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"Are Irrational Fears and Uncertainty
About The Awesome Benefits of
Internal Cleansing and Detox Keeping
YOU From Naturally Looking and Feeling
Your Absolute Best?"

Date: ")
From: Jaison Greene
Re: The Simple Truth Behind The Colon Cleansing Hype.

Dear Better Health Seeker,

Imagine being able to sleep so soundly that you wake up each morning in a good mood, refreshed and ready to take on anything that comes your way.

You have boundless energy and enthusiasm for life... nothing can stop you!

In fact, you may have trouble remembering a time when you ever felt this good...

And the mirror is your new best friend... your breath is fresh, your skin is clear and your eyes sparkle.  Your friends and co-workers bug you to find out what your "secret" is...

Your "secret": A safe, effective and inexpensive "internal cleanse/detox" done in the comfort of your own home...without doctors, surgery, expensive equipment or prescription drugs of any kind. 

Life is good!  It's truly amazing how good you can feel when your body operates the way it's naturally supposed to and all the bad stuff is gone.

Welcome to the cutting edge of self-health care in the 21st century.

Colon Cleansing "Overload"

It seems like everywhere you turn these days there's a commercial, infomercial, or radio ad for colon cleansing. 

The ad goes something like this: "Our over processed diets have deposited 5-20 pounds of "toxic" waste in our colons.  This waste is responsible for a host of bodily malfunctions from constipation and acid reflux to insomnia and yeast infections.  Colon cleansing can clear away this toxic waste allowing your body to function normally again."

Many people panic when they first hear this—after all, it can be quite a shock to discover the foods you eat, the air you breath and the products you use every day can lead to a harmful buildup of toxins in your body... toxins that can make you feel old and tired most of the time.

This fear has fueled an explosion of detox diets, colon cleansing programs and other products that claim to "detoxify" your colon and other parts of your body...

Sadly, many of these so-called colon cleansing and detox "programs" are not safe and end up causing more harm than good.

Many scam artists sell these "detox programs" and other products to unsuspecting victims. This makes it harder for you to get the facts—to get to the truth about detox and the super beneficial impact it has on all areas of your health.

The only true way to protect yourself is with the right knowledge—by learning the right way to rid your body of toxins and restore your good health before you try anything.

Whether you're considering a detox as prevention health care, rather than say, trying to address an existing condition—Or more importantly if you feel that there is a serious condition that really needs to be addressed and detox is something that  might help—all your fear and uncertainty is about to disappear for good.

A Life Changing Discovery

In the spring of 2002, my 67-year old mom and 44-year old sister were both diagnosed with Metastasized Breast Cancer—barely four months apart!  As part of their treatment, they both completed a supervised, whole body detox to combat the ravages of chemotherapy.


Witnessing the transforming power of detox first hand, I wondered if this detox thing could work for me—I certainly had my own healthy share of health problems (asthma, seasonal allergies, acid reflux and IBS)—but was afraid (and confused) by how the body detoxification process worked... 

Were you allowed eat food during on a detox?

How long did it take to fully detox your colon?

How would you feel during a detox?

Would your bowels be damaged?

Would you have to give up your favorite snacks?

My confusion drove me into action... Not wanting to pester my family while they were fighting for their lives, I became a detox "guinea pig"—trying different methods on myself. 

I tried a new program once or twice a year over the next 8 years. During that time, I learned beyond a shadow of doubt that detox and internal cleansing was more powerful than anything else I had ever experienced health-wise in my entire life.

My experiences resulted in Ultimate Detox: Your Personal Reference Guide To The Best of Everything Detox —written so that NO ONE would ever again have to "figure this detox thing out" by themselves.

Written from a user's point of view, it provides total reassurance and understanding of exactly how the detoxification process safely, easily and naturally restores you to excellent physical health and emotional well-being.


If getting answers to the questions are what's keeping you from taking advantage of all that detox and internal cleansing has to offer then this is your go-to resource. 



