Discover How You Can Get Out Of Debt Including Your Mortgage In An Average Of Eleven Years With No Increase In Payments.
It’s True! You Can End The Nightmare of Runaway Debt Without Declaring Bankruptcy, Ruining Your Credit, Or Increasing Your Income!
From the desk of Todd Moynier – February 8, 2011
Dear Friend,
Can You Even Remember Back to When You Were Debt-Free?
Sadly, most of us need to think all the way back to living with our parents to a time when we weren’t paying interest charges on debt. As our debt burdens grow, the percentage of our income that gets thrown away on interest charges begins to grow. Ultimately it literally chokes the life out of our lifestyles and all we are doing is paying bills. But there is good news, a debt solution that will eliminate your debt in record time and best of all doesn’t require an increase in your overall payments.
Debt is an Addiction that Devours Lifestyles One Interest Payment at a Time…
Some debt is honestly unavoidable: Like a student loan, mortgage, or even car payments at times. It’s simply impractical for most of us to save up the cash it takes to have your own home, a car in the driveway, or even a degree hanging on your wall.
So the problem isn’t necessarily the debt—but debt does become an addiction that slowly destroys your lifestyle for three primary reasons:
1. Debt Contracts are Designed to Maximize Interest Payments and Minimize Debt Repayment
[]( card companies and banks don’t want you to hurry up and repay your debt—they want to hold onto to that[]([]( debt for as long as possible while ensuring a profitable rate of return. Mortgages are purposely designed to force you to pay more interest in the early years and very little actual debt repayment.
Credit card companies purposely set the minimum amount due to a ridiculously low level to maximize the amount of interest you pay on your debt load each month—honestly, the odds are stacked against you from the moment you incur almost any type of debt! The banks and credit card companies want you to keep making monthly payments for as long as possible because it’s the most profitable—simple as that.
2. Debt Disguises True Cost of Everything
[]([]( you really paid $100 for groceries last week when you paid with a credit card and didn’t pay off the balance on time? Depending on how long that $100 in debt remains on your balance, you could literally end up paying $500—or even $1,000—for those groceries! Remember, the last thing you add to your credit card is the last thing to be paid off—and you’re paying interest on it every month along the way! So if you never used that credit card again and it took you 5 years to pay that card off—you would be paying interest on those $100 in groceries for 5 years!
Think your mortgage is any different? With the majority of the interest being paid during the first years of a mortgage and very little debt reduction, you can literally end up paying $130,000 or more in interest to pay off a 30-yr. mortgage for $100,000—and that’s with good credit and 5% apr!!
Bottom line: You end up paying MUCH more for everything purchased with credit which really lowers the value on any potential purchase.
3. Debt Makes You Feel Richer…In the Beginning
When you first get that new home, car, or set of living room furniture with credit—you honestly feel richer, more affluent, and of course—happier! This is precisely what makes debt so appealing and such a dangerous addiction—because it both provides instant gratification and makes us feel richer than we truly are.
Slowly but surely, we stop seeing things in terms of their true cost (or even attempting to factor in the interest charges), and start seeing purchase decisions in terms of monthly payments. What would normally take us six months to save up for and pay with cash—we can go out and instantly have today without worrying about how many years it might take to pay off.[](
But as the payments mount and our disposable income shrinks, that original feeling of “euphoria” and happiness fades as the reality of decreased purchasing power hits home. Then and only then as you realize you can no longer afford anything “fun” or “new” because all your money is going out to bills—do you start to realize the size of your debt and how poor you truly are.
Don’t Worry: Spenders vs. Savers introduces the Tools and a Step-by-Step Plan designed to Break Your “Debt Addiction”—Permanently.
[]( Spenders vs. Savers is unlike any other debt elimination resource you have ever tried. Following the stories of real people just like you, Spenders vs. Savers identifies the cause of debt that real people deal with. It explains how they are able to identify the fastest path to living debt free – and then stay on that path until they reach their goal of being totally debt free.
