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Secrets to Massive Cash Flow on the Internet

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Top Secret Report

"How a Single Mom Went from Broke and Jobless to Making Over $50,000 a Month with a SUPER SIMPLE ONLINE BUSINESS that Anyone Can Do!"

From the Desk of Monica Summers

Thursday, 10:57AM

Dear Entrepreneur,

Imagine going from flat broke to being able to having all of your bills paid within just a few weeks! Imagine never having to worry about money again and being able to buy anything you want to buy or vacation anywhere in the world you want! Imagine finally taking financial control of your life!
Listen, I should be bitter but I'm not.




Because, as they say, success is the greatest revenge.


My husband left me when I was 3 months pregnant.  Shortly after that debacle, I lost my job of 9 years as an administrative assistant.  I was making $17 an hour and loved my job.  With the economy shifting and my being pregnant, I think my boss decided it was time for me to go.


I was devastated.  Here I was -- about 4 1/2 months pregnant at the time -- with no husband, no job, and completely on my own.

To survive I had to collect unemployment while searching for a new job.  I found that no one wanted to hire a pregnant woman because of the insurance liability and for fear they would have to pay out through unemployment during my allocated 3 months of maternity leave.  Yes, it's illegal for them to discriminate but it's hard to hide a pregnancy with a huge belly!


Then I hit rock bottom:  I had to move in with my mother-in-law until I could get on my feet again!  (It was a blessing that I had somewhere to go and I'll always thank her for that.  Both of my parents are deceased so I couldn't get help from my family.)


And this was just over 1 year ago!


My life has changed DRASTICALLY in about 14 months!  I literally went from "rags" to "riches" in that short amount of time and I can personally attest to the power of the Internet based on my own success story.

No, I don't have a mansion to show you like other websites do (because they are FAKE and are LYING TO YOU).  I just bought a 2009 Lincoln Navigator and put $150,000 cash down on the townhome I just bought last month!

I can show you how to make HUGE AMOUNTS OF MONEY ONLINE with my marketing secrets...

Most of the "Opportunities" Online are Nothing But a BIG FRAUD!


I know you have been looking a lot online for different opportunities and most of what you see is bogus and a big lie!


You'll notice that my website isn't that slick and could definitely be more professional.  But I did this website myself and I put up my ACTUAL REAL RESULTS instead of a pile of lies that most people will put up on their websites.


Here's what you SHOULD be skeptical about out there:


Websites that don't include:


·         Pictures of the person who is selling the product.

·         A full name of the person selling the product.

·         REAL PROOF of how profitable the opportunity can be.

·         RECENT PROOF of how profitable the opportunity is.

·         REAL TESTIMONIALS showing the successes of others.


Here's my beef with people selling stuff on the internet about how to make money:


Where is your photo?  Why can't you show me what you look like?  Are you hiding something?


Why can't you provide a full name?  Is your name even real?  Why are you calling yourself "Ken Jones" or "John Smith " or some other obviously made up name...or a name with no last name attached?


Is your proof REAL or something you created on the computer in Photoshop?  Using Photoshop is pretty easy to do these days.  Is your income REAL?


Is your proof RECENT or showing sales from 2006 or 2007 when making money in affiliate marketing was MUCH EASIER to do?  And if you are showing old sales proof, does that mean you haven't made any decent money recently?  Does that mean you are selling the same course you created back in 2006 when the internet was DIFFERENT back then?  Why is your "proof" a listing of sales on Clickbank's SUPER OLD account page that's been changed twice already and not on Clickbank's most recent account page?


Are your testimonials real?  If you are providing real testimonials, why don't they reflect what people are making?  Why do all of your testimonials say stuff like, "Great course!" and "Will definitely make me a lot of money!" but tell no ACTUAL MONEY MAKING RESULTS?


These are ALL  things you need to question when looking at online business opportunities, especially those who are trying to show you how to make money with Google AdWords or with affiliate marketing programs online.


If the "proof" is showing sales from 2006 or 2007...or even early 2008...question how current the information is that you are buying.  Will it still work NOW after the "Google Slap?"  Is it still valid information?


