Excerpt from product page


From: Robert Corrigan Internet Marketer and eBay Powerseller
Re: 12 Roads to Success

Let me start by asking you a question. Have you ever thought of starting your own business? Did you do it? If you did well done, if not what stopped you?

Now I'm guessing that you may have thought it was too complicated or that you may have been put off doing it by some well meaning advice from gainsayers and Jeremiahs. If you have you are in good company, because that is exactly what happened to me.

You see I listened to the "words of wisdom" for far too long instead of listening to myself. Right from the start my Dad gave me some good advice get a job with a pension. So at 16 I started working in the local factory and hated every minute of it, every waking hour was spent dreaming of how I could escape from that soulless existence.

I looked for business opportunities, some cost me hundreds of dollars, there were all kinds mostly MLM (Multi Level Marketing) schemes, others were expensive franchises. Some people made money from them but I was not one of them. I tried every get rich scheme that came along and spent thousands of dollars that I could not afford in the quest to get away from that factory and my sole destroying day to day existence in that job.

Does This Sound Familiar?

I was years down the line and no nearer to escape, I began to think that I would never get away, after all it could not be that difficult, thousands of other people have done it. So I started to think of my own ideas only to have cold water poured on them when I discussed them with anyone. The result was I stayed exactly where I was.

Or This?

"Now is not the right time to start a business." "NOW is always the right time to start a business."

"You may lose money."  "I may make money."

"its too complicated you will need permission, for this that and the other." "The only permission needed is your own permission to succeed."

"It will never work!" "How do you know, have you ever tried it?"

These are the comments that put me off. Needless to say I no longer listen to such "helpful advice"

Finally I decided to give it a go myself, surely if others could do it then so could I. I decided to go my own way and not listen to the "expert" advice so I started to plan. I started out with my own ideas, I made plenty of mistakes and not all my ideas were a success. I was learning this the hard way by myself and I no longer wanted to discus my idea with anyone I was sick of listening to poor advice. I started to learn what worked and what did not, the more I did this the easier it became and I realised what has been holding me back for years, not having the confidence to have a go myself.

So I Had A Go And The Results Were Amazing!


I found out that business was not complicated it was very easy. It was entirely possible to start up a business in only a few hours. I have built up many businesses in completely different niche areas which are run by my wife and family but I have always been careful to limit my risk to $100 and never to put all my eggs in one basket.
I decided to make this life changing information available to all and

From My Experiences I Created 12 Roads to Success!

The 12 Roads To Success Is A Must Read For Anyone Who Wants To Get Started Online

Hi Robert,

Having just checked out The 12 Roads To Success I can honestly say it is an extremely comprehensive guide that can help anyone get started online. I love the way you have provided not one, not two, but twelve ways to get started online. The 12 Roads To Success is a must read for anyone who wants to get started online or simply wants to generate ideas for new income streams.

Well done.

John Thornhill

John Thornhill

It Makes A Pleasant Change To Actually Have Someone Show More Than One Way To Make Money Online!

Thanks for a look at your 12 Roads to Success eBook Robert. I think you have a great resource here. It makes a pleasant change to actually have someone show more than one way to make money online!

And with all the blueprints being such a low start up - it really does give people a choice of how they start out! - Which is the BIG question for so many looking for ways to make some extra cash in their spare time.

If people study your blueprints, I'm sure they may find that they lean towards something they may not have thought of before..... And yet they find so much more fun, and profitable!

Here's hoping this course helps a lot of people get the start they want.

Warm Regards
Randy Smith

Randy Smith

The result is 12 Roads to Success written from my own experience, In It I reveal 12 step by step business blueprints for starting your own successful business. In each blueprint I explain the market and how you can make a start in it, I will take you by the hand every step of the way to build your own business. I will reveal the free tools, resources and strategies that you can use to manage and grow your business. Finally each blueprint has a section giving advice on how to expand and grow your business.

These Blueprints are real world business plans to help you succeed none cost more than $100 to start some are entirely FREE. Yes you heard right FREE!

Here's Just a Taster Of What Is Included.

How to build a successful business on Amazon trading in specialist books that you can obtain for a $1-2 and sell for many times more. I reveal the 10 digit code that is the difference between success and failure.
How to profit from selling second user computer systems. This really is as plug and play as it gets, there is a hungry market out there for inexpensive computers and I will show you how you can take a huge slice of the market. Where to obtain stock and how to stay legal.
Would you like to find out how to obtain stock for cents on the dollar and resell at top prices? I show you how in this easy to do blueprint and you will never have to leave your home to run this one.
How to start a business in your lunch hour at work, girls you will love this one! Its so easy to do and it will never go out of fashion.
Make money with your digital camera, how many times have you heard that? No, its not wedding or baby photos, too much like hard work. Using this blueprint you can make a passive income for years from your photos. Combine this idea with Blueprint 6 for a complete high profit business model.
Make money as an affiliate, I show you how you can promote and profit from other peoples products without it costing a single cent.  Or, if you want to spend just a few dollars how you can have two income streams from selling the same product. Learn to use high volume, high reward products to grow your business.

These are just a FEW of the 12 fully fledged Business Blueprints in 12 Roads to Success, each one has the potential to be built into a major business. I could charge for each blueprint individually and charge much, much more than the asking price of this course, most people would do just that.

However I have decided to incorporate them in one easy to use course because I believe in giving excellent value.

12 Start-up Business Blueprints That Anyone Could Use To Start Their Very Own Business From Scratch. Simple!

It seems increasingly difficult these days to find the inspiration or ideas on how to start your own business and create your own financial freedom. So it was extremely refreshing to find a report that detailed 12 start-up business blueprints that anyone could use to start their very own business from scratch.

