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Tap Into The Formula That Determines Your Destiny!

Only $27

Did You Know That There Is A Formula That Determines Your Destiny??

A formula that decides whether you’ll be a success or a failure…

Rich or poor…

Happy or depressed…

Some people have this formula and use it to their advantage.

You’ve seen these people before… you might even know some of them.

They’re the folks that seem to get lucky. Things just fall into place for them… they are happy, successful, and no matter what’s going on in the world, they’re always ahead…

They have extra cash at the end of the month, they sleep well at night, and above all things, they know where they are going…

They attract the best partners, are the best parents, and garner the most respect from their peers. They have the brightest smiles, and they love the deepest…

And it comes out a source of true abundance. There is always enough money, more than enough love, and happiness is exponential.

Unfortunately, not everyone as the formula… in fact, most people go through life desperately hoping that it finds them…

And the good news for you today is that you’re about to tap into the formula that has made so many people successful, happy, and respected… even if your path has been filled with disappointment, failure, and depression until now.

If you’re like me, then before you discovered the formula, you compared yourself to those that did, and you found that you always come up short…

There is never enough money, bills come up short at the end of the month, you feel a lack of respect from your peers… and you feel a sense of inadequacy that keeps you depressed no matter what your circumstances are.

There is no abundance for people who don’t have the formula.

It’s like those other people have something that you don’t…

And you know what? They do.

The Secret Formula…

Don’t worry, it’s not your fault… you just don’t know the formula.

And the good news is that the formula is easy to discover, free to use, and works quickly to completely change your life, your fortune, and your destiny.

And at the end of this short presentation, you’ll be equipped with the exact formula you need to break through all barriers, overcome all obstacles, and live a life that is full of endless abundance, attracting all the happiness, respect, and fulfillment you can handle…

In fact, in just a few minutes from now, you can be armed with the key to unlock total abundance in your life – total financial freedom, total happiness, and an end to debilitating depression, uneasiness, and second guessing.

But in the end, the choice is going to be yours.

Sound too good to be true?

I know that’s what you’re thinking. And that’s ok. I wouldn’t have believed it either. So to prove it to you, I’m going to give you the simple formula that changed my life and took me from a depressed, dead-broke truck driver to a happy, admired, respected man who’s enjoying life and not having to worry about bills EVER AGAIN!

I’m not bragging – it’s a simple formula that changed my life… and not just mine, but thousands of other people throughout the world.

My name is Jason Drohn. And just like you probably felt at some point in your life, everything seemed to be going “ok” for me for a good part of my life. I thought had a good life, even if I was just an average guy back then. I was making decent money and I felt comfortable, whatever that means.

Like you, I was happy being mediocre, because that’s what was comfortable.

Then, right when things were supposed to be leveling off and getting easier for me, my business took a sudden nose dive.

And so did I.

My life absolutely imploded.

Overnight, my income, my self worth, my self respect, and happiness went up in smoke.

And shortly after, I burned through all the money in my savings just to try and stay afloat.

I was too proud to ask anyone for help because I couldn’t swallow my pride, but I also knew that I needed help BADLY…

And that sent me circling through a whirlwind, wondering who I was, where I was going, and what the hell was next…

It damn near ruined me.

That year, I made less than $6000 all year. I had no money for food, and even less for utilities…

There wasn’t a Christmas or a Thanksgiving.

No birthdays.

I remember sitting outside the house on the porch steps thinking that the only thing moving was time. And I wished it would just stop.

I was depressed.

And not the “having a bad day” kind of depressed…

I mean the “boy, those pills would make a nice dinner” kind of depressed.

I was a mess.

In fact, there was a point at which I felt as if there was nowhere to turn… no one to talk to… I was totally alone.

And in a moment of deep, dark, despair… I picked up the phone and called the Suicide Prevention Hotline.

Pathetic? Maybe. But I just had to know that there are people who have overcome unbelievable odds and turned their life around to be in a place of total abundance, wealth, and happiness.

There are. I am one of them. And you’re about to enjoy it, too. But that part comes in a few minutes…

I believe that everyone goes through a dark time like that.

Don’t Settle…

A time that feels hopeless, destitute…

Like you’re at a dead end.

As if your life is not going to change beyond this point…

And you simply don’t want to go on.

If you’re in that place…

That place of total emptiness…

That place of feel unworthy, stressed, and lost…

Guess what?