You see, most people don’t even realize they have a “debt problem” until they see their debts laid out before them – and by then, the problem is too big for them to solve on their own. Spenders vs. Savers gives you the tools to analyze your financial situation and builds a plan for you to carry out your debt elimination.
For more than 14 years the system described in this this Debt Busting reference manual has been working behind the scenes freeing hard-working people like you from the clutches of debt , helping rebuild retirement accounts, and eliminating the “just work to pay the bills” lifestyle one success story at a time. But it is behind the scenes NO MORE!!
Here are just a few of the Secrets Revealed in Spenders vs. Savers
The Proven Tool You Can Use To Beat Down Your Debt Is Revealed. Identify The Hidden Pitfalls You MUST Avoid To Be Sucessful And Becoming Debt Free. Discover How To Overcome The Urge To Splurge. Explore the 5 Choices Spenders Make that Assure Them Debt Bondage. Find Out The 3 Crucial Steps That Turn Spenders Into Savers. Discover The Little Things You Can Do Right Now To Get You On The Path To Debt Freedom. (Remember it’s the little things in life that make the difference)
We know that we are getting so much closer to being able to save more money towards our children’s education, put more money aside for our emergency fund and the fact that our mortgage will be paid off so much sooner is just really a blessing to us.
An extreme weight has been lifted from us, in that were cognizant of the fact that we needed to get a handle on getting our finances back in order as well as being able to pay our bills in a timely manner and the Debt Free Elimination program has been so instrumental in assisting us to do just that.
-The Thompsons – Bushkill, PA
Spenders vs. Savers reveals how the little choices you make are keeping you in debt.
Have you ever payed down your Credit Card only to max it out later on? Have you ever payed for groceries on a credit card, and not paid the balance on time? How much does that lunch out on the credit card really cost you? You make enough money… but is your paycheck spoken for before you get it?
Right now, you are probably paying $100′s per month (or more!) in interest charges, so each and every day you delay and put off your “debt problem” – the farther behind you get and the more the stress builds. Think about it…
Paying interest is the exact equivalent of setting fire to it—because that money will never pay for any vacations, fund your retirement account or even pay for a decent meal. Instead, it just disappears into the bank account of the creditor and does absolutely nothing for you.
But you can start to break the grip that debt has on you today!!
Just think…
By Acting Now You Will Be Starting On A Path That Will Solve Your Debt Problem Once And For All
This is why I am offering, For a Limited Time, the strategies and secrets previously available only to those willing to pay a personal financial advisor Hundreds… Even Thousands of dollars. The strategies found inside of Spenders vs. Savers have saved people just like you Thousands of dollars in interest payments and Years off their debt.
You Can Have This Invaluable Debt Reduction Resource Manual For
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We are constantly planning for our future now because we know at a point in the near future we will be able to use our income to save for our retirement and for other things we want to do! I can’t imagine where we’d be without this program.
-Michelle and Jason P.
Listen… The absolute WORST thing you can do about your debt problem-is to do nothing at all and just sit back and worry about it! The banks and credit card companies have hired TEAMS of financial experts and invested in sophisticated software to make sure you stay in debt for as long as possible. Their loans and credit terms are specifically designed to maximize the amount of interest you pay by minimizing the amount of debt you repay.
Spenders vs. Savers will give you a strategy for tackling your debt and becoming DEBT FREE much sooner than you ever thought possible!
Since I know it’s going to benefit you to act right away, I want to sweeten the pot and give you every possible reason to say YES today!
