Legacy Planner by Legacy Quest
Are you preserving life's most precious moments?
Legacy Planner's unique planning system helps you discover, preserve
and shape your personal legacy. The planner will help you define how
you will be remembered in this life and for generations to come. Don't
wait for tomorrow to start preserving what matters most.
Sharing Your Life With The Ones You Love
(Scroll through the pages of the Legacy Planner below)
How will you be remembered? Legacy Planner lets you reveal to the
ones you love, you're inner most life story first hand, from your
heart, as you want it told. Upon your passing, these documents can be
viewed by your posterity as they work through age old questions: Who
am I?, Where did I come from?
Often, those we love never get to know who we really are beyond their
superficial daily interactions with us. Understanding our character
strengths and weaknesses, and how we succeed, fail, and overcome
challenges are some of the most valuable lessons we can pass on. How
we worked toward overcoming challenges of faith, temptation, physical
limitations, or limitations imposed on our minds are stories that can
have a profound effects on generations to come. Sharing your
experiences gives dimension to the flatness of photos and video
snippets: mere fragments of the rich experience that is your life.
OFFER DETAILS: This is a limited time offer and not available in
stores! You get the Legacy Planner Guidebook, the electronic CD
version and immediate download of the Digital Interactive Legacy
Planner for one payment of $99.95 plus $6.95 shipping and handling.
Full Money Back Guarantee* . UT residents add sales tax. Allow 2-3
weeks for delivery.
*Customers must pay shipping on returns and product must be returned
before refund will be issued.