Excerpt from product page

A Children's Interactive Story


The Night Before Christmas

The classical tale of an unforgettable visit from Santa is brought to life through
rich, colorful 3D artwork, classical time period music and exuberant narration. The
whole family will enjoy this adaptation of one of the most famous encounters with Santa ever penned.
Samples of the actual graphics in the story. Sample image of the easy to use interface.   [ Click Here For Sample Narration From The Story](audio/story-narration.wav) [Click Here For Sample Music From The Story](audio/story-music.wav)
Click on the Buy Now link below to get your copy now. Just $12.95 gives you access to the downloadable file with full instructions. The file can be downloaded as a standalone file at 79.6 MB or as a ZIP file at 49.8 MB.   [ ](http://1.danbookshf.pay.clickbank.net)
For product information or support please contact [support@dannysbookshelf.com](mailto:support@dannysbookshelf.com?subject=TNBC Support)

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