Excerpt from product page

The Simple Spell Casting System


She's HELPED ALL OF HER 1986 STUDENTS (and counting) in over 25
different countries attract wealth, love, protection, and good luck
into their lives using the Magick energy every person was born with.

Finally, an _experienced_ Witch reveals secret methods for casting
simple 3-minute spells that actually _work_, without any hard-to-find
ingredients or tools...

Dying Witch Reveals
Simple Spell Casting Steps Discovered In "Secret" Magick *Grimoire Of
The Ancient Druids!

_*GRIMOIRE (NOUN):__ a textbook of magick. Such books typically
include instructions on how to perform magickal spells, how to create
magickal objects (like talismans, amulets, and charms), and how to
summon supernatural entities such as angels and spirits._

"Sometimes the simplest solutions are the best... now _anyone_ can
use this knowledge to cast simple love, money, protection, and luck
spells that can bring results in just a few days... even if you've

To My Magickal Friend... YOU:

If you've ever desperately wanted to believe in Magick, but deep down
you're not quite sure it will really work... and you hope (with all
your heart) that you can tap into its power to bring incredible
miracles into your life -- you've been brought here today for a

You were _meant_ to hear the story about an unusual Magick Grimoire
my grandmother discovered that can change your life forever...


... she was always fascinated by Magick, and over the years she
collected hundreds of old Magick books in her attic. (She grew up
outside of Glastonbury, England -- among the descendents of the
ancient Druids... one of the oldest Magickal groups in the world...)

She studied her library of Magick knowledge for over 63 years, and
used it to lead a life full of love and prosperity... until the day
she passed away.

She showed me almost everything she knew,
except for the rituals in an old Magick Grimoire...
because it was written in secret code.

She knew the druids recorded their most powerful spells and rituals
in secret code so nobody could understand the information, except for
a small group of initiates. (They also did this for protection -- in
those days many people practicing Magick were thrown in prison, or

She was _dying_ to find out what the Magick Grimoire contained, so
she hired a linguistic decoder to help her translate the ancient

They finally "cracked the code" a few months before she passed
away... and when she saw the information it contained, she understood
why it was kept secret...

It was the most powerful and _important_
Magick information she'd ever seen.

She was in the middle of adding all the spells and Magick knowledge
to her Book of Shadows when she became very ill.

She was very old and knew she didn't have much time left, so she
asked me to continue her work.

From the moment I opened the first page of the Magick Grimoire and
saw the secrets it revealed, I knew why it was so important to her.

Not only does it have a list of unique spells and rituals... it
contains ancient knowledge that outlines 3 simple secrets for tapping
into the Magick energy of the universe... THE SAME ENERGY THAT'S

I'm still amazed by the power and simplicity of the techniques. I
know (and I've proven) that anybody can use them to get _real_ results
from Magick.

You see, I've spent the last 6 years laying out every spell and
Magick secret into simple steps anyone can follow to cast real spells
that actually work. (This wasn't easy, and I had to draw on all my 27
years of Magick experience to finally complete it.)

Now I'm going to explain how _you_ can use this knowledge to change
_your_ life with Magick, starting with a very important question:

"Have you ever cast a spell that
didn't bring _any_ results at all?"

If you answered "yes" to this question, this has probably happened to

After finding the "perfect" spell, your spine tingles with excitement
when imagining how it will attract your deepest desire... and how life
will be when your biggest worry fades away.

You carefully gather all the ingredients and tools the spell calls
for. (Even though some of them are hard to find and expensive)... and
you carefully follow every step to cast the spell "perfectly"... _or
so you think._

You're so excited you can hardly stand it.

The first day goes by and your situation is unchanged... but that's
ok. Everyone says you need to be patient.

Another day passes... still nothing. You begin to wonder if it's
going to work. Then another day passes... and another.

Still no results.

The feeling of doubt inside you grows with each passing day.

Then the doubt turns to disappointment and sadness when you realize
your spell hasn't worked.

You feel like you wasted your effort and time... and you wonder if
you'll _ever_ cast a spell that brings results.


The truth is: casting successful spells is easier than you ever hoped
or believed... as long as you follow 3 simple secrets revealed in the
Magick Grimoire.

I promise to reveal all 3 of these secrets over the next few minutes.

I also promise that you'll be smiling from ear to ear when I'm done,
because you'll _know_ you can cast spells that actually work almost
every time you try.

You see,

The Magick "Fuel" That Powers These Simple
Spells And Techniques Is Already Inside You... Even If You've Had
Secret Doubts That Magick Really Works.

And if you've had your doubts, that's ok. It's only natural for
people to doubt things they can't see (like Magick energy).


You see, many different scientists have run multiple experiments that
prove _beyond a doubt_ there is a powerful energy running through the
universe, the earth, and _every person._

There's one particular experiment I want to tell you about because it
was done by the U.S. military (one of the most "cutting edge"
departments in the world when it comes to science and technology).

The Results Of This Experiment
Were Nothing Short Of Amazing.

First, volunteers were randomly selected from a group of average
people off the street.

Then, scientists took blood from each volunteer and placed the
samples into special chambers. (These chambers measure DNA changes in
the blood.)

Next, the volunteers were shown a series of video clips designed to
trigger different emotional responses like happiness, sadness,
excitement, etc. _(IMPORTANT NOTE: they were in a seperate room from
their blood samples when watching the video clips.)_

As they went through emotional peaks and valleys, their physical
responses (breathing rate, heart rate, and blood pressure) were
monitored along with their blood samples.


The astonishing thing is: there was no delay (no "transmission time")
between the changes in their physical responses and the changes in
their blood samples.

And The Scientists Didn't Stop There... These
"Hidden Energy" Experiments Had Just Begun.

The military scientists wanted to see how far the volunteers could be
from their blood samples, and still see these amazing results...

So they repeated this experiment multiple times after moving the
volunteers 1 mile away from their samples... then 5 miles away... 10
miles away... 15 miiles away...

... and they finally stopped when the volunteers were 50 miles away
from their blood samples.


Even when the volunteers were 50 miles away from their blood samples
-- the electrically measured "peaks and valleys" of the samples
instantly mirrored their physical responses to the video clips...
_w__ithout any delay._

These Shocking Results _Prove_ The Existence Of
A Hidden Energy Inside Of You.

It proves that every living thing, every event, and every thought is
connected by a web of invisible energy that can instantly effect
everything else.

And I'm going to show you how to "plug in" to this powerful force any
time you wish, so you can...

Bring Your Deepest Desires Into Your Life...
Even If You've Never Cast A Successfull Spell.

If you've never cast a spell that got results, it's not because you
weren't "born" with some mystical power.

Remember, the volunteers in the scientific experiments above were
regular people off the street... and they were all able to control
their own DNA from 50 miles away. (Without even consciously trying.)

_This is PROOF we are all born with a connection to Magick energy._

This is PROOF that you can follow my steps and see results from your
spells -- no matter who you are or where you're from...



MAGICK SECRET #1: You must truly _believe_ a spell will bring results
from the bottom of your heart.

I'll show you how to do this with a series of simple steps that
intensify your belief in yourself (and in the power of Magick)...
_without much effort_ on your part.

This intense "belief build-up" will charge your spells with focused
Magick energy for the sole purpose of attracting your desired results
quickly, easily, and safely.



Like a car needs gasoline, successful spells need your total and
complete belief as fuel to bring results.

But it's not enough to just _tell_ people (and yourself) that you
believe in Magick...

You must _really believe_ through every fiber of your heart.

This deep belief is something most people never experience (because
they aren't shown _how_). It breaks my heart to see them desperately
casting spells -- hoping they'll work -- but never really believing in

These people end up disappointed almost every time.

I won't let this happen to you because I've organized these materials
to quickly build up enough belief in your heart to last a lifetime...
_starting with this letter._


MAGICK SECRET #2: This secret "controls" the outcome of your spells
the same way a steering wheel controls a car. If you use it in the way
I show you, every spell you cast will release tightly focused energy
into the universe -- attracting the specific results your heart

The power of your _emotions_ and _intentions_ will create this Magick
"steering wheel"... and I'll show you how to embed them into each
spell you cast.

Unfortunately, most spells you'll find out there aren't structured to
focus the full power of these 2 critical things.

This is because most spells aren't _specific enough_ about your
desire to actually bring successful results. (QUICK TIP: the more
specific a spell is about your exact desire, the more focused your
intentions will be... and the more emotional connection you'll have to

Even someone with a strong Magick belief won't cast successful spells
if their intentions and emotions aren't strong enough.

_I've seen it happen many times before: _excited true believers cast
one failed spell after the next... crushing their hopes and dreams...
just because they didn't follow this simple Magick secret.

But this won't happen to you because I've designed every spell to
"automatically" build your focused intentions and emotions on a very
specific desire.

I won't let you fail. In fact,

You're Just A Few Spells Away From
The Life You've Always Dreamed...

And you'll see results quickly because I'll show you how to combine
your intense belief (the first secret) with focused intention and
emotion (the second secret).

These first 2 secrets will instantly connect you with your core
Magick energy... releasing it into every spell you cast.

This "connection" will create successful spell results that are
nothing short of amazing...


... And When You Use This Third Magick Secret,
You'll Have An Advantage Most People Never Get...

MAGICK SECRET #3: This one is all about charging your spells with
_outside energy_ from nature. (Some witches understand a little about
this secret, but most of them only get it half right.)

You see, when you're able to borrow outside energy from the earth,
your spells get a powerful "boost".

This energy boost will combine with your belief, focused intent, and
emotion to bring the results you desire.

The first part of this secret is to use natural ingredients like
herbs, wood, and other plants.

Most free spells you'll find call for these natural ingredients, and
this is good... but almost every one of them completely ignores the
second (and most important part) of this secret.

It's very simple: you must _acknowledge_ and _thank_ the earth for
the energy you've borrowed.

This will be easy for you because the special techniques I've
"embeded" in each spell will help you thank mother earth quickly,
simply, and naturally every single time -- _without even really
thinking about it._


You'll Prove To Everyone (And Yourself) You
Can Cast Quick 5-Minute Spells That Really Work --
Without Hours Of Study... And Without Expensive,
Hard-To-Find Ingredients.

You'll realize you really _do_ have the power to change your life by
following the simple steps I've laid out in each spell, ritual, and

... using simple ingredients and tools you can find around your home.

... without needing help from anyone else. (There are a few group
rituals, but most of the spells are designed to done alone, in the
comfort of your own home.)