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Freedom From Nagging Doubt and
Uncertainty is About to Be Yours.

Get A wealth of unbiased, expert guidance (not useless, recycled garbage cut and pasted from other detox websites) from a self-taught "straight shooter"—with nearly 10 years of rock solid experience—who represents YOU and YOUR health (not the interests of product manufacturers);

Skip hours of boring frustration with this instant shortcut—loaded with mega-valuable detox facts and figures that speak to the heart of your fears about detox—and never again waste time online wading through a sea of irrelevant websites searching for the answers you need.

Learn how to flow effortlessly through any detoxification program from start to finish armed with all the insider tips and tricks that maximize the best possible results while minimizing any shred of discomfort:

Pre-detox prep - How to prepare your mind, body and home for a detox with handy checklists so won't forget anything and only have to do things once;

What to expect during a detox and 7 easy ways to overcome any discomfort from a cleansing reaction; no more panic or fear about what's actually going on inside your body. You'll know what to expect way BEFORE it happens; and

Post-detox advice - Rebuild, replenish and maintain. Simple, funs ways to keep the healthy ball rolling after you complete the detox.

How Detox predates modern medicine (and why it's fast becoming a desired 21st century health care alternative for the more than 47 million uninsured);

How to tell when your body is literally begging for a detox using this personalized, self-diagnostic Toxic Assessment™ tells you exactly how toxic you are and exactly which program removes it the best over 30 in depth detox product reviews—way more than any FREE review site on the Web;

Discover how to use this little known bathroom appliance to end constipation as you know it (which means freedom from laxatives, hemorrhoids, hernias and varicose veins)...so you can look forward to that next trip to the bathroom without fear (which means no more straining, bloating or embarrassing gas;

Every detox program and process review has been conveniently pre-sorted based on duration and level of difficulty—Simple, Intermediate or Challenging—(No more worries about which product to choose). You'll know exactly which detox product or technique is just right for you right now—and why;

4 best ways to cure constipation, lower stress, look younger and boost your energy in less than 7 seven days (and no, it doesn’t involve enemas, colonics or starving yourself by fasting);

I know what it’s like to draw a blank in the grocery story, so I’ve taken all the mystery out of finding the right foods for detox with a handy, print-n-go "Detox Superfoods Shopping List" to take along when you go shopping (if you're not used to buying healthy). End confusion and never forget a thing when it's time to shop for food for your detox. Drastically reduce your shopping time when you're armed with a master list of just the foods that safely accelerate and improve ANY detoxification process;

There are 20 yummy, easy-to-make detox recipes ready and waiting for you to devour. You'll always know what to eat for breakfast lunch and dinner during a detox, plus you'll have the peace of mind knowing that everything you eat is also helping you have a more successful detox;

The 3 simple steps to identifying your specific body type and why this is so critical to making certain you’re working with your natural metabolism…(what works for you may not work for someone else—knowing this nets you greater health benefits in a shorter amount of time);

An intimate portrait of my own personal journey from desperate "sickly" kid to cleansing and detox expert who's helped dozens end suffering from years of chronic illness and transform into much healthier, happier souls;

A super simple, easy activity (takes less than 10 minutes) done 1st thing in the morning that cures hangovers and whitens your teeth at the same time with a tablespoon of this inexpensive, common household condiment;

Know exactly what you're putting into your body with over 200 detox herbs and alternative health terms explained in a plain English, user friendly Glossary; and

Finally gain all the confidence and peace of mind you'll ever need based on facts and my first hand experiences; you'll find yourself automatically being more proactive about your health. Taking decisive action at the first sign or symptom of illness in your body will become a matter of regular habit.

Your Confusion... Gone for good.

Your Doubt... A distant memory.

Your Skepticism and Uncertainty...Vanished forever.

Make smart decisions based on ACTUAL FACTS—and my own experience—not on hearsay, half-truths and rumors.

