Stock Screener
We provide technical analysis stock screeners to help traders
maximize their investment profits. Traders may save up to 500% of
their time finding stocks based on technical indicators. Here is a
list of technical indicators that are included in our screener.
* Candlestick
* Moving Average
* Exponential Moving Average
* Macd Crossover
* Stochastic Crossover
* RSI Screenerr
* Volume Crossover
* Price Crossover
* On Balance Volume
* Average True Range (ATR)
* Commodity Channel Index (CCI)
* Bollinger Band Crossover
* Money Flow Index (MFI)
1. I bought "BCS" yesterday and sold it on the 20% bounce today!!
The morning star search really worked. Thank you for making such a
useful site.
_George Koivisto_
2. I just discovered this, and I am impressed by the training tool
where I can test my skill against historical data. The scan tool is a
great time saver for comparing data over time! Awesome work! I hope
that this site will continue to be useful for everyone.
_Brian Morton_
3. Hi, your website is just great, thanks. Would be also great if we
could scan for stocks on other markets like FTSE, DAX and Bovespa
(from Brazil, my country). Is that possible? Thank you very much for
such a great piece of software.
_Steve Giagio _
4. Your site is terrific - thanks for making it available. Save me a
lot of time finding stocks manually
_Raimundo white_
5. I have used your website for couple weeks now and I like it very
much. I like the stock scanning ability provided by the website.
_Vicky Chen_
3 months
9 months
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