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If you really need to know how to get better from terminal illness.... If it is urgent to know...

"Researcher Reveals The Secrets of Survivors Of Terminal Illness for the first time to ordinary people"

 Find out the simple things that you can do that will really make a difference!




  Harriet Denz-Penhey PhD

  Research Associate Professor

  Rural Clinical School

  University of Western Australia









Re: Miracles and recovery from terminal illness


If you are in the very difficult situation of having to face a time limit to either your life, or the life of someone near and dear to you then you're going to want to read every single word on this page. It is time for you to find the very different facts you need.


Too often after diagnosis the doctors offer little hope outside of chemotherapy or other drugs.  And even then they might not be very hopeful.  Of course you want to give yourself or your loved one the best chance at life and the best quality of life from now on, but medicine doesn't seem to have the answers you need. 

Would you like to believe a miracle might be possible but don’t know where to start looking for it? 
Are you frustrated that doctors know there are some miracles and that some people do much better than others but no-one seems to know just how these people are different from the rest of the patients that succumb to their disease? 
 And even worse the doctors don’t seem to be interested in finding out?


Are you getting fed up that information about just what to do is not easy to find? Or wishy-washy, feel good stuff that is not helpful at all? Or someone just promotes extreme diets which do nothing for a sick person’s quality of life at a time they are most vulnerable?


Introducing: -


Beat The Medical Odds

Stories Of Unexpected Recovery




Some years back my sister was seriously ill with cancer and I was seriously ill with chronic fatigue syndrome. The medical profession had little to offer either of us.


That was really frustrating. We had names for our conditions, but nothing was offered which could help us get better.


Individually and quite separately we both got better, much to the surprise of our medical carers. My sister went into business and I went to get an education.


And after we got better I tried to talk to health professionals about it.

They either said they knew all about it –

Or they denied recoveries were possible

Or perhaps we hadn't really been that ill after all!


I got my first degree in theology as I was trying to work out just how I did get better. And then I had the opportunity to do some medical research looking at healing, at what the ordinary person could do over and above what the medical profession could offer – especially what they could do when the medical profession said there was no cure and no hope of recovery.


I became a health researcher in the Faculty of Medicine at the University of Otago in southern New Zealand (yes that tiny country in the south Pacific to the right of Australia) and along the way got my PhD.


I wanted to do some research into miracles where every doctor would be surprised by the recovery. Research into what I had, chronic fatigue syndrome, wouldn’t work because many doctors thought that was a psychiatric problem and anyone could get better if they only “sorted themselves out.”


So I looked to explore what it was that people who should have died (but didn’t) had in common. I wanted to study people who had miraculous recoveries.




But that was a real problem


because doctors didn’t believe that miracles could happen and therefore there were no miraculous recoveries to study.


So after a lot of talking with doctors I came up with an idea they had to accept. I would research people who had less than a 10% chance of survival given their diagnosis and treatment. I would look for those who did “better than expected.”


That was much easier to sell to the doctors. I was then able to put together a proposal for the research, apply for and receive funding to do it and get Ethics Committee approval to do it.


Now it was only a matter of finding those patients.


Curiously the doctors then came up with people whom I would have called miracles – these were people who sometimes had less than one chance in a thousand of surviving the medical condition they had.


There WERE people who had survived the unsurvivable!


And I had access to them, interviewed them, found out what they had in common, wrote my thesis for my PhD and published my paper in one of the top health journals that published my type of research in the world.


It is really lovely to receive an email from a nursing student on the other side of the world (Switzerland) who had been given this article as compulsory reading for her course studies, but I really wanted this information to get out to the ordinary person who might have been where I was, or where my sister was all of those years ago.


I wanted to make this information available to EVERYONE. It shouldn’t be necessary to work for 25 years as a researcher to find out what my sister and I needed to find out when we were very, very ill.


So I set out to rewrite my findings in language for ordinary people, so very different from the medical jargon of the health journal.


It also had to have a lot more examples of the stories so it had to be much longer.


That book is now here!


