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Attention! Special News Alert for Liver Cirrhosis Sufferers….


Liver Cirrhosis is NOT


Finally, a 2,000 Year Old Treatment Can Erase Your Nausea, Fatigue, Vomiting, Itching and Other Chronic Cirrhosis Symptoms And Reverse Your Liver Damage Starting Today

A Note from Duncan Capicchiano N.D.
Naturopath, Author, Researcher


Have you been struggling with Liver Cirrhosis?

I want to know...

Are you afraid that your liver cirrhosis will leave you crippled, jaundiced and in pain for the rest of your life? Are you scared that treating your chronic liver disease will drain your bank account and leave your family financially bankrupt? Are you sick and tired of waiting for hours in doctor waiting rooms only to be told that there is nothing that can be done to heal and repair your liver? Do you lay awake at night regretting the decisions you made that led to this health crisis?
If you answered yes to any of these questions then you should close the door, turn off all distractions and read every word of this letter.

Here’s why –

Let’s get something straight…

Your liver cirrhosis diagnosis isn’t a death sentence.  In fact, I believe that you can start improving your health and enjoy your life pain and discomfort free starting today.

Right now it seems that everything is going in the wrong direction. You’re beating yourself up inside because you regret the personal decisions that led to this health crisis.

I get it. Again – you can turn this situation around.  You can restore your liver to proper function.  You can stop the dizziness, nausea, jaundice and vomiting.

You can get your energy back.

You can get the second chance at health and happiness that you deserve.

Let me show you why I believe this…

I’ve been a Naturopathy Practitioner for 7 years.  I’m following in the footsteps of my “mum” who was also a natural healer.  The reason I am excited to wake up every morning is because I know that I can watch miracles happen in people’s lives. Each day I go to my clinic knowingly blessed with the privilege of giving my clients a 2nd chance at life. 

For years, I watched how alcohol, drug abuse and hepatitis destroyed the physical and emotional lives of thousands of people.  It’s an epidemic that has deeply moved me.  For a long time, I searched for what I could do to restore healing to people who had conquered their addictions only to be handed a Liver Cirrhosis diagnosis.

So, I tackled the challenge of reversing Liver Cirrhosis because I wanted to provide an alternative to the “death sentence” that many patients receive from traditional medical professionals.  Something about the attitude of western doctors seemed cruel, callous, and out-of-touch. I believed that Liver Cirrhosis patients had already suffered enough.  Many were trying to repair the wreckage of their lives and didn’t deserve less than 100% of my effort and time.

I set out to find an all-natural liver recovery plan that would work for all but the most extreme cases of liver cirrhosis. 

I investigated many plans that led to dead ends.  Either the plan was too complicated, too expensive or took too much time to work.

My colleagues in my clinic were compassionate enough to present my options to their clients to see if they would deliver results.  Over months, we refined our new method into an easy to administer system that delivered consistent results.

The best part is that the plan that I coined “The Liver Cirrhosis Solution” is inexpensive and simple enough for you to use in the comfort of your own home.  No expensive doctor visits.  No expensive prescription drugs.

Let me tell you why the Liver Cirrhosis Solution works…

Western Medicine has achieved some incredible investments in the last 100 years.

But, it does have one blind spot; the Drug companies.

Doctors are trained to diagnose and treat.  If the drug companies haven’t provided a drug to treat the illness, then the doctors tend to freeze.  They tell you that the diagnosis is bleak and work to “make you comfortable” which usually means toxic medications with crippling side effects.
With Liver Cirrhosis, the “sanctioned” opinion is that it’s incurable.  The damage done to your liver can’t be healed.  The symptoms you’re feeling can’t be stopped.

They are right – IF you rely on drug-based western medical techniques.

However, there is a Powerful, Safe, and Inexpensive Alternative

Recently, there has been a breakthrough in the field of Naturopathy. 

