Excerpt from product page


REVEALED: How I accidentally stumbled across the world's most powerful marketing tactic and discovered how easy it was to lazily create wild profits out of thin air - whenever I felt like it...

It works online and offline - and it's a lot easier than you might think. In fact...

"If You Can Write One Tiny Sentence, Then You Already Have What it Takes to Start Generating Colossal Profits ON DEMAND With Joint Ventures..."

...Even if You Have NO Product to Sell of Your Own, NO 'Contacts', NO Reputation, NO Money and NO Customer List - And Especially if You HATE Cold Calling or Awkward Confrontation...

Bold Claim?

Keep Reading...

"A 'Paint by Numbers' Blueprint for Creating One Profitable Joint-Venture After the Next..."

"This course is literally a 'paint by numbers' blueprint for creating one profitable JV after the next - with any prospect, and in ANY niche.

"Chris's method of approaching partners is so revolutionary (and simple) it will startle and delight you. There are tactics listed that will TRIPLE your response rate. I tried one last night - and out of 20 emails I sent, I got 3 responses within an hour…"

Dr. Mani


From: Chris Rempel
Time: Saturday, 4:06 PM

Dear Entrepreneur,

Tell me if any of this sounds familiar...

Do you struggle to make even a modest income from your business - knowing full well that you're just as creative and probably even smarter than people you know who are obscenely successful?

Have you invested countless amounts of time, money and effort into your beloved projects - only to have them "crash and burn" (or just fizzle out) with absolutely nothing to show for it?

Do you have a truly great product (or service), yet simply don't have enough money, time or "contacts" to market it to the masses and start generating some momentum?

It's no "secret" that joint venture partnerships are the only legitimate shortcut to a gigantic explosion of profits without spending a dime - but are you totally LOST when it comes to approaching potential partners, setting up deals and actually making money with joint-ventures?

If so, I can relate.

Keep reading to discover...

"How I Accidentally Stumbled Across the World's Single Most Powerful Marketing Tactic And Discovered How EASY it Was to Lazily Create Wild Profits Out of THIN AIR Whenever I Felt Like It..."

(This is a lot easier than you might think...)

Like most struggling entrepreneurs, I thought that if I simply "worked harder", then I'd be able to get more done - and as a result, make more money.

So I started to work for 15 hours a day instead of "just" 12...

And instead of taking time off for lunch or taking some much-needed breaks, I literally worked myself SICK. I became exhausted, irritable and I began to hate my business.

(In fact, it wasn't really even a business. It was more like a low-paying JOB - but without the security of a steady paycheck...)

Things continued to get worse and worse - because I simply continued to do more and more of what WASN'T working (sound familiar?). Out of spite, anxiety and frustration, I'd madly repeat the process each day with every ounce of energy I could muster up in hopes that things would finally turn around...

...they didn't.

I finally folded my first business, cut my losses and tried not to think about the fact that all I had to show for my "dream" of being my own boss was a bunch of debt, high blood pressure, and an extra 40 pounds...

Like most entrepreneurs, nobody told me that success in business isn't about how "hard" you work or how much you "believe" in something...

Nobody told me that I could've worked far less and earned WAY more just by using other people's already-existing resources to my advantage.

Nobody told me that I could've easily (and ethically) BORROWED a mind-boggling amount of customers, exposure, credibility, traffic and even money from the most successful businesses in my market - resources that took them years to build and cost them a fortune to get - without even spending a dime...

...and nobody told me that they'd actually be happy and willing to give me practically ALL of their hard-earned resources (for free) if I simply knew and understood the world's single most powerful marketing concept...

Nobody told me that I could've done all of this in a matter of DAYS - instantly turning my business from a "bill payer" into a wildly profitable operation that would allow me the freedom to live the lifestyle I'd always dreamed of...

Nobody had told me about Joint Ventures.

But before I continue my story, let me reveal how and why joint ventures have the power to multiply your income - and the revenues of practically any business...

(If you already know about the tremendous power of joint ventures, then just [click here](#skip) to skip right to the part where I reveal my system of easily creating one profitable partnership after the next with minimal effort...)


"90% of joint venture proposals I've received are IN VIOLATION of the crucial advice on page 11..."


Just finished reading your book "Instant Joint Venture Success System"...

90% of joint venture proposals I've received are IN VIOLATION of the crucial advice on page 11.

Page 30 is worth the price of the book alone and totally changed my way of thinking about JVs.

I'd recommend your book to anyone who, like me, totally SUCKS with joint ventures: has no idea where to start or has been doing it all wrong this whole time (without realizing it!)

I wish I had this years ago. This book has helped me come up with about 13 ideas on improving my joint ventures...

Robert Plank
PHP Programmer, Joint Venture Dummy


"So What Exactly is a Joint Venture - and How Does it Work?"

A "joint venture" is simply a partnership between two or more companies, or people, that takes advantage of the resources already available from each partner to create an instant win/win situation - and in most cases, a lot of money fast...

For example: If you have a product that teaches people the how to lose weight rapidly, you could approach other companies that sell related things (such as weight-loss pills, exercise equipment, etc.) and set up a deal where they would send all of their customers some kind of special offer promoting your product...

They'd get a cut of the profits, and you'd generate an instant wave of sales without spending a dime up-front. You'd only pay them a percentage of profits generated from that deal.

Not to mention, you've also just been given a boatload of new, cash-spending customers that will buy from you again and again - just from doing this even once...

This is how you can instantly and realistically turn a business that's barely surviving into a cash-spewing, wealth-generating powerhouse that will give you the freedom to do whatever you want - not to mention being able to pay the bills on time for once...

Deals just like this happen in the real world each and every day - whether you're aware of it or not.