I envy you.

I know that sounds crazy… but you’re in a wonderful spot right now.

Not because depression is fun, or because you enjoy sleepless nights worrying about bills, relationships, and your future…

No… that part sucks, and I’ll give you that.

You’re in an envious spot because you’re at a turning point that will allow you to experience a glorious, positive change in your life, giving you an abundance wealth, happiness, respect and admiration.

You see, it’s been proven throughout history that the greatest successes come IMMEDIATELY following a major setback.

Over and over, it has been proven that the times of greatest prosperity and happiness come immediately after a time of total despair.

And that’s because your darkest times are actually your greatest opportunities to do amazing things…

That decision point is your best shot at total happiness, and it’s your most defined opportunity to make a MAJOR shift in your life.

And you need to act quickly. Opportunities like this only come around once in awhile, and if you’re like me… you hope that that dark period never comes around again.

In fact, in a short time, your brain will quickly put up defense mechanisms that block depression and anxiety… and while you may feel better, you will never have the opportunity to make a massive shift in your destiny ever again.

Unfortunately for most people, they never realize that their setbacks are actually opportunities, and they get stuck feeling depressed, anxious, and in a constant state of lack.

As a result, their brains put up defense mechanisms that trap them into mediocrity, and they never get the opportunity to experience a major change again.

So right now, you have a choice.

You can choose to be like almost everyone else, stay mediocre, and always wonder about the meaning in your life, always struggle to make ends meet, and never breaks out of the emotional funk that everyone occasionally finds themselves in…

Or you can choose to apply a simple formula for abundance to RAPIDLY change your circumstances, experience true joy and happiness, automatically attract wealth and prosperity, and quickly become a respected and admired version of your former self…

Once again, it comes down to a simple formula…

Pain And Heartache

Now, I know that you’re skeptical, so allow me to finish my story…

As you know, periods of pain and heartache can often bring about incredible mental clarity…

And as I studied some of the greatest leaders throughout history, people who had overcome unbelievable odds to experience total wealth and abundance after a major setback, I began to notice similarities in their approach…

There were very distinct differences in how they responded and what they did next…

They carried themselves differently, and things started to fall into place for them.

As I pieced together exactly who they were and what they did, it all began to come together…

It was as if they each had a formula that they followed, and that formula made all the difference between their successes and failures, their happiness and their depression… and they simply knew how to use it to their advantage.

I came to find that that was exactly the case.

During one of my darkest moments, I had a realization of their formula and started to use it in my own life, and the results can only be portrayed as being magical or miraculous.

And very soon, I started to slowly and surely climb out of my dark times.

It was slow for me at first, because I didn’t really believe that the formula would work… but as I’ve shared this with others, they’ve experienced RAPID change, RAPID growth, and total abundance faster than you ever thought possible.

I started to see myself as being ‘removed’ from the situation of being broke and being depressed, almost as if it was happening to someone else.

The Change

Immediately, I started acting as if I was successful and wealthy.

I started making decisions and CREATING my own destiny.

No longer was I that little kid, locked in the basement of depression and despair.

I was now the guy who had conquered it and was looking back on it laughing!

Feeling invincible.

Feeling untouchable.

Feeling as if I battled the biggest, darkest monster on the planet and won!

[this change is rapid - we can definitely ham up the change, what emotions were felt, and what that allowed you to do, and what that means for the reader]

Right now, as I sit here talking to you, I can honestly say that I’m thankful for those dark times.

I learned more about myself in that year than I EVER could have, in a lifetime. And after we work together, you’ll be very thankful for those dark times in your life, as well.

Pain does weird things to you.

It makes you understand life a lot better.

You see more clearly and make choices more intelligently.

You appreciate EVERY INTRICACY of life!

And if you’re open to it, pain also brings you to opportunities that you otherwise would not have been privileged to discover.

You have one in front of you today, and that is the opportunity to create a totally abundant life for both yourself and your family.

You can get started in just a few seconds by clicking the button below this video to get access to The Abundance Formula, the exact step-by-step plan you need to overcome obstacles and create total abundance in your life.

Earlier this year, I was sitting in my living room, and it was totally quiet…

…until furnace kicked on and started blowing warm air into the room.

I sat back in my chair and smiled.

In 2009, I had my electric shut off.


