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Take The Challenge Today!
Start Burning Body Fat NOW!
Take The Challenge Today!
Will YOU be One of Them?
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Hey Friend,
No matter where we turn today, it seems as though we are constantly bombarded with information dealing with diets, fitness, nutrition, exercise and fat loss.
WHO is telling us the truth?
WHAT information is correct?
WHERE did they come up with some of this stuff?
WHEN will I ever find the time to dedicate to hours of workouts, day after day?
WHY are today’s “scientific studies” contradicted by tomorrow’s headlines?
and HOW can I expect to improve my physical condition with this kind of “information overload” going on?
Well, I’ll be the first to admit that I feel exactly the same way you do about it all. You see, for most of my life I’ve struggled (and still struggle every day) with my weight, and I have found that through those struggles, I have come to a simple, 3-part conclusion:
1. Find what works for YOU!
2. Do it!, and
3. Repeat!
Now, you’re probably saying to yourself, “Sure buddy, that’s easy for you to say, because you’ve already discovered your number one. But how do I find out what mine is?”
I’m glad you asked, because that’s where the New Lifestyle Challenge comes in!
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I also want to make something perfectly clear to you right off the bat. I’m not some genetically-blessed, great-at-all-sports, super-ripped-fitness-guru. I’m just a regular person like you, who’s worked very hard for every pound of body fat I’ve lost! (and I’ve lost a lot, let me tell you)
The following paragraphs contain all of the things that, based on my almost 10 years experience working in the fitness industry as a trainer, I’ve come to realize are the most important when it comes to finding a system that works.
I’ve perfected such a system, and it’s called the New Lifestyle Challenge. It works for me, and has worked for dozens of my clients too. Now, it’s time for you to see if it will work for you as well. I invite you to read through the following points, and see if you can commit to them as I have. If you can do that, I can Guarantee your Success!
Not only that, I also want to show YOU how to reach YOUR FULL POTENTIAL by Registering to do the New Lifestyle Challenge TODAY!
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Before I tell you all the things you need for success, I want to share some of my Client Success Stories with you. Take a look at these people. They are regular folks, just like you and me.
They were tired of trying to “wade through” all of the conflicting information I spoke about earlier, and finally settled upon a program that worked for them!
The New Lifestyle Challenge Program!
Take a look:
Carol Morton, Age 43
Carol lost over 12 pounds, and 8 inches in only 12 weeks!
Garry B., Age 61
Garry overcame chronic shoulder pain using this program!
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Now, back to those essential things you need for success!
1. You MUST Have a Plan containing ALL the essential components for SUCCESS!
What are these components? They are Fitness, Nutrition and Motivation.
These 3 Components are the basis of my New Lifestyle Challenge Program! Without all of them in place, I’m afraid you’re setting yourself up for Failure!
The New Lifestyle Challenge will show You how to:
Workout in a new way, challenging your body to lose more fat in less time, and improve with Every Workout! Eat properly, using good old common sense, making wise food choices and, reaching your fat loss goals faster! Stay motivated through your journey towards Health and Wellness by introducing you to other people who are going through the same struggles. Enabling you to “stick with it” and achieve your goals!
and speaking of Goals . . .
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2. You MUST Set Goals which identify who You are, and who You want to be!
The New Lifestyle Challenge will show You how to:
Take a long hard look at yourself when it comes to defining who you are, and who you aspire to be! Set realistic goals for yourself using the S.M.A.R.T. formula! Continue to focus on your goals throughout your journey, and beyond!
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3. You MUST Workout consistently, while challenging yourself every time!
The New Lifestyle Challenge will show You how to:
Use continuous improvement to ensure that your level of success steadily increases! Create an environment of constant adaptation for your muscles! Never let “plateaus” stop you from achieving your fat loss goals again!
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4. You MUST Track Your Results to know what’s working and what’s not!
The New Lifestyle Challenge will show You how to:
Keep accurate records of all your workouts using easy-to-follow interactive tools! Learn to recognize when exercises have given you a boost forward, and also a kick backward! How to create workouts that can be done virtually anywhere!
