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[MEMBER LOGIN](http://www.daytraderforecast.com/members/beta-fx/3d/2-Test/main.php)
Thousands of Active Forex Daytraders profit from our Live Buy & Sell Signals each trading day.
We offer real-time signals on the following currency pairs:
Our members enjoy consistent profits and are more confident in their trades!
We use highly advanced technical indicators and strategies only used by leading Broker/Dealers and Forex funds in their black box / algorithm trading systems.
We simplify this data into trade signals which are available in real time to our members.
Here are a Few of the Benefits our members enjoy:
Spot the true trend at all times! Time your entry levels with laser precision! Easy to read "BUY/SELL" Signals! Real time signals on major Currency Pairs! Puts you on the RIGHT side of the trade! Simplicity + High Accuracy! Web-based interface. Nothing to DL! Stop selling too early or too late. Access to Forex, US Stocks, & UK Stocks
We offer 2 ways to access our Powerful Signals:
1) Web-based platform
2) Desktop Software (PC/Windows Based) [](http://images.google.com/imgres?imgurl=http://www.thehallcenter.com/store/images/CD.jpg&imgrefurl=http://www.thehallcenter.com/store/index.php%3FcPath%3D51%26osCsid%3Diheennlrk&usg=__al1bqRMskK6DE-3nxmK5URxiwYA=&h=306&w=308&sz=16&hl=en&start=4&um=1&itbs=1&tbnid=B33I1Gpkeh_e0M:&tbnh=116&tbnw=117&prev=/images%3Fq%3Dcd%26um%3D1%26hl%3Den%26ie%3DUTF-8%26tbs%3Disch:1)
*Both available to all members
Take your Forex trading to the next level:
Stop guessing what the true trend is Avoid buying too high Avoid selling too low Avoid the psychological stress that trading brings Avoid always being on the wrong side of the trade Avoid always getting stopped out of your trade Avoid the constant two-sided analysts on tv Subscribers are amazed at the accuracy of our Intraday Signals... Our #1 goal is accuracy. We want you to be profitable so you stay a member for the long-term! >>>[CLICK HERE](http://1.dtfsignals.pay.clickbank.net) to become a member Today<<<
This is an automatically renewing monthly subscription product. You will initially be billed $29.99 which will continue until canceled. You will receive your Username/login details after payment (may take up to one hour).
What is DaytraderForecast.com (FOREX)?
DTF is a membership site where users get to see real time buy and sell signals on the most popular forex currency pairs.
What Markets & Stock do you offer service on?
We currently offer our service on the Global Forex Market, The US Equity market, and the UK Equity Market.
When do Signals get updated?
All signals get updated in real time as the signal occurs.
How accurate are the predictions?
Our signals are extremely accurate. Our success rate on our signals are roughly 80-90%
How should I use This information?
Members should logon each morning and visit the members area during their trading activiy to see the live buy/sell signals.
How are these signals generated?
We use extremely advanced technical indicators and systems to generate real time signals. It is part of our proprietary technology which we do not share.
How much does it cost?
Our monthly membership fee is $29.99 USD. You will be automatically charged every month to the card in which you initially used to pay.
Is there any proof or free trial?
Yes. Click one of the following currency pairs to see a real live signal: [EUR/GBP](http://www.daytraderforecast.com/members/beta-fx/forex/free2eur/eurgbpwidget.php) [AUD/NZD](http://www.daytraderforecast.com/members/beta-fx/forex/free1nzd/audnzdwidget.php)
How Do I Subscribe?
Click on "Join Now" on the top of this page. You will be redirected to our payment processor to complete your payment for the membership. You will also be automatically emailed your login/username within 1 hour. Use it to login and get access to the Members Area.
I forgot my login/username.
Click the "forgot password" link under the login form..or email us: [Support@daytraderforecast.com](mailto:Support@daytraderforecast.com)
How do I cancel the subscription?
There are NO contracts at all... to cancel, simply visit our payment processor (Clickbank.com) and click the "cancel subscription" button.
How can I change my account info?
In the member area, click on "Modify Account", or email us: [Support@daytraderforecast.com](mailto:Support@daytraderforecast.com)
I have a question, can I contact you?
Of coarse, contact us at: [Support@daytraderforecast.com](mailto:Support@daytraderforecast.com)
>>>[CLICK HERE](http://1.dtfsignals.pay.clickbank.net) to become a member Today<<<
This is an automatically renewing monthly subscription product. You will initially be billed $29.99 which will continue until canceled. You will receive your Username/login details after payment (may take up to one hour).
Important Disclaimer: Trading stocks, futures, & forex carries a high degree of risk and may not be suitable for all investors. Check with your financial advisor to see if this is suitable for you before using any information on this site. . [click here to read our full disclaimer.](http://www.daytraderforecast.com/disclaimer.html)