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Welcome to What Buyers Want

Supercharge your sales techniques and improve your customer relationships with What Buyers Want.

We offer something unique: sales training consulting from the person who matters most in B2B relationships: the decision maker. We deliver business-to-business [](/training/)B2B training designed around the perspective of buyers, suppliers and customers. We focus on the needs, goals and expectations of buyers, providing incredibly valuable information to improve seller/buyer relationships.


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Sales Training Videos

Looking for a better approach to developing relationships with professional decision makers? What Buyers Want will improve your buyer-seller relationships with this workbook. Contained in the 2+ hour DVD are tools and techniques on how to deepen your B2B relationship; sales theory combined with practical application and tactics to win over your buyer and their business. Everyone in your staff will want one! Order our [](/products)sales techniques and make them yours now!

Watch A Sales Rep Training Demo

What Buyers Want provides expert insight into building successful seller-buyer relationships. Our video seminars and live presentations can give you the tools you need to take your sales to the next level. [](/training/training-videos)Sales and Training Click here for a demo of our popular presentations.

This is an awesome training program for sales!

"What Buyers Want really filled in the gaps from the sales training I'd received in the past. My sales are going up and I believe your strategy is the reason why! Thanks for all the new insight and ideas that I have been able to deploy in my day to day contacts with new and existing buyers." -- Clint Myers, Outside Sales Rep., Advanced Media Technologies, Deerfield, Florida
[](/about/testimonials)View more testimonials

Sales Techniques Calendar of Events

What Buyers Want is frequently scheduling seminars and on-site sales training. Stay up to date on where What Buyers Want is holding seminars so you can attend! [](/news-and-events/calendar/)Just browse our sales and training calendar.

News & Events
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Come join us for a full-day workshop and discover what your buyers want! Reserve your seat today!
[View upcoming seminars](/training/upcoming-seminar-dates/)

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© 2010 What Buyers Want | 8401 Melrose Drive, Lenexa, KS 66214 | 913.660.9214

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In database since 2010-03-23 and last updated on 2010-11-11
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