And now for the best part:

You can even arrange joint ventures as a broker - where you simply connect a company that has an easy-to-sell product with someone else that has a targeted, cash-spending customer list, take a percentage of the profits that they wouldn't have had otherwise - and voila...

...you just created a pile of cash for yourself (and everyone else) out of thin air with no product, no list and no money of your own!

(And all you need to be wildly successful as a JV Broker is an email address and a phone..)

Now, joint-ventures aren't just restricted to "one time" endorsements or announcements. There's literally hundreds of different ways you can set them up - either for your own business, or as a JV broker...

In fact, I actually prefer to focus on the long-term deals, where I simply arrange some sort of partnership where someone promotes my (or my client's) products on a continual basis - creating a lifelong income stream for everyone involved for just a few HOURS of "work"..

How would you like it if you could set up even ONE deal like this that would make you an extra $900, $1,900 or even $19,000.00 per month (or more) - just by simply finding ONE partner and setting it up?

Those numbers are possible, and they're also on the "low" end of the spectrum. Many people have set up simple deals that earn them millions of dollars every single year.

[]Let me show you a real-life example of just how fast this can happen...

Last April I spent 6 days setting up just ONE arrangement as a broker (someone else's product endorsed to another person's client list), and it routinely pays me about $2,200.00 or so each and every month - without me having to lift a finger, other than the occasional phone call now and then to see how things are going. I will continue to receive this amount for as long as this arrangement exists, all because a ONE TIME effort.


[click here to see a larger screenshot >>](images/bank_scrn2.jpg)

This is just one of a number of similar income streams that I've created out of thin air just by setting up joint ventures as a broker, and it's certainly not the most lucrative deal I've set up either...

What would you do with an extra $2,200.00 (or a lot more) coming in each and every month just from a one-time effort?

And how many deals like that would you put together for your own business - or even as just as a broker?

If your answer wasn't "As many as possible!", then I think you oughtta give yourself a good pinch and see if you've still got a pulse...

The fact of the matter is that joint ventures are simple, fast, incredibly powerful and - once you've got a proven system in place - it's just as easy to set up a JV as it is to make a cup of coffee!

If you think I'm exaggerating, then keep reading...


Now, at this point, you might be wondering...

"Okay - if Joint Ventures Are So 'Easy', Then Why Doesn't Everybody Do This?"


"How Come Every Time I've Tried to Set Up a JV With a Big List Owner, a 'Guru' or a Successful Business, I'm LUCKY If I Even Get a Response - Let Alone a 'Profit-Pulling' Partnership?"

Well, those are some valid questions...

To answer the first question, let me just say that I am continually amazed as I meet more and more people in the business community - and even in the internet marketing world - that don't have a clue about the real power of partnerships and joint ventures.

And even if some people do know that they can accelerate their success by using someone else's hard work to their advantage - they either don't fully understand how it really works, or they think it's too hard - which is obviously not true.

(That's actually one of the reasons why I've written this letter)

Now, to answer the second question above (the one that I used to ask all the time), which basically asks "Why Don't JV's Work for ME?"...

The fact of the matter is that joint ventures are much like a "NASA" space shuttle...


Because it's not a question of "IF" a space shuttle can skyrocket its crew into outer-space. That's simply a matter of engineering, physics and testing, and it's already been proven.

The space shuttle itself works just fine, and it always will...

But if you put someone in the cockpit that doesn't have any idea what to do, which buttons to press or how to control the shuttle - then there's a good chance that the shuttle won't even leave the pad.

And even if by some miracle it does blast off, it's only a matter of minutes until it plummets out of the sky and crashes into the ground. The clueless pilot is no match for the sheer power of the shuttle because he doesn't know how to fly it properly.

This is exactly why most people fail miserably at creating, managing and profiting from joint ventures.

Just like the clueless pilot, they don't know how to start the engines, which buttons to press, or how to "fly" their profits into outer space with the most powerful marketing strategy in existance...

...and that's why their proposals, their attempted JVs and even their "active" partnerships will crash and burn every single time - and that's IF they even make it off the launch pad...

Have you been scared away from doing JV's because they seem "too hard"?

Have you tried to set up joint ventures in the past - only to run into a wall of rejection, weak results or flat-out failures?

Do you feel like you "know" what to do - but you simply don't have an effective system of approaching partners, writing convincing proposals that get results, and setting up JV's that actually work and make money?

Please, don't give up on joint ventures.

Never let go of your dreams.

Because you might be a lot closer than you think to seeing them become a reality as you read this letter...

You CAN experience a wild amount of success using JV's to multiply your business income - or create money out of thin air just by introducing the powerful concept to your clients as a JV Broker.

The ONLY thing you've been missing up until this point is a proven, step-by-step SYSTEM that will work for anyone...


I hate calling people. I hate "selling" stuff. And more than anything, I hate doing lots of work for nothing - or even just "average" results...

I like creating systems of doing things so that I can accomplish a whole heck of a lot without really "working" that much.

And so, over the last two and a half years - and after much trial, error, frustration and determiniation - I've finally developed a system of creating JV's that bypasses the usual skepticism from potetential JV partners and easily creates cash-generating Joint Venture deals like clockwork...

...without hardly lifting a finger - but only if you follow a very precise process.

(No, it's not the "only way", but to put it lightly, you'll be wasting your time trying to set up JV's if you don't use this system. Before I used this strategy, I would literally get so discouraged from the complete LACK of response from my proposals that it drove me to tears - and those strong emotions are what actually "fueled the fire" for me to develop this system...)

In fact...

In the last two years, I have personally used this system to do the following:

• Create over 45 partnerships, cross-promotional arrangements, direct endorsements and co-projects. This includes the launch of two "social networks" (like MySpace.com), a number of online portals, a number of my client's products and my own projects.