As you know, information online changes by the week!  You can't make money with someone's "manual" or outdated information that was written in 2006, 2007, or even through most of 2008!  All of their information is OUTDATED if it hasn't been written or updated THIS YEAR!


But forget about all the garbage that's floating around the internet.  The important thing is that you found my website and you are in safe hands now!


What I'm about to share with you will BLOW YOUR MIND! 


I will tell you MORE about how to make money online just in this TOP SECRET REPORT you are reading right now for FREE than most "experts" will tell you in an ebook that you'll have paid $97 or more for!

Fill in the form below and get INSTANT ACCESS to this super-powerful mind-blowing information!  We never sell or share your personal information with anyone!Name:Email:

The Biggest SCAM on the Internet is...


Telling people how to make money selling ebooks or courses about how to make money on the internet.


Did you know that the "proof" people will show you is a bunch of sales on ebooks and courses they sold about how to make money on the internet?


But, is anyone making money selling anything else online other than ebooks about making money online?


Yes, there are.  But these people (who are the real experts) will NEVER reveal their true online money making secrets to you because they don't want other people stealing their marketing plan or strategies.


What are these true online marketing gurus selling?  The ones who are making money selling things OTHER than ebooks and courses about making money online are selling things like:


·         Ebooks on health issues including dieting, health, arthritis, cancer, etc.

·         Ebooks on motivational topics including wealth attraction, personal power, and time management.

·         Ebooks on investing including stocks, commodities, the forex, and real estate.


Not to mention those who make money online selling products that you have to ship or making money with affiliate links for non-opportunity products.


Do you know what the most successful affiliates sell?


I'll reveal the answer to you later in this report.


Type what you think it is below and then compare your answer when I reveal the REAL SECRET in a few minutes!

Type Your Answer Below!

Click Edit Form to add form elements. You can enter a form description and instructions here.

"Okay, So If Most of the Online Money Making Ebooks and Courses Out There are CRAP Then Why Are You Selling YOUR Course?"


I got fed up being a SINGLE MOTHER and using the last bit of my money trying to find the real secrets to making money online just to be RIPPED OFF OVER AND OVER AGAIN!


You may be in the same position.  If you are on your last dollar and you've been had over and over again with one online scam after another, wouldn't it be nice if you finally found someone who is willing to reveal the REAL DEAL to you without trying to screw you over like the rest of them are?


Yes, so since I'm being a Good Samaritan and offering this course on how to REALLY MAKE MONEY ONLINE then why don't I offer it for free?


Because I have to pay for advertising to bring this material to you.  And I have to pay my mortgage and feed my baby.  Remember, I'm completely on my own and I am offering TOP SECRET internet marketing information to you that NO ONE ELSE is offering...and for those secrets, I need to be compensated.


After all, how much would you pay me if I could tell you the numbers to next Saturday's Mega Millions?  Would you expect me to give the information to you FOR FREE?


Yeah, right!

"So, What's Your BIG SECRET Then?"


I'm going to show you exactly how to make a FORTUNE on the internet.  The best way to make money is by selling downloadable information or software.  The best, best way to make money is to sell your OWN things.


"Yeah, but I can't make a course or write a sales website or even build a website!"


And you don't have to!


I can show you a way to use other people and for DIRT CHEAP that can write an ebook for you, build your website, and even provide sales content on your website without you having to figure it out on your own!


But what about making money with affiliate websites!


You can do that, too!


The problem with the gurus out there is that they tell you how to sell SUPER POPULAR ebooks and downloadables that require HIGH-COST KEYWORDS!


And you can't compete with the publisher of those materials!  You just can't!


If you are getting a 50% commission -- even if you are getting a 75% commission -- if the publisher sells that same ebook or course, they get 100% of the money.  You can only get the percentage they are offering to you...which is ALWAYS MUCH LESS!


Plus, Google AdWords won't allow two of the same URL to bid on the same keyword.  For example, if you want to sell an affiliate weight loss ebook and the hoplink points to www.dietebook.com and you bid on a bunch of very costly keywords like "how to lose weight" and "weight loss ebook," Google AdWords won't even run your ad if either the publisher or another affiliate is pointing their hoplink to the same domain of www.dietebook.com!


In order to get around this, you will be REQUIRED to build your own website with your own URL and then "point" your traffic to clicking on a link within your landing page to end up at the affiliate's website.


