If you don't see a dramatic improvement in your chess game within 7 days - you can keep this breakthrough material for FREE!...
"Who Else Wants To Learn How To Dramatically Improve Their Chess Skills...In As Little As 7 Days?"
...And You Won't Believe Just How Easy It Really Is!
Dear Chess Enthusiast,
Do you know the secret strategy used by chess tournament masters that virtually guarantees them victory every time?
Do you know what moves you should NEVER make at the beginning of the game?
If not, you will soon.
You see, I've just released a brand new resource specifically designed specifically for serious chess enthusiasts who want to quickly and easily learn how to sharpen their skills in a very short period of time!
If you've ever wanted to...
Discover Exactly How Grand Masters Effortlessly Win Nearly EVERY Game They Play!
FINALLY Figure Out Why You've Been Losing Games That You Know You Should Be Winning!
Discover Killer Strategies that You Can Use Game After Game!
Learn The Exact Steps You Need To Take To Start Winning 80-90% (Or More) Of The Matches You Play!
Dramatically Improve Your Game 200, 300, Even 1,000%!
Beat Your Opponents Faster and More Easily Than Ever Before!
Then you owe it to yourself to check out...
"Chess Success Secrets"
This groundbreaking new 177 page success manual will give you the tools you need to completely DOMINATE nearly every game!
In no time flat, you'll be able to start...
'Beating the Pants Off' of Anyone and Everyone Who Dares to Take You On!
Here's just a sample of what you'll find in "Chess Success Secrets":
The Right Way To Develop Your Pieces From The Very Start Of Each Game
Specific Strategies For Playing Both Black & White Pieces...And How To Use Your Color To Your Advantage
The Power Of Pawn Promotion
How To Reduce The Game To King & Pawn Endings (Hint: This Almost Always Means Certain Victory For You!)
The Relative Values Of The Chessmen...And Why Experienced Players Try To Capture A Bishop In Return For A Knight
How Guarding Against Capture Can Give You A Vastly Superior Advantage Over Your Opponent
The 2 Aspects Of "Simplifying"
How To Correctly Execute A Winning Combination...And Avoid The Common Mistakes That Lead To Losing "Won Games"
Why Leaving Your King On It's Original Position Is One Of The Most Common Ways To Endanger It
How To Correctly Use Your Most Powerful Piece (The Queen) For Well-Managed, Systematic Attacks
A Comprehensive & Detailed Study Of Checkmates... How to Properly Bring A Game To A Satisfactory End
What "Being Pinned" Means, And Why You Should Never Let It Happen To Your Pieces!
Making Brilliant Play Part Of Your Game By Studying Chess Masters
What "Castling" Is...And Why You Should Do This No Later Than 10 Moves Into The Game
How To Use The Powerful Technique Of "Double Attack" To Get The MAXIMUM Effect From Your Pieces
Why You Should Avoid An Excessive Number Of Pawn Moves (They Contribute Little Or Nothing To Development)
What You Need To Know About Chess Notation...And Why The Difficulty Of Learning It Is Nothing More Than A Myth. (Hint: If You Can Count To 8, You'll Have No Problem Mastering This)!
How To Exploit Your Superior Mobility
The Opening Mistakes You Should ALWAYS Avoid!
PLUS, Lots More!
"Discover Jealously Guarded Secrets Used by Grand-Masters to Win Nearly Every Game!"
Chess success secrets gives you the very same hardcore tips and strategies used by Grand Masters to win tournaments for decades!
Just imagine what it'll be like when you put these techniques to use and start to win more games than ever before, with less effort than ever before! You'll be able to take on just about anyone...and win hands down!
Who will you "test" your new found chess techniques on first? A friend, perhaps a family member?
Maybe you'll head over to your local chess club and challenge one of the "experts" to a game...and check mate him in 10 or 12 moves. Imagine the look of disbelief on his face after being beat so easily by YOU!
Can you picture it? I certainly can! In fact, these strategies have been used for years to...
"CRUSH The Egos Of Even The Most Experienced Chess Players Lightning Fast!"
And the best part is...You Can Begin Doing It In As Little As 5 Minutes From Now!