• Recruit (and even attract) super-affiliates, marketing partners and even JV clients effortlessly - without going out of my way to contact anybody. No, I'm not talking about "mind power" or the "laws of attraction". Even though some of those things do hold merit in some cases, my system is entirely ACTIONABLE and tangible. Meaning that if you do "X", your result will be "Y", and so on...

• Create relationships and negotiate with some of the biggest corporations and "players" imaginable. This includes negotiating with two corporate giants that each employ over 39,000 employees, several massive software companies (one had over 250,000 clients), and a number of supposedly "untouchable" gurus in the internet marketing, business and professional "world".

I've also trained my clients to use this system themselves, and their success rate for closing JV deals has skyrocketed...

This system will work in any industry, any offer and any size of partnership.

Most importantly, this system will work for anyone...

I could probably even train a monkey to do this :-)

"Chris shares a tip so powerful that it will change your whole paradigm of approaching potential partners..."

"This JV guide is well-written and packed with gems....

"Those new to Joint Ventures will learn much about the process of doing a JV. Those who are experienced with Joint Ventures will surely benefit from Chris' techniques that aren't discussed in public, yet are so powerful that it can infuse new life to a marketer looking to add spice or get out of a rut.

"One of the best aspects of this book is the emphasis on offline techniques. Internet Marketers have a tendency to stay within the comfort zone of the web, eschewing the oft-intimidating offline world. However, taking your business offline can skyrocket profits exponentially, as many well-known "gurus" can attest.

"Chris will show you how.

"In the first 10 pages, Chris shares a tip so powerful that it will change your whole paradigm of approaching potential partners. Just this one tip is worth the price of admission..."

Lee Lambert


"So What Exactly IS This 'JV System', Chris?"

Great question...

Let me show you exactly what it is, and how it's going to help you...


Imagine Yourself Using These Deadly Weapons to Explode Your Business Exponentially...

Available for immediate download.

Universal PDF Format

Instant JV Success System Action Guide:

• How to completely BYPASS your prospect's skepticism every time - in fact, if your prospect is a human being, this tactic is guaranteed to work, and your response rate WILL skyrocket just by changing just this one part of your approach…

• A secret method of finding prospects that are already familiar with doing JV's. If your offer is even remotely interesting, then you could mess up almost everything else and still get a "Yes" if you know how to look for partners (works in every niche)...

• 4 specific (and hard-to-spot) qualities that your partner MUST have. If you do a JV with someone that doesn't have them, then the deal WILL flop every single time without fail...

• How to stack the cards in your favor from day one just by looking for a business with one simple "sign" that almost nobody ever thinks of - otherwise you'll spend countless hours in complete frustration if you don't know this simple "shortcut" to finding more-than-willing JV partners - even if they don't know you from a hole in the ground…

• How to get a priority audience with even the biggest and wealthiest corporations just by using this one simple (and overlooked) approach - in fact, when you read about a real-life example of this at the end of chapter 2, your jaw will drop to the floor - guaranteed…

• 3 super-simple ways to become instantly "in" with even the most intimidating unresponsive, and hard-to-please prospects - and by the way, 98% of the prospects that could potentially make you rich will almost never even LOOK at your proposal unless they "know" you. These three tactics will almost literally beat them into submission and force them to make you rich - without them even realizing it…

• 2 REAL-LIFE proposals (that I actually use myself, over and over again) that will have your phone ringing off the hook and jam your inbox full of excited replies - even from prospects with massive client lists that have the ability to turn your business from a "bill-payer" into a massive, profit-pulling operation that will support any lifestyle you desire…

• How to Easily turn a "Rejection" into pure GOLD. This devilish little strategy will literally grab even the most negative, nay-saying prospect by the ankles, turn them upside down and make them squeal - often to the point where they either say "Yes" - or better yet, they'll even endorse your proposal to their own contacts… (you'll be blown away at how easy, simple and effective this really is)

• One unbelievably powerful "mind-control" secret that you can use every time you contact your prospect that will subliminally cause them to like you - which makes it almost sinfully easy to create one profitable partnership after the next. This ruthless "trick" works almost every time, with absolutely anyone - and it's so easy to do that even an 8-year-old kid could pull it off effortlessly…

• 6 ultra-crucial elements that MUST be included in your JV proposal - otherwise you might as well just throw your own proposal in the garbage, because if you miss even one of these, then you can rest assured that your prospect will angrily crumple it up an toss it straight in the trash…

• One simple tactic that will force any prospect to read every single word of your JV proposal - and I've given a specific "template" example that you can model easily (on page 17)…

• How to make even the richest, most successful and most "untouchable" prospects literally DROOL with anticipation to receive your JV proposal…

• 6 powerful negotiation secrets that will make sure that you don't get screwed - and that you get every dollar you deserve. It's surprisingly easy to cheat yourself out of a lot of money if you don't know what you're doing when you're talking numbers with your partner. Especially on the larger deals...