After years of careful study, scientists have identified certain herbs that have powerful “recuperative” properties. Some of these properties specifically pinpoint the liver.

Ironically, you can purchase these herbs in your local health food or vitamin store.

The three most powerful include:

Milk Thistle
Herbalists have been using the seeds of the Milk Thistle for 2000 years to treat liver disease and liver disorders. Milk Thistles popularity in mainstream medicine has soared due to its reliably positive impact on treating liver disease symptoms.

Globe Artichoke
Globe Artichoke has been a medicinal staple for years.  Recently, Naturopathy practitioners have combined it with our potent herbs to stop and roll-back damage caused by liver cirrhosis. 

Globe Artichoke specifically reconditions and improves the flow of toxic fighting bile within the liver.

This Sri Lanka wonder herb has shocked scientists with its antibacterial, anti-viral and anti-inflammatory talents.  In Thailand, cups are served to café patrons as an afternoon pick-me-up. Women eat Gotu-Kola salad to maintain their youthfulness. 

Daily consumption will gently detoxify your body and stimulate regeneration of your liver.

Each of these ingredients works by strengthening the liver’s ability to heal itself.  Like I mentioned before, synthetic drugs can’t restore liver function – but the liver can repair itself (naturally) if it receives the right combination of natural herbs and supplements.

These “natural miracles” are the first step to creating your Liver Solution.  The next step focuses on creating a -

Your liver takes a beating every day because it is responsible for removing toxins from your blood supply.  Every drop of blood travels through your liver where it is filtered for use by the rest of your body’s organs.

The 2nd step to supporting your liver and rolling-back the affects of cirrhosis is to simplify your diet.  In the Liver Solution, my new book, I lay out a complete “Core Diet” that makes it easy for your liver to process the foods you eat every day.

The Core Diet works because it gives your liver a “vacation” allowing it to recuperate and focus on healing itself.

This step is even more important if you’ve abused alcohol or IV drugs.  Your liver is used to working overtime everyday contributing to its cirrhosis.  An immediate start to a simple diet focused on non-processed foods that are fortified with liver supporting vitamins and herbs is a must.

However, we’re not finished.

Treating your liver cirrhosis also depends on your ability to –

Just like alcohol or drugs, stress is also toxic to your body and your liver.  Simply stress corrodes your entire body and its organs.  As your organs weaken from the onslaught of panic, worry, fear and uncertainty, your liver tries to pick up the slack.

Right now, we need to rest your liver and allow it to begin the process of healing itself.  To do this, we need to stop the stress in your life – right now.

In a moment, I will show you how to get a detailed and simple plan for combating stress. For now, let’s do one exercise that I’ve included in my book, Liver Solutions.

Do this now.

Sit in a comfortable chair with your back erect.
Put your right hand on your stomach.
You’ll be watching your hand to see how well you are performing this exercise so make sure you can comfortably see your hand on your abdomen.
Inhale a long, clean, “bellyful” of air.  You should see your hand rise with your stomach.
Now exhale.
Continue breathing this way until you can consistently see your hand rise and fall with each breath. Once you’ve mastered this process, take 10 refreshing breaths, concentrating on each inhale and exhale cycle.
As you do this exercise, you will feel the tension and stress in your body lessen.  Your body has been genetically programmed to associate these long, measured, deep breaths with relaxation, contentment and satisfaction.

Repeat this exercise 3 times a day – preferably when you awake in the morning, at lunch, and just after dinner.  This technique will give you a jumpstart on mastering the stress in your body and give your liver the boost it needs to recuperate.

I’ve already given you three powerful techniques for treating your Liver’s cirrhosis. But, the best way to get rapid results is to put a complete Liver recovery solution program into motion.

To help you, I’ve written a breakthrough eBook called the “Liver Cirrhosis Solution.”

This 97 page eBook is filled with proven strategies that liver cirrhosis sufferers are using right now to reverse the effects of Liver Cirrhosis.