[ ](http://detoxauthority.com/images/city%20streets.jpg)

Shocking Truths!

Number of visits to office-based physicians with diseases of the digestive system as primary diagnosis: 35.9 million

Over 47 million uninsured people in the U.S. searching for prevention health care alternatives.

Over 4 million people are constipated in U.S. alone.

1-in-10 Americans have symptoms of IBS.

148,810 people were diagnosed with colon cancer in 2008.

55,170 people died of colon cancer in 2008.

22% of people suffering from Diverticulitus are under 40 years old.

Sources: American Cancer Society, World Health Organization

Consider This

Most people won’t make changes until circumstances forced them to...usually when it's too late. 

Don’t let those "mysterious" symptoms lurking around your body and worrisome thoughts floating around your head in ripen into something far worse. Make the decision regain control of your health while you're still able to make that decision on your own terms.

Because let's face it, without good health nothing else really does matter...

[>>Add to Cart     Instant Download!!<<](http://www.detoxauthority.com/offer.php)

Learn How To Regain What Matters Most

More & Better Sleep - A healthy body has no problem falling asleep at night.  That chatterbox that is your mind will even know when it’s time to "shut-up" once you clear out toxic waste from your colon, cells and other vital organs. 

Immunity To Colds - We live in the era of the "Superbug".  The Swine flu and other resistant viruses are on the rise. Conventional medicine and antibiotics have more side-effects than true benefits.  Two-thirds of  your body's defense system (lymph) resides in your intestines.   A clean colon = A strong natural defense.

Energy Booster - Mental clarity and stamina are all made possible from colon cleansing.  Removing built-up toxic waste from the bowels promotes healthy liver function.  A healthy liver promotes normal thyroid function.  A healthy thyroid raises energy levels and speeds up your metabolism.

Youth & Vitality - A body deficient in nutrients can lead to premature aging both inside and out.  Cleansing and internal detoxification rejuvenates and beautifies your skin at the cellular level.  The result is younger, smoother, blemish free skin from within without the use of expensive lotions and creams.

Say Goodbye To The Past

Stress - Many internal cleansing kits contain adaptogens.  Adaptogens help the body "adapt" to balance imbalances caused by stress, poor eating habits and lack of sleep.  Restoring your body’s adaptogen levels assists your body in bringing itself into balance.  When you’re body is happy, your stress level plummets.

Constipation/Diarrhea - Good digestion is the foundation of good health.  Gentle cleansing herbs like cayenne, licorice, peppermint, ginger, fennel seed have been used for centuries to support normal digestion and bowel movement. 

Junk Food Cravings - Before you hit the vending machine for that bag of junk food just remember that a healthy body craves healthy foods. 

Detox not only rids your body of toxic waste matter, it also resets your body’s nutritional compass guiding a newly healthy body to crave only healthy, nutritious foods.

Fat On Your Belly - Studies show that fat cells bind to toxins in order to neutralize their potentially harmful effects on the body.  This is the body’s way of protecting itself.  It also has the unpleasant side effect of piling on the pounds. 

Detox and internal detoxification allow your body to easily release the toxins and flush the fat cells right along with it.  Never say the word "diet" again!

You'll find all forms of cleansing and detoxification easy, simple, quite safe (and actually kinda fun) ONCE you understand how it works.

For the cost of a cheap dinner date in a big city, you'll get the most comprehensive, up-to-date detox and internal cleansing information based exclusively on my own personal experience and hours of nutritional and dietary research. 

With over 149 pages packed with photos, facts and diagrams, Ultimate Detox is a breeze to read.  See how easily you can tailor it to your own lifestyle and level of experience. 

Wait...It Gets Better!

Because when you purchase Ultimate Detox: Your Personal Reference Guide To The Best of Everything Detox today, you'll also get OVER $109 in BONUSES!!