• 4 crucial things you MUST do when you set up any JV. If you don't do them, you are guaranteed to LOSE money, period. In fact, steps 3 and 4 are so crucial that if you don't follow them, you might even run into legal trouble…

• The Secret to getting practically ANYONE to joint-venture with you - with a real life example of just how easy and effective this secret really is…

• 7 ways to get build an immediate relationship with almost any company in under 72 hours - and how to turn that "friendship" into a profit-pulling partnership that will stuff cash in your bank account time and time again…

• Why most JV's only generate a smidgen of the profits that they actually could be earning. You'll be amazed at how much you can REALLY make when I show you how to easily (and almost effortlessly) increase your profits by anywhere from 100% - 900% (or more), just by setting up the deal a bit differently…

• One mind-blowing fact about subscription products - and how you can easily use this crazy consumer behavior to pull down serious profits every single month just by copying the strategy on page 21…

• The single-most overlooked aspect in any joint venture - and business, for that matter. This single, needless error costs the average business owner (like you) thousands and thousands of dollars every year - if not every month…

• The 3 reasons why most attempted JV's fall apart at the seams all the time - and how to bypass the fatal mistakes that most marketers make and rattle off one successful JV after the next…

• One simple strategy that will practically force your prospects to do exactly what you want right from the start - making you as much money as possible (see at the bottom of page 34)

• One proven tactic that will prevent your JV's from falling apart over time, which is sadly what happens to most partnerships…

• How to totally bypass skepticism by using the "intro" letters on page 38 and 39 to set up deals with EASE as a JV Broker - and generate mountains of cash out of thin air just by connecting someone else's product with another person's clients…

• Use this never before revealed SECRET to literally target any niche you want and ATTRACT as many JV partners as you can handle - and they'll actually be the ones coming to you. (No, this isn't the "law of attraction" - this is an actionable, real-life strategy, and I've revealed how easy this is to do on page 45…)

• The biggest SECRET to becoming ultra-successful with JV's (and in business) by actually working less, reducing your responsibilities and actually enjoying yourself more (see Chapter 11…)

• 2 incredibly desirable ASSETS you already have right now without even realizing it - even if you're broke, have no experience and no track-record - that even the richest and most successful prospects need desperately - and they WILL gobble up every word of your JV offer if you dangle these "incentives" in front of them…

• One FATAL assumption that you should NEVER make about your prospects - and why this one tiny detail will KILL your offer in 2 seconds flat if you don't know how to do this correctly…

• 4 extremely effective and highly-secretive online JV tactics that will easily create an instant EXPLOSION of online sales - which will also set in motion an ongoing, self-perpetual momentum of sales, "buzz" and ever-increasing traffic for YEARS to come…

• The BIG SECRET (that nobody's talking about) to making an absolute killing online with Joint Ventures without really doing that much work - and without spending a single dime…

• One "strategy" that has landed me more JV deals than any other tactic - and it almost made me MAD when I discovered it, because it's so obvious… (It's at the bottom of page 66)

• 2 killer profit-pulling JV strategies that you can put in to action in as little as 10 minutes after reading pages 67 - 73. And you don't need ANYTHING except a computer to do this. You could literally start putting together some insanely profitable deals as early as today if you wanted to, and it would only take about an hour or so to get going with these immediate tactics…


Available for immediate download.

Universal PDF Format

• The "Cheat-Sheet" breaks down the 7 most crucial and powerful steps to creating JV's using this system.

• You can easily use just this 7-step chart alone to pump out one profitable JV after the next...

• Print off the Cheat-Sheet and stick it on your office wall - and watch your response rates (and income) fly off the charts...


Available for immediate download.

Universal PDF Format

• "What's the Big Deal about Joint Ventures - and WHY would this be good for MY business?" is a short, easy-to-understand mini-report that you can use to educate your potential partners and clients about the incredible power of JV's - and why they should partner with you...

• One of the biggest (and most annoying) obstacle you'll face are prospects that just have NO idea how powerful and legitimate your JV proposal really is. This "mini-course" will let you use a neutral, non-vested third-party (me) to get your point across - making your offer seem way more believable - and that means more profitable JV's for you...

• You have the right to distribute this document to your potential JV partners.


Available for immediate download.

"Word" Document Format

• The "JV Marketing" Agreement is a "boilerplate" template agreement that you can easily modify to make your own JV's safe, secure and legitimate in a matter of minutes. This is perfect for cross-promotion, product endorsement, co-projects and similar partnerships.

• The "JV Broker" Agreement is a "boilerplate" that you can easily modify to protect your hard-earned commissions as a consultant or a JV Broker.

I personally use these agreement templates all the time.

Just imagine how much you'd have to pay an Attorney to draft up even one contract for you...


"I have never read anything about Joint Ventures that simply tells me exactly what needs to be done and how to do it..."

Hey Chris,

All I can say is WOW!

I love your straight to the point attitude as it makes it very easy to follow and understand what needs to be done when conducting a joint venture...

I have read a lot of joint venture material but I have never read anything about Joint Ventures that simply tells me exactly what needs to be done and how to do it, until I read your [system].

I now feel much more confident that I will be able to conduct very successful joint ventures and I'm sure that I will be contacting many, many joint venture partners in the near future, thanks to the help and top quality information you have provided for me.

Once again, thank you for the excellent information you have shared with me.


Niall Mehaffey


To put it very simply, I've laid out everything you need to DO - and supplied all the tools you need - so that you can easily start creating profitable joint ventures on demand, period.

That's why this course isn't hundreds of pages long - because my goal isn't to "impress" you with how much re-hashed information I can regurgitate (like most so-called experts).

My goal is to see you use this system to generate real results in record time.

And most of all, I want to see it change your life, too...

Tired of struggling just to stay above water? And are you SICK of seeing your JV proposals get trashed, or watching your attempted partnerships just "fall through the cracks"? [Click Here to Download this Proven System and use it to Finally Unleash Your Success, Starting NOW >>](#order)


"Take a Look at this Powerful System in Action..."

I mentioned earlier that I discovered this system by accident...

Here's the story about how I unwittingly stumbled across the one system that would enable me to create profits and traffic on demand...

After my first business folded, I decided to try and do something on the internet to make money. The idea of setting up some sort of automatic income was very appealing - especially after slaving away in my workshop for almost a year, working hard for next to nothing...

So I built a "directory" site for the niche market I was already involved in so I could sell advertising. I didn't know a thing about how to actually build an online business - I just knew that I was sick of trading time for money, as well as only making a 20% profit margin selling physical products. I was determined to succeed in selling ads and whatever else I could think of that I didn't have to physically make, assemble, stock as inventory or ship out.

