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Inspiring books and eBooks
BOTIBOTO words by Anita Revel, illustrations by Sally Grant
Answer the question being asked by millions:
Why are we obsessed with glamorous beauty,
celebrity and youth when there are a million
everyday goddesses enriching the world?
Special Offer for InnerGoddess [members](../Subscribe.htm) ... As the message is very important, it is offered to members by donation so that it is accessible to all women no matter what their situation. Become a [member here](../Subscribe.htm)
Beautiful On The Inside
Beautiful On The Outside
an empowerment story for well-rounded women
words: Anita Revel illustrations: Sally Grant
RRP AUD $24.95 [ ](http://1.igoddess.pay.clickbank.net)
BOTIBOTO is a story of celebrities, body image, and how one girl found her divine inner spark because of it all. This beautifully illustrated eBook is for the everyday goddess who wants to be reminded of her beauty inside and out.
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Things that Zenna learns It only took Zenna one hour to realise how beautiful she really was. After all, she had: healthier skin than an heiress more lustrous hair than a fashionista an easier fitness plan than fitness fanatics more sex appeal than beach babes better body-image than tweeny socialites more riches than glamour-pusses more balance than pop-stars the most beautiful home ever the best friends in the whole world the greatest highs and the most fabulous, fun and spirited life. How this story came about
Let's face it. A woman who is beautiful on the inside is naturally beautiful on the outside. She is what I call BOTIBOTO (Beautiful On The Inside Beautiful On The Outside).
This empowerment story for well-rounded women came about after Anita Revel ran a poll on her website to find "the most beautiful woman in the world." Visitors could choose from Madonna, Lucy Liu, Sophia Loren, Janet Jackson, Madonna, Britney Spears and Paris Hilton.
In a decisive victory, 62 percent voted that the most beautiful woman in the world is... "in the mirror!" Just goes to show, a woman who is connected to her beautiful inner self is able to radiate this beauty on the outside too.
Got feedback? [Let Anita know](mailto:anitar@goddess.com.au?Subject=Query_Feedback_BOTIBOTO).
This BOTIBOTO Award comes from the author of "Beautiful On The Inside, Beautiful On The Outside" (BOTIBOTO), Anita Revel. It is Anita's dream that all women realise that when they are Beautiful On The Inside they are naturally Beautiful On The Outside.
This is an award for bloggers and goddess sisters to pass around and give each other. A letter to an award winner might look like this...
Congratulations beautiful friend! I am awarding you the BOTIBOTO Award (Beautiful On the Inside, Beautiful On the Outside). To find out why I have awarded this to you, please visit MY BLOG/LINK.
I hope you will accept this Award and tell all your global sisters everywhere about it so they too can celebrate their own innate beauty too. You can also share this award by picking five blogs that you consider deserve this award too. Simply go to [ botiboto.blogspot.com](http://botiboto.blogspot.com) for details, and to collect your Award.
About the author
Anita Revel was an ugly duckling who grew into a gifted, fun, spontaneous, spirited and life-affirming duck ;-) She is the creatrix of Goddess.com.au , and her work is about connecting women with their beautiful, sassy, intuitive, lovable, sacred and authentic selves - ie her inner goddess.
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