Now, the simple sound of the heater kicking on brings about instant joy, because I can ENJOY knowing that the house is going to be warm throughout the day AND I CAN AFFORD TO PAY FOR IT!!

What simple joys would you be thankful for when all your bills are paid and your life has total abundance?

One thing that I have come to absolutely love is birds.

A few years ago, we didn’t have enough money to buy bird seed to feed the birds.

They’d fly over to the bird feeder in the tree, looking for food, and see nothing.

They’d land, squawk a little expressing their frustration by not having food, and then fly over to the neighbors.

But in that time that I couldn’t afford to feed them, they stopped stopping by after a few weeks of not having bird seed…

Now, what can I say. I’ve got 5 bird feeders in the same tree. And another 3 hanging on the side of the porch.

I fill those things up every day as part of my morning ritual.

It’s amazing how much you take for granted when it’s ALL ripped away from you…

And you’d do anything just to get it back…

The reason I was able to not just recover, but THRIVE is simple…

The Step By Step Formula

I discovered the simple formula for abundance, and I turned my “valley in life” into a major blessing…

And you’re about to tap into the power of that same step-by-step formula.

Look, setbacks happen to the best of us.

Everyone has times in their life when they feel lost, hopeless, and depressed. I know, because I’ve been there, and I’ve coached countless other people through it.

The sad truth, though, is that most people get stuck there…

At unsuspecting times.

In unsuspecting places.

Well, what if you knew, beyond a shadow of doubt, that you were able to USE that despair and depression TO YOUR BENEFIT…

Once again, almost ALL insanely successful people experienced their greatest success RIGHT AFTER a time of incredible disappointment!

THIS is your golden opportunity!

But you NEED to have the formula for abundance…

So that it gives you the FIRE you need to accomplish your goals.

To get your life back on course…

To start living the life you DESERVE!

Listen, I know that your life is not where you want it to be right now. Are you experiencing true abundance?

I remember what it was like to be depressed beyond belief.

To not have anything to live for.

To not want to wake up in the morning.

I put this video together today to give you hope.

To let you know that there is an answer!

Not just masking it with distractions.

Not just getting meds from a doctor.

But an answer for total abundance, locked inside your own brain.

You have the potential for abundance right now… and if you’re experiencing trial and hardship right now, then your potential is MAGNIFIED…

Take A Minute With Me

I want you to take a minute with me.

Close your eyes.

Listen to my voice.

You can do this. I know you can.

Just close your eyes.

Now, imagine sitting on your bed in your bedroom.

Looking down, you notice a box at your feet.

It’s a big black one.

There is a little blue bow around it.

There’s a lid off to the side sitting against the box.

Now, look up.

Pay attention to how you’re breathing.

Are they quick shallow breaths?

Are they big breaths?

How are you sitting?

How are your arms sitting?

Are they on your lap?

Are they down at your side?

Now, think about what are you feeling.

What kind of emotions are going on in your head.

What are you worried about?

What are you depressed about?

What is the cause of your struggling?

Is it bills or a relationship or some sort of trouble?

Is it money? Or not having enough?

Now, imagine taking those thoughts out of your head and placing them in the big black box.

Crumple them up and throw them away.

Put the lid that was leaning again the side of the box, and place it on the top.

The blue ribbon.

Tie it at the top.

Lock those fears and thoughts away forever.

Seal that struggle away, never to return.



Push the box under your bed.

Don’t give it a second thought.

Get up and walk out of the room, away from your troubles and your demons.

Away from the hardship and struggle.

Now, slowly open up your eyes.

How do you feel?

Do you feel like a pressure has just been relieved?

Like the tension that was in there air isn’t there any more?

That’s how I felt the first time I did that exercise.

It was a powerful thing for me.

It let me disconnect my thoughts and struggles from my own existence, so that I was free to live without having all that emotional baggage rolling around in my mind.

That was the first step in the process.

The most important one.

What followed was something more revolutionary though.

More earth changing.

What I discovered was that it was truly possible to CREATE the life of your dreams.

To literally take fate by the horns and yell, you will give me this!

This wasn’t about theory for me.

It was about actually living this out and going from someone with NOTHING to someone with EVERYTHING in a matter of a few, short years.

No drugs.

No prescriptions.

No government aid.

No doctors or hospitals.

All it was was a very simple strategy I like the call the Abundance Formula.

The Abundance Formula was my rescue from the deep, dark hole of despair, loneliness and depression.