The best part is, you'll be able to use these spells as often as you
need to.

Just Imagine What It Will Feel Like When You Cast
Your First Spell From The Magick Grimoire, And Attract
The Exact Results You Desire A Day Or Two Later.

The belief... the emotion... and the hope you feel will be like
sunshine on your heart.

You'll feel comfort in your inner spirit that everything is going to
be O.K... and a wave of excitement will fill your soul because you'll
realize what is possible.

Listen, regular people are changing their lives with my specially
written spells every day. They aren't any smarter than you... and they
aren't mysteriously "gifted" in some way. Just look at what they've


If you follow my steps, you can get similar results... and you'll
know it's only the beginning...

You'll have hundreds more of my spells to cast... each one designed
to follow the 3 Magick secrets... each one able to bring the quick
results you so desperately desire... each one bringing you closer to
the life you've always dreamed of... filled with true love, true
friends, good health...

... And Enough Money To Make Your
Financial Worries Vanish Forever.

Just turn on the news to hear about the struggles people are having
all over the world with money. This is the worst its been since the
Great Depression.

Maybe you can imagine what its like for people struggling to pay
their bills after working long hours for little pay... with almost
nothing in their savings accounts.

And then they get the bad news. They've lost their jobs.

Their income stops... but the bills keep rolling in. Desperation sets
in when they look for a job, but can't find one... and all the while
there are little mouths to feed... rent to pay... and all the bills.

It's just a matter of time before government assistance runs out...
the bills go unpaid... the lights go out... and finally, their homes
are lost.

Maybe some of this has even happened to you -- but it doesn't have
to... especially if you follow the steps in the money spells I'm going
to send you.

What Would Life Be Like If You Never Had To
Worry About Money Again... And Even Had Enough
Wealth To Do Almost Anything You Wanted?

You'll rest easy every night knowing you've got enough money to pay
all your bills... and live the life you've always wanted.

No, money _can't_ buy happiness or love... but it _can_ help you feel
happiness, love, and hope.

It's amazing how easy it is to focus on things in life that are
really important (like your relationships... your friends... your
family... your health) when your money worries are gone.

You can even travel the world if you like... and you'll have plenty
of "fun" money to buy (and do) some of the things you've always

This is all possible because I've included a special set of spells,
rituals, techniques, and charms that can quickly create opportunities
for money in your life. (You'll receive spells for attracting extra
spending cash, landing your dream job, getting a promotion, drawing in
emergency money to pay your bills, and much more.)

Here are just a few of the simple money attracting spells and rituals
I've laid out for you step-by-step:

amazing technique uses the powerful "law of reciprocity" to bring a
stream of Money miracles into your home.)

3 "ingredients" that contain powerful money-drawing Magick
properties... and how to make them 10 times more powerful by combining
them in a small pouch. (Important: my special ritual will "activate"
your Magick money pouch by directing it's energy toward any specific
financial goal. I'll show you how, step-by-step.)

SPELL". (Bottle spells can work miracles if you combine the right
materials with the right intentions... and I'll show you how to do
both so you get results quickly.)

Here are some of the results my students are getting after casting
these simple spells...

(Money Testimonials)

"Rose, This Sounds Great, But How Long Will It Take For
Your Spells To Bring Money... What Can I Expect?"

The answer to this question depends on 4 things:

1. How well you follow the simple steps I've laid out for you.

2. Your level of belief in Magick.

3. The strength of your emotional connection to your desire.

4. Which spell you cast.

The good news is, I've taken care of all 4 of these things for you.

You see, the spell casting system I've prepared will "automatically"
pick the perfect spell for your situation, build up your Magick
belief, grow intense emotion in your heart, focus your Magick on a
specific desire, and guide you through the simple steps to cast it.

_The results will amaze you._


In fact, you may even "see" results a day or two after casting it.

You Can Even Cast My Simple Job Attraction
Spells To Quickly Land The Job Of Your Dreams.

Not only is it hard to find a job these days, but most people who
actually have a job aren't happy with it. In a recent poll 55% of
people working at least 30 hours a week are unhappy with their jobs.

That means over half of employees wake up every morning and go to a
place they can't stand... to a boss who probably doesn't give them the
credit (or respect) they deserve.

But things will be different for you. You don't have to be
unemployed... and you don't have to be stuck in a job you don't like.

_What if I told you there was a simple set of spells you could use to
"stumble" into your dream job?_

Imagine waking up every morning excited to go to work. A place where
you are respected and appreciated. A job that pays what you are truly
worth... a job that provides for you and your loved ones -- for the
rest of your lives.

And if you already have a job you want to keep, I'VE PREPARED ANOTHER

Even better, you can use some of the spells to get the promotion you
deserve... along with a salary increase that will make any of your
financial worries disappear completely.

Here are just a few of the job spells I've prepared for you:

INTERVIEW. (This pre-interview ritual works so well because it laser
focuses your Magick energy on landing the job _during_ the interview.)

A simple "cinnamon twist" spell that can quickly land a good paying
job... _especially_ when you're having financial problems. (It's hard
to find a good paying job these days... but this spell can send the
perfect opportunity to your doorstep, _and give you an edge over your

(This spell magnifies your most valuable talents to everyone at your
workplace by combining the energy of 4 crystals and 12 coins.)


"If Magick Can Attract Money So Quickly
And Easily, Why Isn't Everybody Rich?"

This is a question I've been asked many times before, and here is my

The truth is, most people casting spells _never_ see results... let
alone get rich from them.

That's because most people purchasing books and courses on Witchcraft
skip right to the spells -- before they know how (or why) Magick

They blindly cast the spells without building up true belief in
Magick... and without focusing their thoughts, emotions, and

Then they complain they aren't millionaires a few hours later.


And I'll make sure you follow the 3 Magick secrets when casting each
spell. Not only will you create prosperity and wealth in your life,
but you'll also...


As you know, love can make every day beautiful and full of life...
or... if love "breaks" it can fill your days with sadness, depression,
and lonliness.

There are so many people desperately seeking love that can't find it.
They feel alone, unimportant and unwanted... while a deep sadness
creeps into their hearts.

Many others are dealing with a devastating breakup... or the crushing
loss of a loved one.

My heart bleeds for you if you've felt like this, because I know what
its like to have a broken heart.

Let me explain...

I Felt Like I'd Be Sad Forever As I Sobbed
Uncontrollably In A Dark Parking Lot At 2 am...

He was my first love, or so I thought.

I was just 17 years old, and I was "in love" for the first time.

I met him at the local ice cream shop I worked at, and he swept me
off my feet.

From the moment I saw him, I was sucked into his world. He charmed me
and we began dating seriously.

I honestly felt like it would last forever... everything seemd so
wonderful... almost perfect.

Until he stopped calling. And when I'd call him he wasn't the same.

I started to worry... and then the doubts began to creep into my

"Does he love me anymore?"... "Has he met somebody else?"... "Did I
do or say something wrong?"

I quickly pushed these questions out of my mind... maybe he was just
in a bad mood.

But things got worse. _Much worse_.

I Discovered The Truth That Ripped
My Tender Heart In Two...

My best friend saw him at the mall one day with a girl she happened
to know.

It looked like they were more than friends.

The next time my friend saw the girl, she asked her how long she'd
known him.


The girl said, _"he's been my boyfriend of 2 years..."._

My friend was shocked, and she called me immediately to tell me the
heart-breaking news.

He'd been lying to me the whole time.

I was overwhelmed by anger, panic, despair, and sadness... and I
began to sob uncontrollably.

I ran out of the house as fast as I could, and ended up in a deserted
parking lot a few boocks away.

I was crying uncontrollaby... and when my tears dried up, I sat in
stunned silence until almost 2 am.

I couldn't understand how someone could ever treat me that way.


But I was wrong.

_If I knew then what I know now, my heart would never have been
crushed like that._

I'm just glad my grandmother was there to save me from sadness. She
could feel my pain and took me under her wing.

She showed me how to cast a few quick spells to heal my broken
heart... gently repairing the damage that was done... making my heart
stronger than it had ever been before.

Everyone needs some time to grieve... that's part of the healing

But instead of grieving for weeks and months, I only felt sad for a
few days.

The spells empowered me, and I felt happy again... like I could do or
be anything.

... And Then She Revealed A Spell That
Would Change My Life Forever!

On my 18th birthday, she knew I was ready to experience real love.

She copied every word of her secret love spell onto a slip of paper.
As she handed it to me she whispered, _"follow every word."_

I knew it would work just like all her other spells had. I could feel
the excitement building up inside me... and I ran home as fast as my
legs would carry me.

I gathered the ingredients, and I cast the spell exactly as it was
written. I couldn't wait to meet my true love.

But a few days later, my excitement had turned to disappointment. I
hadn't met _anyone_.

First, I started to doubt the spell... and then (almost a week
later), I had forgotten about it completely.

_AND THAT'S WHEN HE CAME INTO MY LIFE..._ (by the way, this an
important lesson for you: the sooner you "forget" about a spell you've
cast, the sooner it will bring results...)

It started slowly with true friendship at it's core, and quickly
blossomed into a "once in a lifetime" romance. And we are still going
strong today, after 20 years and 2 kids.


... and this all happened _before_ my Grandmother discovered the
secrets in the Magick Grimoire. Secrets that have increased my
connection to Magick in ways I never thought possible.

It's unique techniques for harnessing the power of your belief,
emotion, and focus are stronger than anything I've ever used.

And I've broken it all down into simple steps for you...

...So You Can Quickly Rid Your Heart Of
Lonliness, Depression, And Sadness Too.

Now, I'm not going to promise you'll never feel some sadness and
disappointment about love... but instead of going through weeks and
months of heartache, you'll only feel down for a day or two. (I've
prepared some simple heart-mending spells that will quickly clear away
your pain and replace it with hope, excitement, and happiness.)

Here's just a bit of what I'll show you:

A BROKEN HEART, SO IT HEALS QUICKLY. (You can also "charge" this box
so it attracts your deepest romantic desire the moment your pain is
gone. I'll show you how...)

A simple 5-minute ritual that quickly "flushes away" the pain of a
broken heart with a picture, 2 candles, and a small butterknife.
(WARNING: this spell will make you cry, but it's amazing how most of
your pain vanishes instantly -- _and never comes back._)

A COUPLE THAT WASN'T MEANT TO BE. (You'll use some black candles and a
pair of scissors to end things quickly without hurting the other
person... so you can find the one you're meant for.)

And when your pain is gone...