Here’ a glimpse of what’s inside – Understand exactly what Liver Cirrhosis is and how you can use your knowledge to beat it. (pg. 6) Discover why the Western Treatment Model is incapable of treating chronic disease and why you shouldn’t rely exclusively on medical establishments for answers. (pg. 17) Why the common treatment for Cirrhosis could slow down your recovery and why natural remedies are the best way to rapidly reverse your cirrhosis symptoms. (pg. 20)
The 3 tools that you must use to begin repairing your liver from the inside out. (pg. 25) A breakthrough treatment “recipe” that will heal your liver rather than just put a band-aid on the symptoms. The exact herbs you should take to fortify your diet and assist your liver’s recuperation. (pg. 34) How ’juicing’ can accelerate your healing process by flushing away toxins that are overburdening your liver. (pg. 42) Practical strategies for confronting and conquering the root cause of your liver cirrhosis – it doesn’t matter if you are an alcoholic, addicted to drugs or suffer from Hepatitis, each of these strategies will work for you.

Specific strategies for healing the most crippling symptoms, including nausea, vomiting, fatigue, stomach pain, hemorrhoids and itching. (pg 49) The complete Liver Cirrhosis Solutions Core Diet with helpful dieting tips and delicious ready-to-eat recipes. The “Secret Shake” that will flush your liver in healing vitamins and herbs. (pg. 66) My exclusive “Alkaline Diet”, a complimentary booster that will speed your recuperation and begin reversing years of liver damage. (pg 67) 5 incredible recipes that will delight your friends, your taste buds and your liver! (Does Char Grilled Calamari sound awesome to you? – see it on pg. 74) Complete your recovery regimen with 6 exercise principles that will make working out easy and enjoyable (even if you are obese or never entered a gym before in your life). 8 “Easy as Pie” relaxation techniques that will calm your mind, ease your tension and release you from the vicious effects of stress on your liver. Quick, comfortable and profoundly therapeutic mediation exercises that you can start benefiting from within the next 10 minutes. (pg. 86) Plus – much, much more.

If you are actively abusing alcohol or drugs then you may not be ready to start the Liver Cirrhosis Solution.

If you have reached Stage 6 – Liver Disease – then unfortunately this program is not for you…

If you believe that there is a magic bullet that will allow you to have your cake and eat it too, then this program might not be for you.

If you believe that you can heal with no work, then this program is not for you.

On the other hand, the fact that you’re reading this letter shows me that you’re ready for a change. 

Ask yourself –
Are you ready to wake up tomorrow morning with the certain knowledge that your liver cirrhosis will not cut your life short? Are you committed to attacking the causes of your cirrhosis and rolling back you’re debilitating cirrhosis symptoms? Are you ready to start living a life that is focused on transforming you into your best, healthy and happy self? Are you focused on pampering your body with all-natural foods, herbs and drinks that will allow your liver to heal itself? Can you “take care of yourself” by actively using relaxation and meditation techniques to quiet the demons that cause you stress, panic and worry?
If any of the above sounds appealing to you then you are ready to order the Liver Cirrhosis Solution and begin your journey to a full recovery.

It comes down to this:

Right now, you are looking for a 2nd chance at life.  You’ve made some hard choices.  You have shown incredible strength.  You know that you need to take the next step and begin to reverse the physical effects of liver cirrhosis.

There is a better than excellent chance that this program can work a miracle in your life. You need to take this step.  You need the Liver Cirrhosis Solution.  I want you to have it.

Before you decide if this book is right for you, let me tell you why you won’t find anything like the Liver Cirrhosis Solution out there –
Medical establishments have given up on Liver Cirrhosis.  They believe it can’t be treated and that it’s a career killer to even try. 
The technology aspect of Naturopathy is relatively unknown by typically trained medical professionals.  They are just unaware of the power of wholistic therapies.
Liver Cirrhosis is considered to be a “consequence illness”.  Many believe that Cirrhosis is the consequence of bad choices and that it’s up to you to figure it out.  This callous philosophy discourages professionals from searching for practical treatments.
If you did a search on Amazon.com right now, you would find books on “liver flushing” but only brief and uncompleted pamphlets on liver cirrhosis treatments. 