That's 4 Special Bonus eBooks:

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"Love Your Liver (and Gall bladder too)" 

Your largest internal organ performs over 500 specific detox functions a day to keep you alive. The best liver herbs, liver supplements and step-by-step liver cleansing recipes can result in exponential health benefits.

53 pages

[ ](http://detoxauthority.com/images/fiber2.jpg)Bonus #2 ($22.00 value)

"Fiber - Not Enough or Way Too Much"

Why it Really Matters and which type (soluable/non-soluable) and method of delivery (powder, caps, and liquids) best support your nutrition, digestion and elimination.

26 pages

[ ](http://detoxauthority.com/images/wheat2.jpg)Bonus #3 ($20.00 value)

"Wheat - The Staff of Life...or Death?"

How Mass Production Diminished Wheat's Nutritional value and what the consequences are for your health.  The rapid growth of Syndrome X - insulin related disease and illness can be linked directly to the over consumption of  refined wheat, wheat gluten and wheat by-products.

17 pages

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Bonus #4 ($27.00 value)

"Chicken - 70 lbs a Year a Growing"  

Learn the key differences between terms like "organic", "all natural", "free-range", "eco-farmed" and "conventional" and they can make a huge difference for your health.

48 pages

Ultimate Detox: A Personal Guide To The Best of Everything Detox is guaranteed to teach you everything you ever wanted and needed to know about the awesome life changing power of detoxification and internal cleansing or 100% of your money back.

No Questions - No Hassles - No Problems

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Here's how it works: If Ultimate Detox doesn't show you exactly how internal cleansing and Detox is a safe, easy viable option to dramatically improve your overall health, just send your request for a refund by email and I'll personally refund 100% of your money back. 

There's absolutely nothing to lose with my Full 8-Week, Iron Clad, Money Back Guarantee. Purchase your copy of this life changing resource without fear, read it through, show it to your friends, family and co-workers.

You Keep Everything!

Keep it all forever.  That's how strongly I feel about this.  I'm giving you the keys to the kingdom of your own health.  Even if you change your mind, I still want you to have the tools to make your own destiny.

And you'll have coveted peace of mind...gain complete mastery (while saving precious time and moolah) by owning the complete resource for the most essential, up-to-date detox information around.

Your powerful 149-page full color illustrated, guide is conveniently downloadable so you'll have it on your computer in a matter of minutes – allowing you to start the journey toward better health right away!

This is a drop dead bargain. I'm in a position to help you and make this real in your life, right now.

If relief from fear is what you're after, then here's what you need to do right now. Get out your wallet and Click the "[Add to Cart](http://www.detoxauthority.com/offer.php)" button now. Have your credit card (or PayPal) information ready.

Get 20% Off for the Next 3 days!

For the next 72 hours (3 days) I'm offering a (20% Discount), that's a one-time charge of $37.60 to get your copy of this powerful 150+-page, full color illustrated guide downloaded on your computer in a matter of minutes.

After that...the price returns to $47.00.

"It is very clear and easy to read."

"There is a lot of product advertised out there and I would not know which way to go if I didn't have you to talk with about this. I also found the menus and shopping lists very helpful."

Dawn Ingianni, Registered Nurse, New York, NY


[ ](http://detoxauthority.com/images/checkmark.gif)Yes Jaison, I am finally ready to learn about the power of detoxification and overcome my fear and doubt its amazing health benefits to help live a healthier, more energetic and happier life!


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Ultimate Detox ebook with over 149-pages in vivid color loaded with easy to follow charts, graphs and diagrams.

First hand, fully researched reviews of over 30 safe and effective detox products, techniques, programs and services.

Detailed instruction on exactly what to do before, during and after you use ANY detox product or technique.

Fact-filled history of detoxification as it has developed over 3,000 years in different cultures around the world.

Exactly How-To Detoxify Your Kitchen.

Yummy, easy-to-make detox recipes including breakfast, lunch, dinner, dessert & snacks ready and waiting for you to devour.