You'll Cast My Powerful Love Attraction Spells To Open
Doors Of Love In Your Life... And Send A Flood
Of Romance Bursting Through Them.

There are two types of these special Love Spells...

First, if you're ready to settle down with someone special, you'll
focus on my "true love attraction spells" to create a chance encounter
with your soul mate. _(This can happen in a few days, and you'll know
when you see them... trust me.)_


If you just want to date and have fun, you'll focus on my spells to
attract multiple love interests. (CAUTION:_ I NEVER RECOMMEND DATING

It's your choice which path you follow.

Here are just a few examples of these unique and powerful love

FRIENDSHIP, AND RAW PASSION. (I'll show you how to make this simple
and safe love potion with items you'll find in your home... and
"simmer" it to release the love attracting blend of aromas into the
universe.) (The short ritual you'll do also creates "love magnetism"
in your heart that works _with_ the energy of the potion... which is
why it brings results so quickly.)

The "True Love Seeker Bath" that creates an accurate image of your
true love... and opens a "doorway" in your immediate future for that
person to walk through. (You'll actually be able to see your true love
during this ritual... _and you'll meet them sooner than you ever

interest for every flower on the necklace.)

(Love Testimonials)

... and if you've already found someone special, and just want to
feel "closer" to them -- I've got you taken care of.

I'll Show You How To Take Any Relationship To A
Higher Level Of Love Almost Overnight.

It's so painful when you _want_ to feel closer to someone... but
_something_ is preventing it.

You remember how things used to be when your relationship was filled
with love and trust... and you got butterflies in your stomach every
time you were together.

Then you open your eyes one day and realize how much things have
changed... for the worse. You feel sad, angry, and depressed... and
you'd do anything to get that happiness back.

This is where my simple "love growing" spells and rituals come in.

With each spell you cast, you'll plant another Magick "love seed" in
your relationship that grows with each passing day... gently repairing
anything that has been broken... bringing back the love that was there
-- _and all it's passion._

Spells like this:

STRONG FOR YEARS. (If the spark is gone, and you feel like you're just
"going through the motions", this simple ritual can fuel the love
between you for years to come.)

A unique and emotional "Quartz Band-Aid Spell" that bends hidden
energies in any crystal to heal your relationship... as long as it was
meant to be. (This is also a great way to reveal your relationship's

WITH YOUR LOVER. (You'll need a candle and a purple plate to suck away
all the anger and pain, mend the relationship... and strengthen your


And there's another kind of pain I can help you with too...


It's a harsh reality of life... the ones we love slowly begin to
leave us.

How many times you have you wanted to speak with them "one last time"
as tears begin to fill your eyes? Just one last "I love you...", one
last hug... one last kiss...

_I can help you "touch" them again._

And you don't have to say goodbye... you can actually continue having
a relationship with them.

You see, I've used some of the knowledge in the Magick Grimoire to
create special rituals for communicating with spirits on the other

You'll be able to exchange thoughts, feelings, emotions, and even
words with the ones you've lost... _almost any time you wish._



And no matter how (or why) your heart hurts in the future, you'll
never feel alone again because...

You'll Also Use The Spells To Attract A

... and true friends can help get you through any problems that come
your way.

You'll be surrounded with people like you... people who understand
you... care about you... love you.

People that share in your happiness... people who pick you up when
you are down with tender words and thoughtful actions.

Once you use a few of my simple friendship attraction spells, you'll
quickly and naturally attract true friends that are _meant_ for you.

So you'll never feel lonely or left out.

I'll show you spells like:


The friends you attract will be wonderful, and they'll change your
life. Just remember that, while they _can_ be there to give you
happiness and support...


Don't get me wrong, the world is a beautiful place. But there are a
lot of problems too.

You don't need me to tell you about all the pain and suffering going
on. Just turn on the news to see it with your own eyes...

... job losses... poverty... homelessness... hate crimes... natural
disasters... terrorism... death...

And then there are the negative thoughts people send out -- filled
with fear, greed, envy, and hatred. This negative energy can take away
everything you have, throwing your life into a tailspin.

It's my _duty_ to keep you and your loved ones protected, which is
why I've included a set of rituals that will...

Create An Impenetrable "Magick Wall" That
Protects You And Your Loved Ones From
Curses, Hexes, And All Harm.

Whether someone consciously wishes bad things on you (a type of
curse)... or whether random negative energy floats across your path,
the secret protection spells of the Druids will keep you safe.

You see, many of these powerful rituals ended up in the Magick
Grimoire, and I've broken them all into simple steps for you.

These rituals actually harness the power of your inner gratitude for
the things you already have.

You'll be moved to tears with pure joy... and these powerful emotions
will fuel every protection spell you do.

Your "Protections" Will Reflect Harmful Negative
Energy Before It Reaches You... 24 Hours A Day...

I'm not saying you'll never have an occasional "bad day". Everyone
has those.

But you'll be safe from the worst type of negativity ruining lives
around the world every day.

Plus, the protections you'll put it place will make it impossible for
anyone (or anything) to curse you in any way.

You'll rest easy at night _knowing_ that you, your loved ones, and
everything you have is safe. (While so many other people are worried

And all you have to do is follow the simple rituals I've laid out for
you, like:

The triple purple protection spell that creates an impenetrable
"shell" of protection around you to block all harm from reaching you.
(I merged 3 of my grandmother's spells about 20 years ago to come up
with this, and it has protected me every since. (When you feel the
calming warmth of the energy shield on your skin, you can rest easy
knowing that you're being protected 24 hours a day.)

The acorn poppet spell that creates an "iron veil" of Magickal
protection around you or anyoneo you love. (This is the most powerful
protection spell I've ever used as long as you replace the acorns
every few months to refresh the energy.)

A simple "one time" spell that Magically transforms salt into a
pulsating protective shield over your home that actually reflects any
negative energy that finds it's way to your home. (You'd be shocked
how much random negativity wafts into homes every day... but you'll
only have to do this spell once on any home you live in to prevent it

(Hard Luck/Redemption Case Study or Testimonials)

You'll also use another special set of protection spells to banish
any negative energy that has already "attached" itself to your life...
including sickness.

You Can Even Heal Yourself And Your
Loved Ones From Many Types Of Illnesses.

The healing spells you'll receive are driven by the most powerful
force in the universe...


They harness your deep rooted feelings of love for the person, and
release it into their soul... healing them.

This is why you must have strong emotions for the person you're
trying to heal. (Of course this is easy if it's someone you care
about... including yourself!)

(A QUICK WORD OF WARNING: these healing spells are not intended to
replace the care of a good doctor... they are intended as a way to
_help_ healing take place.)

You'll use spells and techniques like:

An amazing "health sachet" that can prevent illness and major
health problems well into old age. (It will take a about 30 minutes to
perform this spell and "charge" your sachet with a special protective
health energy.)

How to create an "astral healing tornado" that can cure almost
anyone of anything with 1 light blue candle, some incense, a small
piece of paper, and a pen.

An amazing method of healing your pet with your hands... without
even touching it. (This spell heals quickly because it combines the
Magick of your thoughts with a commonly found oil with powerful
healing energies.)


And this is all ready for you _(finally)_ in my simple spell casting

... After 6 Years Of "Blood, Sweat, And Tears"...
The Secrets Of The Druids Are Yours.

I've gone through each secret spell and technique with a fine toothed
comb, and Ive...

... split them into simple steps...

... carefully translated each spell into simple modern day English
(so anyone can understand them)...

... researched easy-to-find and inexpensive substitutes for
ingredients and tools (so anyone can cast them, no matter where you

... created hundreds of additional spells following the 3 magick

... had each spell and technique tested. (by myself, and members my
local group)

_It's all yours now._


(By the way, I've included a few little "surprises" for you that I'll
reveal in a few minutes.)

(I think you'll be pleasantly "surprised" to say the least. )

Here's everything you'll receive today:


The full color 139 page Simple Spell Casting System Manual will
gently guide
you through the secrets discovered in the Magick Grimoire of the
You'll discover simple spells and techniques to build your belief,
and intent to quickly cast successful spells for Wealth, Love, Luck,
and Protection using items you'll find in your home...

The only 3 "ingredients" you'll ever need to solve any problem you
ever have. (Hint: you already have them... now I'll show you how to
use them with Magick to make yoru biggest problems "vaporize" in just
a couple days.)

A simple morning ritual you'll use to attract one new desire into
your life every day. (And if you already have everything you want,
I'll show you how to create new desires you never knew you wanted...
and get them.)

3 steps for converting "worry" into positive energy that attracts
little miracles into your life. (We all worry sometimes... but the
negative energy it attracts can ruin our lives unless we learn to use
that energy to achieve our goals... and that's exactly what this
simple ritual can do.)

The single biggest reason most people rarely cast a spell that
actually works... and an easy 2 minute concentration exercise that
instantly "unclogs" this spell casting obstacle. (You'll actually
strengthen your connection to your "divine" energy which is the source
of every spell's power.)

A secret spell that can fill your life with love and joy if you
cast it every day. (The best part is, I'll show you a 5 minute
technique that will "train your brain" to cast the spell automatically
every morning before you wake up!)

The secret for using different deities to add "divine" energy to
every spell you cast. (Most people don't understand how to properly
use deities in their spells, despite wehat they think. Once you get
this secret you'll physically "fee" this radiant divine energy charge
your spells... and then you'll see the results!)

How to combine the spells and rituals of multiple ancient Magickal
traditions to multiply the effects of certain love, wealth, and luck
spells. (You'll also receive 6 ancient spell combinations I've created
for you... so you can use this powerful technique immediatly - and see
the results for yourself.)

How to organize your home so it Magickally attracts good luck and
wealth automatically. (You don't even have to cast a spell... just
follow my simple instructions and watch wealth attracting energy flow
in through your door.)

An old Chineese Magick method of healing your body using "meridian
channels". (This technique is simple once you know the secret of using
4 of your fingers to heal certain ailments.)

How to unlock the Magick of an ancient Chinieese symbol to protect
yourself from curses, hexes, and random negativity for the rest of
your life. (You can integrate it into your spellwork, put pictures of
it on your wall, and inscribe your candles with it for full

A morning ritual that harnesses the energy of the sun to completely
cleanse your house of "bad energy" that causes problems in your life.
(This is perfect when you have multiple problems in your life and you
can't figure out where they are coming from.)

A secret technique for using bird feathers to heal basic ailments
in you or anyone oyou care about. (I adapted this ritual from Native
American medicine men, and it works like a charm!)

