Get through this recession or just get rich!
Affiliate Marketing Provides Real Job Security!
Make an Online Income That Renews Itself Without Spending a Fortune, Exhausting Yourself or Waiting Endlessly for Profits That Never Come!
Isn't It About Time You Built a Little Nest Egg for Yourself?
Stop Squandering Your Time Looking For Jobs That Don't Exist and Get an Income Generating Plan With a Future!
Have you always wanted to be your own boss and make money online? Are you facing layoffs, U.S. dollar parity and other economic challenges!
It's time to get a back up plan and become your own boss!
Read my new ebook -
The Complete Guide to Affiliate Marketing
This is NOT just an eBook for newbies! I need to stress this because there is information in this new guide that can help you revive an affiliate business that has been "dead in the water" for some time.
Whether you are new to or familiar with affiliate marketing this eBook you will find a thorough, concise rundown on exactly how to multiply your online profits each and every week!
You will learn everything you ever needed to know about selling products from Clickbank and other affiliate networks in absolute detail complete with screenshots and links to tools I could not ever do without as a successful affiliate marketer because they give me that super cutting edge over the competition!
From the desk of Candyce Thompson
Dear Aspiring (or just plain jaded) Affiliate Marketer!
If you have landed on this page it is because you probably have visions of creating an online business for yourself that will accomplish all of the following ...
Free you from the dreariness of your nine to five working existence
Allow you to be your own boss so you can spend time with your kids, friends and pets
Build you a nice nest egg for your retirement, to buy a house, to take a vacation or to send your kids to school
Free up your time so you can do whatever you want including important hobbies and recreational activities (I like to play state of the art video games on my super snazzy computer and got out with the guys and play golf!)
Operate all by itself and make a profit with little or no maintenance from you
Give you an income that not only supports you full time but gives you money for all those little extra indulgences that you have always dreamed of having as well (like karate lessons for my son, trips to a five star health spa for my wife and that all terrain vehicle sitting in my driveway!)
These are the things that we all dream when we first get the idea to get into business online for ourselves. However can you trust that affiliate marketing can actually get you out of your current financial rut.
Let me assure you --this is no fly by night thing!
When it is done correctly, affiliate marketing can be a phenomenally profitable business, one in which you can literally make millions year after year after year.
In fact, there are a small band of so-called super affiliates who literally do make six-figure sums every month from their affiliate marketing activities, and there is no real reason why you can't join their ranks as a top seller.
However that ideal is not necessarily achieved easily we think. Many people end up investing a lot of capital only to end up with a website that does nothing for them except waste a lot of band width.
I have a lot to teach you when it comes to making a business plan for your affiliate endeavors.
For instance did you realize - some of the best affiliate marketers in the business don't even have a website?
If you are new to this business don't make the mistake of reaching too high too soon. Don't spend money on web designs, hosts and copywriting immediately. Don't develop products or fall for get rich quick schemes.
Instead start with basics by becoming an affiliate marketer without a website. This type of affiliate marketing is also known as bum marketing. Not only is this an easy and efficient way to make money it can teach you a lot about how to make a living on the internet in general.
If you follow the advice in this eBook I guarantee you - you will begin making money straight away! However how much money you make is directly related to how much effort you put into the business in the first place.
The bottom line is that it is very difficult to make a website that grinds out all of the money that you need to live. I know this from my own personal experience.
It is NO exaggeration to suggest that if you want to make money on the net, you can start doing so pretty much straight away as an affiliate marketer.
On top of this, because there are affiliate programs in almost every market, it doesn't matter what kind of product you want to promote as it is likely that there will be an affiliate program that matches your objectives.
However I highly recommend that you also find an affiliate program that matches your interests! This is because you will feel much more motivated to sell something that you are actually enthusiastic about rather than selling something that statistics show is popular.
In fact, I devote an entire chapter in The Complete Guide to Affiliate Marketing that is specifically all about this topic. I tell you why it can be a big mistake to just "follow the crowd" if you are in this business! Just because someone else is selling something successfully does not mean you should sell it too!
I am a big believer in the "Do What You Love and The Money Will Come" approach to business. I do think you have to be a little intuitive to succeed.
Furthermore I also believe that you "sow what you reap!" This old cliche definitely does apply to affiliate marketing.
Most people who get into affiliate marketing do soon a part-time basis, usually working from home in the evening and at weekends. They treat affiliate marketing as a pastime or a hobby, something to do in your spare time that might generate a little extra cash.