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Now, let’s take another look at some more Success Stories from my Program:
Dave Stewart, Age 44
Dave continues his journey with the program every day!
Cindy Koshowski, Age 41
Cindy got her whole family involved when she joined the program!
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Now, back to those essential things you need for success!
5. You MUST Eat More Fruits & Vegetables and Eliminate Processed Foods!
The New Lifestyle Challenge will show You how to:
Keep a food log as part of your interactive tools! Learn which foods are truly healthy, and which ones are just “pretending” to be! Adapt to any situation you find yourself in, and conquer unhealthy food cravings for good!
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6. You MUST Offer & Receive Support to stay motivated!
The New Lifestyle Challenge will show You how to:
Stay in contact with other participants anytime with exclusive, interactive member forums! Exchange ideas, encouragement and support with your peers! Create an environment that is always positive, moving you closer to achieving your goals!
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7. You MUST Reward Yourself for a Job Well Done once per week!
The New Lifestyle Challenge will show You how to:
Actually get Better Results by “Cheating” once per week! Let your body (and especially your brain) know that it’s okay to reward yourself now and then! Use the power of the “Cheat Day” to move you closer to achieving your goals!
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Still not convinced?
Here’s another set of Success Stories to help you see what You can Achieve:
Natalie, Age 33
What did I enjoy most about the New Lifestyle Challenge? Where do I start? I enjoyed the routine of working out 3X a week, recording all of my food & workouts, the regular weigh-ins (where I looked forward to seeing my results), the levels of intensity as I moved through the stages of the program, and most of all, getting the chance to better my life!
I would most definitely recommend this program to anyone who wants to improve their health and/or fitness. It is inspiring, motivating and fun. I think that I am officially “hooked” on working out again, thanks to the new Lifestyle Challenge.
I honestly can’t even begin to tell you how much this program has meant to me & how much it has improved my life! This was exactly what I needed to get back into a routine of working out. I just couldn’t stick with it on my own. I am now down 25 lbs. since I started only 12 weeks ago, and my new goal is to lose another 20 in the next 12 weeks!
I honestly would still be “on the couch” if it weren’t for you and your New Lifestyle Challenge program Dale.
Thank you.
Kevin Cullen, Age 49
Kevin is much more active all the time now and actually looks and feels younger!
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So, what do you say? Will you Take the Challenge . . . Today?
Will you Stop Procrastinating, and Start Doing . . . Today?
Will you let me give you the Tools of Success for Your Health and Wellness . . . Today?
Will you show others how to reach their goals by Achieving Your Own . . . Today?
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Here’s My Own Personal Success Story!
I lost over 85 pounds in just under 12 months with My Program! You Can Too!
I Took The Challenge and Achieved My Health and Wellness Goals!
Now it’s Your Turn! Take the Challenge Today!
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So, thinking back to the seven points I mentioned above, how many of them do you feel you can commit to? All 7? Maybe 6, 4, 2?
Even if you can commit to doing just one, I promise that I will show you how to work your way up to committing to ALL of them in no time at all!
The secret is in the 3 Components of my Program: Fitness, Nutrition and Motivation.
The New Lifestyle Challenge has all three in place to guide you along your journey towards achieving your Health and Wellness Goals!
You WILL SUCCEED with My Program! I Guarantee it!
Plus, I feel so confident that this Program will work for you, that I’m offering you my own Personal Guarantee! That’s right. If you try the New Lifestyle Challenge for a period of 60 days, and you don’t feel an increase in your energy level, greater strength and more empowered than you’ve felt in years, I’ll give you your money back, no questions asked!
All you have to do is take that first step towards achieving your Health and Wellness Goals. Simply click on one of the “Register Now Buttons” located throughout this page, and I’ll give you more details about the Program, and how to Register Today!
I look forward to Seeing Your Success!
Click the Button Below Right Now!
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