An ancient stone that protected Roman war generals from harm, and
how you can use it's Magickal properties to live a stress free life
and absorb negative neergy before it reaches you. (Plus, you'll
discover exatly where you can find it quickly... for pennies!)

How to protect your car from accidents and breakdowns with nothing
but a small piece of wire and some beads. (This simple, long term
spell will also create a positive energy field inside your car so
everyone who sits in it feels a sense of happiness.)

How to use a ziploc bag and 9 knots to stop "gossipers" from
hurting you. (Special Note: this spell will not hurt the gossipers in
any way... and will actually ehlp them to adore you so they never talk
about you in a negative way again.)

A yearly home protection spell that will gently remove evil spirits
from your ohome and prevent any bad spirits and negative nergy from
entering. (All you need for this one is 3 gcloves of garlic, a bowl,
and a special chant...)

How to "bury" the harmful energy of bullies with 3 black candles
and a glass bottle. (This own't harm the people that are hurting
you... but it will prevent their attacks for good!)

How to combine the enrgy of an apple and some vinegar to turn a bad
day into of the of the best days you've ever had. (My grandmother
showed me how to do this spell when I was a little girl... and now I'm
able to stop bads days before they start... and I'll show you hwo to
do it too.)

The "Purple Scrying Spell of the Past" that will reveal important
past events and people in your life. (If you ever miss certain people
and event sin your past, this is a way to clearly see them again...
and receive hints on how to communicate with them again.)

How to combine a home made love potion, a candle spell, a simple
meditation, and a spell bottle to attract your one true passionate

How to create and "charge" a Magickal love drawing amulet you can
carry with you at all times to attract potential love interests and
new friend sto you everywhere you go. (The beauty of this is, if you
want to go somehwere and not meet new people who are attracted to you,
you can take it off and leave it at home.)

The best time and day to cast any love spell so it brings quick
results. (If you've cast love spells that haven't brought results,
this is probably the biggest reason why.)

How to "breath" love into your life with your own romance creating
spell bottle to generate a Magickal scent that can quickly bring a
special "someone" to your door. (Hint: you'll be combining roses,
cinnamon, and other special scents following my simple steps to make
love "happen".)

The magickal 9 drops of oil that can quickly create a sense of
peace and love throughout every member of your family. (There's
nothing more painfull than when family members hurt eachother with
anger... and there is no faster way to mend these relationships with
these special 9 drops of oil I'll show you how to get... and use.)

How you can burn yarn to attract emergency funds almost any time
you need to. (Warning: use this powerful spell for emergencies only,
and be very careful when you burn the yarn!)

The single most important secret for casting "quick result" love
spells that almost nobody uses. (... and I'll give you almost 2 dozen
of these simple 30 second spells that work quickly to spice up your
love life.)

The biggest mistake most people make in their minds before casting
a money spell that almost guarantees it will fail. (I'll show you how
to quickly adjust your thinking so you charge every money spell with
postiive "bounceback" karma to eliminate this problem completely!)

The single sentence that can prevent "astrology" from stopping your
Money Magick spells dead in their tracks. (Actually, this works iwth
any type of spell. If you're one of those people who has never cast a
successful spell, this 8 word sentence can remove astrological
blockages and change everything for you.)

A secret for using 5 shiney coins as Magick money seeds that attract
a constant stream of money and prosperity into your life. (The power
of this amazing ritual dissolves the biggest obstacle that prevents
the flow of money coming into most people's lives.) (If you've never
cast a sucessful moeny spell before, you must do this before anything
else to open a big door of wealth in yoru life.)

How to make a simple bracelet that can stop your money worries for
good by attracting just enough moeny to settle all of your debts.
(Hint: you'll use 22 special beads you can find almost anywhere and
charge them using a secret ritual moy grandmother gave me over 20
years ago.) (Special Bonus: your bracelet can also heal your emotional

5 steps for blending a Magickal "potpourri" that creates special
energy vibrations inside of your home that can attract good fortune to
everyone living inside for an entire year.

An unusual "sand painting" ritual you can perform that will send
your intent for money attraction into the universe so it returns to
you bearing the gifts of prosperity you asked for. (Hint: the more
energy you put into this fun and creative ritual, the closer the spell
results will be to what you ask for...)

10 amazing healing spells that tap into the power of secret
long-lost Magickal traditions around the world. (These ancient spells
work with your body instead of against it... to hlep your body heal
itself from almost any ailment you can think of.)

How to charge a brown egg with targetted Magick energy that stops
addictions and heals the internal wounds causing them. (It's safe and
ethical to perform this spell witwh the person... or if you are a
distanc eaway from them, as long as there is love in your heart.)

4 helpers you can call upon during any spell to boost the Magick
energy buildup in your circle so much that you can feel the warmth.
(This will add about 5 minutes of time for every spell... but it iwll
triple the odds of your spell bringing the results you desire.)

1 surprisingly effective method of using specific symbols in your
spells to increase the focus of your spell and your specific goal.
(This will increase both your spells chances for success, and magnify
the results it brings.) (Hint:any time you personalize a spell and
make it more specific, you'll get much better results, and this is a
great way to do that.)

A master list of pwoerful gemstones that can boost the Magick
energy in certain spells to practically force the spell to attract
results. (This list contains all the most powerful gemstones and
exactly how - and when - to use each one.)

How to create a "hanging sachet" for almost any desire with my full
list of herbs and their uses. (I give you simple step-by-step
instructions to create the sachet along with afew sample herb
combinations for household wealth attraction, protection, and love

A "color choosing" guide for magnifying the energy of every spell
with colors. (Most people ignore the use of color in their spells
which can be a big mistake in seeing successful results.)


You'll use this easy-to-follow checklist to move quickly and easily
through the course.

Just check off each step as it's complete so you don't miss anything.

It will also guide you through these 3 special surprises I've
prepared for you:


The full color 48 page Successful Spell Casting Secrets Manual
reveals every
mistake someone could ever make when casting a spell that causes
it to fail. You'll discover simple tips, tricks, and secrets I've
created over the years to help my thousands of students
around the world cast spells that really work.

If you've ever had problems getting some of your spells to work, I've
got good news:

It's usually just one simple mistake that causes a spell to "fizzle".
So I've written down every spell casting mistake any of my students
have made over the last 6 years... along with each Magick solution
I've provided to get their spells working.

I've put all these successfull spell casting secrets into a manual so
you won't run into any of these problems... so you cast spells that
actually bring the results you desire.

Almost every reason a spell could possibly fail is in this manual --
and you'll discover the simple secrets you'll use to cast successful
spells almost every single time.

I'll show you:

The 1 step you must do before casting any spell when other people
have been in your Magick space since the last time you cast a spell.
(It is shocking how dramatically this step can improve the success and
power of your spells...)

6 simple ways of cleansing your Magickal tools, and hwen to use
each one to get the best results from your spells. (Each of these only
takes a few seconds for each tool and can make the differecne between
amazingly quick results, and disappointment.)

How to steup your altar so it creates 5 energy points that compund
the release of positive Magick energy for successfull spells and quick
results. (The best part is each of these 5 energy points is created
with items you can find in your home.)

How to automatically increase the power of every item on your altar
with every day that passes. (If you follow my steps for setting this
up, you'll be amazed by the results your spells begin to create after
just a week... without ever needing to use the items the spell calls

The single change you can make when "re-casting" any failed spell
to almost guarantee it brings positive results. (Hint: this has to do
wtih the location you cast the spell from... and it's a secret many
people never discover about casting successful spells.)

The 4 basic spell casting steps most beginning witches completely
miss. (If you leave out any of these steps, there is almost no chance
your spell will bring results.)

21 altar items you can find in your home that instantly increase
any spells' chance for success. (The beauty of this is that the more
of these items you place on or around your altar, the stronger your
spells will be... but don't forget to cleanse them first by following
my simple cleansing guide!)

A 10 minute "daily ritual" you can do every evening to magickally
remove every problem in your life one at a time, without you even
trying. (This is not a conventional spell... it's a magickal "habit"
I'll show you how to crewate...because it can quickly change your

2 ways of using the moon's energy to either attract your desires
(like money, love, and friendship) or eliminate your problems... and
why the moon can never help you do both at the same time. (Spells
always work best if you only focus on 1 of them at a time...and it
turns out the moon agrees!)

The 3 best items you can use to create a Magick circle that will
compound your spell's energy before it builds up and is released into
the universe. (These items will also prevent negative and distracting
energies from entering your circle and throwing your spell off

A simple method for quickly casting a Magick circle on the fly
whenever you need it and don't have the space or time necessary to do
it right. (This quick circle casting will protect you in tense
situations, and also allow you to cast quick "trigger" spells on thoe
fly by following my steps.)

How to cast a simple spell casting circle in under 3 minutes. (Some
circle casting rituals are too complicated and can take longer than
the actual spell!) (This circle draws it's power from simplicity and
is all you'll ever need for full protection and high energy spells.)

A big mistake most people make when casting their Magick circles
that either causes their spells to fail... or worse -- backfire! (I'll
show you how to easily avoid this mistake so all of your spells are
safe and effective.)

6 tips for successful candle Magick spells most people overlook
completely. (These are simple and obvious once I show you, and can
make all the difference between a spell that bring squick results...
and one that fails miserably.)

Why a wooden pair of chopsticks can protect your spells from
negative energy... and how to use them to prevent your spell from ever
backfiring on you.

A secret method of "storing" your Magick items to recharge the
Magick energy of each so they bring maximum spell power to your next
ritual. (Most people don't pay attention to this very important detail
and end up working spells using "dead" items that suck away the energy
you're trying to release... preventing your spells from working.)

A list of groceries in your pantry that possess powerful Magickal
properties most people never tap into. (I'll also show you a technique
for integrating these items into your spells for quicker results that
are better than what you asked for.)

4 secret techniques for releasing the Mgaick inside of honey to
trigger red-hot passion, heal physical ailments, attract true love,
and protect everything important in your life. (Bees are one of the
main reasons human life exists... and the natural life-giving energies
they posses transferrs into the honey they produce... just waiting for
you to awekn it with my special rituals...)

The best type of milk to bath in that will recharge your spirit,
cleanse it of negativity, and charge your next 3 spells with extra
Magick power. (All you need to do is pour 5 cups of this Magickal milk
into your regular bath water to get all of these amazing benefits.)

