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Make Sure Your Customers Pay
On Time and In Full, Without Any Need for Collection Agents or Lawsuits
Even When They Are Stiffing Everybody Else

Warning: The page you are about to read can change your business forever.
Dear Friend,

"We made plenty of sales - where the heck is our money?"


That is not me. I want to help you make sure it is never you. I get paid for what I do, and so should you.


Does that sound like you? Do some of your customers act like it's okay to pay you late? Do some of them never pay what they owe?


Would you like to be able to protect your business from that?


Other people wring their hands helplessly for months. Other people call debt collectors to chase what's owed--and if the collectors actually bring it in, they keep a chunk of it for their bother. Other people eventually resort to legal action--and if they win, then they find out it's up to them to enforce the court's judgement (plus they have to pay the lawyer).


Not you--if you know what you're doing. I want to show you the tips and twists that have kept me from ever needing to hire a bill collector or go to court to get my customers to pay.

Why Learn This From Me?

As WorldCom was spiraling toward bankruptcy, my small consulting firm got paid in full and on time--and that isn't the only time we got money to come in when the customer wanted to delay. We were surrounded by other vendors, from small to large, who were waiting and waiting to get paid.


You can find out how to do that, too. You don't need a master's degree to understand. My ebook is full of information, not fluff. It includes plenty of real-life examples. I even provide snippets of sample contract language. In the Introduction, I also tell you how to get all electronic updates I publish to this ebook for three years at no extra charge.


This is the USA edition, primarily for businesses based in or doing business in the USA. It is distributed as an Adobe Acrobat Reader file in PDF format. If you need to get the free Acrobat Reader program, [click here](http://get.adobe.com/reader/?promoid=BUIGO).


In the current economy, a lot of businesses are not getting paid on time.

But now you can...

When payment is due, it's due. Why should you have to wait any longer, or settle for less than what you earned?


Get the know-how I've used to get customers to pay thousands upon thousands of dollars they owed, even when they wanted to hold onto the money a while longer.

"If you wanted to find a single source to get you started in business or as a reference to help you learn about new areas of your current business, this is the book you want to use. Not only does it cover a wide variety of topics that business owners need to understand, but includes useful reference sections to get more detailed information, as well."

Gloria Metrick, GeoMetrick Enterprises

"This is the resource every small business and self-employed professional needs to make it through the current recession. This could not be more timely, a wealth of practical experience."

B. D. Straw

Get your copy now for only $24.99.

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[](http://www.clickbank.net/sell.cgi?link=asciente/1/Get Paid As Much As You Deserve, And On Time ebook)

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