Here is an ebook which will finally take away the bewilderment and fog surrounding unexpected recoveries from very severe illnesses. You will find the book is easy to read and understand even by someone who is very ill or suffering from side effects of treatment 


You’ll ‘get IT’. Any friends supporting you will 'get it'.


After reading Beat the Medical Odds. Stories of Unexpected Survival


You will
have a valid hope – some of the people in this book had less than one chance of survival in a thousand and then lived a normal length life so if it is physically possible for one person to go into remission or recover with your condition then it is physically possible for another to do so. Even if only one person in a million did so there is a physiological pathway that makes it possible to occur. That is all you need.  know what these survivors all did that was easily possible for anyone in their situation. All of the survivors, regardless of age, gender, educational and financial background lived their lives in similar ways and considered similar things important. But because everyone IS different we give you lots of examples so you can understand how they lived their lives as survivors.  realize that what they did can improve your quality of life too.  The most amazing discovery was that those things which improved their quality of life seemed to increase their longevity. Of course this wasn't a licence for debauchery! It was more to do with common sense life style that doesn't seem so common any more but with a touch of frippery and a lot of fun. have a simple memory aid to help you remember aspects of importance. Sometimes it is hard to stay focussed during the difficult times. We provide several formats for you to use as a reminder.  be able to take charge of your life in a way that really makes a positive difference. When doctors suggest you have limited time left (tell you that you, or someone close to you is going to die!) most people feel a tremendous shock. But you don't have to feel doomed any longer. The survivors went on to do amazing things, taking charge of their lives, enjoying times of humour, and remaking their lives for a better future.  realize you don’t have to be positive all of the time and that is OK. It is important to know that occasional down days won’t reduce your survival prospects and that the easiest way to stay positive is to focus on improving your quality of life for today.  You are given lots of stories to relate to.  look forward to your future with hope and expectation. None of us know what our futures are going to hold, so we had better make the time we have left significant in our own eyes, whether that be a short time or decades.  be set free to both live the life you want and to dream big for the possibilities that could be there in your future. 
 And much, much more!


If you are struggling to make sense of the mass of advice that occurs when you face terminal illness that is because a lot of it is confusing, some of it is quite misguided and some is down-right unhelpful.


Let me set the record straight once and for all. People do go into remission even with some of the most unlikely of conditions and stay in remission for a normal length of life. Some of this is known to medicine but because it doesn't relate to an easily given drug no-one thinks it is important enough to tell the person who is ill.


This book includes all of those aspects known to alternative health practitioners and fits well with what Indigenous healers know as important. In addition the stories illustrate all of the recommendations that health psychology would make if they ever got into gear and made their knowledge freely available to all. And it is all put together in an easy reading book.


Beat the Medical Odds Gives the Full Details and

Illustrations of ALL of the Similarities Held in Common

By the Survivors 


Let me get this straight. I am not promising a recovery for everyone. No-one can promise that. However what these survivors did isn't brain surgery and what they did isn't difficult to do. It just takes the decision to do what improves the quality of life as defined by the person who is ill. 


At the very least following what the survivors did will improve quality of life the time you or they have left. And if that improved quality of life leads to increased numbers of days, weeks, months and years then who knows what can be achieved with that additional time?


Hi Harriet,
I read your stuff when I was in hospital supposedly to die. I read and listened to the the bits I liked over and over. Those people in the book were just like me and so I thought if they were like me and I like them that I would live the rest of my life like they did. I made changes, stopped some people from visiting me who were just so negative and did things I wanted to do right there in hospital. I started to go into remission and two years later I’m still in remission improving things all the time. I don’t know if I’ll die soon, the doctors seem to think so, but they didn’t think it was possible that I could go into remission when I had brain metastases. I have been in remission for two whole years now. I have no signs and no symptoms and I feel so good. I treasure every day.
Beatrice, aged 30



Dr Joe Kosterich
Author, Doctor,
Keynote Speaker

A wonderful path to self-healing for patients. This book gives legitimate hope. It shares the stories of people who did not die despite medical expectation. More than that it has dissected exactly what they all had in common so that anyone in the same situation can decide on useful changes which will improve their quality of life, and possibly longevity.