3 steps for charging any water you'll use in your spellwork with
the natural energy of plants so it not only adds more core energy to
your spell, but will also cause you to receive a natural "sign" that
your spell was cast successfully, so you can rest easy knowing results
are not far behind.)

4 different types of natural Magick oils that can dramatically
enhance multiple physical attributes including skin, hair, and
breasts... simply by rubbing them on your body.)

The best place to collect a special type of dew that contains the
en ergy of earth, air, fire, and water... and how to bring this added
energy into your spells for amazing results. (This is another special
ingrediant you must add to any spell you've had trouble getting to
work... so you finally get the results you've been waiting for.)

6 steps for consecrating your "athame" (even if it's a butter
knife) so it condenses, focuses, and directs the energy of your spells
at your specific desire so it is attracted more quickly into your

4 steps for creating a "pentacle of pwoer" that creates a portal
that automatically draws the energy of the universe into every spell
you cast when you place it on your altar. (This will become your
trusted center of power for spellwork... so you cast one successful
spell after another with ease.)

3 simple steps for making your own Magick broom that quckly and
completely sweeps away negative energy from any spot in your home.
(It's free, perfect for cleansing the area before you ast a spell, and
you can make it in under 30 minutes!)

A 5 second technique that instantly removes all distraction from
your mind when you cast a spell to almost guarantee _some_ results.
(This amazing secret removes one of the biggest barriers to successful
spell casting... so the message and desire in your spell has a clear
path into the universe, and can bring results.)

Why doing more than one spell in any 12-hour period can ruin your
spells' chances for success... and an unusual (but powerful) method of
focusing all of your energy into a single spell to give it the best
chance to bring your desire.)

Exactly how long you must wait for a spell to work before calling
it a "failure"... and why re-casting a spell before you give it enough
time to work can dilute the energy and guarantee spell failure. (I've
cast many spells that did not bring results until the last few days of
this period... and I'm so glad I waited!)

The 1 thing you must never do after casting a spell that instantly
disperses your spell's energy, preventing it from bringing any

4 Magickal calendar points most people overlook that hold maximum
spell casting power for you. (These are different for every person,
and I"ll show you how to reveal yours, so that every spell you cast
during these times has double the power and chances for success.)

How to identify "Magick hotzones" of intense power outside your
home that are the best places to cast "trigger spells" that almost
always work as planned. (These are all around us, and I'll show you a
secret for finding them... and I'll also show you how to cast trigger
spells in under 15 seconds so nobody ever notices wha tyou are doing.)

A special ritual that reveals your "totem animal" who will visit
you spiritually in your dreams and give you important Magickal wisdom,
help you cast successful spells and give you protection. (I'll also
show you how to pledge yourself to your totem animal so it's energy
will help you every day... and change your life.)

17 little-known Magickal aphrodesiacs that can quickly attract
red-hot passion into your life when you add them (in certain
combinations) to your spells. (I'll shwo you 3 of the best "formulas"
for combinign these into your spells for maximum romantic effects.)

4 simple steps for creating safe Magick potioons for almost every
desire in under 15 minutes. (I'll also give you dozens of Magick
potion recipies that can work quicker than most spells.) (If you're
having trouble getting your spells to work, these potions may be
exactly what you need to break through and see results.)

2 simple methods of creating Magickal oil infusions that can bring
a variety of powerful natural energies into every spell you cast,
which are instantly released when you close your circle! (For many
people this is the "missing ingrediant" in their spells that can
create successful results.)


My easy-to-use E-Book Of Shadows (volume 1) installs quickly and
safely on both
PCs and Macs. It contains 100 special spells I've designed, each one
the 3 Magick secrets the Druids revealed in the Magick Grimoire.

I worked very closely with Ash (my computer whiz) for over a year to
bring this unique and powerful spell casting software to you.

It installs quickly and easily to any PC or Mac, and it's so simple
to use even a computer "dunce" (like me) can use it.

I've placed 100 additional unique and powerful spells (each one
following the 3 Magick secrets revealed by the Druids in the Grimoire)
into this software. They are neatly categorized into 5 sections: "Love
Spells", "Money Spells", "Protection Spells", "Luck Spells", and
"Divination Spells".

Simply click a category to get a list of all the spells. Then, click
a spell to see the simple steps you'll follow to cast it.

You can write the steps down or print them out. (In fact, you can
print out all the spells with 1 click if you wish.)

Additionally, you can add your own spells, categories, and any other
Magick-related journal entries into the E-Book Of Shadows. (I urge you
to keep a Magick journal and spell casting log as well, and this
software is a great place to do it.)

It truly is "one of a kind", and possibly one of the most powerful
pieces of the Simple Spell Casting System.

Here are just some of the secrets you'll discover inside:

The "Danger Binding" poppet that can quicky stop any person from
causing harm to your or your loved ones. (The poppet is so easy to
make, even a 3 year old can do it... then you'll use one black candle,
a red ribbon, and saltwater to put up a targetted "shield" from the
person's negative energy.)

A simple 5 step ritual that can instantly "suck" any negative
energy from your life, and replace it with good luck and positive
energy. (This spell uses the stored energy in a single black candle,
and it's perfect if you think you've been cursed but you're not quite
sure... or if you feel you've had a string of bad luck...)

How to use 9 pennies to repel any "enemy" from your life. (This
unique spell will cause anyone causing problems in your life to leave
you alone... out of choice.) (Warning: make sure you reallyw ant the
person out of your life before using the 9 pennies, because you may
never see the person again.)

An amazing "tripled energy" spell that releases the combined Magick
of 3 different colored candles to quickly disperse an negative energy
in your home. (Hint: it's the specific colors of the cnadles that make
this spell "push" bad enery out of your home so it fills with peace
and harmony among every person living there.)

A secret Magick technique for using a safety pin to destroy any
curse someone has inflicted on you. (Most people think it's difficult
or impossible to remove some curses... but they've probably never
tried this powerful spell...)

The aura illumination spell that combines the power of 1 simple
(and secret) ingredient and a 2 minute visualization to instantly
cleanse your natural a ura. (If you've never cleansed your aura in
this way, you'll be shocked how dramatically it will change your life
for hte better, including: attracting a long string of good luck,
increasing your happiness, increased health, and a new positive
outlook on life in your heart.)

How to use a piece of ginger, a small puch, and a crystal to quckly
convert your bad luck into the best luck you've ever had. (After doing
this spell every new day will bring a new surprise that you never
expected... for at least the next week!)

An amazingly accurate way to determine the sex of a baby before it
is born! (All you need is a necklace, some rock salt, a small puch, 5
simple steps, and 30 seconds to get the answer.) I've also included a
secret 6th step you can use to determine the sex of any future
children before the person even gets pregnant!)

A "lost 'n found" spell that releases energy to guide you to any
item you've lost.

A powerful "future sight" spell that allows you to see important
future events in your life through the Magick light of a blue candle.
(You'll use a special chant, some incense, and a pendulum to create
the special light you'll look through to see your future.)

An easy "dice divination" spell you can use to get the complete and
accurate truth about any question you have. (If you've never done a
spell to see the future, this is the perfect place to start...)

How to use a yellow candle to reveal any illness a person may have.
(You'll use this spell anytime you suspect someone may need to see a
doctor but you're not sure.) (Warning: this spell is not a substitue
for the diagnosis of a medical doctor, and you should always seek a
doctor's advice if you suspect problems.)

A simple method for using your birth name to reveal you rone true
essense. (THe answer may surprise you and once you know it, your life
will automatically change for the better...)

How to use a box of dominos to reveal the immediate and long term
future of every aspect of your life. (Just "knowing" what's to come
can bring peace and excitement into your heart... and help you prepare
for and avoid coming obstacles.)

3 steps for brewing the Magick tea of the Druids that will reveal
the most important and life changing event that will happen to you in
the near future.

How to quickly rekindle a passion that has been lost in a
relationship with a Magick flame of lust binding. (It's amazing how
the visualization you do in this spell actually comes true if you
follow the simple steps exactly...)

A secret for using 4 red candles, a knife, and a photo to bring
back almost any lover who has left you. (Warning: some love ends for a
reason... and bringing the person back can lead to disaster... you'll
use my simple "true love" divination to determine if the spell is safe
to cast first.)

A unique spell that can "transform" almost any friend (of any sex)
into a passionate lover overnight. (Important Note: this spell will
only work if there is a hidden mutual attraction between you...)

How to use 3 flowers and some salt to catch the attention of anyone
you have a crush on taht hasn't noticed you yet... and cause them to
see every attractive quality about you. (Special Note: this spell
won't cause people to fall in love iwth you instantly... but it can
start the dating process if you two are a good match...)

A secret ritual for creating a Magickal Rose of Devotion that can
attract the love of a specific person if you were meant for eachother.
(This spell will "sting" your hand but it's extremely effective for
making sure you don't miss the true love that was meant for you.)

The "Magick Love Magnet" spell thalt will charge any piece of
jewelry so it attracts any compatible lover to you any time you're in
the same area. (If you're single and are ready to meet someone that
will make you happy, wear this jewery everywhere you go to spark a
passionate new romance.)

2 stones that can rekindle an old lost romance in less than 7 days.
(You'll use 2 specially charged candles to unlock the powerful love
awakening energies of the stones, and bring an old lover back into
your life...)

The "true love unlocking" spell that uses a pink candle to charge
any piece of jewelry with focused love attraction energies that will
atatract your 1 true love into your life now matter where they are in
the world... (Some people never even meet their true love... but as
long as you wear the piece of jewelry every day after you do the
spell, you will meet your true love quicker than you think.)

How to use a pencil, a piece of paper, and 2 candles to cast a
"quick date" spell taht quickly draws a compatible partner to your
"doorstep" any time you need companionship. (NOte: what happens after
the date will be a surprise... you may fall deeply in love, or you may
end up being good friends... it's up to the universe to decide!)

A controversial "Ultimate Desire" spell that magnifies all of your
attractive qualities for 1 specific person. (Warning: you must follow
the 5 steps exactly to stay within good ehtical boundaries and avoid
bad karma bounceback.) (This is one of the most powerful attraction
spells in the kit... and i urge you to use it with care... only on
someone you are sure you can love because chances are they'll fall for
you quickly.)

The "make or break" relationship spell you can us any time your
significant other doesn't seem to want to get mor eserious with you...
to eitiher ignite the fire of love or slowly and painlessly end it if
it wasn't meatn to be... so you can go on. (Be careful with this
because, in the end, this spell will reveal the truth about if you
were meant to be together... and it may not always be the truth you

How to use a single strand of hair to focus your lovers wandeirng
eye on you and you alone. (This spell own't control your lover, but it
will "freshen" their feelings toward you by reminding them how
wonderful you are... sot hey begin to look at you like they did when
you first got together.)