If you didn't want to build your own website, you will anyway if you choose to sell affiliate products.  Period.  No exceptions!

How the "Sell to a Niche Market" Secret is the BIGGEST SCAM Out There!


HUGE AMOUNTS OF TRAFFIC is the key to making big money online.  You won't get a lot of traffic if you are selling an ebook called, "Old Fashioned Italian Spaghetti Sauce Recipes."  Yes, your cost for keywords will be super small but you won't get much traffic either.  You may sell 1 ebook a month...Can you live off that?


The HOTTEST topics for ebooks, courses, and software out there pertains to:


·         Weight loss/diet

·         Investing

·         Motivation

·         Business opportunities


And, of course, "Making Money on the Internet..."


The problem?


Those topics are HIGHLY COMPETITIVE and you have to be cutting-edge at your game online...or don't bother getting involved!  You'll get eaten alive if you don't know what you are doing!


Yes, you will be bidding on higher-cost pay-per-click (PPC) ads.


Yes, you will get a lot of traffic, having a HUGE Google AdWords bill.


Yes, you can make TONS of money doing this!


But you have to be prepared, you have to be on top of your game, and you have to know what you are doing!


And that's what I'm about to teach you!


So, keep reading!

Secret #1:  You Have to Sell Your OWN STUFF Out There!


Selling affiliate stuff is a nice concept but it's gotten so ridiculously competitive out there that it's always better to sell your own stuff.




You get 100% of the profits.


You get to sell "backend" stuff to your customers, which can QUADRUPLE your profits!


You control your marketing and promotions.


You get 1st dibs on using your URL through Google AdWords on the best keywords.


You can get affiliates to sell YOUR STUFF without spending a dime...and you get all that extra money!


Secret #2:  In Order to Successfully Sell Affiliate Stuff, You Have to Have a Kick Ass "Review" Type Website Otherwise You Will FAIL!


It's not enough to just take a hoplink URL to directly attach it to the affiliate's website!  As I explained earlier, Google AdWords won't show your ad at all if another affiliate or the publisher has already bid on those keywords with that same URL.


Either way, you MUST have your own website if you are going to promote any affiliate website.


It's not enough to have a "review" site anymore.  There is another secret method that you have to use in order to capture people's interest AND get them to buy one of the affiliate programs, otherwise you'll just blend in with all the competition out there and make very little money!

I reveal this secret to you in my Secrets to Massive Cash Flow on the Internet course. 

Secret #3:  You Have to Sell a POPULAR PRODUCT While Bidding on POPLAR KEYWORDS!


I believe in niche marketing, to a certain degree.  You can't expect to make much money off of an ebook about teaching your pet rabbit to jump through hoops in the backyard.


You can make a lot of money in niches like bass fishing or creative writing!


But I like to develop a niche within a popular category.

How does this work?


Let's take a super popular category like weight loss.  What would be a niche of weight loss?


Ø  How about targeting mothers who don't have time for exercise or dieting?


Ø  How about targeting women in their 20s who want to look hot for Spring Break?


Ø  How about targeting diabetics who want to lose weight?


That's the key to success with popular categories:  Create a NICHE within the category!  That's the only way you'll be successful as an online marketer.


What's another example?


It's not enough to have a real estate course.  You have to choose a niche for real estate if you are interested in selling those types of courses.


Ø  How creating a course on short sale foreclosures?


Ø  How about creating a course showing people how to save their homes in foreclosure?


Ø  What about a course on becoming a property "scout" and how to get paid on finding properties for investors as in getting a referral fee?


As you can clearly see, you can make a lot of money in the "popular" categories by finding a niche within the category!


Secret #4:  You Have to Use Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Ads, Free Ads, and Blogs to Drive MASSIVE TRAFFIC to Your Site!


Some marketers think it's enough to use PPC advertising while others are too cheap to pay for ads so they only blog.


Sorry to squash anyone's preconceived bubble of how this works but you have to use EVERY DEVICE available on the internet in order to successfully promote your products and services.


It's not enough to use only PPC.


It's not enough to do only blogging.


It's definitely not enough to use only free advertising!


