Glycemic Health News
Glycemic Health News
Many of the Publications today which discuss the Glycemic Index try
to imply that this is a weight loss program. That is a misleading
representation of what this program is all about.
The Glycemic Index is all about eating proper and healthy foods, pure
and simple. Yes, you will probably lose weight but that weight loss is
from eating proper foods, not avoiding foods.
There is no need to purchase special foods or packaged "weight loss"
programs. Simply follow some sensible ideas and concepts which we have
laid out in our book, Glycemic Health News. Purchasing this book is
well worth the investment.
According to the Center for Disease Control, obesity (and the serious
complications of Diabetes Type 2 is rapidly reaching epidemic
proportions in our Western Society, especially across the United
States. This is a condition of "insulin resistance" formerly seen in
those over 60 years of age.
Today, however, it is now found routinely in school children as young
as 8 or 9. There is NO CURE for diabetes - but you can sidestep around
it - or avoid it altogether - with our GLYCEMIC INDEX HEALTH PLAN.
Please take this warning seriously. A few minutes of your time spent
on this web page could save your life.
Is it your fault, or are you a victim?
Cause Number One: The Food Industry!
Madison Avenue, the center of the world of advertising, is the
primary Reason for social problems related to obesity. Madison Avenue
is regulated and funded by the entire food industry. The food industry
doesnt care if you grow fat from fast foods or processed foods. As
long as you are willing to pay for them, they will keep selling them
and their stocks will keep soaring for investors. The bottom line is
always "Profits". Follow the Money!
Cause Number Two: The Health Industry!
Madison Avenues clients include major Health food processing and
packaging manufacturers who promote widely advertised (on television)
weight loss programs. The truth is, these companies are reaping
billions from people aspiring to lose weight by selling them frozen
packaged meals.
You know the meals I am referring to. Diet foods that look absolutely
delicious on the package, but somehow dont look the same after heating
them up. But look at those beautiful pictures of what you are deceived
into believing is inside the package.
Now turn the package over and count the ingredients that arent even
food. Do you really want to eat something that reads like a chemical
The Glycemic Index Handbook of Health
A Sample of what is included:
* How to use our "Glycemic Index Chart" (GI Rankings) to easily
purchase and prepare the best possible produce and food products that
will result in your loss of weight in a minimum amount of time.
* Discover the absolute best and worst Glycemic Index foods.
* Do you like chocolate? Which candy bars can you eat to easily
satisfy your cravings for chocolate without gaining weight.
* Kill those horrible "between meals" cravings with sweet snacks or
guiltless fatty "fill-ups" that will end hunger pains - the very
reason why so many diets fail.
* How to cut through all the weight-loss lies and false information
that you read in books and magazines.
* Learn why 95% of dieters fail.
You Did Not Fail Your Last Diet!
Your Last Diet Failed You!
* How to send your motabolism soaring through the roof and lose
weight in no time with more energy than you could possibly imagine.
* Learn how to easily avoid the common mistakes other dieters make.
* Surprise! You will discover why so many people gain back whatever
weight they lose while dieting. Avoid this trap!
* Bonus feature! We provide access to many video tutorials to tell
you all you need to know about the Glucemic Health Plan.
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