If you respond immediately, you’ll also receive the following:
Bonus Offer #1 Your own FREE Presonalized Debt Elimination Analysis – This service is usually only offered through Personal Financial Advisors at a cost of up to $500. This is more than just a generic Self-Help pamphlet full of advice that may or may not be relevant to your financial situation, it is a road map built specifically for you and your debt obligations on your plate… Right Now. And we are giving it to you for FREE. Here is what you will find in your Personalized Debt Elimination Analysis: Your Current Debt Outlook – Your Analysis will show how much you will pay out on your debt based on how you are currently paying your debts today. Your Optimized Debt Outlook – Your Analysis will show you how much you could save by following the suggested program. Eliminated Payment Savings – Your Analysis will show you how much you can save in eliminated payments including interest saved. Retirement Growth Opportunity – Your Analysis will show you how much potential retirement income you will have if you redirect the money that was going to your debt into savings.
Value: $500.00
Bonus Offer #2 Step By Step Debt Amortization Schedule - Attached to your Analysis you will receive a Payment by Payment schedule that will give you exact instructions on how to optimize your Debt pay off!! This is your specific personalized plan to get out of Debt. It will tell you how to best pay off each of your debts for Maximum Effect in saving interest.
Value: $149.00
Bonus Offer #3 Personal Debt Consultation Session - You will get the benefit of our experience in following through with Your Debt Elimination Plan. We will advise you in how to get the most out of your Plan.This is how it works… After you purchase Spenders vs. Savers you will receive our support email address that you can use to schedule a consultation appointment with our Debt Elimination Specialists.
Value: $199.00
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My 60 Day 100% Money Back Guarantee!
I think you will be amazed at the incredible value you will be receiving, but I understand that not everyone is ready to take these highly effective steps toward debt freedom. So if for any reason you are unhappy with Spenders vs. Savers and the amazing bonuses that come with it, simply email me at within 60 days of purchase and I will immediately refund you the purchase price.
Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late — Every month you wait is costing you HUNDREDS of dollars in interest payments over the life of your Debts
Remember… by purchasing Spenders vs. Savers you will:
Learn How to Organize your Debt to maximum effect! Find Out What to do to Pay Off Mounds of Debt Without Damaging Credit! See How to Dramatically Boost Retirement Savings! Learn How You can Pay Down Mortgages in a Fraction of the Normal Time! Find The Secret to Saving Thousands On Interest Charges! Begin to Eliminate the stress Caused by Crushing Debt – Permanently!
You will also get:
A Bonus Personalized Debt Elimination analysis.
A Bonus Step By Step – Debt Amortization Schedule.
A Bonus Personal Debt Consultation Session
I just wish I could lose weight like we’re losing debt… It showed us how we could be debt free in as little as 6 years and the rest is history. We’ve already paid off three major debts and are well on our way to financial freedom.
-John G.
Look at it this way — $47.00 is really a painless drop in the bucket to be able to get your hands on this life changing debt elimination resource guide. In addition you get your own personalized debt elimination analysis that you can start using right away to improve your lifestyle!
Get Your Copy Right Now… Just click on the order link below.
Click here to order right now for only $47.00 (even if it’s 3:00 am in the morning)
Yes Todd, I Just Have To Have This Incredible Package! Count Me In Right Now!
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We’re almost seeing our debts eliminated every couple of months, and can see the light at the end of the tunnel to being debt free.
-Laura H.
Are you ready to Take Control of your debt? Or just keep being overwhelmed by the thought of paying it off?
There is no doubt about it, paying of your debt will take time, but the effort will be well worth it. There are all kinds of Self-Help books out there that tell you in generic terms how to get out of debt, But I am offering you the unique opportunity to see exactly how you can pay off your SPECIFIC debts, a PLAN for maximizing interest payments saved and a GUARANTEED Debt free date you can rely on by following that plan.
Don’t you owe it to yourself to get Spenders vs. Savers today?
To Your Success,
Todd Moynier
P.S. Remember this is a limited time offer. Act now to make sure you can still get your free personalized debt analysis.
P.P.S. If you have any questions feel free to email me at:
P.P.P.S. That sucking sound you hear is your hard earned money slipping away to interest payments. Cut that off short by taking control of your Debt NOW!
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