Rob cleverly lists the advantages, disadvantages and costs for each business opportunity which enable the reader to make an informed decision on whether the opportunity would be right for them and within their start-up cost range.

If you have been on the fence about starting your very own business and worried about not having the confidence or knowledge to start then Rob's ''12 Roads To Success'' is definitely for you.

Let him take you by the hand and share his own valuable experience and knowledge with you. Who knows? By this time next week you could be on the road to owning your very own business and finally saying hello to financial independence - there really is no better time to start! Best of luck!

Steve Wilkins


I Look Forward To Hearing About The Success Stories That Come Out Of Applying Any Of These Methods.

Rob, What can I say, you really have taken away the excuses from people who say
you can't start up a business on a shoe-string budget.

You have 12 top quality ideas that will appeal to nearly everyone. The
great thing is I know you have a proven record and you always tell it as it
is....well you've certainly over delivered on this one.

Steve King

Steve King

This e-course is packed with valuable information to get you up and running as quickly as possible. Each blueprint is easy to follow you can hit the ground running as I take you through it step by step minimising risk at every turn. You really can implement these in just a few hours and at a cost of just a few dollars.


All 12 Blueprints, Are Gold Dust And A Definite Road
 To Online Success!

Rob, To start with I truly am a fan of your work, and it has become customary of me to expect nothing short of brilliance, and '12 Roads To Success', delivers it in abundance, You`re a true Internet marketer who offers success to anyone who simply wants it!

There is so much on offer here, I particularly love the idea of selling specialist books on Amazon, and the way you approach, using old computers to build a business from, selling jewelry, car parts oh I could go on, but theres no point, all 12 blueprints, are gold dust and a definite road to online success!

Rob, once again you have created a diamond product, and once again you have forced me to give you my 110% seal of approval for '12 Roads To Success', and I know you know that I don`t give anyone that high a rating lightly!

Thanks for sharing this information with me, a sheer eye opening pleasure to read AND implement!

"Guys is is straightforward information and to the point using illustrations, get this report NOW"!

Yours Sincerely John Edwards

John Edwards

Yet  Another Incredible Product!

Well, Rob Corrigan has done it again! He has followed up his original masterpiece, "Plugin Auction Profits" with yet another incredible product.

This is a tremendous resource for anyone looking to start a business. It provides you with twelve different profit-generating ideas that will help you build a sustainable business.

The great thing about it is, all these businesses can be started for under $100. In this economy, that's just what the doctor ordered. I regard it as an honor that Rob has asked me to review his product. It receives my highest recommendations.

George Nieves

George Nieves

Imagine What This Would Feel Like!

Imagine what it would be like not to have to worry about an unexpected bill knowing that it could be easily paid

Feel the sense of achievement in your own success.

How does having your own successful business sound to you?

Feel the sense of security knowing that you can afford all those things you and your family deserve.

Imagine how you will feel when you have set up your own successful business.

Years ago I broke the mould of my old ways of thinking and decided to take charge of my own destiny. 12 Roads to Success is the product of that decision.
The best investment is the investment you make in yourself.

Invest in your own future and break the mould just like I have.

And All The Risk Is On Me Too!

I am So Sure That You Will Love 12 Roads to Success That I'm Prepared to Shoulder 100% of the Risks. Which is Why I'm Backing it with a No Risk 60 Day Guarantee!

And That's Not All!

I have also added the following fast mover bonuses. Act now and you
will receive the following bonuses at no extra cost to you.

60 Day Money Back Guarantee

Try it risk free today! If you purchase today, your purchase is 100% guaranteed.

All purchases can be refunded within 60 days of purchase, meaning if you are not 100% satisfied with your purchase then don't worry. Just let me know and you can get your money back and I'll continue whistling on my merry way. Plus you get to keep all the bonuses.

Fast Action Bonus #1 "My eBay Kick Start Program, Learn to eBay Like A Pro Right From The Start. Right first time every time"
Value: $67 - Yours FREE!

Fast Action Bonus #2 "Make an income as a successful affiliate for other peoples products. Learn how to choose a high converting affiliate program and promote it effectively to make an income for years to come"
Value: $27 - Yours FREE!

Fast action Bonus #3 "The saying the money is
in the list has never been truer. Here's how to build
a list of buyers for your products and have them
coming back for more"
Value: Priceless - Yours FREE!

Yes Robert I'm ready to start learning how to successfully build a real business so that I can finally start making money online!
I understand that by placing my secure order today, I will be getting instant access to these 12 Amazing Blueprints for success that are capable of teaching me how to build my own successful online business.

I'll have immediate access to the same techniques that have been proven so effective in your own businesses.

I know that this product is 100% legitimate, 100% legal, and 100% what I need to learn right now.

You've made it a very easy decision with your 100% iron-clad money back guarantee and I'm ready to get started right now, so I'm clicking the secure order button below.

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Only $27!

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Access is instant, even if it's 3am
I have spent years and who knows how much money learning how to do things correctly. For one low price, you'll get to benefit from ALL my experience.

Just think about it this way. For just one low price, in seven days from now you can finally start making real money online.

Download 12 Roads to Success Now! and let me reveal to you some of my most closely guarded profitable secrets so that you can start making money today!

To your success

Robert Corrigan

PS. If you've tried to make money before and failed then it isn't your fault. No one showed you how, let me give you my secret blueprints for making money online so that you can start making money today!

PPS. Remember, this isn't your usual fluff filled eBook. This is a complete step by step home study course that will take you by the hand and guide you to online income! Don't hesitate and download NOW and take your first steps towards your profitable new online business!


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