Handy, print-n-go Detox Superfoods Shopping List to make finding the right foods a breeze.

How to eat after Detox (recommended eating plans)

My hyper-generous, No hassle, 6-month 100% money back guarantee.


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To The Best of Everything Detox"

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Got A Question?
Email me:

To feeling better right now,
Jaison Greene

Clock's ticking.   For the next 72 hours (3 days) I'm offering a (20% Discount), a one-time charge of $37.60 to get a copy your powerful, 149 page full color illustrated, guide is downloaded on your computer in a matter of minutes.
After that...You'll pay $47.00. [ Add to Cart](http://www.detoxauthority.com/offer.php)

Don't forget you also get FREE INSTANT ACCESS to these $109 in awesome bonuses!
Bonus #1 ($40.00 value) "Love Your Liver (and Gall bladder too)"
Bonus #2 ($22.00 value) "Fiber - Not Enough or Way Too Much"
Bonus #3 ($20.00 value) "Wheat: The Staff of Life...or Death?"
Bonus #4 ($27.00 value) "Chicken - 70 lbs a Year a Growing"
Total Value =$109.00

But you'd act now, your discounted offer lasts for 3 day only.  After that this deal is gone FOREVER.  Wait around "mulling it over" and you'll miss out.  [Add to Cart](http://www.detoxauthority.com/offer.php)

Disclaimer: Results may vary. These statements about have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.)

Here's what people from
all walks of life are saying about this amazing, new detox resource for beginners:

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"I normally have to log onto 10 or more sites to continue to educate myself as I cleanse. Thankfully I've discovered "Ultimate Detox" and every type of cleanse kit with all of the essential information – even how to come off a cleanse safely...I am hooked!"

Molly Gonzalez, Jewelry maker, Union City, New Jersey.


Doctors Love It!
[ ](http://detoxauthority.com/images/paul_bushkuhl_sm.jpg)

"Compelling... informative... and thoroughly researched. Any intervention that makes people aware of the countless toxins we are exposed to in our daily lives and puts an emphasis on healthful eating habits heavily skewed toward the consumption of fruits, vegetables, and whole grains is worthwhile."

Paul Buskhul, MD, Internist,
St. Vincent's Hospital, NY, NY.


Jaison is VERY
knowledgeable about the
entire detoxification process.

[ ](http://detoxauthority.com/images/davida_scretch.jpg)

"As a result of his guidance, my cravings definitely changed--I eat more fruits and vegetables on a regular basis. I'm paying more attention to my body and exercising and trying to live a healthier lifestyle."

Davida Scretchings, Busy Single Mom, Durham, NC.


Jaison's expertise got
me through it correctly.

[ ](http://detoxauthority.com/images/khari_wyatt.jpg)

"I had no prior experience with cleansing or detoxifying my body.  Jaison's guidance enabled me to do the [master] cleanse properly. 

See, many people have heard of the cleanse and think they know how to tell people to do it, but Jaison's expertise got me through it correctly.

After the cleanse my allergies took a long vacation. My sinuses cleared, my lungs cleared. It was like the clouds broke and the sunshine touched the earth! "

Khari Wyatt, Former Allergy Sufferer, Los Angeles, CA.



[ ](http://detoxauthority.com/images/tracey_dell.jpg)

"I should say that I love this book - if I was writing something this is exactly what I would write."

Tracey Dell, Founder, Northampton Colonic Clinic, Northampton, United Kingdom & Milton Keynes Colonic Clinic,  Milton Keynes, United Kingdom


His detailed personal experience using many different detox kits removed all the guesswork...

[ ](http://detoxauthority.com/images/Annie_ellis.jpg)

"As someone new to the idea of internal cleansing and detoxification, the straightforward, non-judgmental and comprehensive explanations took the mystery out of the mechanics of how the colon functions and how internal cleansing can help.

