get all the pieces I need?”
My business partner, Pat O’Bryan (who’s also the co-creator of this training course), was driving with me out of town one day…
We were talking about ideas and opportunities, until he suddenly turned to me and said “why don’t you create a ClickBank training course that combines marketing with mindset? No one’s ever done that before!”
We’ve both learned through years of trial and error, and through our own products and services and our customers’ feedback, that unless you take care of the mindset and the marketing…
Chances for success are next to nil.
So Pat suggested I put my thinking cap on, and reflect on everything I’ve done to be successful in ClickBank marketing and in metaphysics…and how I’ve combined those two things to succeed.
I started to write down my formula, and we went back and forth to refine it, fine tune it, and made sure NOTHING was left out to ensure your success. And we came up with 7 steps for the formula.
Simply put, the ClickBank Secret Code has never been copied, and nothing like it has ever come before.
By combining the mindset training with online marketing training, you’re unlocking what could be the greatest marketing one-two punch in history.
And I say that with a straight face.
You’re getting this training from someone who’s considered around the world as the leading authority on eliminating limiting beliefs, having the mindset for success, metaphysics for wealth, and creating spiritual and business success.
I’ve written countless books on the subject, and people come to me everyday telling me how their life has completely changed through my teachings.
That’s why I know without a doubt why some people FAIL, and why some people succeed. I know it immediately.
In this training program, I pinpoint the exact problem, and I hand you the solution!
It’s up to you to take it.
“So What Do I Get?”
Good question.
Here’s what you’re getting when you [order the ClickBank Secret Code today](http://CBSC.cbsecret11.pay.clickbank.net?sku=1305729028)…
You’ll get all 7 steps of the ClickBank Secret Code in downloadable audio format (MP3s)—each audio has me talk you through every step of the formula completely and thoroughly:
Introduction How to set your mind for success, blast away negative beliefs, and harness the ‘Law of Attraction’ to bring you wealth. How to pick the right product on ClickBank to sell as an affiliate, and how to create one from scratch that people will love. How to use my famous Hypnotic Writing techniques to create highly compelling emails and sales letters to pull in sales. How to build a highly responsive email list and develop a relationship with your subscribers. How to create emails for your list and get them to take action! How to get lots of affiliates to promote your product nonstop. How to ‘anchor’ your success so you keep making more money. Plus, the PDF transcripts for each of the 7 audios, so you can easily refer back to them as ‘notes’, or simply read them at your leisure or print them out and highlight.
Plus, to supplement your learning even further and give you that extra edge to explode your income, I’m throwing in these bonuses…
Bonus #1—Dr. Joe Vitale’s Hypnotic Writing (2-part video training) - In these two videos, I’ll walk you through and show you exactly how to write ‘hypnotically’, so creating money-generating messages will become second nature to you!
Bonus #2—Craig Perrine’s Lists and Email Marketing (2-part video training) - In these videos, my good friend and highly successful entrepreneur Craig Perrine will show you a bulletproof email marketing and list building strategy that’s sure to make you rich.
Bonus #3—“The Awakening” Session - Here’s a recording of a presentation I gave in front of a large crowd. It will awaken a new sense of power in you. When you become empowered after watching this, anything becomes possible for you. This bonus alone will take your income and success to new levels!
Bonus #4—The Hypnotic Marketing E-book - This highly popular and famous marketing e-book is probably worth the price of admission alone. It will show you exactly how to put your online marketing on ‘steroids’ in 3 simple steps:
How to use Hypnotic Publicity to drive insane amounts of traffic. How to create Hypnotic Websites with forbidden persuasion techniques. And how to write Hypnotic Emails to increase your sales by up to 317%!
Bonus #5—Attract Money Now e-book - In 7 steps, I’ll show you how to really blast through your negative thoughts and beliefs, and take on spiritual practices that’ll make attracting money as easy as breathing. Get ready to build powerful habits that will make success a part of your DNA.
Bonus #6—My Confidential Advanced Writing Course - This e-book is for those who have learned and mastered my Hypnotic Writing course. It’s the next level in creating highly persuasive messages for your email list and website visitors to take your sales to new heights.
Bonus #7—Money From Anywhere e-book - This book was written by my business partner and co-instructor Pat O’Bryan. This will open your mind and create neuro-pathways in your brain to attract more money, more opportunities, more affiliates, and more income from places you never thought possible.
Bonus #8—The Clearing Audio - This MP3 track will blast through those self-sabotaging beliefs deeply embedded in your subconscious mind. And it will replace them with positive thoughts that will attract wealth and success to your life like magnets. This audio comes in 3 parts, with instructions!