You have to use a combination in order to build a powerful stream of income.  This way you can drive traffic using PPC, organic searches, and free advertising.


After all, the only way you will make sales is by driving as much traffic to your website as possible.  It's not enough to have a great website.  You need traffic to the website, otherwise you'll never make enough in sales.


Secret #5:  You Have to Have a Great Converting Website!


Just like it's not enough to have a great website with no traffic, you can't have tons of traffic going to a website that won't convert.


How do you increase your conversion rates?


You have to have great content, keep your visitors eyes moving, and you have to push people to the sale otherwise they'll leave without buying.


And I can show you exactly how to boost conversion rates and get your visitors buying your products like they're hotcakes!


Secret #6:  You Have to Be Willing to Spend the Money on Necessary Tools for Your Business!


Most online marketing beginners won't spring for their first website or purchase a URL and they'll try to use free tools.  Visitors to your website won't take you seriously if they end up on a free website that has a bunch of flashing banners not relating to the product or service you are selling.


And you will lose TONS of sales that way because your potential customers won't take you seriously!


You have to be willing to invest in your dedicated URL, a website, an autoresponder, and some kind of keyword tool that can help you maximize your PPC performance.


This is what separates the men from the boys, the women from the girls.  Think about it:  How can you compete with professional marketers out there if you are only using a pile of free tools?


You can't!  Period!


Now is the time for you to decide if you are truly serious about making some HUGE MONEY in this business...or not!


In order to have any hope in doing well in this business, you have to PUT UP OR SHUT UP!  That will require you to get some basic tools in order to promote your product or service effectively.


How much will it cost?


Not much!


Your dedicated URL will cost about $2.95 if you use a recommended source I have and if you sign up for their basic $4.95/month web hosting plan!  CHUMP CHANGE!


Your autoresponder service will run you $19.95 per month!


And keyword services vary A LOT by price.  A "cheap" service will run you about $13.95 a month and an "expensive" service will run you about $139.95 a month.  And there is everything in between!


As you can see, it doesn't cost much to look professional so there's no excuse for trying to use free services out there!


Secret #7:  It's Not All About PPC Keywords!


This secret is TOO HOT for me to reveal to you for free.  It is fully outlined in detail in my course.


This is one of the secrets that put me OVER THE TOP from barely scraping by to making$50,000 to $60,000 or more per month!


And it's NOT talked about by any "guru" or ebook author out there!  GUARANTEED!


In fact, I have every published book on making money through Google AdWords and making money online that I bought through Amazon and this secret is NOT in ANY of those books either.


I think I'm the ONLY ONE that talks about making money with this secret!


You will have to get my course to find out how you can use this secret to CATAPULT your business if you are struggling to make money online!

I've Been EXTREMELY Successful with My Online Secrets!  And You Can Be Just As Successful As I Have Been!


I've been doing this for a little more than a year and have been successful for only that long.  And that's it!  I haven't been doing this for 5 years...or even 2 years!


I'm a newbie and maybe you are, too!


I'm a newbie that's been screwed over time and time again by those opportunity websites that can lure you in as if you are in a trance and before you know it they've sucked money out of your wallet...And then you "wake up" and realize you've been scammed.


I won't do that to you.




For one, I'm honest.  I am not going to sell you some pile of crap that has no way of working in the real world.


I won't be selling you some business "plan" that is old, outdated, and worked well back in 2002...but doesn't work anymore!


I am too "naive" to hold back on the goods like those expert snake oil scammers out there.   The "experts" would NEVER tell you the real secrets behind making money online because they want to hoard all the secrets to make money for themselves!


Here are the results of my 2 Clickbank products from RECENT SALES!

Product #1:

Product #2:

This will reveal my sales figures in 2008 and 2009 so far for my first Clickbank account.  My second Clickbank account is too new to show any big sales yet...

By the way, the reason I have "Monica's Proof" typed across the face of the sales figures is to prevent internet scammers from saving my PDF files and posting them on their own websites to make it seem like they made the money themselves.  (They do that kind of stuff all the time because they don't have their own sales proof to show you.)

Why did I "blank" out my Clickbank user ID?  I won't reveal the types of products I sell in this free report since you can easily look it up when you type in the user ID into the Clickbank marketplace search bar.  If you really want to know what I sell to make the loads of money I make, you have to get my course!