This is the wrong attitude to have if you really do want to make millions because it is absolutely essential that you treat your affiliate marketing activities as a real business from the start.
Irrespective of whether you can dedicate 10 minutes or 10 hours to affiliate marketing every day, it is a genuine business which needs a great deal of attention! It should be more than a hobby if you really want to strike it rich.
People think freelancers get more time off than other people!!
Not at first!
If you want to make money it is going to take some hours at the computer setting up all of your affiliate accounts and creating a business plan that WORKS!
In The Complete Guide to Affiliate Marketing I teach you how to make this into a business so you can make real money! I teach you -
Why it is important to have a business plan and how easy it is to just sink into a lethargic, money sucking mess if you are not well organized from the get-go!
Why you need to sit down and create goals that are realistic and help you make deadlines and compete with yourself
Why it is a mistake to think that this kind of business will take care of itself completely even if it is automated and why you need to be a little bit hands on with it (at least at first!)
How to decide how many hours a day you have to devote to this business so you can make the most of it
Where to find free mind mapping software so you can organize your goals onscreen and on paper
How to figure out how many sales you can reasonably target in a month so you can start making real money that changes yoru life
How to keep your ambitions realistic when it comes to making money in this business by adapting it to your lifestyle
How to decide how many products to push at once or when you are first starting out
Why you need to realize that this business often starts out slow for most people
Why you could make more money promoting a service rather than a product
What the advantages are of promoting services rather than products
How to decide whether or not you want to promote something that you actually have to send
How to find the affiliate program that is right for you if you are selling anything other than an informational product such as supplements, kitchen supplies or whatever
All about how to browse a site like Commission Junction for products or services to promote
Why you need to come up with strategies for having your affiliate site accepted
Why you may not need to have a website at all to get into business as an affiliate marketer
Why you want to choose a product from Clickbank or wherever and THEN build a marketing campaign around it rather than operate the other way around
How to determine how much you will get paid as an affiliate when browsing sites like Clickbank or Commission junction
How to discern if a sales page from a publisher on Clickbank or a similar site works for you and whether or not you need to write your own in order to make sales
...I tried everything you can imagine to make money online. In the end, affiliate marketing was the only thing that worked for me. It allowed me to become completely self-sufficient in less than six months.
My success as an affiliate marketer is completely and thoroughly detailed in my book The Complete Guide to Affiliate Marketing
The question is -
Are You Ready to Find the Affiliate Niche Market That Makes Money For You?
You could be on this page because you have already tried to make money with affiliate marketing and found yourself to be a complete failure or because you just want to learn from a real expert on the subject. Yes, that would be me!
Either way the advice in The Complete Guide to Affiliate Marketing can help you. It serves as both an evergreen resource and a how to guide for both beginning and advanced marketers who want to optimize their money making potential to the max!
Most of us start out in this business with some kind of rudimentary knowledge about marketing and awareness. Affiliate marketing is probably one of the easiest and fastest ways to generate money without having to fork out too much startup capital...
Are you still scratching your head? Have I leaped far ahead of some you who may be investigating this topic for the first time? Are you wondering, "What is affiliate marketing?"
Affiliate marketing is simply the process of promoting someone else's product or service and then convincing a visitor to a webpage. Each time this is accomplished you are a paid a commission.
People are very attracted to making money this way because it is not necessary to create your own product or service and it also means you can start your online business immediately.
However many marketers also concentrate on creating their own eBooks or other products and selling them online and then recruiting others to be their affiliates for them.
The mistake that I made when I first started out was to try and be too broad about things. I tried to all things to all customers. The result was a marketing disaster!
Don't Make the Same Mistakes I Did!
Finally an eBook exists that teaches you how to exploit Clickbank and it's money-making potential from every single angle possible!
Generate generous affiliate commissions for yourself and start getting rich like the big players in this game!
Learn how the richest people in marketing "work" the ClickBank system by reading and following the step-by-step rules set out for you in The Complete Guide to Affiliate Marketing!
You just can't be in any online business today without somehow stumbling across the which is by far one of the largest and biggest product network sites on the net.
It is for this reason that when I explain ot you how to start as an affiliate marketer in my eBook I use Clickbank as an example.
Why is Clickbank so important to you as an affiliate marketer?
Well for one thing you are likely to be selling something from this vendor at one point in your affiliate marketing career!
At any given time this monster-mall of affiliate offerings is offering over ten thousand products at any given time!
To make money on Clickbank it is best to have a bit of strategy when it comes to picking products that will sell. The plain truth is that some people are better sellers than others but usually the problem is that the product has outworn its shelf life and is hard to sell.