It was my step-by-step action plan for creating a better life.

In fact, as you read the pages, you’ll see that I wrote the book for myself and a few family members – so that I would remember where I came from and had a reference to go back and relive my past…

So that it would never repeat itself!

And so that people I cared about could take ANY trial and turn it into MASSIVE opportunity!

The Abundance Formula

Upon publishing it, I sent it to a few friends who then sent it to a few friends…

And then I started to hear stories about how it was changing lives.

The formula is rather extraordinary in nature.

It deals with self assessment, goals and planning and taking action. [needs benefits]

It also dives into education and surroundings and what to do with both to ensure your success in life. [needs benefits]

But the message is more than that.

The Abundance Formula is a way to LIVE.

Live each and every day, so as to appreciate fully, every breath, every life, every smile.

Live accomplishing dreams and conquering goals that you set for yourself.

Live a life of achievement and victory that you will look back on WITH PRIDE knowing that you did your best, every day, without fault.

Best yet though…

Living a life of joy and happiness and prosperity.

You see, when you start living your life with purpose, you start to do magical things.

Opportunities show themselves in the weirdest of places.

Doors open for you that would have never opened before.

You soon find yourself in situations that are so grand and unexpected that you’d think you were dreaming!

You start to feel successful.

You start to wake up in the morning with joy and purpose.

You begin feeling THANKFUL for everything you’ve been giving AND everything that you’ve gone through…

And that’s just the start.

Now, I invite you to take a little journey with me.

I wrote Abundance Formula so that other’s may find their way out of the darkness, using a proven strategy that’s worked for hundreds before you.

I truly believe that it is the single most powerful guide on the planet for breaking free of depression and despair.

I don’t think that there is ANY problem so big that Abundance Formula can’t handle.

For that reason, I want to offer you the Abundance Formula for the price of only $27.

For $27, you’ll get instant access to the Abundance Formula ebook, which includes over 60 pages of actionable, life changing content.


Only $27

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You’ll be able to finally break free from the depression you wake up every day feeling.

You’ll be able to start living your life to the fullest, without pain and suffering and sorrow.

You’ll be able to begin feeling as if you’re life MEANS something bigger than you!

You’ll find joy in the simplest of things like listening to the rain or seeing someone smile.

You’ll be able to finally starting feeling as if you DESERVE the best that life has to offer!

All you have to do is click the button below this video to get started.

Now, if you’re feeling even a little bit weird about buying something online, don’t.

Money Back Guarantee

You’re purchase is backed by our 60-Day, 100% Money Back Guarantee.

If you, for any reason, decide that you don’t like the book or aren’t happy with your purchase, we’ll refund your money ASAP!

I know that you’re probably skeptical right now, so allow me to issue you a challenge… give me a few days.

Unless there is a tragic accident, you will never be able to “unlearn” what you are about to discover.

And as a result, your life will never be the same.

Your Future Self

In truth, I’m excited for you… even envious of you… because you’re about to embark on a journey that is totally life changing.

A journey that will take you from where you are now (whatever that means), to a life of total abundance.

No play along with me and picture yourself six months from now… things have totally changed for you. For the first time in your life, you are experiencing true abundance and freedom.

You are happy. Successful. It’s amazing how far you’ve come in the last six months.

Imagine yourself as that successful person just six months from now.

Now as you picture your future self, who is totally happy and living a totally abundant life, talk to yourself today.

Turn to your present self… the self that is skeptical right now…

Does your happy, abundant future self tell you to pass on this life changing opportunity?

No… you care about yourself more than that.

That’s the choice that you have right now.

Your entire life has built up to this point. All of your disappointments, failures, and frustrations have just prepared you for the abundant life that you’re about to embark upon.

This is your chance to grab life by the horns and experience true abundance.

Few people make the right choice, but you’ve been given a unique opportunity. Choose wisely.

Before we part ways, I do want to tell you something.

You do deserve the best.

Using The Abundance Formula, I was able to pinpoint the problem and correct it.

And life has been infinitely better because of it!

Take out your journal and write, “I deserve the best.”

Read that simple statement before you go to bed and once when you wake up.

Read it aloud.

It will make all the difference in the world.

If you have any questions about your purchase, please send an email to our support desk at support@axiiummedia.zendesk.com. It will ensure that it gets answered in a timely manner!


Jason & Ryan

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