How to infuse an apple core with Magick energy... and release it
into the aura of your lover to keep them loyal to you if you think
they are about to stray to another. (This won't control what they do,
but it will ensure you won't be cheated on...)

5 Magick steps you can do to "delay" a divorce and give your
relationship a powerful and passionate second chance for life-long
love. (Most people about to go through divorce stiill love the person
and wonder if it's the right thing to do... this is a way to be sure,
so true love doesn't slip through your fingers and vanish forever...)

The "Stalker Obsession" spell that will stop anyone's unhealthy
obsession for another person in it's tracks. (If someone is obsessed
with you... or even stalking you, it is unhealthy and can even get
dangerous. This spell will divert a person's attention away from you
almost immediately.) (I also show you a quick spell modification you
can do to lighten your feelings for someone else if you feel you're
focused too much on them.)

How to use the light of a full mooon to quickly locate any lost
love in your past.. .and create an opportunity in your near future to
cross paths with them again -- and possibly rekindle the relationship.

A unique ritual that can quickly "awaken" almost any persons desire
for you with a permanent black marker and a slip of red paper. (If the
person would eventually be attracted to you, their desire for you will
quickly ignite... and it can work on an existing relationship, or for
a specific person you haven't started dating yet.)

How to create a Magickal pink ribbon that can reignite the fire of
passion in any relationship you fear is beginning to "stall out".

How to Magickally simplify any complex and confusing relationship
that has a history of issues, arguments, and negative feelings between
periods of intense romance. (Some relationships get so confusing you
wish you could start fresh... and make it easy. Now you can... and all
you need is a dish of salt!)

3 "ribbons" that can lead your soul make to your doorstep in a
matter of weeks. (If you think they aren't already looking for you,
think again. This spell will give them a clear path to your heart.)

A potent love potion that can get any person you already know to
look at you in a romantic light. (Of course it's completely natural,
safe, and so effective the person may begin to pursue you if it was
meant to be...)

The "Do You Love Me Divination" that combines the energy of rock
salt with any neckless to reveal the truth about any person's feelings
about you... whether they are a lover or a friend. (If you're
wondering whether a person really likes you or even loves you -- this
is a way to get the answer quickly...)

A secret 7 day luck spel lthat charges your inner spirit with 1
week of strong luck attracting energies so you experience one of the
best weeks in your life. (Hint: you'll get the best results if you
limit doing this spell to once a year...)

An amazing 3 step ritual that "burns" lucky energies of prosperity
attraction into any "trinket" so it draws a continuous stream of
"lucky money" into your home. (Hint: I recommend that you recharge the
trinket every 4 weeks for best results... and I'll show you how.)

How to change your luck from bad to good overnight with 2 magnets
and a horseshoe. (You'll be shocked how quickly you'll see results
from the good luck this surrounds you with... and you may see your
first surprise the morning after you cast the spell!)

The "Lucky Test Taker Spell" that can charge any pen or pencil with
luck energy that helps guide your hand to a surprisingly good score on
any test you feel unprepared for.

A quick way to bring good luck into another persons life using a
clove of garlic and a simple visualization. (The only requirement here
is that you have the person...)

The $100 bill "Midas ToucH" spell taht will make it easy for you to
make money by buying and selling any items. (This spell works great to
turn a profit by buying things from garage sales and selling them on

How to use any large gray stone to protect your job and avoid being
laid off or fired. (It's heartbreaking how many people are losing
their jobs these days... but htis spell will keep your postion
protected in even the worst situations.)

The "money stream" spell that can create a constant flow of money
into your bank account so you can stop worrying about money for good.
(This amazing spell uses the power of your mind to "think" money into
your life by using a crushed leaf, any sharp object, a fire proof
container, and a flat stone.)

A green ribbon ritual that can eliminate another one of your debts
every time you tie a knot in it. (The secret of this spell are the 4
steps you'll follow to prepare the ribbon before yo utie the knots.)

How to "grow" money into your life with 5 pumpkin deeds, a green
cloth, and a dollar bill. (This spell will make any of your money
dealings pay off more than you ever expected... whether you're working
at a job for money, buying a lottery ticket, running a business, or
almost anythign else -- including receiving gifts of money.)

How to use a needle and a green candle to create a Magick coin that
can help you win almost any civil court case.

The "Magick Bargain Stone" that will guide you to the best deal for
your #1 material desire. (This one is amazingly accurate for finding
the best deal possible on almost any big purchase so you can rest easy
knowing you won't see it somewhere else for cheaper the day after you
buy it.)

A siomple black candle burning spell that can quickly attract the
moneoy you need almost any time you need it. (This is one of the most
reliable money attraction spells I've ever used because the energy you
send out is empty of all greed.)

A strange secret for preparing 6 coins that can magickally attract
money from winning a lottery. (Of course, you may not win the big
jackpot... but you'll be surprised how often you win at least a little

How a brown candle and a dried orange peel can create a Magick fu
nnel that brings positive cash flow to everyone living in your home.
(Hint: to create permanent cashflow, bring the prepared orange epel
under any large oak tree.)

How to use a pile of pennies to Magickally create extra money for
any friend or family member. (I highly recommend you do this spell at
least once a month because it will make every money spell you do for
yourself bring almost double the results.) (Remember, whenever you
have an opportunity to create good karma, do it... and htis spell is
all about good karma.)

The "Grain Growth Spell of Financial Freedom" that gradually builds
wealth over many months so you never have to worry about money
again... and even think about retiring. (The secret of this spell is
to not be greedy and ask for it all right now when visualizing your
future wealth in front of the grain, coin, and stove.)

The "Gold 'n Green Midnight Money Spell" that will increase your
luck for finding small amounts of money almost every time you leave
the house. (This simple spell can start the flow of money into your
life so you couldn't stop it even if you wanted to... and as your
confidence with moneoy grows, the universe will present you
opportunities for large sums of prosperity.)

3 easily-found ingrediants that can instantly increase the luck of
any home buyer... so you stumble on the perfect home for you at a low
price you can easily afford. (The key for htis spell is to focus on
building up emotion in your heart for your new home... and release it
into the universe thorugh the brown candle.)

How to raise money for any charity by creating a Magick talisman of
fund raising with a candle and any large coin. (Not only will this
spell quickly help any charity by attracting donations for the cause,
but it iwll make every spell you cast afterwards much more powerful
becuase of the positive karma this creates.)

4 things you can put into any green colored puch to bring financial
success into your life through almost any means you wish. (This Magick
pouch will bring your success thorugh whatever means you believe most
possible in your heart... and the more you belief it can happen, the
faster it actually will.)

How to use a small amount of spare change to bring back any money
you've lost whether it was stolen, lent to someone, or lost.
(Important: just make sure you leave the change outside overnight and
don't spend it for a week... and you'll be shocked how quickly your
money returns.)

A weekly "simple green" money spell you can do to consistently
attract small sums of moneoy into your life. (It's always nice to
"stumble" across small sums of money... and now you can make it happen
more often than ever if you do this simple 30 second spell ocne a

The "Emergency Bill Payment" spell that "triangulates" the Magick
energy of 3 green candles to move enough money into your immediate
future to pay any bills you can't afford. (It's important that you use
this spell only during emergencies or it will fizzle!)

How to charge a matchbox with energy from 4 candles to make your
home sell quickly. (Sometimes it's hard to find a buyer for your home,
but this spell can hlep it sell quickly - for more than you are

The "Silver Selling" spell that will give you an advantage eveyr
time you sell something... so you get the exact amount of moneoy you
ask for... or more! (This is perfect for you if you're going to have a
garage sale or sell anything on Ebay.)

How to charge your hands with good luck energy to increase your
chances of winning before gambling. (You'll use a green ribbon, 1
candle, and a few coins to do this spell that works particularly well
for playing the slot machines...)

The "Hematite Hex Shattering Spell" that concentrates the enegy of
4 crystals to instantly "vaporize" any curse, hex, or negative energy
any person sends your way. (Fact: if someone thinks negative thoughts
about you, it can effect your life almost as badly as a Magickal
curse. This is a simple way to cleanse your aura of these negative

The Magick "Red Thread" Pet PRotection spell that quickly creates a
protective shield around any animal to keep it safe from harm... and
even ehlp to heal physical ailments.

A simple spell to evaporate depression, gloom, and bad luck by
attracting the attention of your hidden guardian angel with 2 white
candles and an emotional "awe inspiring" sky visualization. (You'll
actually "see" a white radiant light pour into your body from the sky,
filling your spirit and heart with happiness and a love of life you
haven't felt in years...)

The "Magick Glitter" spell all-purpose protection spell that
creates a reflective sphere of hidden energy around you to keep you
safe from almost any form of negative energy.

How to use a glass jar and some black thread to immediately stop
any "bully" from bothering you. (This spell won't "bind" them or
control them in any way but will send them a "warning" dream that will
cause them to stop.)

A lifelong protection ritual that fills any black rock with long
term protection Magick that will act like a negative energy "black
hole" that automatically sucks all negative energy into it as long as
you keep it in your home. (The beauty of this spell is -- you only
have to do it one time, and the rock will keep you and anyone else who
lives iwth you safe for many years.)

The "Olive Oil Child Protection Spell" that can keep any child safe
from accidents and inquiries at the hands of another person for 28
days. (You can do this spell every time there's a full moon to renew
the protections and keep the child safe...)

A simple way to protect yourself from astral travelers that can
give you bad dreams with 3 apple seeds, a white ribbon, and a small
puch. (Many "night terrors" are caused by astral travelers trying to
disrupt your life... but this simple spell will block them from
disrupting your sleep and your life for good...)

How to use "stored energy" created by honey bees to cleanse your
mind of negative thoughts and prevent new ones from entering into your
subconscious. (Negative thoughts can cause lots of problems in your
life, and there is no quicker way to flush them out of your mind than
with this amazing spell that will give you a calming clarity... and
allow you to see how wonderful your life really is.)

The "Salty Sea Home PRotection Spell" that can keep all unwanted
guests away from your home. (Whether it's solicitors, time wasting
acquaintences, or mischevious spirits, this spell will keep them from
bothering you at home.)

A secret technique for using a white candle to contact your
guardian angel any time you need help, protection and comfort form a
higher source in times of need.