His detailed personal experience using many different detox kits removed all the guesswork -- I was able to choose the kit that was right for me for my first cleansing and detox experience, saving me time AND money."

Annie Ellis, Cancer Survivor,
White Plains, NY.


I will probably come back to it again and again.

[ ](http://detoxauthority.com/images/maria_allenden.jpg)

"I do tend to fall off my 'healthy wagon' when I have other issues going on.... I am always trying to get to that state of feeling clean inside but apart from one really good phase a few years back I struggle to stay on my wagon...

I found the info in your book useful and I will probably come back to it again and again. So much useful info in your book so thanks for writing it."

Maria Allenden, Corporate Workwear Administrator,  Norwich, United Kingdom


In the beginning
I referred to his words
of wisdom constantly.

[ ](http://detoxauthority.com/images/VanJ.jpg)

"Jaison’s advice helped me see that I wasn't going through my first detox alone and that it was completely doable.  In the beginning I referred to his words of wisdom constantly.

Thanks to him, I feel like a new person: Super high energy and really refreshed. I slept better and woke up with so much energy.

Over ten months and I haven't had a cup of coffee since. Awesome!"

Van Johnson, Former Caffeine Addict, Springfield, MA.


...very user friendly and I think for someone who is first getting interested in cleanses...

[ ](http://detoxauthority.com/images/Jeff_Haber.jpg)

"I found it very user friendly and I think for someone who is first getting interested in cleanses, this book is a great reference for people to get familiar with the concept and process of a cleanse.

I also love the pro's and con's part after each product. That was my favorite part of the book for my own information.

Because you have lived this path, the book feels very authentic and offering your experience from the heart is the most important part for me."

Jeff Haber, Real Estate Entrepreneur, New Orleans, LA.


There was always the unknown until I read your eBook

[ ](http://detoxauthority.com/images/Mel_wong.jpg)

"Friends spoke about the master cleanse, but there was always the unknown until I read your eBook. 
It actually felt like I was part of an actual support group because the things you talked about was exactly what I was going through.

I am happy to say that I did succeed with the 10 days thanks to your advice. I felt GREAT. Lighter, more energy and emptied out."

Melissa Wong, Guidance Counselor, Boston Mass


 A great starting point...!

[ ](http://detoxauthority.com/images/natasha_howard.jpg)

"Before I read Ultimate Detox, my knowledge about internal cleansing and detoxification was limited.

I knew I wanted a thorough cleansing and not a regular laxative. For a first-time user, I did not find looking down the aisle of numerous cleansers at the GNC as exhilarating -- in fact, it was very confusing.

After reading a couple of chapters in the detox guide, I decided on one of the recommended 7-day programs.

Using Jaison's guide as a base, I followed it's links, consulted my physician and decided on the best brand for me.

The guide was also spot on for what one should expect after the process: I had better skin, increased energy and the best part: I lost a couple of pounds!

If you are sure about wanting to try a cleansing and detox kit, but, unsure about which brand, the duration of cleansing and other specifics, then Ultimate Detox is a great starting point."

Natasha Howard-Grant, Administrative Assistant,
Stroudsburg, PA


I was amazed at how helpful the videos and the book was in motivating me to continue

[ ](http://detoxauthority.com/images/ron_vinson.jpg)

I wanted to simply lose weight, change my eating habits, and go through a comprehensive detox of all the toxins that accumulate in the body.

Furthermore, I've never challenged myself in this way, so it was kind of personal test... I've never felt I had a reason to read a "self-help" book in the past.

However, I must say the thought of not eating for 10 days was an unattainable goal. I was amazed at how helpful the videos and the book was in motivating me to continue even through my hectic schedule.  

I have lost a total of 25lbs since all by detoxifying and changing my diet. Truly amazing.

Ron Vinson, Technology Manager, City of San Francisco, San Francisco, CA



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who have also benefited from the pages of
Ultimate Detox

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