But That's Not All...I Make EVEN MORE MONEY on the Backend!


I sell other products to my customers after they download my initial ebook and I make even MORE money on the backend!


Check out these REAL sales totals!

As you can see, in the month of April 2009, I grossed $31,747.84 NOT INCLUDING what I made on the "front end" through Clickbank.

Now you can see FIRST HAND why it's so much better selling your OWN products.  If you were selling affiliate products, you would be leaving all this money on the table!

That's why affiliate publishers want you to promote their products.  Each time someone purchases something from them, you get a percentage of the initial product.  After that, it's ALL their money from then on!


And you can't do a damn thing about it...unless you want to sell your own stuff.  Then you can get all the backend money AND have affiliates sell your products so you make even MORE money on these front and backend products!

I have just revealed a HUGE SECRET here so I hope you are paying attention!

I told you I would reveal more secrets in this free report than you will ever read in a "make money on the internet" course for $97!

By the way, I "owe" you a secret, don't I?

Remember I told you I would reveal the product that the top affiliates sell to make the hugest amounts of money with?

What did you guess?

ANSWER:  All 3 top affiliates through Clickbank sell services on locating records (birth or death records, prison or felony records, etc.) and getting phone number look-ups on people (including doing reverse phone number look-ups).


I was, too!  I had no idea this kind of affiliate products made such a huge amount of money!

How much are these affiliates making with these products?  I don't know about all of them but I know one of the top 3 is making $80,000 a month doing this!

That's even more than what I'm making!

I include a FREE REPORT when you purchase my Secrets to Massive Cash Flow on the Internet course about exactly how you can use this exact method, including the exact ads to write, in order to start cashing in on this super hot affiliate market!

"That All Looks Fantastic...But Will This Work for Me?"


I am not very smart.  I didn't graduate high school.  I don't know how to put together a "slick" website.  (Just look at my website.  It's not top-of-the-line.)  I am not good at "sales."  I can barely attach a photo to an email and that is the extent of my high-tech "knowledge."


And I'm making between $50,000 and $60,000 every month like clockwork!


I can walk you through the process step-by-step but I can't help you if:


Ø  You can't figure out how to do basic internet stuff like email.


Ø  You can't follow simple instructions...or don't want to.


Ø  You are extremely lazy and want to buy something that will immediately spit out dollar bills through your computer screen...because there is NOTHING out there like that!


Ø  You aren't motivated to do this.


Ø  You don't believe this is possible for you.


Ø  You want someone else to do all the work for you while you reap the benefits...who in the world will want to do all the work while watching YOU get paid??  Not gonna happen!


Ø  You believe this expert knowledge should be given to you for free because you are "entitled" somehow...Again, I'm a single mother and I have a baby to feed.


If you are willing to put in the time and effort -- and you are willing to follow my exact step-by-step instructions then you can be successful doing this!  Period.  No "ands," "ifs," or "buts" about it!


If you are too paralyzed with fear to try then I can only wish you the best and hope that you don't get too screwed over by all the scams out there before you'll come running back to me.


And you will come running back to me.


How do I know this?


Because you will have gotten burned over and over again and you'll realize that I'm the ONLY game in town willing to reveal the REAL INTERNET MONEY MAKING SECRETS and what everyone else is selling is hot air!


I have all the courses out there.  I know what everyone is selling.  I have all the books that are published.  I know what people are talking about when they are referring to "internet marketing."


And it's NOTHING like what I'm sharing in my power-packed, mind-blowing Secrets to Massive Cash Flow on the Internet course!

"Yeah, But I Don't Think I Can Put Up a Good Website on My Own!"


Yes, you can!


It's super simple and I will guide you through the process.  I have a special tool that I use to whip up a website within a few minutes.  It's already got a template in it.  You just type in your information, click PUBLISH, and you're online!


What if you can't write good sales copy?


I can show you how to do that, too!


It's incredibly easy and it will take you a Saturday afternoon to put together a powerful, super-selling website that will drive your sales through the roof!