Bonus #9—Public Domain Products - Want a quick way to have your own products to sell, or create powerful free reports to give away and build your list? This 8-part bonus will give you all you need to use ‘public domain’ products that people will want and you can easily start making money online!
Bonus #10—Pat O’Bryan’s Absolute Beginner’s Guide To Copywriting e-book - This is the instruction manual you need to write killer sales letters that convert the first time you write them. You need no experience, and you can sell practically any product.
So How Much Is It??
Let me start with one of the bonus trainings you’re getting today—the Hypnotic Marketing e-book.
When I taught Hypnotic Marketing to my first clients back in 1999, they each paid me a whopping $25,000 just to learn it. And their results were staggering.
This book is a culmination of years of marketing practices I used to bring me millions of dollars online. And I still use it today because it still works like gangbusters.
Just like all the other bonuses and trainings you’re getting with the ClickBank Secret Code, it’s based on time-tested proven principles that work today, and will years and years from now.
Also, the core 7-steps of the ClickBank Code generated close to 10,000 sales in just a few days for my “Wealth Trigger” product, and that product has made me over half a million dollars alone.
I’m throwing huge numbers at you to show you the massive value you’re getting here. And to show you what’s possible for you once you apply this training for your online business.
And don’t forget about the life-changing experience you’re going to have just by going through the mindset training alone. That’s priceless.
Combine this with all the other 9 bonuses, and you’re easily looking at 7-figures worth of online business training. We use all these trainings to make millions of dollars ourselves.
But I’m not going to charge you a million dollars for this training course (although I’d probably be justified). In fact, I won’t even charge you ten thousand dollars…or even $1,000 for this package.
Because I want to make it a total no-brainer for you to get it.
And I’m more interested in changing your life and making you a believer and a loyal follower of my stuff, than to make a big sale off of you.
I want to make your life easy because you deserve a break.
That’s why I’ll let you practically steal the ClickBank Secret Code training with all of its bonuses…for [just $39 today](http://CBSC.cbsecret11.pay.clickbank.net?sku=1305729028).
I’m letting you get away with highway robbery. So take it!
And if you’re still not sure about this, take my iron clad money-back guarantee with it…
Still Unsure? Did You Know That I’ve Made This Offer 100% Completely No-Risk For You, Plus I Offer A Full 60-Day No-Questions-Asked Money Back Guarantee?
I’ve already seen what this information has done for my ClickBank business.
And I’ve seen what happens to others when they combine the right mindset with a proven, fail-proof marketing system.
That’s why this online business training is the very first of it’s kind. The results are staggering.
I want to see YOU have the same results, too.
So look…
I know for a fact, 100% NO question that this information is powerful and the ClickBank Secret Code works.
And when you use the metaphysics and mindset training, combined with the 7-step marketing system, it’s like pouring a gallon of rocket fuel onto a lit match.
It explodes.
I understand that you may be skeptical. You may be wondering if this is the typical long sales letter full of hype and promises that someone can’t keep.
I respect that, but I want to tell you…
Because I want to make 100% sure that you are happy with your purchase…
Because I want to make 100% sure that you’ll see results from your ClickBank marketing efforts…
Because I want you to become highly successful in marketing your business, website, and your ClickBank products…
Because I want to make sure that you feel 100% comfortable with your purchase today, here’s my promise to you:
If for any reason whatsoever you feel that the information in ClickBank Secret Code wasn’t worth at least 10 times the $39 you paid…
I’ll gladly refund you the full investment, no questions asked.
And you can even have a full 60 days to try all of the steps you’ll learn in all of your materials, plus the bonuses.
Your Secure, Risk-Free Acceptance Form
Yes, Joe! I’m more than ready to get my hands on the brand new ClickBank Secret Code instantly for [only $39.](http://CBSC.cbsecret11.pay.clickbank.net?sku=1305729028)
I understand my satisfaction is 100% guaranteed with your no-questions-asked 60-day money back guarantee.
Immediately after ordering the book, I understand that I’ll receive [instant access](http://CBSC.cbsecret11.pay.clickbank.net?sku=1305729028) to a password-protected site so I can access everything immediately.
Once in the password-protected site, I’ll immediately be able to access all of the incredible information on ClickBank Marketing…including:
All 7 steps of the ClickBank Secret Code in downloadable audio MP3s—Each audio will walk me through every step of the formula completely and thoroughly.
Plus, the PDF transcripts for each of the 7 audios, so I can easily refer back to them as ‘notes’, or simply read them at my leisure or print them out and highlight.