Some products may have been exploited by another affiliate already - to the extent that you don't have a chance of making as much money as you're initially thought no matter how great it looks.
I go to a lot of trouble to explain everything about Clickbank to you in The Complete Guide to Affiliate Marketing including:
Explaining why Clickbank is the #1 information product affiliate marketing site on the web
Providing you with a full explanation of how affiliates and publishers make money on Click bank
Describing how and how often you are paid commissions by Click bank
How to set up an account on Clickbank and what to watch out for - the system is a bit creaky because it was designed years ago!
Telling you where to find the information you need on the very large and sometimes complex Clickbank site
Guiding you to where the best forums and information sources run by actual Clickbank users and experts are on the internet
Advising you on how to avoid falling for Clickbank offers that promise to make you're a millionaire overnight
Giving you the insider story on why over 95% would-be affiliate marketers fail within the first two years of setting themselves up in business
How to avoid many common errors made by newbie Clickbank users that put them out of business
Advice on how to measure how much your affiliate business is costing you in both time and money and whether it is going to be worth promoting certain Clickbank products
Understanding the concept of "buying once" and how this affects both you and your customer's behavior when it comes to buying and selling
Where to find the newest Clickbank products
How to find out if a product is "hot" and selling and how to make money off of it
How to use CBengine to make money
How to generate your own unique affiliate link on Clickbank
...and much more basic information about Clickbank and how it works and how you can make a profit from it as effortlessly as possible.
The key to making money nowadays is to isolate a market and make it narrow enough so that it is yours specifically and find products to sell from Clickbank and other sources to sell it.
Are You Ready to Find Your Niche?
Your Niche is Your Key to Riches!
In The Complete Guide to Affilate Marketing I teach you how to come up with general ideas for a niche that is based upon our own life and experiences or those of the people around you every day.
You will learn how to come up with ideas for niches by identifying:
Your interest and hobbies
The interests and hobbies of your kids, friends and relatives
Anything that you might happen to be a bit of an expert or authority on
Trends from the media or popular culture
The best seller list
A holiday or specific celebration
Your pet peeves
Solutions to everyday problems that people often search for ...
...These suggestions are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to brainstorming a profitable affiliate niche. You can do the entire above but you need to also learn how to see the entire world as a successful niche marketer would. That means perceiving the potential of everything that you encounter as a way of making money.
The real key is to learn how to think very analytically about the things that surround you every day. These things can be as innocuous as a news item in a tabloid television show about a messed up celebrity but if you can learn just a few of the perceptual keys that I teach you in this book your online business will not only survive but it will also thrive!
If you have been in the online marketing business a while you know that it is always constantly changing. It is possible that you once had a great website that was raking in the profits and then suddenly it stopped. In The Complete Guide to Affiliate Marketing I address the issues of the entrepreneur is in that situation as well.
Are You Ready to Promote Great Products?
Find Out How to Make Profits?
Once you have found your initial idea there is no time to rest on your laurels. In fact this is the point at which you need to dig even deeper than ever to establish whether or not people are willing to spend money in that particular marketplace.
That is why in The Complete Guide to Affiliate Marketing I tell you ...
How to make sure the market is not saturated with marketers with the same idea as you
How to figure out whether or not someone is willing to spend money in the particular affiliate product you are thinking of
How to use a popular keyword research tool to figure out if your idea is popular enough for people to search for it online
How to search Click bank the tradition al way to find the products that you want
How to get into a topic while it is fresh and new!
How to create your own information product to sell as a niche product
How to write an amazing sales letter that works with your unique affiliate link to send customers to your Click bank landing page ...
