If they don't reveal their eBay ID don't trust them...
Discover how a real life eBay PowerSeller who actually trades on eBay has legally built a list of over 26,000, 27,000, 28,000 subscribers and legally drives 1000s of visitors to his websites using online auctions and the viral power of eBay.
- John Thornhill -
eBay member "planetsms"
[ ](http://stores.ebay.com/PlanetSMS)
From The Home Office of John Thornhill
eBay PowerSeller, Internet Marketer And Best Selling eBook Author.
Before we get started I am going to point one thing out. Have you noticed I have already revealed my eBay ID? How often do you see that? I would also like to point out this eBook is written by me and I have not hired some ghost-writer to write this eBook on my behalf. So you are getting proven methods from someone who actually makes a living online using eBay. Not some faceless marketer who doesn't even have an eBay account.
Now we have that out of the way lets get started ...
... I have a confession to make.
I know nothing about SEO, unique content, keywords, meta tags, backward linking, link exchanging, page ranking, sitemaps or anything else related to search engines. In fact Google could close tomorrow and I wouldn't care less. Why? because I do just fine without them:
Check out one of my traffic reports for January 2007.
Not bad for someone who can't optimise a website.
Auction traffic Explosion has been one of the primary sources of reading material for me over the last 6 months. For me Auction Traffic Explosion is a no fluff comprehensive guide to generating traffic to your websites and auctions.
This eBook is without a doubt a permanent fixture in my essential reading collection and I would recommend anyone to make it a fixture in theirs.
Thanks John for the great information and the steady flow of traffic. I owe you one!
Daniel Sumner
[ http://www.powersellerdiaries.com](http://www.powersellerdiaries.com/)
More Traffic = More Sales = More Money In The Bank.
You may not know this but there are over 30 different ways of driving traffic to your websites using eBay and information products. And it is all 100% compliant with eBay's terms. If you think about that it makes perfect sense, with the cost of Pay Per Click advertising rising all the time and the competition becoming more fierce everyday you can quite easily invest your hard earned cash into eBay and turn your auction visitors into lifetime customers. And this eBook will show you how.
I have been working with John for around 2 years now. He is the person that originally got me involved in the eBay and internet marketing scene.
Over those 2 years John has taught me endless amounts of valuable information - he is the ultimate eBay Guru!
Dan Thompson
Download the leaked chapter now for FREE!
Just enter your details below and you will receive
a special leaked chapter from the eBook.
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You are about to discover *proven* methods of driving traffic to your websites, squeeze pages and affiliate related offers. These are methods I have been using myself since 2004 and continue to use today. Most of these methods are still relatively unknown and you can start implementing these methods into your business within minutes.
You are about to discover proven methods such as:
Over 30 ways to drive auction traffic to your websites.
How you can use the tools eBay supplies to LEGALLY build your list.
How to LEGALLY put your web address into your auctions.
Why you should be selling info products and the tools you should be using.
How to turn your buyers into sellers that promote you and ultimately make you money.
How to turn auction visitors into subscribers.
Auction Traffic Explosion contains quality information on how to turn auction traffic into website traffic. As usual, explained simply and to the point so anyone can understand it. All of the traffic building methods shown are really easy to implement and I am already seeing excellent results from them!
Auction Traffic Explosion, yet another quality product from Planetsms!
Thanks John.
Colin Southgate
[ http://www.jonniesidea.co.uk](http://www.jonniesidea.co.uk)
So how much would you expect to pay for this sort of information from a genuine eBay PowerSeller?
$97.00 -