Plus…I’ll get the following 10 bonuses:
Bonus #1 - Dr. Joe Vitale’s Hypnotic Writing (2-part video training)
Bonus #2 - Craig Perrine’s Lists and Email Marketing (2-part video)
Bonus #3 - “The Awakening” Session
Bonus #4 - The Hypnotic Marketing e-book
Bonus #5 - Attract Money Now e-book
Bonus #6 - My Confidential Advanced Writing Course
Bonus #7 - Money From Anywhere e-book
Bonus #8 - The Clearing Audio
Bonus #9 - Public Domain First Aid Kit
Bonus #10 - Pat O’Bryan’s Absolute Beginner’s Guide To Copywriting e-book
I also understand my order will be processed on a totally secured server, and once it is processed, the ClickBank Secret Code and everything else above will be available for me to [download immediatel](http://CBSC.cbsecret11.pay.clickbank.net?sku=1305729028)y.
Finally, I also understand ClickBank Secret Code comes with a 60 day, 100% no-questions-asked money back guarantee.
If for any reason I am not completely satisfied, I will receive a prompt 100% refund of the full purchase price.
Yes! I Want Instant Access To The [ClickBank Secret Code](http://CBSC.cbsecret11.pay.clickbank.net?sku=1305729028) And Start Building A Wildly Successful Online Business Now
Ordering is fast, easy, and 100% secure.You will have immediate access to everything once you place your order.
You’re now at the most critical fork in the road for your financial future.
That’s a bold claim, but I truly believe it. Because you now get to decide what path you’re going to take, and there are only two choices…
You’re either going to take the ‘blue pill’ and forget about everything I’ve told you about what the ClickBank Secret Code will do for your life…
Or you’re going to take the [‘red pill’](http://CBSC.cbsecret11.pay.clickbank.net?sku=1305729028) and go down the path to [endless financial freedom and success](http://CBSC.cbsecret11.pay.clickbank.net?sku=1305729028) by finally breaking free of the chains that have held you back.
You can continue to keep doing what you’ve been doing, and try all kinds of other business opportunities, training programs, and ‘shiny objects’ that are supposed to be the ‘next best thing’.
But I guarantee you, unless you clear the mental blocks that are preventing you from truly succeeding, and then combine that with a proven, time-tested online marketing system…
You’re going to severely limit your success at best. At worst, you’re just going to struggle.
Right now you have the opportunity to learn from a certified ClickBank top-seller (me). I’ve been a top-seller for ClickBank for over a decade now. And I’m handing you my top secret formula.
No one else has combined mindset training with marketing knowledge to help you build a hundred thousand dollar, to a million-dollar online business. You won’t find it anywhere else.
You can make the choice right now.
But if you decide ‘no’…I’ll still be helping out countless others to break through to massive success…and I’ll still be making enough money to buy cars as a hobby.
So it’s up to you…
Decide right now to become [financially free, wealthy, and secure](http://CBSC.cbsecret11.pay.clickbank.net?sku=1305729028) by clicking the link below. You’ve got nothing to lose and everything to gain!
Yes! I Want [Instant Access](http://CBSC.cbsecret11.pay.clickbank.net?sku=1305729028) To The ClickBank Secret Code And Start Building A Wildly Successful Online Business Now
Dr. Joe Vitale
P.S. What do you get when you combine powerful mind training with a fail-proof online marketing strategy? The [ClickBank Secret Code](http://CBSC.cbsecret11.pay.clickbank.net?sku=1305729028). For the first time in history you’re getting a bulletproof, money-making online system that combines both ‘mind’ training and marketing strategy so you can blast through your hurdles and build a successful online business. And you’re going to learn it from the world renowned expert and a certified ClickBank top-10 seller!
P.P.S. ClickBank is one of the #1 places to go to make an income online. But once you get there, what do you do? ClickBank gives you NO marketing training on how to make money.
You’re now getting the step-by-step proven formula that has allowed me to make millions of dollars on ClickBank, and become a certified top-seller. I’ve had several products listed in the top 10 of ClickBank for over 10 years. So you’re learning from one of the masters.
P.P.P.S. I’ve written 53 books (last time I counted), and over 20 of them have been best-sellers. My passion is writing books on spirituality, helping you blast through inner resistance and negative beliefs that sabotage your success, and applying Hypnotic marketing techniques to make an endless income.