A Magick "purple circle" that will protect your familiar form
physical harm for an entire month. (This unique ritual only takes a
few minutes... and this protective sphere iwll follow your familiar
everywhere it goes...)

How to fill any special object with the protective powers of a
pentagram to protect it for the restof your life. (If you've got
photos, jewelry, or other items that me an a lot to you, it's
important to keep them safe from harm and loss... and this is the
perfect spell to preserve them and keep them close to your heart.)

How to create a white aura of protection out of "thin air" to
protect any traveler (including yourself) and any trip no matter how
far away you go... or how long oyou are gone.

A quick and easy way to banish bad memories from your mind forever
by locking them in a "Magick box"... and burying htem for good. (Some
people live with their bad memories for their entire lives and never
live the lives they dream of because the bad memories hold them back
and sabotage their futures... but you'll be freed from your bad
memories for good after doing this powerful spell... and you'll see an
instant and positive change in your circumstances... which will get
better every day.)

How to use a small hand mirror to banish any hatred in your heart
almost overnight. (Warning: if you feel hatred towards any person, you
are cursing yourself every day you hold onto it. You'll be shocked how
rapidly life will get better after finishing this simple ritual that
will fill your spirit with reliefe and hope...)

The "baggage burning" spell that can empty any relationship of
harmful bagage that can prevent you from finding love with your
significant other. (This spell works best if the person's "ex" is
trying ot sabotage your relationship... and it will "reset" the
relationshiop so you can start fresh with the person.)

How to create a growing orb of purple protection that will keep you
safe and secure any time a string of bad luck finds you and you feel
the world is out to get you.

A unique winter solstace ritual you can do by yourself to
automatically guide your future path into the heart of prosperity and
joy for the next year. (This one takes only 10 minutes of preparation
and can guide you into the best year of your life.)

A solitary summer celebration you can do to release "gratitude
energy" for the positive people in your life... and return even more
love to your future. (You'll combine the energy of your favorite song
with 2 types of fruite to bring more joy to your life by sending out
positive energy.)

The "Grandmother Moon" spell you can do to create a vision of your
dream-life... and cause it to come true little by little over the next
year. (You'll actually be taking a special bath that will combine
divination with visualization to accurately match your future with
your deepest desires.)

How to "bake" prosperity and wealth into your life with a secret
"Lammas" ritual that celebrates the harvest iwth freshly baked bread
and 4 gold candles. (This is a simple ritual that will highlight all
your contributions to society... and return a string of money miracles
into your life.)


This kit contains a 2 1/2 hour interview with "Marla" (a world famous
paranormal investigator and
longtime "kitchen witch"), a 62 page manual that lays out the
information she reveals
into simple steps, and a 6 page workbook that keeps you on track.

This gift contains Marla's simple, unique, and effective methods for
casting her 3-step spells using items you'll find in your kitchen.

By day Marla is a practicing "kitchen witch" of over 20 years.

By night she's a world famous paranormal investigator who has written
many books on her amazing encounters.

(Audio Clip)

My chance meeting with her 2 years ago was no accident. She's become
a dear friend, and she was excited to reveal her unique (and powerful)
"twist" to spell casting. (Plus she discusses some special secrets you
can use to contact the spirits of your choice on the "other side".)

I've recorded 2 1/2 hours of interviews with her, and I'm giving it
to you today as a gift. I've also broken down all of her secrets into
simple steps I've put into the accompanying manual -- along with a
workbook that will make sure you don't miss any of the most important
secrets she reveals.

Here's just a little of what she'll tell you:

Why most love spells cast by inexperienced witches are actually
forms of psychic attack that actually backfire and attract a flood of
bad karma back to the caster... and a simple rule you'll follow to
cast love spells that actually work and completely avoid bad karma.

Why casting a love spell out of desperation can cause the spell to
fail, and a simple 60 second meditation that sweeps desperation from
yor intent so the spell you cast next will bring the results you

One of the most effective love spells ever that puts a Magickal
sign of availability over your head so attractive people beg in to
approach you... and ask you for a date! (Hint: you actually cast this
spell on yourself and it almost never fails to attract perfect matches
to you like a magnet.)

A special "self love" ritual that breaks through a hidden (and
vicious) natural cycle that can prevent you from ever finding true
love. (This eliminates the single biggest reason why some people never
find a healthy and passionate relationship.)

A powerful meditation that can transmit messages into someone
else's subconscious mind if you do it at the same time of day.
(Important: this will not control someone in any way... but it's a
more effective way of getting the truth of how you feel across to
someone if you have a hard time telling them in person.) (Audio clip)

How to use a pink candle, some rose oil, and a specific tarot card
to quickly attract a new romance or friendship into your life. (Which
one it attracts depends on the card you select and Marla will walk you
through the 3 simple steps to cast it right.)

A simple technique you must do when snuffing out your candles (you
should never blow your candles out) towards the end of every spell you
cast to give the smoke one last charge of intent before sneding it out
into the universe to bring back successful results. (This little
secret will dramatically increase the number of successful spells you

A special amulet that will actually increase your fertility when
you make love while wearing it. (You can find these almost anywhere,
and hardly anyone knows they possess these Magick properties.)

How to use catnip to attract a new romantic prospect in less than
24 hours without even casting a spell!

A 2-minute pre-spell ritual that will make sure you avoid all the
most common spell-casting mistakes so you cast more successful spells
with no chance of backfire. (Hint: this is a quick and easy way to
invoke the help of your spirit guide to steer your spell down the
right path.)

3 important steps you must take after casting a love spell to give
it the best chance to work. (It's the "non-Magick" stuff you do after
a spell that can make all the difference, and Marla will show you
exactly what to do depending ono your situation.)

The 1 "feeling" you must avoid at all costs when you're casting a
money spell to eliminate bad karma bounceback that can bring bad luck.
(In fact, there's only 1 ethically good way to cast a money spell, and
if you follow Marla's advice almost every money spell you cast will

A secret sentence you can say when planting a basil seed in a pot
that will imbue it with focused Magick energy so your wallet grows as
your seed does. (There's no ritual involved other than reciting the
sentence while planting the seed... and the results are nothing short
of amazing.)

A quick 5 minute spell using a green candle, a sharp pin, and some
commonly found money-drawing oil to transmit your money needs directly
to the universe to speed up the results. (The real power of this spell
comes on the last step of the spell when you snuff the candle out.)

The "wish sack" spell that will tell you if your spell will bring
results... and exaclty when the results will come. (This is perfect if
you have a hard time being patient, so you satisfy your curiusity for
if the spell will work and "let go" of the spell and stop thinking
about it.)

A list of easy money spell substitution ingredients you can use for
any money spell (instead of what the spell calls for). (These will
work just as well as any other money Magick ingrediants, and you won't
have to spend time and money finding them...)

6 easy-to-find items you must always have on your altar while
you're casting a money spell to combine the items money drawing
energies - increasing the pwoer and success of your spell. (Hint: one
of the most important items i sa small laughing buddha figurine...)

Why you increase the chances of money spells failing every tiem you
complain about money... and a simple technique for converting your
money worries into a powerful positive energy that can fuel every
money spell you cast.

A 2-step "mental" spell casting process you can use to cast
successful spells anywehre at any time... even if you're walking
around the mall.

How to instantly remove any curse or hex from your life by
"harnessing and releasing" the Magick power inside of any natural

Marla's unique "Lesser Banishing Ritual" ritual that can instantly
flush bad energy causing heartache, arguments, and bad luck from your
house and keep it away permanently when you combine it with her
special witches bottle. (The ritual and witches bottle actually work
together because of a common and powerful ingrediant in both of them -
to keep bad energy out of your home for good...)

The "Everyday White Light Spell" ritual that will protect you from
almost all harm whether it is spiritual, emotional, or physical if you
do it every day. (The beauty of this one is that it only takes 30
seconds, and you don't need any materials.)

An amazing technique for using the energy inside of red wine to
protect your home. (Hint: the more dry and bitter the wine is, the
better it will repel negativity.)

An amazing "guided visualization" that will plant a powerful
positive energy source inside your house that engulfs all bad energy
and disperses it. (This is one of hte most powerful protection spells
I've ever seen... and if you follow Marla's steps exactly, you can act
ually see a faint glow coming out of your windows on dark nights.) (I
was surprised when I did this and saw the "glow" for myself... Marla
says its quite common and a good way to know you did the spell

4 items you can put on your altar that will attach powerful luck
drawing energies to every spell you cast... so the more spells you
cast the more lucky you become. (Marla keeps these on her altar 24
hours a day for maximum effect.)

A $5 "duck" that can change your life by attracting a flood of good
luck into your future with no effort other than the short poem you'll
say when you get it to unlock its luck attracting energies.

A huge mistake Marla made after someone cursed her... to her face
that made the curse even worse... and also ruined the other person's
life for a full year... (She'll tell you the whole story along with an
easy spell that can stop any direct curse before it has a chance to
effect your life in a negative way.) (Audio Clip)

How to use multiple mirrors to automatically deflect any curse ever
sent by somebody... so you never have to worry about curses and can
sleep easy knowing you are in full control of your life.

The only ethical way to give someone a "dose of their own medicine"
if they deliberately try to curse you...so they learn a lesson and
never do it again. (Hint: you won't send any negativity their way, and
you won't be touched by their curse.)

How to "charge" a small hand mirror so it can shield you from even
the most powerful forms of negative energy... even from people who
wish to do you and your family harm. (I use this powerful spell too,
and I recommend you always have the mirror "active" just in case.)
(Important: never look directly at the face of the mirror once the
spell is complete or you'll break the spell.)

All 3 Magick Gifts Are Yours To Keep As A Heartfelt
"Thank You" For Becoming My Newest Student Today...

I think you'll agree these gifts contain quite a bit of unique,
easy-to-use, and life-changing Magick knowledge. And it is all yours
today... for the small fee of becoming a Simple Spell Casting System
E-Kit student.


In fact, the fee is so low (and the spells work so well),

You'll Never Need To Put Your Faith In The False
Promises Of A "Professional Spell Caster".

Most of these services charge between $20 and $100 per spell. Not
only are they expensive, but many of them never call you back when the
spells don't work. (Once they have your money.)

Even if you paid the cheapest service to cast 10 spells for you,
you'd be paying $200 dollars, and you probably wouldn't see the
results you were hoping for.

That's because _you_ have more power to change your life with Magick
than anyone else. You see, _real_ Magick comes from _your_ heart. It's
filled with _your_ belief... _your_ emotional connection with the
situation... and_ your_ focused intention.

