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| WP TID Generator


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_Attention Internet Marketer: Stop Putting Up flying blind when you
promote clickbank products!!!_


Every Affiliate who promotes clickbank product knows the problem:
It is not trivial to measure your conversions.
And that is a mild expression - I have heard people say it is a pain
in the
Did you experience that, too? If so then this will be the most
important message you’ll ever read.

Why is that? The core problem is that in general you do not have
access to the "thank you" page of the vendor whose product you are
promoting. And that means no matter which tracking software or method
you use you cannot place tracking code on the thank you page to
measure your conversions.
No matter whether you use adwords or are driving organic traffic to
your website on which you are promoting a clickbank product - what you
really need to know is how well the different keywords perform.
Only if you know which keywords are actually converting you can know
on which keywords to put your efforts on.
Everything else is like a blind flight.

I was struggling with this very problem on one of my first affiliate
sites - I was driving traffic to a good product and I had some
conversions but in the end my costs for driving traffic almost
equalled my income.
I started searching for a solution: My first way lead to the search
engines, I searched for clickbank conversion tracking and I found
plenty of search results. My confidence rose and I thought, well, I am
sure one of these will come up with an answer.
And I started reading - and the more I read the more people asked
the same question: "How can I properly track my clickbank affiliate
The only problem - no one was coming up with a satisfying answer!
Could that really be true? An affiliate giant with millions in
affiliate sales and all are flying blind?

After Experiencing How The Frustrating Search for a solution And
Even Worse, the Countless Hours I Had Spent On Pushing The Wrong
Keywords Drained All My Spare Time And How I Did Not Have Any Time Any
More For Building My Business And Even Neglecting My Social Life I
Decided To Do Something About It!!!

Soon I found out, there is one small light of hope and that is
called the Clickbank Tracking ID (TID).
It is the only tool clickbank gives to it's affiliates and it can
help you get half the way, because you are able to track a specific
Now this was something I could build on.
I knew there was the answer to my problem, AND NOT ONLY MY PROBLEM,
There had to be a way to make use of the TID in order to be able to
track the conversions of the distinct keywords their site was found
for or they used on adwords.
And then I did what I usually do when I have to solve a difficult
question - I took a long walk in the nearby woods and started
When I came back I had the perfect solution in my mind and started
developing a wordpress plugin (almost all my sites are built on
wordpress, as it is just the easiest solution to all my website
building needs). It took quite a long time of development until I had
all the bits and pieces together and the ultimate Clickbank Conversion
tracking solution was finished:

WP TID Generator!

Now what does this plugin do?
The first impression is that it looks like a neat link cloaking
plugin - which is nice and which alone I could sell for $97 (I have
seen quite a few products that are just link cloakers and sell for
that price).
But in fact this is just a side product - the real purpose is that
it creates a distinct tid for every keyword that was used by your
Now if a visitor clicks on one of those cloaked links the plugin
creates a hoplink with a tid that represents the keyword the visitor
used to find your site. What you can do now is download a list of
keyword-TID pairs so you can find out on your clickbank conversion
analytics page which tids belog to which keywords.
Finally there is a way to know exactly which keywords bring you
profit and which don't. To make it clear, a picture may say more than
a thousand words (click on picture to enlarge):

In my case this helped my to cut my adwords budget to half the
amount i used to spend before and I kept getting the same number of
sales (actually even better because I found out about some keywords
that worked well although I had not expected that)

And to make things even more convenient I developed a Firefox Addon
that did all the work of bringing together TID and keyword for you.
The image above is the output of the WP TID Generator Firefox Addon.
It seemlessly blends in all the keyword data you were previously
missing in the clickbank statistics. For every hop on every affiliate
product you promote you can see which search keyword lead to the hop.
Isn't that fantastic?
Now flying blind is over and you can concentrate on the profitable
keywords. Save hours of work and unwisely spend budget and get to the
core of your business in an instant. If you take into account all the
time and effort plus the ineffectivly spent money you formerly needed
to create good conversion rates, there is only one conclusion:


For a onetime payment of only $47 you can download your copy of WP
TID Generator now:

You need to have a wordpress blog from which you are promoting
clickbank products, you will be able to download your copy immediatly

This site and the products and services offered on this site are not
associated, affiliated, endorsed, or sponsored by WordPress, nor have
they been reviewed tested or certified by WordPress.
ClickBank is a registered trademark of Keynetics Inc., a Delaware
corporation. WPTIDGenerator.com is not affiliated with Keynetics Inc.
in any way, nor does Keynetics Inc. sponsor or approve any
WPTIDGenerator.com product. Keynetics Inc. expresses no opinion as to
the correctness of any of the statements made by WPTIDGenerator.com in
the materials on this Web page.


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