That's because "Chess Success Secrets" was created in ebook form, which means that you don't have to wait for it to be shipped to you. Instead, you'll receive it instantly via a simple download link in your e-mail. This way, you'll be able to "dive in" and start implementing the strategies contained within the book right away. No waiting around!
Just think about how much time this information will save you in your quest to become a better chess player! Look, I'm NOT claiming that you're going to become the next Kasparov over night, but I can tell you that these strategies work. In fact, I guarantee that they'll work for you!
Take a look at just a handful of recent comments from ordinary, every day chess players like you and me...
"Now, I find myself saying "CHECKMATE" a lot more frequently!"
"Just a quick note to say "THANK YOU!"...
I have been playing chess for years...and I thought I was pretty good. Yet, I was losing many games that probably should have been won.
"Chess Success Secrets" helped me identify several critical (and now painfully obvious) mistakes that were costing me many games. Now, I find myself saying "CHECKMATE" a lot more frequently!
Who knew that something so simple could make such a difference?"
Marie B. - Westport, WA
"It's Payback Time!"
"James, I was referred to your site by a friend who has been using your techniques to successfully beat me (with relative ease) for several months.
I quickly bought a copy of your book for myself and now I can see why it's been so easy for him! But, not anymore...it's payback time!
Kevin L. - Draper, UT
"Your Book Is Pure Genius!"
"Hi James, So far, I've read "Chess Success" at least 4 or 5 times. And each time I read it...I pick up something new that I can use. Your book is pure genius!
Thanks for putting such a useful product on the market!"
Staci C. - Pittsburgh, PA
"Okay, So What's the Cost for This Incredible Resource?"
Frankly, the techniques and strategies inside this book are the direct result of many years of experience playing countless chess matches and tournaments. It's really difficult to put a price tag on years of life experience. But just to put the value of this material into perspective, let me ask you a couple of questions...
How many weeks, months...or even years would it take you to discover all of these techniques on your own like I did (through trial and error)? And how much is your time worth to you? $10-$20 an hour? More?
If it ONLY took you one month to learn everything that's inside this book on your own...How much would it cost you NOT to buy it? I'm not going to guess, but I'm willing to bet that it's a whole bunch of money!
In the past, others have paid up to $47.77 (plus a hefty shipping and handling fee) for chess resources that don't cover even half of what's revealed to you in "Chess Success Secrets"...but as part of our "Internet Introductory Offer", you can get it for only $27.77. That's a savings of over $20.00!
Look, $27.77 is peanuts compared to the $47.77 others have paid - and you'd agreeā¦ it's a small price to discover how to beat your competitors and win more games - virtually ON DEMAND! Fair enough?
But wait...
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As an extra incentive to get you to grab a copy of this book today, I'm going to sweeten the pot just a little bit by offering you 2 Bonuses (Valued at $46) if you purchase by .
Quick Action Bonus #1
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This 199 page ebook covers (in great detail) everything you need to improve your game, including:
Chess Rules
Chess Notation
Hints for Beginners
Elementary Combinations
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Balance of Attack & Defense
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There you have it - you couldn't ask for a better deal, unless I also threw in my...
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Don't you wish everything came with a guarantee like that?
If you are ready to step your chess game up to the next level, and finally start winning more games (in less moves) than you've ever dreamed possible...then I urge you to TAKE ACTION RIGHT NOW and grab this material (complete with $76 worth of valuable quick-action bonuses). Trust me, you won't want to miss out on this one!
"...I've Already Started To Win More Games"
"Hi James,
Using just a couple of the strategies in "Chess Success Secrets", I've already started to win more games (and I'm doing it in less moves than ever before)!
I can't wait to see what happens when I start using some of the other priceless gems in your book. Thanks a million!"
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Here's to Your Chess Success,
Publisher, "Chess Success Secrets"
P.S. The limited time price is part of a marketing test I'm conducting. Similar books retail for $47.77 or more (without the bonuses). Once I've completed my market test, I know I'll be doubling the price. So if you're at all interested, you should buy right now. [Click here to save over $20 now!](http://1.chezzz.pay.clickbank.net)
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