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Are You Ready To End Self Punishment?

First, I'm going to assume you've read my free e-book on ending self-punishment. If not, you can get a copy [here](http://www.ivar.info/SelfPunishment.pdf).

Now, let's look at why these three meditations are so valuable in helping you END your self punishment for GOOD.

1. Ending False Responsibility

Most of us have the wrong idea about responsibility. We see it as something negative and painful; something to be avoided at all costs. Specifically, we see it as:

1. Blame
2. Shame
3. Guilt
4. Negative accountability
5. Struggle
6. Martyr
7. Control

And who wants all that???

Not me!

Therefore, I'll avoid responsibility like the plague. With good reason. I'm so sick of all the struggle, the shame, the guilt, etc. I'm sick of being blamed for shit I didn't even do.

So if I avoid responsibility all together, then maybe I won't have to deal with all that negative stuff.

But it doesn't work, does it?

I can't get rid of my shame and guilt by avoiding responsibility. Ironically, the avoidance only makes those seven negative qualities stronger and more present in my life.

Here's the problem:

Responsibility is essential for living. You have to respond to your life, or else you'll die. And if you can't respond with true responsibility (which is the greatest joy and fun and wonder you could possibly imagine!) then you'll have to do it with the false responsibility - such as these seven negative ways.

Not only does false responsibility rob you of the joy and wonder of life, but it also keeps you locked into the shame and guilt and struggle and those other painful experiences.

You can't change - you can't grow - you can't even enjoy your life when you function from a place of false responsibility.

And if you're not living a life of true responsibility - then you will function from this place of false responsibility. Blaming and being blamed. Feeling guilty. Feeling shamed. Always telling yourself stories about who did you wrong. Constantly struggling. Feeling like a martyr. Believing you must control everything - which only makes you scared and tired.

That's why it's so vitally important to heal the false responsibility - so you can start enjoying life - the way it's supposed to be.

Because we've been so programmed to believe in the 'false responsibility' - we've formed strong beliefs in our subconscious mind. So it's not just a matter of reading these words and changing. You need to reprogram your subconscious mind.

Well guess what? I've got the answer!

This meditation is designed specifically to change the patterning - the powerful neurological patterns in your subconscious mind - so that you no longer equate these seven negative qualities with true responsibility.

It's a way to burn off the shame, the guilt, the struggle, etc. so you can heal yourself.

And it's so simple. Just follow along as I guide you on a healing visualization exercise that speaks directly to your subconscious - as well as your conscious mind. So easy a child could do it.

But here's the catch: you'll probably need to listen to it more than once to completely heal and change. I mean, let's face it - you've most likely been living with the false responsibility for many years, and the present patterns are strong. So for maximum effectiveness, you'll want to listen at least a few times. Maybe more.

Fortunately, it's easy to listen to - so you can actually repeat it on its own, if you want to. Plus, this meditation heals so much more in your life besides just the self-punishment.

2. Releasing the First Self Punishment

In this fun meditation, I'll be guiding you back to your childhood - back to where the self-punishment first started.

You see, there's one particular incident that started a lifetime of self-punishment. One incident that set the pattern in place. One experience that even now anchors every single action of self-punishment you take today.

It's really a simple matter to go back and find it. Then, just follow along as we heal and change that one experience. I'll be guiding you to take back your power from this painful experience as you bleed off the energy from it. It's a way to restructure and re-pattern your past.

You'll be changing your anchor of self-punishment to an anchor of self-love and self acceptance.

You'll also be healing your inner child as you heal yourself.

With this one, you'll probably only need to listen to it once or twice to get the full effects.

3. Healing Self Punishment

It's time to get some answers. It's time to fully know HOW and WHY you punish yourself.

This lively meditation takes you into a beautiful healing white light that helps you understand more about your own unique pattern of self-punishment. Because to really end it for good, you need to understand it.

And beyond understanding, you'll actually watch your pattern manifest right before you eyes. Once constructed, you'll then be guided to end it - to heal this negative pattern, as you replace it with a new pattern that empowers you.

Listen to it once or twice at first, then if you ever find the self-punishment returning, use this meditation to end it.

You get instant access to all three meditations after you place your order. This is NOT a physical product.

You can either download the mp3 files to your desktop (and onto a blank CD or mp3 player) or you may simply listen to them on the download page.

Playing time:

Ending False Responsibility - 28:19

Releasing the First Self Punishment - 21:46

Healing Self Punishment - 20:08

File sizes:

Ending False Responsibility - 12.9 MB

Releasing the First Self Punishment - 9.96MB

Healing Self Punishment - 9.22MB

Download time: About one minute for each audio on high-speed Internet connection

Cost: $19.97 for all three audio files (sold as a set only)

[CLICK HERE TO ORDER "ENDING SELF PUNISHMENT"](http://1.endselfpun.pay.clickbank.net/?detail=Ending Self Punishment)

8 Week Unconditional Money Back Guarantee


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