So I built the site - so far, so good.

But, as you already know, the real head-scratching began when it was time to actually market the site and start driving traffic to it.

I tried everything you could possibly imagine. I read everything I could find about search engine rankings. I submitted the site to thousands of different directories. I used pay-per-click engines (with no success). I posted on a bunch of different forums. I gave out stickers. I begged for people to link to my site. I tried everything...

...only to see traffic "spike" for a few days, but only as a direct result of my tiring efforts - and then it would drop off the map entirely. It was very discouraging.

When I was just about to throw in the towel, inspiration finally came. The idea was so simple, and I couldn't believe I didn't "see" it before...

I was going to trade temporary adspace with vendors, retailers and other sites in exchange for a permanent one-way link and an announcement to their list - or on their front page. This would drive hordes of traffic to my site, and it would generate hundreds of incredibly valuable one-way links, which are still the most effective way to get a top search engine ranking.

(This is before I even knew what "joint venture" meant...)

I had a winning strategy - I knew that for sure. But the real struggle was going to be convincing other people to do this. Over the next week or so, I sent out a whole ton of proposals, with almost no response whatsoever. I tried again, this time wording the offer a bit differently. I think I had something like one response after sending out almost 40 emails. I was furious!

I was actually so mad that out of spite I sent out a bunch of emails that I would NEVER have sent out in a "right" frame of mind. I did it purely to amuse myself so I could get my mind off how much I thought I sucked at doing pretty much anything...

I went to bed and fell asleep reading the "jobs" section in the local classifieds. I had no idea that what I had just done was about to mark the beginning of a new existance for me as an entrepreneur...

I awoke the next morning - and to my total amazement - my inbox was absolutely STUFFED with excited replies and "yes's". One guy had even sent out a mailing to his list already, and he'd attached an ad to his response...

I was floored.

I couldn't believe what just happened...

So I did it again, this time with even more people. The results were the same. Amazing.

I had unwittingly stumbled across the system. And over the next three months, I proceeded to roll out the fastest and most effective TAKEOVER that industry had ever seen...

I had people calling me to find out what I was doing. One guy even paid me to help a bit with his own marketing campaign, because they were at a complete loss as to how I dominated that niche so fast.

I'd even developed long-term partnerships with two full-fledged print magazines. One even gave me a complimentary advert that retailed for $1200.00.

That was over two years ago. The traffic has never stopped. It's actually grown - and it's a "dormant earner" that I never even touch. In fact, in the "on season" that site routinely averages about 1,100 unique visitors per day, every day.


Here's a screenshot of my "unique visitors" stats for the last 7 months on my directory. I took this screenshot on July 14th, 2006.

From that point on - and after seeing those tremendous results - I realized that in order to convince people to do something, you have to do it within their mindset.

Resistance is futile - you will not change the way they think!

But the secret to all this is that it's incredibly easy to get people to do something if it serves their direct self-interest without confusing them or making them think too much...

And that's exactly what makes this system SO effective. Most people utterly fail at Joint Ventures because even though they "know" how the concept works, they don't know the PROCESS of of actually getting people to read, respond and ACT on their offer.

And this system works every time - in absolutely any market...

What are you going to do once you've got this system in your hands?

Tired of your JV proposals getting rejected - or getting NO response at all? Just think about what even ONE successful joint venture could mean for you. Think about the freedom you'd have if you could multiply your sales using JV's... [Click Here to Download this Proven System and use it to Finally Unleash Your Success, Starting NOW >>](#order)


"A Sneak-Peak Into Your Future..."

It's eleven o'clock, Thursday night. It's been a long week, and you're tired. And if your spouse nags you one more time about a more "consistent" income or putting the business on "hold" for a bit and getting a stable job - you're going to go insane...

But tonight's different.

You're a little excited, because earlier that morning you'd secretly purchased "Chris Rempel's Instant JV Success System" - without telling your spouse about it, so as to avoid a 45 minute argument about the "budget". Everyone else is in bed, but you've just sat down for a few minutes to take a look at what this "system" really is...

Thing is, you've been very disappointed in the past with other "marketing" courses that promised the moon and delivered nothing but the same old crap that you already knew - so you're a little excited, but at the same time, a little bit skeptical as well...

When you start reading the main document, you're a bit surprised to see that it's only 75 pages long. (Most of the other courses you've downloaded are hundreds of pages). Nevertheless, you start reading. Within 40 seconds flat you're scrambling for a notepad and a pen because you just read the most powerful tactic you've ever heard of from pages 10 - 17.

"Holy Crap!", you whisper to yourself. You instantly realize that this is what you've been missing all along...

"Can it really be that easy?", you wonder. Your motivation is welling up - and you're visualizing the possibilities already. This is going to be the turning point for your business - and for you.

You stand up and start pacing around - excited, a little overwhelmed and feeling hopeful for the first time in months. Then you decide to do something about what you just discovered.

So you brew some coffee, sit down at the computer, and based on what was just revealed to you - you quickly shoot an email to 19 potential partners that might promote your product. You've followed the system religiously when you crafted your emails, and it's time to see if it actually works...

It's now three o'clock in the morning. You're not tired - but you know that you need some sleep. You climb into bed, anxious to see what's going to happen tomorrow...


"Uggh....". Time to wake up.

You shower, make breakfast and then head to the gym for an hour. The entire time you're kicking yourself for not checking your email before you left the house.

You finish your workout (far earlier than usual), race home and head straight for the computer room. You power up "Old Betsy", turn on the monitor and watch the startup process anxiously.

As soon as possible, you double click on the icon for your email client...