Listen, unlike what all the scam artists out there will tell you, the truth is:  YOU HAVE TO PUT UP YOUR OWN WEBSITE TO BE SUCCESSFUL ONLINE!  If you don't you can't make money online.  If you don't think you are capable of following my simple set of instructions to put up your own simple, easy-to-do website then this probably isn't the right opportunity for you.

The Good News...And The Bad News!


The bad news first...


My course is so cutting-edge and BRAND NEW for May of 2009 that I don't have a ton of testimonials to share with you.  I just put together my ultra-powerful super-thick Secrets to Massive Cash Flow on the Internet course and it's up-to-date as of May 2009!


I do have 4 testimonials to share with you.


Who are these people?


Two of these people are women I worked with at my former job who were both looking for a way to make extra money.  I had them look through my rough draft version of my manual and had them "test" it out to see if they could make money with it.


Within less than 60 days BOTH women have made huge sums of money for never having been online before!


One testimonial is from a close girlfriend of mine whose husband lost his construction business because of the economy and she wanted to try my system to make money.  And she is doing very well!  (See below.)


And finally, I had a classmate of mine try my system out.  I take a creative writing class at my local college once a week on Wednesday nights.  I had him read my rough draft and told him to follow the instructions.


And here are the results...

“Monica, I miss working with you at the office but now that we both have our own home based businesses, it feels much better being financially independent.  Thank you so much for not hoarding your home based business and allowing me to support my family.  This opportunity has allowed me to bring an average monthly income of $14,000 and it's been a lifesaver for us.  Thanks to you, I don't have to worry about getting a pink slip (like you did) and I can spend more time at home with my son.  Thanks a lot for everything!"

-- Tina G.
 Woodland Hills, CA

“Shortly after you were laid off I got the boot and I didn't know what I was going to do.  I want to thank you for sharing your online business with me.  Because of your expertise and knowledge you saved me from losing my house, my car, and everything!  I'm making $9,000 a month working about 3 hours a day and I'm beyond happy.  Thank you, Monica."

-- Patricia L.
 Canyon Country, CA

“I guess I believe in fate.  It was meant to be that we met each other in a creative writing class of all places.  I never thought I would be endorsing a product on the internet but I owe you so much.  I have the same story as you, Monica.  I am a single mother, too.  You are a Godsend that you came into my life when you did.  When I had the baby I didn't have a job to go back to.  Now with your system I am able to make an average of $7,500 a month.  No, I'm not rich but since I only have about 2 hours a day that I can work, it's the best I can do right now until my little one gets older.  What I'm making now is more than I made at the job I lost so I'm blessed.  Thank you."

-- Meghan M.
 Santa Clarita, CA

“You have truly saved my life!  After my husband lost his construction company we didn't know what we were going to do!  If it wasn't for the home business plan that you gave us to use, we would have nothing right now.  The plan was very easy for me to put together and I make $22,000 every month, sometimes more.  We were able to move from California and buy a 4,000 square foot dream home in Illinois where I can be close to my mother and the rest of my family.  It would have never been possible without you sharing your business plan with us.  I am eternally grateful to you."

-- Kevin & Kelly R.
 Peoria, IL

Here's the Good News:  My Initial Debut of My Super HOT Money Making Course is DIRT CHEAP So I Can Get More Testimonials from People Just Like You!

I want to offer my course for $197 but I know that until I get some more testimonials, I have to keep the price of this course DIRT CHEAP!


Once I get loads more testimonials pouring in, I will IMMEDIATELY INCREASE my course from $97 to $197!


Use this as an ADVANTAGE to get my course for a SUPER DISCOUNT!


By the way, part of the "deal" of getting my course for such a small price is that you are required to give me your testimonial once you become an internet success story.


If you don't want to offer me your testimonial once you become successful then you aren't allowed to purchase my course for this discounted price.


That's the deal...


Secrets to Massive Cash Flow on the Internet Course!


Unlike the internet scammers and snake oil salesmen out there, I will not be offering you a flapping-in-the-breeze thin and useless manual that talks mostly about how to open a Google AdWords account like the rest of them do.


I cover Google AdWords only briefly.  If you don't know how to open a Google AdWords account then let me suggest that you buy the book:  Google AdWords for Dummies!


I focus on HOW TO MAKE MONEY through most of my super-thick money-making manual.


