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[Throw Your Webmaster Away!](http://www.alternate-url-ads.com/)
Burned by costly "web designers" who promise you the moon and then fold under pressure?
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I did a business website for my boss a few years ago. It wasn't anything fancy, just a few menus and the company's mission statement.Just for kicks, after I left my job, I decided to ask a local web company how much it would cost to make a website. They told me "two thousand dollars." I said, "Well, it's just a simple main page with a few menus scanned in."
Without a pause, they said "two thousand dollars". I was stunned. Where did these people think small businesses could throw away money like that?
So as the years went by, I picked up a few skills here and there. I learned five programming languages, how to transfer and maintain files on a website, use shortcuts for banner and logo design, SEO and layout fundamentals, and more.
Having seen what builds websites for years, I can say that if you run your own small business, there is good news. Learning to build a great-looking, effective web presence like this can take you just a few minutes to a few hours, depending on how much experience you've had building your own sites. If you look carefully on this page you'll notice one of my secrets for building a site fast. And I'd like to show you the rest for just $5!
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