Receiving 1 of 34 messages

You quickly filter through them, deleting spam and product offers until you come to one that reads "Re: Hi Brian". You open it immediately, with a big smile on your face. You'd contacted Brian last night...

Brian's interested! He wants to know more...

"This actually works!", you exclaim loudly.

Then you come across another email that says "Re: Hi Jen". And then another one, and another one....

In total, you've already gotten 4 responses just this morning!

Step 1 of the system works like a charm. Now you're really excited. You quickly respond to each email, using the technique described on page 15. You're still in shock as to how well this actually works...

You continue on with your day as usual.

And then, it happens...

Your ears pop up when you hear the familar "ding ding" of an incoming email. Without an instant of hesitation, you open your inbox.

It's from Brian. The subject line reads, "Let's do this..." You open the message as fast as you can...

"Your product actually looks like a great fit for my clients - thanks again for contacting me.

Why don't you send over a sample mailing that I can send out next Wednesday? I've got two subscriber lists that would be interested in this. About 750 clients and our newsletter has somewhere around 17,000 subscribers.

Also, can I give you a call today?



Wow. This is incredible. If even 1% of Brian's subscribers buy your product, you'll generate almost 200 sales!

(That's about $13,350.00)

You lean back in your chair - excited as ever - and let out a "Whooooo-hooo!" at the top of your lungs. Just wait until you tell your spouse about this...

You think to yourself, "If I even do this just a few times this year - I'll be making a 6 figures income just using joint ventures..."


Could this really happen to you?

Don't be surprised if it does...

Is Your Curiosity Driving You NUTS? Are Wondering just what the HECK this "system" is - even just step 1?

[Click Here to Download this Proven System and use it to Easily Create One Profit Windfall after the Next, Starting TODAY >>](#order)


"How Much Would You Pay For the Ability to Create Cash on Demand - Whenever You Felt Like it?"

Think about it...

It's taken me 2 full years to perfect, optimize and test this system. And it cost me a whole heck of a lot of time, money and energy to develop...

It's actually sickening to think about the fact that you can literally just download this course and be at the same "level" as me in a matter of days - except without going through the painful process of figuring what works, what doesn't, and the exact steps to creating JV's over and over again (based on countless proposals, trial & error and at times, some very frustrating failures)...

You have a unique opportunity today to bypass all of this - leveraging ALL of my blood, sweat and tears to your advantage and literally "piggybacking" MY efforts just by following this system.

How can you put a "price" on that?

Think about how much even ONE successful joint-venture would be worth to you.

Think about what you'd be able to DO if money, "traffic" and sales just weren't a struggle anymore...

In fact, considering that I actually charge $475.00 per hour for my time when I'm consulting, I think a fair price for this course would be at least $1,000.00 or more - because if you're actually going to use this system, then I'm basically giving you a treasure map....

But I've decided to severely underprice this course...

I think back to when I was barely even surviving, trying everything I possibly could to scratch out a living - and maybe even catch a glimpse of "the good life".

Back then, I could hardly afford to eat, let alone invest money on marketing tools. But if I'd been able to get my hands on the same system that you're about to use - it would've changed my life...

And that's exactly why I built this course, and it's why I'm pricing it so that anyone can afford it. To change lives.

I want to make it available to anyone that want to use joint ventures to turn their dreams into a reality. Not just the guy who's already making $35,000.00 a month. So I'm starting my introductory offer at just a measly:


(That's about how much it costs to buy a pair of brand-name jeans...)

[Download the System NOW >>](#order)


"Wait - There's More..."

UPDATE: Sorry, all 50 spots are now taken.

The FIRST 50 people to download this course will get to PICK MY BRAIN about Joint Ventures - and ask me anything they want!

The first 50 downloads will include a "coupon" for either:

A 15 Minute, No-Holds-Barred Telephone Consultation With Me Directly


Three Questions/Queries Via Email Correspondence

($118.75 Value)

This is the only time I will EVER do this. I do sincerely love helping others, but there are only 24 hours in a day. (That's why the course itself is available for download, anywhere in the world.)

Remember that I charge $475.00 per hour for consulting fees. You don't want to miss out on this...

[Don't Miss Out on the Other Bonuses Too - Download the Insant JV System Right NOW >>](#order)


The FIRST 175 people to download this course will get a Premier Membership to my Private JV Coaching forum for free...

(Regularly $29.00/mth)

• Brainstorm and Mastermind with Serious Entrepreneurs about every conceivable aspect of JV marketing and other highly effective strategies...

• Find JV Partners and post YOUR JV Offers. Because this is a paid forum, you won't find any "tire kickers" in this community. A lot of people will make a fortune right from the partnerships made in this forum. Will you be one of them?

• Live Help. Someone's almost always online, and I frequent the forum daily. No valid question will go unanswered.

• Master the Instant JV Success System. It's a proven fact that you will accelerate your success by hanging around others that are already successful. It's no different with joint ventures - if you hang with the right crowd, it's only a matter of time until you're a master of joint venture marketing...

The ideas, strategies and contacts you will get from this concentrated forum will be worth thousands of times more than the "price" of admission...

Tap into the raw power of joint ventures with other entrepreneurs just like you and secure your PREMIER membership for Free Right Now when you invest in Chris Rempel's Instant JV Success System - that's a yearly savings of $348.00!

[Click Here to Secure Your Spot and Download the Insant JV System Right NOW >>](#order)

These bonuses are ONLY avaliable to the first 175 people to download this course. No Exceptions - if you come back in a few days and these bonuses are gone - too bad...

Consider yourself warned!


"My ZERO Risk, No 'BS', Iron-Clad, 56-Day Guarantee..."

I stand behind my system 100% - and I'm going to take all the risk...