Liver Cirrhosis Solutions is the first book that comprehensively shows you what is happening to your liver, why the natural approach works and how to apply safe and inexpensive techniques to reverse your cirrhosis.

As a special one-time bonus, I will send you 3 eBooks that will support your recovery process.  These programs are worth $155 but are yours with my compliments.

Here’s what I will send you –

Bonus #1:
The Complete Health & Wellness Audio and Guide Book Program
Value $97

You’ll enjoy this special bonus (that I may soon sell as a separate program!).  This complete audio and eBook program will accelerate your health transformation from the inside out.

This program is jam packed with never before seen emotional, spiritual and physical fitness techniques that are easy to learn and use.

They include:
Undeniable Scientific evidence exposing the “Incurable Disease” myth;       What truly makes pain so powerful and how to eliminate pain and it's "silent secret"; The secret to eating anything you want without the fear of poisoning your system with preservatives, toxins and other additives; How to use body language to enjoy a lifetime of unstoppable health;       What is the 'fuel' that your body needs to keep in perfect physical fitness; and       Discover the "no sweat", get active routine that will leave a smile on your face every time. Plus, this offer includes: 49 audio mp3 tracks & book!!

Bonus #2:
101 Ways to Overcome Alcoholism and Addiction, and Reclaim Your Life!
Value $29

It’s time to shatter the stranglehold that addiction has on your life.  The first step to healing from addiction-induced liver cirrhosis is treating the underlying cause.  This complimentary eBook will give you the practical strategies you need to conquer your addictions and live drug free.

This crucial guide will give you:
Helpful tips for selecting a treatment program that suits your needs and unique situation; How to discover your personal goals and create a life plan that meets them; Reclaim your personal power; and How to finally get physically and mentally fit!


Bonus #3:
Home Detox eBook
Value $29

Want a jumpstart on cleansing your body from liver damaging toxins?  If so, then you can put this free eBook to immediate use.

Here’s what’s inside:
What is a detox and how you can use it to eliminate the effects of poor dietary and lifestyle choices; Dozens of detox recipes and choices that are suited for your individual tastes and situation; and How to save money by preparing your detox recipe from common home ingredients.


Here’s how you can get them now: [Order the Liver Cirrhosis Solution](http://1.ehsliver.pay.clickbank.net/) and I’ll send these three books along with your order.  Even if you decide that the Program is not for you, you can keep the 3 bonus books with my compliments.

Here’s What You’re Going To Get –

The 97-page Liver Cirrhosis Solution eBook
that you will be able to read immediately after ordering via our secure payment processing servers



It took me years of research, experimentation and painstaking observation to put this program into place.  I read every nutrition, exercise and herbal remedy book that I could get my hands on.  I’ve interviewed fellow Naturopathy practitioners and collected their best strategies.

In all, I’ve spent 7 years of my life and thousands of dollars to bring you this revolutionary answer to your Liver Cirrhosis crisis.

You already know the real price of Liver cirrhosis.

You’ve already spent hundreds (probably much more) on prescription drugs.

You’ve been poked, prodded, scanned and practiced on enough!

That’s why I want to help you get your life back right now.  I don’t want anything to stand in your way…including your financial circumstances.  I know that it’s a tough time for everyone financially – 

That’s why I’ve decided to offer you the Liver Cirrhosis solution for just one payment of $47.00.

In addition to the $155.00 in bonuses, the Liver Cirrhosis Solution comes with my

I know you have concerns and doubts.  Heck, if I were you, I would be downright cynical.  You’ve heard a lot of promises, probably on websites that look like this one.

