This book will make you 100% porn free in 60 days!
(You’ll start to see the difference in few days)
People try all the things they can to quit porn addiction. But...
But only to find themselves watching porn again and again, and again.
Willpower hardly works against this addiction
That's why resolutions fails.
Many take resolutions to quit porn addiction, like “I’ll never watch porn again”. But only to find themselves watching porn just after few days or even few hours of their decision.
People usually fail to quit porn.
Because they don’t know what to do. They don’t know how to deal with their porn admiration.
People usually use resolutions and willpower to quit porn addiction. 99% of time, they fail to keep promises to themselves.
Is there any solution?
Use of willpower fails because porn is well penetrated in the deeper zones of your mind and being. This makes porn is a complicated problem to solve.
The only solution is right knowledge, right strategy and its right execution. That mean acting intelligently instead of exhausting your willpower and strength.
To quit porn completely, you need FOUR things.
A very clear understanding about your porn problem. The reasons and causes. A perfect strategy against your porn problem. A crystal clear action plan according to the strategy. Action according the action plan.
Very clear understanding about the following is also a must.
The ROOT CAUSE of your porn addiction. What makes you a porn addict? About your internal system (e.g. stress, anxiety...) which motivates you to watch porn. Why your mind always seek porn? About relapses. Why you get relapses? Why you keep on going back porn even after taking strong decisions to quit porn? About pornography and its effects. Why porn is so powerful? About withdrawal symptoms, the physical and mental troubles a porn addict will go through after quitting porn. And ultimately WHAT TO DO TO QUIT PORN. The strategy and actions.
Eliminate the root cause
No problem can be completely solved without understanding and eliminating its root cause.
There is a real reason behind every person's porn problem.
Unless you find your 'root cause' and eliminate it, you can’t just even think about quitting porn addiction, because unlike other problems, porn addiction is a ‘deeply’ penetrated problem.
I reveal you 10 reasons which create porn addiction to an individual and I’ll describe the actions needs to be taken to successfully eliminate it. Understanding this is VITAL to quit porn addiction.
What this book is all about?
You'll get everything you'll ever need to quit porn addiction from this eBook.
This book will,
It’ll enlighten you about the 'root cause’ of your porn problem. It’ll answer the question “Why you watch porn?”. It'll teach you how to treat the 'ROOT CAUSE'. It’ll reveal 10 common 'root causes' which pulls people to porn. It’ll educate you about your INTERNAL DRIVES which motivate you to watch porn. It teaches you how to deal with it. It’ll teach you about the ins and outs of pornography industry and the tools it uses to fascinate you. It’ll teach you the truth behind the ‘power of porn’. It’ll give you a complete step-by-step time based action plan to quit porn addiction completely. It’ll educate you about why relapses occur. And what you should do to stop it completely. It’ll educate you about the withdrawal symptoms you will face after quitting porn. It'll you how to cope with it rightfully. It’ll teach you how to live happily without porn or any other addictions.
You can just trust this book instead of wandering here and there for help or paying thousands of dollars for recovery programs. This eBook will help you to save time and money and energy (emotional energy) which you'll spent otherwise to cure your porn addiction.
The difference
Many books are out there about pornography, what makes this one special? Before I tell you that, let me tell you about the shortcomings of other materials around (which I personally experienced)
They do not address the root cause of porn addiction. Many are written by professionals. Not the people who really ‘suffered’ from it. They discuss mostly about the porn addiction. They do not focus on ‘How to quit porn addiction’. So readers end up reading a lot without getting much real value. They do not provide a step-by-step time based action plan to quit porn addiction. Instead, they mention certain 'tricks' or 'tips'. They don’t ‘connect’ to their readers minds. They lack compassionate and compelling language which motivate readers to take actions consistently.
Here are the 6 reasons which make this book different.
Addresses the root cause of porn addiction. Written by a former porn addict who knows what exactly what a porn addict is and what porn addiction is. Discusses exactly what a porn addict needs. Only what a porn addict needs. Provides a sharp strategy against porn. Provides a step-by-step time based action plan which the author developed and perfected by years of trial and error. As a former porn addict and a sufferer, the author ‘connects’ with the heart of a porn addict and provides great motivation to quit porn addiction.
To work against porn, you have two options.
Option One: You can crawl tons of websites for free and paid advice and tools to get you nowhere. This option is okay if you have the time and emotional energy to spend sifting through the garbage.
Option Two: You can trust one resource. You can invest in one high-quality product that shows you everything you need know about how to quit porn addiction. (I might be a little biased, but this option seems like the better one. Don’t you agree?)
My Promises to You…
Upon successful completion of the course in this book,
You'll certainly gain your command over porn. Porn will never be an issue to you anymore. YOU'LL NEVER WASTE YOUR PRECIOUS TIME AND LIFE ENERGY FOR PORN ANYMORE. You'll become more capable and confident thus fulfill your purpose in the world. You’ll understand how to enjoy your life without falling into addictions and fascinations.
100% Satisfaction Guarantee
I want you to feel as confident as I do that this guide will deliver the goods, so you have a full 60 days to play with it. If in that time you feel the book falls short, simply send it back and I’ll give you a prompt refund of the full purchase price.
100% satisfaction is guaranteed.
You'll quit porn for sure.
This EBook can be read with any PC with Microsoft Windows operating system. This is an .exe eBook which will open just by double clicking (no need of any other reader software). Your order can be paid using PayPal/Credit card. 100% privacy and secrecy is guarenteed. The name 'quitporn.net' or word 'porn' will never appear in your PayPal/Credit card statement. The name of the transaction will be "Clickbank"(Name of payment processor). Your EBook will be delivered immediately after your order.
Introductory price $18 USD.
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