Try out the Instant JV Success System RISK-FREE for a full 56 days (8 Weeks). If you haven't been able to set into motion at least ONE potential partnership as a result of contacting just 17 prospects using this system - then I don't want your money.

It's that simple.

If you're not 100% satisfied with your purchase, then just let me know within 56 days of your order, and I'll cheerfully refund your money.

You either succeed, or you get your money back.

[Download the System NOW Risk-Free for 56 Days >>](#order)


"So - What's Stopping You From Using This Simple SYSTEM to Explode Your Income and Finally Experience the Lifestyle You've Always Wanted?"

We both know that $97.00 is an absolute joke of an investment for something that has the capability to change your life.

And this isn't a bunch of theory that you have to dissect and try and "figure out". (I left all of that unnecessary, boring crap out ouf it). This is a system that you just have to follow, folks - and it works like magic...

Many others are using this system to rapdily shortcut their success in business - carving out a future on their terms...

Why not you?

Take a look at that guarantee again...

Is there honestly any reason not to give this a shot right now?

"If You Don't Make Your Money Back On Your First Deal After Reading This Course, It's Simply Because You Didn't Follow His Advice. Period."

"Not to insult anybody, but you would have to be an absolute idiot if you can't geometrically increase the success and profitability of your JVs after reading this course. If you can't, you are hopeless. Downright hopeless.

"Marketing products yield one of the highest returns on investment in the world... and Chris's system will help you achieve your financial goals much faster than you may think is possible - if you use it...

"If you don't make your money back on your first deal after reading this book, it's simply because you didn't follow his advice. Period.

"If you are sick of the rehashed garbage in the JV niche, The Instant JV Success System will be a breath of fresh air. Chris readily reveals his new (and ingenious) strategies, without holding anything back. This is only the third or fourth testimonial I've written for a product so far... just to show you how highly I think of it.

"I can't recommend it enough..."

Gabriel Howes
Quebec, Canada


Download this Proven System TODAY Risk-Free for 56 Days

Yes! I want Chris Rempel's Instant Joint Venture Success System™ delivered to me immediately so I can follow the step-by-step system of easily creating one profitable JV partnership after the next...

I also understand that I'm one of only a handful of people to be receiving the following time-sensitive bonus worth $348.00 in the first year alone:

• A LIFETIME Membership to the Instant JV Success Coaching Forum valued at $29.00 per month - or $348.00 per year...

I understand that my trial is absolutely risk-free. If, after 56 days, I have not been able to capture the interest of a potential JV partner in my industry - by implementing any of the powerful, profit-pulling tactics found in Chris Rempel's Instant Joint Venture Success System™ - I can simply contact Chris Rempel directly through this site, and my money will be promptly refunded.

[Click Here to Test-Drive the Instant Joint Venture Success System NOW for Only $97.00 >>](http://1.crlongboar.pay.clickbank.net)


All orders are processed on a secure server using military-grade encryption to protect your information. Your information will NOT be shared, sold or rented to anyone for any reason.


"Provided me with a Step-by-Step, Paint-by-Numbers, Push-Button Approach to Creating and Profiting from JVs..."


"I owe you a big thanks. I was totally in the dark when it came to
creating and actually profiting from joint ventures. I knew what they were and how they worked, but I kept getting the door slammed in my face everytime I tried to approach someone...

"That quickly changed once I followed your course. Specifically the 'cheatsheet'...

"Even though I'd already devoured every JV book and course I could get my hands on, yours did something that all of them combined couldn't come close to ...

"... providing me with a step-by-step, paint-by-numbers, push-button approach to creating and profiting from joint venture partnerships.

"Other courses provided an outline, but you've given me a SYSTEM for joint venture success that I can apply again and again to instantly gain an exclusive audience with even the "biggest" partners and make them an offer that anyone would be crazy not to say "YES!" to.

"Don't be surprised when people start banging on your door using these exact tactics against you to get hypnotize you into creating
profitable joint venture partnerships with them ... I know I will be :) "


Jason Dolman

"P.S. I feel like I know you personally after reading "Instant Joint
Venture Success System". You included tons of your own experiences and lots of successful examples that I can draw inspiration from and use as a blueprint and motivation for creating my own successful partnerships.

"It's refreshing to come across someone who is "real" and isn't afraid to "pull back the curtain" to let people see what really goes on behind the scenes of a successful business. It's rare these days ... but much appreciated."


There's absolutely no reason why you can't be wildly successful with joint ventures in a matter of weeks - even days, if you're really motivated. And the system you're about to possess virtually eliminates any of the "struggle" normally involved in convincing people to work with you...

This system practically seals the deal for you - like a ripe apple dropping out of a tree into your hand.

As you sit here reading the last few words of this letter, you're thinking about what your life will be like in the near future once you've multiplied your sales and exploded your income exponentially using this powerful system of creating JV's.

But the choice is yours...

Will you use this system to finally take control of your future and live the life that you deserve?

Or will you simply pass it off, continue to struggle and years down the road from now wonder how different your life could have been if you'd only given it a try?

Don't rob yourself of what could be yours...

[Download the System NOW Risk-Free for 56 Days >>](http://1.crlongboar.pay.clickbank.net)

I'll see you on the flip-side...



P.S. You have nothing to lose by trying this system. If my course doesn't completely blow your mind and help you to set up at least one potential partnership within 56 days - then I simply don't want your money.

[Download the System NOW Risk-Free for 56 Days >>](http://1.crlongboar.pay.clickbank.net)

P.P.S. I will remove the bonuses the moment they've been claimed without ANY warning. There might only be ONE spot left for the 15 minute phone consultation...

And what will you possibly gain by "waiting"?

[Secure Your Spot NOW >>](http://1.crlongboar.pay.clickbank.net)

P.P.P.S. Take a look at what others are saying...