Here’s the difference.  I will not let you fail.  I’ve designed this program to be simple, affordable and effective for everyone.  You don’t need to be a millionaire to have good health.  You are entitled to it.

Here’s my guarantee.

Follow this program to the letter for 60 days.  If you do not see a rapid decline in the severity of your symptoms then email me at [duncan@thelivercirrhosissolution.com](mailto:duncan@thelivercirrhosissolution.com), and I will immediately refund your money.

You risk nothing.

I can’t get any fairer than that.

Click on the button below to get immediate access now:

For a moment, I want you to imagine where you will be 60 days from now. You’ve ordered the eBook and you’ve immediately put its techniques to work in your daily life.

On that day, I am confident that:
The vomiting and nausea will be a memory; The nagging abdominal pain will have subsided; You will be in a program that helps you recover from the underlying cause of your cirrhosis and your family, friends (and I) will be proud of your courage; Your outlook will have changed as you use relaxation and meditation to “not sweat the small stuff”; You will have the energy and gusto of a 17 year old teenager who just realized that they have world by the nose;You will have the confidence that you have given yourself a 2nd chance at life; and –
For the first time in a long time – you will be proud of yourself.

It’s time to make a choice.

I want this future for you.  Click the link below to take it for yourself


Your Friend,

Duncan Capicchiano N.D.
Naturopath, Author, Researcher

P.S. This program will give you everything you need to transform your health and outlook on life for good.  You’ll be shocked by how the Liver Cirrhosis Solution will work in your life and you’ll be surprised by how good you will feel in a very short time.  Don’t hesitate. Get this program now.  I will not make a fool out of you.


Just in Case You Still Have Questions

Question: Will I need doctor’s supervision to administer this treatment plan?
Answer:  I advise that you consult with your doctor before beginning any treatment plan.  The Liver Cirrhosis Solution is an all-natural program that relies on natural herbs and common everyday ingredients combined into a powerful treatment plan. 

Question: Are the ingredients expensive?
Answer: No.  All of the recommended herbs, vitamins and diet ingredients can be found in your local grocery and health food stores.  Each of these ingredients is low cost and readily available.

Question: When will I start seeing results?
Answer: Your recovery will depend on the stage of your Liver Cirrhosis, overall health condition and successful treatment of the root causes of your cirrhosis.  Clients who have diligently implemented the Liver Cirrhosis Solution often begin to feel an improvement in their energy level and symptom severity within 10-21 days of starting the program.

Question: What if I am not satisfied with the results?
Answer:  Your purchase is backed by my 60 Day, 100% Satisfaction guarantee.  If you are not excited by the improvements you see in your health, energy and outlook on life, send me an email at duncan@thelivercirrhosissolution.com, and I will immediately refund your money.

Copyright © 2009 EmpoweredHealthSolutions.com – All Rights Reserved.
Empowered Health Solutions Pty. Ltd.
6 Main St, Blackburn, Melbourne, Victoria, 3130, Australia

All content within TheLiverCirrhosisSolution.com is provided for general reference and educational use only, and should not be used to diagnose or treat any illness, metabolic disorder, disease, or health problem. Always consult your doctor or health care professional before beginning any treatment, dietary or exercise program and never reduce or discontinue your prescribed medication without the consent of your doctor. Duncan Capicchiano, TheLiverCirrhosisSolution.com and Empowered Health Solutions Pty. Ltd. cannot take medical or legal responsibility for illness arising out of the failure to seek medical advice from a doctor.
Duncan Capicchiano, TheLiverCirrhosisSolution.com and Empowered Health Solutions Pty. Ltd. are not responsible or liable for any decisions made by a user based on the content of the TheLiverCirrhosisSolution.com website, nor do they promise that the website will be error-free and uninterrupted. The use of the site is solely at your own choice. The site is provided on an "as is" and "as available" basis. We want you to understand and acknowledge that your sole and exclusive remedy with respect to any defect in or dissatisfaction with the site is to cease using the site.


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