Karen Edgington
Events Organiser and Carer

This amazing book sets a new benchmark in the mind-body literature. It is based on groundbreaking research which ties up known health psychology and Indigenous knowledge with the pragmatic day by day decisions that have to be made by patients whom medicine classifies terminally ill. A must read! Everyone needs this information BEFORE they get sick.





J Campbell Murdoch, PhD MD

Winthrop Professor of Rural and Remote Medicine,
The University of Western Australia
  “ Twenty five years ago in my medical practice in Dunedin, New Zealand, I met Harriet Denz-Penhey and her family. I was the doctor and they were the patients. Since then we have been on a journey on which  I the doctor, the researcher, the so-called eminent Professor have benefitted so much from the insights which she has provided on illness and how to manage the complex mysteries of illness and health. Modern medicine has taken many steps forward through classification , experimentation and intervention but our lack of attention to communication,  healing and self management in the context of curable illnesses has often left our patients worse than we found them. In those illnesses  where “nothing can be done” or where there is no scientific explanation, things are even worse and doctors seem unable or unwilling to walk and talk in a way which is encouraging and helpful to those who need our help. Over the years we have studied these scenarios and have contributed much to the scientific literature together – one book and 13 publications in the international literature. It is with great pleasure that I recommend her book which is based on her PhD thesis from the University of Otago. Readers can be assured that the insights and advice contained in these pages are based on great wisdom moderated by scientific principles.”


Well, are you ready for valid hope? Are you ready to ‘Get it’?

Are you ready to go forward like Beatrice and learn what to do differently?



Harriet I'm in... But How Much For These Amazing Secrets?


Look, it is important to be honest. Beat the Medical Odds is completely new material that is packed with what you need to know. We are not talking about an ebook containing second hand waffle and fluff. This is a major report of important break-through research that has been completely rewritten and expanded to give maximum information to people who need it most - those who are severely ill and those who care for them.

I don't know how much it costs to see a specialist doctor where you are, but for us it is about $150 a visit. I do know that friends have had to find over $50,000 to cover chemotherapy costs. And even if not funding chemotherapy simply being ill is very, very expensive. It costs a lot just for transport to go to and from hospitals, let alone if you have to pay for the medical and drug costs as well. Well this book is not going to be anything like that much.

You may be too ill to read this book at the moment, so I have included at no extra cost a recording of the entire book, read to you by the author, split up into chapters and part chapters, so you may go back to any part any time you need to hear it again. 

60 Day Money Back Guarantee
Try it risk free today! If you purchase today, your purchase is 100% guaranteed.

If after reading or listening via the bonus you have not benefited from the stories and actions the people took in the book, just ask and you shall receive all of your money back.

All purchases can be refunded within 60 days of purchase, meaning if you don't think "Beating The Medical Odds" was worth at least the value of a trip to the doctor, then don't worry. Just let me know and you can get your money back and I'll continue whistling on my merry way.

  Learn Survivors Secrets Today 
Yes Harriet! I need to know what suvivors did to beat the medical odds when they had a terminal condition!
I understand that by placing my secure order today, I will be getting instant access to the amazing secrets of suvivors.

I will have valid hope because if it is possible for one person with a terminal condition to go into remission it is possible for another person to do so.

I will know what the survivors did and what was important to them and will be able to choose whether to do something similar to improve my own quality of life.

You've made it a very easy decision with your 100% iron-clad money back guarantee and I'm ready to start right now, so I'm clicking the secure order button below.

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To Your Future, an Improved Quality of Life, Hope and Personal Peace




P.S.  I just know you’ll benefit greatly, as have others who’ve invested the time to read about Beating the Medical Odds. I’m so confident I’m happy to give a 60 day unconditional risk-free guarantee


P.P.S.  Don’t let the doom and gloom of medical expectations get you down any more… There is hope.





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