These are the things that "fuel" every successful spell... and this
is why the Magick must come from you.


_And as you know, the spells in your Simple Spell Casting System
E-Kit are different._

I've blended the ancient secrets of the Druids with over 300
specially written, simple spells... so anybody can cast them.

You can cast as many of them as you wish, as many times as you wish,
to satisfy almost every desire you could ever have. (or solve any

Plus, I'll carefully guide you through the exact techniques you'll
use to tap into your Magick energy, so almost every spell you cast
actually _works_.


... for much less than the $200 you'd spend to have the cheapest
spell casting service perform just 10 spells for you.

When You Sign Up To Become My Newest Student Today,
Thursday, May 13, 2010 , You'll Receive:

The Simple Spell Casting System Main Course Manual ($59.95 Value)

The Simple Spell Casting System Checklist

Free Gift #1: The Simple 3-Step Spells Anyone Can Cast Using Items
Found In Every Home: Interviews, Workbooks, and Transcripts ($59.95

Free Gift #2: Rose Ariadne's E-Book Of Shadows Program: Volume 1
($59.95 Value)

Free Gift #3: The Successful Spell Casting Secrets Manual ($49.95

That's $229.80 worth of step-by-step spells and techniques based on
the Magick secrets of the ancient Druids... ALL FOR JUST A TOTAL COST
OF $150 $39.95.

I'm so excited to welcome you as my newest student today... and if
you feel this is for you, it's important to get started right away.

Here's why:

My Students Are So Amazed By The Simple Spell
Casting System, They've Convinced Me
To Have It Printed And Bound...

As of today you'll get everything _instantly_ because you'll quickly
and easily download the entire Simple Spell Casting System E-Kit (and
all 3 gifts) to your computer.

_But that's all going to change._

You see, along with the hundreds of letters, phone calls, and emails
filled with love, support, and pure joy about how quickly these
techniques and spells bring results... there is a large group of
students who have convinced me to put all this knowledge into physical
books, manuals, and CD's out of respect for the Druids.

It didn't take much convincing. I know how special this information
is, so I've created the physical course that will replace the
downloadable version. It's almost ready for shipping.

But because of the high cost to produce it, the price of the Simple
Spell Casting System will go up to $150.

Today may be your only chance to get the downloadable version (which
contains the exact same information) for only $39.95. (Because there
are no costs for printing, CD's, and shipping.) (You'll download it
all to your computer immediately.)



I Can Only Promise You This Price Today Because
The Physical Course Is Almost Ready...

... and if you were to wait, you'd have to pay $150 for the exact
information you can get right now for just $39.95.

I welcome you today, with open arms, as my newest Simple Spell
Casting System student.

Just click the "Add To Cart" button below to get started...

... and to further build your trust in me, I'm going to support you
with a...


I want you to feel completely comfortable becoming my newest student

When you sign up now, you'll download all the materials to your
computer right away: The Simple Spell Casting System Manual, The
Successful Spell Casting Secrets Manual, The Simple 3-Step Spells
Anyone Can Cast Using Items Found In Every Home
Interview/Manual/Workbook, Rose Ariadne's E-Book Of Shadows: Volume 1,
and The Simple Spell Casting System Checklist.

every ancient Magick technique... cast every spell if you like.

If you feel you aren't getting the life-changing results I've
promised... or you aren't satisfied in any way, just send me a quick
email asking for a refund, and I'll quickly put your money back onto
your credit card, debit card, or PayPal account...


Yes, you "heard" that correctly. You can keep the Simple Spell
Casting System E-Kit and all 3 gifts, even if you get a refund.

I think this generous policy is the "icing on the cake" for earning
your trust.

I put all my honor on this promise to you. Even more, _I give you my

All I ask is for your trust in me, and the Magick inside you.


There are actually a few students who've used my "60 Day Magickal
Bond Of Trust" to get a refund for various reasons. Here are a few of
their emails, including the reason they requested a refund...

(Credibility Testimonials)

Now that you know you're in good hands, trust isn't issue. But maybe
you're wondering why I'm not just giving all of this away for free...
especially if the money spells in the E-Kit really work. It's a valid

"Rose, Why Do You Need To Charge For This
If Your Spells Really Work?"

Let me start by saying that when you cast money spells, millions of
dollars won't "Magickally" appear in your bank account or at your
doorstep. (Usually...)

What typically happens is even better... the spells open doors of
"golden opportunity" in your life for long term prosperity and

... so you "stumble" into some extra money... get that dream job...
win some money in a contest... or discover a hidden talent you never
knew you had -- so you can use it to start a successful business.


Some of the same spells I'll be sending you today allowed me to
discover a hidden talent (teaching) I never knew I had... and helped
me combine it with my greatest passion (Magick), so I could start a
business that I love.

Now, 6 years later I've got a small staff of full time employees that
rely on my Magick teaching business to support them and their

They rely on me to provide my students with unique and powerful
Magick techniques and spells not found anywhere else, for a small

If I gave it all away for free, my staff would suffer. Plus, it would
cheapen the value of the sacred information I provide.

This beautifully done course would end up alongside thousands of
poorly written "free spells" that litter the Internet.

Now that you understand why this is all yours for a small fee, it's
time for you to take my hand and let me guide you through your
beautiful Magick path. (With the rest of my students.)

Ash (My Computer Whiz) Will Show You
How To Get Started Right Now...

_(He'll also show you how to print out the course if you wish, right
after you place your order...)_

(Ash Video)


1 1.
Your life can begin to change _tomorrow_ by following my simple
step-by-step rituals today. (Everything you'll do is based on the
ancient knowledge of the Druids... and you'll use their secrets to
connect with your Magick energy on a level you never dreamed

You'll immediately receive hundreds of simple spells that have been
tested and proven to work for attracting money, love, and luck...
along with unique rituals that provide healing, protection, and curse
banishing -- all so you can live the life you've always dreamed of.

You can start saving money immediately because you won't have to
spend money on hard to find (and expensive) spell ingredients and
tools. (I'll also point you to a powerful spell you can cast right
away to quickly attract enough money to cover your purchase today.)

The printed version of the Simple Spell Casting System will be
ready any day now... and when its ready it will replace this
downloadable version. The price will go from $39.95 to $150. (I can
only guarantee your $39.95 price today... this is your chance to get
the exact information people will pay $150 for in the future.)

You'll get the 60-day Magickal Bond of Trust. This means you'll
have 60 days from today to use every simple spell and technique. If
your life doesn't change for the better (or you're not satisfied for
any reason), just send me a quick email asking for a refund. I'll


Do You Wonder What Your Friends And Family Will
Say About Your Life On The Magick Path?

It's no secret that many people in the world simply don't understand
Magick and witchcraft. Many people think it's strange... and some
(especially "passionate" Christians) believe it is wrong.

_Some people even believe it is evil.__ _(Maybe someone in your life
feels this way.)

These false beliefs exist because of a small group of "bad apples"
who intentionally try to harm people with Magick.

None of these people realize that evil spells will do far more damage
to themselves than the person they are targeting.

Some witches call it the "Rule of 3". (This rule states that whatever
harm you try to cause someone else will come back to you 3 times as

I just believe it's bad karma.

Whether someone steals something, physically attacks someone, or
casts a harmful spell on someone... the bad karma created can ruin the
"do'ers" life.

But if you follow the steps in your Simple Spell Casting System,

Every Spell And Technique You Perform
Will Be 100% Safe... And Good.

This is because the power of the spells will come from the love in
your heart... fueled by emotion, belief, and focus... and you'll cast
them for the benefit of yourself and your loved ones.

And if you're the slightest bit worried about what your friends and
family will think about your belief in Magick, breath easy.

You don't need to tell anyone if you don't want to. (And it'll be
easy to keep it a secret because most of the spells you'll cast don't
require lots of tools or ingredients.)

However, if you decide to tell people about your Magick path, I've
prepared a special section for you in the main manual that will make
it easy.

The special words I'll show you how to deliver will give you the best
chance for gaining peaceful understanding from even the harshest

And my guess is...

When Everyone Sees How Wonderful Your Life
Becomes... They'll Want To Be A Part Of It.

They'll come to you for help and advice because they respect and
admire what you've done, and who you are. (They may even be a little

It's up to you what you do when they come to you for help. (I do
encourage you to use your powers to help when you can.)

You have the power to help them... and you have the power to change
your life for the better. I can show you how, which is why I don't
want you to miss out on this very important opportunity.

Some People Miss Out On Amazing Opportunities In Life
Because They're Afraid To Take A "Leap Of Faith"...

... many of them wish they could "rewind" time so they could have
those chances again...

But once an opportunity is gone, it's usually gone for good.

Listen, I understand how hard it is to part with even a small amount
of money...

I understand how hard it can be to take a leap of faith...

But, this is a leap of faith that can change your life forever. This
is your moment.

I think you'll agree I've done all I can to prove you can trust me...

... that I'll take your hand and guide you gently through the
beautiful Magick world before you...

... that _real_ Magick exists... and that anyone (especially you)
can use it to attract amazing miracles into their lives.

And finally, I've proven that you can believe in _yourself_...
because you are more special than you ever imagined.

There's a _reason_ you are here today.

Now is the time to take your leap of faith, and find out exactly what
that reason is.

I'm waiting for you on the other side with arms outstretched.

Brightest Blessings,

P.S. Today I'll show you the Magick secrets of the Druids my
grandmother discovered in an ancient Grimoire. I've put every
technique and spell into the Simple Spell Casting System E-Kit that
includes: The Simple Spell Casting System Manual, The Simple Spell
Casting System Checklist, and these free gifts... (1) The Successful
Spell Casting Secrets Manual, (2) The Simple 3-Step Spells Anyone Can
Cast Using Items Found In Every Home Interviews, Workbooks, and
Transcripts, (3) Rose Ariadne's E-Book Of Shadows Program: Volume 1...
all for just $150 $39.95.

P.P.S. Important: the $150 printed version of the course will be
ready any day.. and it will replace this downloadable version. I can
only guarantee the $39.95 price today.

P.P.P.S. Remember, you are protected with my 60-day Magickal Bond Of
Trust... so you can use every simple spell and Magick technique for
the next 60 days before you decid if it's for you. If you don't
attract a flood of wealth, love, passion, and luck into your life...
changing it for the better... just send me a quick email and I'll give
you an immediate and full refund of every penny..._ and you can keep
the entire course and all the free gifts anyway._


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