I don't bore you with how to use keyword tools or anything else to fill up a bunch of space.


I get to the nitty-gritty and share with you exact step-by-step details on how to make money online!


No fluff.


No b.s.


No nonsense.


No exceptions!


I break it down for you step-by-step and all you have to do is follow my EXACT instructions in order to become successful online!




Or your money back!


What will you get in my complete 100% downloadable course?


ü  MANUAL:  Secrets to Massive Cash Flow Online


ü  QUICK START:  What to do RIGHT NOW to get started!


ü  AUDIO SEMINAR:  2 FULL HOURS of me telling you EXACTLY what to do and how to do it!


ü  BONUS REPORT:  How the Top 3 Clickbank Affiliates Make Hundreds of Thousands of Dollars Each Month!


ü  BONUS REPORT:  The HOTTEST Products to Sell Online and How You Can Cash In NOW!


ü  BONUS REPORT:  The BEST Keyword Tool to Use and How to Use It to MAXIMIZE Your Online Money Making Success


ü  BONUS REPORT:  How to Build a SUPER SUCCESSFUL Website Overnight!


ü  RESOURCE DIRECTORY:  Get My Most Powerful Resources that ALL Super Successful Internet Entrepreneurs Use


ü  EMAIL CONSULTING:  Unlimited Email Consulting with ME PERSONALLY for 30 Days!


Do you know how valuable having the email consulting is alone?  NO ONE ELSE OUT THERE WILL OFFER YOU EMAIL CONSULTING!  I am the ONLY ONE!


Imagine how successful you can be if you can ask someone else who is successful online questions about how to build your own successful business!!


I offer you that direct access to me!


Your course is 100% downloadable.  You will not be shipped anything in the mail.  Your course will take approximately 5 minutes to download and requires Adobe Acrobat Reader and a music player.  All audio can be listened to online.  This course is a one-time fee of only $97.

CLICK HERE TO START MAKING MONEY NOW!](http://1.437736.pay.clickbank.net/)

You Are Guaranteed to Be Successful OR YOUR MONEY BACK!


I have an unconditional 60-day money-back guarantee on this product.  If, for whatever reason, you don't like it, you can request a refund within 60 days and get a 100% refund on the product.  GUARANTEED!  What do you have to lose??  NOTHING!



Is It Worth It to Try "One More Thing"?




Never stop trying until you hit it big.  That's what I personally believe.


The scams out there are RAMPANT!  Like I mentioned before, you can tell if something is a scam.


Is it all hype?


Is the proof real?

Is the person real?


I'm real.  My website isn't that slick and I probably don't do as good of a job with the hype but that's because everything I offer is real.  It's not hype and nonsense.


This is a real home-business opportunity that you can do to make lots of money.  It's not hype, a fad, or a lie like the rest of the junk floating around out there.


Get my course today!


If you don't like it, ask for a refund.  It's that simple.  I'm offering you an out in the event that you feel this isn't for you.


The worst that can happen is that I waste your time for a few hours as you go through my course.  The best that can happen is that your life completely changes.


The choice is up to you!


Your friend,


Monica Summers

P.S.  I am the only one out there who will offer you one-on-one consulting after you make your purchase.  The scams out there won't offer you any help.  Please be aware of that before purchasing any other course out there.

P.P.S.  I admit that I don't have a lot of testimonials but so far I have a 100% success rate because everyone who I taught my course to has been incredibly successful!  Most people out there can't claim they have a 100% success rate with their online money making strategies.  But I do!

Questions?  Contact me at [cashflowsecrets@rocketmail.com](mailto:cashflowsecrets@rocketmail.com).

“I am the most skeptical person in the world and I have bought every pile of b.s. out there about internet marketing.  They are all scams!  When I found out about you through [a mutual friend] I was skeptical as all hell!  When I got your course, I was blown away.  I have all the other courses out there and I though I knew what you were going to tell me.  Boy, was I wrong!  You told the truth about how to really make money online.  I've used both of your business plans and make an average of $45,000 a month!  Yes, your stuff works.  If anybody doubts you, have them contact me!"

-- David S.
 Richmond, VA


Content copyright . Monica Summers. All rights reserved.

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