"If You Put Chris's System into Action - Make Sure You're Prepared For Their Response!"

"Hi All,

"I was able to secure an advance copy of Chris's Instant Joint Venture Success, and I've had the chance to put it into action...

"I offer the following caution though if you put Chris's information into action... Be prepared to get responses, and to have new opportunities offered to you!

"Why do I say that?

"Because I have now approached a few local entreprenuers, and I have definitely gotten their attention! Not only did I get enthusiastic responses, one of them has offered me a position with his company and another has proposed another project to work on together. Both of these were unrelated to what I apporached them about, but both are amazing opportunities.

"Why did that happen? I believe that when you take action, others cannot help but notice, especially other successful people. And since so few people take action, you instantly stand out from the rest and they want to partner with you.

"So, if you put Chris's information into action, be prepared for their response!

"And grab this offer now! Chris is crazy to only be charging $97.00 for it. It is much more valuable than that..."


PS - "Don't think twice about paying $97 for it... If you are an action-taker, this is a no brainer!"

Dennis Murphy

[Download the System NOW Risk-Free for 56 Days >>](http://1.crlongboar.pay.clickbank.net)


"I've Read Many Courses About Joint Ventures - Even From the Biggest Players in This Field - But I Found Your Course Truly Exceptional and Most Valuable of All..."


"I just finished reading your JV Success System and I have to say that it's AMAZING!

"I'm going to be honest with you: I've read many courses about joint ventures - even from the biggest players in this field - but I found your course truly exceptional and most valuable of all.

"I knew your course was going to contain valuable information because I had read your helpful articles at your JV-Web website. But I didn't expect to discover so many killer tips and ideas on how to make literally millions using the power of joint ventures...

"Last night when I was on page 25, I was already so excited about all the new killer techniques I had learned that I decided just these 25 pages were already worth 10 times more than what your charging for your product. And I really mean it.

"Chris, you're definitely a JV genius! And it's not just a compliment. It's what I deeply believe you are...

"Thank you for sharing this priceless information with other people because it will definitely change lives."


Ladan Lashkari
Author of "How to Find Best-Selling Product Ideas"

[Download the System NOW Risk-Free for 56 Days >>](http://1.crlongboar.pay.clickbank.net)


"I Feel Incredibly Confident That, Using Your System, I'll FINALLY Have the JV Success I've Been Looking For All These Years!"


"You gave so many twists that I was unfamiliar with & you cover so much that I've NEVER seen or read in the many JV products I've purchased. (And I've purchased from many of the "Gurus" in the market). It makes you wonder if the sellers of JV info have been purposely leaving out key information so you can't succeed...

"I'm finishing up an ebook now & will be using your strategies to launch my business. I feel incredibly confident that using your product I will FINALLY have the JV success I've been looking for all these years!"

Thanks Again,
Cynthia Alexander

[Download the System NOW Risk-Free for 56 Days >>](http://1.crlongboar.pay.clickbank.net)


Time Out:

Do you need to see this system in ACTION before you get it?

No problem. This "mini preview" will let you....

"Discover 2 Viciously-Guarded Joint Venture Secrets That Will Completely Disarm Even the Most 'Untouchable' Potential Partner..."

...Giving You FULL ACCESS to Their Customers, Their Traffic and Their Reputation Without Spending a DIME...

These secrets are pulled straight out of my full course, and they will work in any industry, market - and with any "size" of prospect.

I'm also going to take you behind the scenes of some of my most lucrative JV deals just to show how easy this really is, in the form of 7 "inside look" case study emails that reveal how I pull off one successful partnership after the next...

Enter your First Name and Email Address Below - RIGHT NOW - And These Profit-Pulling Secrets Will Be Yours...
First Name: Email:

I hate "spam" more than you. You will only receive my 6-page "sample report", the case-studies and the occasional, valid recommendation. I respect your privacy, and your information will not be shared with anyone for any reason. This list is heavily monitored by Aweber.com

Chris Rempel c/o "CR Longboards"
PO Box 20172 RPO Towne Centre
Kelowna BC
V1Y 9H2, Canada

Email support: chris [at] jv-web.com

Phone contact: +1-614-441-9608

[Download the System NOW Risk-Free for 56 Days >>](http://1.crlongboar.pay.clickbank.net)

[Disclaimer](disclaimer.html) :: [Privacy Notice](privacy.html) :: [Earnings Disclaimer](earnings_disclaimer.html) :: [Affiliate Program](affiliates.html)
Reference sites:

[Joint Ventures ](http://www.jv-web.com) - JV-Web is the definitive resource on JV marketing and other small business tactics.

[Area Code Directory](http://www.areacodelookup-usa.com) - Comprehensive listing of every area code in North America

[Reverse Cell Phone Search](http://www.reversecellphonerecords.com) - Extract details about any cell phone number. Data may include owner name, location details & carrier info.

[Online Background Checks](http://www.yourspyingeyes.com) - Download this powerful software tool to uncover the truth about anyone. Free demo available - investigate your neighbors, friends, doctor, nanny - anyone...

[Accept Credit Cards with your Phone](http://www.accept-by-phone.com) - Perfect merchant account for mobile professionals and small business/services in the US. $5/monthly fee, no cancellation penalty - try it on your own terms...

[Law Firm Management](http://www.lawyerbillingtips.com) - Portal for lawyers with a range of quality advice regarding law firm profitability and business management. Also see [Lawyer Merchant Account - Credit Card Processing](http://www.attorneysaccept.com).

[Cell Phone Reverse Lookup](http://www.cell-phone-reverse-lookup.com) - Instant lookup tool for cell phone & unlisted phone numbers. Find out who called, and where they're from - in seconds...



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