I’ve used these techniques to live a life most people only dream about, and I’ve taught many people how to do the same. I’ve been blessed to be on several TV talk shows and movies to reach out to countless people, and now I want to [help YOU make a ton of money online!](http://CBSC.cbsecret11.pay.clickbank.net?sku=1305729028)
[Get The ClickBank Secret Code](http://CBSC.cbsecret11.pay.clickbank.net?sku=1305729028)
Along With 10 Bonuses Right Now For A
[Ridiculously Low Price Of $39](http://CBSC.cbsecret11.pay.clickbank.net?sku=1305729028)
CLICKBANK® is a registered trademark of Click Sales, Inc. and used by permission. HMI, PMI and/or Dr. Vitale or Pat O’Bryan is not an authorized agent or representative of Click Sales, Inc. Click Sales, Inc. has not reviewed, approved or endorsed ClickBank Secret Code, or any claim, statement or opinion made by HMI, PMI and/or Dr. Vitale or Pat O’Bryan. All other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
(1) Disclaimer Regarding Expectations of Results – Please be advised that due to the nature of the products which Hypnotic Marketing Inc. (“HMI”), Practical Metaphysics (“PMI”), Joe Vitale and Pat O’Bryan are selling, there is no possibility of substantiating any claimed results made or supplying any objective evidence, whether financial, business related, spiritual or otherwise. It can be assumed that no results are to be expected as a result of one’s purchase of these products. HMI, PMI and/or Dr. Vitale, Pat O’Bryan do not and cannot make any representations, promises or guarantees of the effectiveness of his products. That being said, HMI, PMI and/or Dr. Vitale, Pat O’Bryan and their associates, partners and affiliates firmly believe in the effectiveness of hard work and the power of positive thought and that, more than anything, is what they are selling and teaching. Joe and Pat believe, that if you believe, anything can happen.
(2) Disclosure Regarding Endorsements and Testimonials – Some of the people quoted throughout the website, whether consumers, celebrities, experts or otherwise, have benefited in some way in return for their testimonial or endorsement of the product. Many of the endorsements are simply unsolicited emails, calls or blogs from contented customers but other endorsers have received free products, financial benefits, promotions of their products by HMI, PMI and/or Dr. Vitale, Pat O’Bryan in return for their endorsement or other benefit in return for their statements. Often testimonials and endorsements are posted by a seller of a product and afterward there is no further contact between the endorser and the seller and no way for the seller to follow up with the endorser; therefore, it is possible that some of the endorsers no longer have the same opinion which they expressed previously. HMI, PMI and/or Dr. Vitale, Pat O’Bryan are taking actions to limit this possibility and they shall, upon notice of any changes, immediately reflect any such changes in their marketing materials.
(3) Disclosure Regarding Affiliates and Bloggers – Please note that there are many people out there endorsing and blogging about HMI, PMI and/or Dr. Vitale, Pat O’Bryan’s products. Many, if not all, of these people may be compensated in some way or may benefit from their relationship to HMI, PMI and/or Dr. Vitale, Pat O’Bryan and their products. Any claims made by these affiliates which are not likewise made in the materials on mrfire.com, patobryan.com or other websites accessible from mrfire.com or patobryan.com or controlled by HMI, PMI and/or Dr. Vitale, Pat O’Bryan cannot necessarily be relied upon and are unauthorized by HMI, PMI and/or Dr. Vitale, Pat O’Bryan. HMI, PMI and/or Dr. Vitale, Pat O’Bryan and the sites through which affiliates sell their products require that such parties are familiar with the FTC requirements and such parties also acknowledge that they are not authorized to make any claims or representations which are not authorized by HMI, PMI and/or Dr. Vitale, Pat O’Bryan. Unfortunately, despite the efforts of HMI, PMI and/or Dr. Vitale, Pat O’Bryan, it is extremely difficult to follow up on every affiliate and every posting. If you as a consumer have any questions about information being supplied by others, PLEASE contact HMI, PMI and/or Dr. Vitale, Pat O’Bryan directly.
(4) Disclosure Regarding Endorsements by HMI, PMI and/or Dr. Vitale, Pat O’Bryan – Please be advised that there is a connection between the seller of the endorsed product and HMI, PMI and/or Dr. Vitale, Pat O’Bryan. The sellers of the endorsed products have either supplied the product to HMI, PMI and/or Dr. Vitale, Pat O’Bryan free of charge or HMI, PMI and/or Dr. Vitale, Pat O’Bryan receives a financial benefit or other benefit as a result of promoting sales of such products. Such material connection notwithstanding, HMI, PMI and/or Dr. Vitale, Pat O’Bryan’s strict policy is to only endorse products which Joe and Pat truly believe in.
© 2011 Milagro Research Institute. All rights reserved. Questions? Email [pat@patobryan.com](mailto:pat@patobryan.com)