How to find a continual stream of new prospects for promoting your Click bank product while keeping your expenses at an absolute minimum
How to create a webpage or site of your own to which you can send visitors before you send them to the original product sales page
How to collect contact information from every single individual who visits your website
Why the experts say that every customer on a mailing list is on average worth one dollar a month to your business
How to test your website pages to make sure that you are making the maximum amount of money possible with them
How to use Google to find out how many other marketers have written pages and posted them online with the purposes of promoting a particular project so you do not find yourself wallowing in a glutted market
How to create a keyword savvy Google Ad Words advertisement to lure targeted customers to your pages
How to get a domain name that is very similar to what you are selling so that it is ranked higher in the search engines
How to research reviews by other affiliates on Clickbank to assess whether or not a product is worth selling
How to make ruthless decisions about dropping products that don't sell and move on
How to create reviews for your product that can help you sell it
How linking to other people's articles or blogs can help you sell a product
How commenting on blogs and forums can also be a profit creating strategy for leading people to your product
How to write keyword rich articles that you can submit to major article directory sites like Ezine Articles, GoArticles and Search Warp
Why Ezine Articles is a favorite with the Google search engines and the things that you can do to make sure your content is accepted
Where to find programs that can automatically rewrite articles to submit to the search engines for you
What you can expect to pay a writer to rewrite articles for you nowadays
How you can offer bonuses for what you are selling to sweeten the deal so that you can generate sales income
How to prevent people from stealing your hoplinks (the links generated by Clickbank that actually lead people to your page
How to use Google Adwords in order to make even more income if you have an affiliate website
How to create videos for free and post them on YouTube to lure people to your web pages
Where you can find free screen capture and video making software online so you can make your own You Tube videos
How to use Tube Mogul to upload your videos to the top twenty five video sites on the web
How to use the Google Adwords keyword research to to find terms that people are searching for to find your product on the net
How to use social bookmarking sites like Facebook and MySpace to make money as an affiliate marker
... And a lot more information about the time, effort, expense and commitment it takes to create a truly profitable business based on affiliate products.
Creating huge affiliate profits is something that takes time and focus and without building your business properly from the beginning, it is never realistically likely that you are ever going to see very much more than moderate profits (or more commonly, no profits whatsoever) from your efforts.
This is both tragic and silly, because if you build your business correctly or if you decide to follow the normal affiliate marketing route of sending visitors directly to a product sales page, the amount of time and effort you have to put into your business is pretty much the same.
As long as you have a system or process set up to maximize the profitability of your business from the beginning you can make and incredible amount of money on Clickbank and other sites.
There are many ways of utilizing niche market information and an almost inexhaustible supply of online resources that can help you find suitable or appropriate affiliate ideas.
It is my sincere hope that the information that is revealed in The Complete Guide to Affiliate Marketing is going to be as helpful to you as it is for me. In essence I cut a lot of the crap and get to the bare bones about how you can make money this unique, contemporary way.
Are You Ready to Get Rich As An Affiliate Marketer?
It's Cheap, Easy and Lucrative!
The bottom line is that times are difficult and they are likely to get more difficult before they start improving.
It is therefore absolutely essential that even if the recession has not been able to hit home as far as your life is concerned that you start planning how you might handle it in advance. This way you can at least protect yourself from the worst effects of the recession if things go wrong for you or your family.
On the other hand you might already be in a situation where things are desperate in which case you might just find the advice in this eBook helps you make ends meet a little easier by providing you with much needed information and tools about how to employ yourself by becoming an online affiliate marketer.
Unfortunately, far too many affiliates enter the world of affiliate marketing with rose colored spectacles that blind them to the realities of the business. By using what you have learned in this eBook, you can avoid falling into the same trap, the trap that drags the 95% of would-be affiliate marketing millionaires down into lethargy and bankruptcy.
Don't think that this book is just about marketing. Everything in this eBook is practical and proven to work and if you put it all into effect these strategies can bring you in thousands of dollars more during the month.
Are You Ready to Make Money As An Affiliate Yet?
Set Up Your Business for Long Term Success!
The Sooner You Get Working on Your First Affiliate Business Plan the Easier It Will Be For You to Make Money!
60 Day Money Back Guarantee
Try it risk free today! If you purchase today, your purchase is 100% guaranteed.
If after reading the eBook, you aren't on the path to finally making a renewable affiliate income online, just ask and I'll be glad to give you a full refund.
All purchases may be refunded within 60 days of purchase, meaning that if you think your new eBook isn't as good as I claim, you'll get every cent you paid back.
If the suggestions put forth in this report don't help you to turbo charge your affiliate marketing results and start earning a full time income... as quickly as YOU want them to, I'll refund 100% of your purchase price, no questions asked.
Why am I taking all the risk on myself? Because I believe in the methods that I have written about in 'The Complete Guide To Affiliate Marketing'.
I believe they work.
I KNOW they work - I have tried them all.
I believe in the results I've gotten for thousands of people, and because of that I believe that this method will work for you.
To Your Success,
Candyce Thompson
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ClickBank is a registered trademark of Keynetics Inc., a Delaware corporation. is not affiliated with Keynetics Inc. in any way, nor does Keynetics Inc. sponsor or approve any product. Keynetics Inc. expresses no opinion as to the correctness of any of the statements made by in the materials on this Web page.