[ ](/files/7StepSalesLetter.mp4)
Ifyou’re tired,frustrated, and ready to quit playing golf,you’re the right person to take 5 minutes to readthis golf improvement webpage. You see…I’ve watched golfers play bad golf forover 35 years, and it pains me to see it.
It doesn’t have to be that way!
I know you don’t want to hear this… but golf is an easy game… you’re making it hard! I know… I’m playing the “tough love” card, but I’ve got to, to get you to realize there’s an answer to a better golf swing for you.
That’s why I put together my 7 Step Golf Swing ebook. This is the most simple, “step-by-step golf swing method”you’ll ever come across, and I promise you, you’ll see improvement quickly!
I’m not going to waste your time with a long sales letter web page full of hype and promises that you see all over the Internet. I know I don’t have to convince you, because I GUARANTEEmy ebook will help you!
What’s that mean?
It means… if you don’t see improvement in your golf swing…you’ll get your money back. In fact, Idon’t want your money if I can’t help you.
My mother who was a golf pro back in the 50’s and 60’s gave me a very important lesson one day on the practice tee. She said, if she didn’t help a golfer in that lesson, she didn’t want (and wouldn’t take) their money. That’s how I feel! And that’s the reason I have a guarantee… if you don’t get better after reading my Step By Step Golf Swing ebook.
Why Should You Listen To Me
I have taught golf for over 35 years, and given over 45,000 golf lessons. I spent a big chunk of my career giving clinics, which now total over 2,500. I was the Florida State High School Champion back in '72. My mother, sister and brother were all golf teaching professionals.
I've had the lucky fortune to give lessons to Kirk Douglas,President Ford, RJ Wagner, Barbara Sinatra, Harvey Mackay, Harmon Killibrew, Micheal Douglas and many other celebrities. I've recorded 16 instructional DVDs that have been sold all over the world. I don't tell you this to brag, but to let you know, I can be trusted with your golf swing.
What’s It Going To Cost
If you’ve been looking around on the net, most of the golf ebooks are a whopping $47, and I’ve even seen them for $97. I want to be fair with this ebook. It’s not $97; nor is it even $47;it’s ONLY $27!
If you don’t want tospend a “risk-free” $27 to help you play betterolf, there’s not much I can do for you. A golf lesson here in Scottsdale Arizona is $150, and I’m booked solid every week!I don’t say this to brag, because there are many “celebrity” golf teachers here in the valley that are $300, even $500 per LESSON.
My Goal With This Ebook
I want EVERY GOLFER to get my ebook in their hands.That’s why I’ve priced it so low. I truly want you to get better… and enjoy your golf for years tocome! If I can dothat…you’re happy… and I’mhappy.
I think it’s about time that we give back, and offering my ebook for one of the most affordable prices on the net is my way of doing so.
What You Can Expect
If you’ve been struggling with an inconsistent golf swing.That’s about to change…
Learn the proper golf gripto ensure accurate shots every time (you’ll be shocked how many of you get it wrong). You’ll have a rock-solid setup that will become automatic(eliminating all swing thoughts and avoiding paralysis by analysis). Discover my secret golf swing takeaway move that sets your swing in perfect sequence to hit straight shots every time. Get to the top of your backswing perfectlywithout any conscious thought or tension (coming down becomes automatic). Learn the critical “firstmove” down that will eliminate slices, hooks,tops, thinned,chunked and blocked shots immediately. My secret to getting “in the slot” time after time. This will ensure you the proper in-to-square-to-in swing path to hit the drawyou’ve been dreaming of. Perfect impact every time! No more will you practice a “static” impact position. Impact in your golf swing is dynamic (moving). You’llnever have to think about it again!
Bonus - 30 Day Email Support
Author to get your questions answered? No way! Well…I’m a‘real person’ and I want to help you, so for the next 30 days you’ll get my personal email where you can send me any questions you have (and as often as you need), and I promise toget back to you within 4 hours!
What’s this worth? Look at it this way. If you took a lesson, then went outand played…what if you had some bad shots… could you go back to the pro(for FREE) andget your questions answered? Nope! You’d need to take anotherlesson, wouldn’tyou?
Okay…solet’s say you have one issue (usually it’s 3-4) perweek (round), so to get itfixed you need to book a lesson. Let’s say it’s $60 for a lesson where you live. So doing the math…30 days would cost you 4 lessons or $240 right?I’ll do it for FREEfor 30 days to get you over the hump, and playing better golf.
Let’sRecapWhat You Get
Soyou’re getting my step-by-step, golf swing ebook for a very affordable price ONLY$27! And you are getting access to me personally for 30 days at NO EXTRA CHARGE ($240 value).
So you’re getting my step-by-step, golf swing ebook for a very affordable price ONLY $27! And you are getting access to me personally for 30 days at NO EXTRA CHARGE ($240 value).
And … you are getting this at NO RISK to you. Pay me nothing if you don’t see improvement. I can’t do any better than that. Come join me, and we’ll get your swing back on track, enabling you to blow the socks off of your foursome!
Golfingly Yours,
35Year Golf Professional
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